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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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b62dec  No.313027

He's a good dude, and although he's young, he's got great potential !! He's not here to pretend he's Superior to anybody, and so far, he's demonstrated HONESTY.

Since we don't know what name he wants to go by, I'm temporarily naming him TAD/POL/

of course, he can develop his own pseudonym, but if it's not good enough, for example, if he chooses a cliché tryhard name like 'sinister' or 'demon' or 'intimidator' or 'uberantichrist', he will continue to be called Tad/pol/

Marshmallow Sally has a new member here to look up to.

JAKKOV has a new guy to beg for attention.

Tad/pol/ was INSTANTLY WELCOMED INTO THE FOLD…. unlike Sally or JAKKOV….

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c4ae21  No.313135

Everybody liked TAD/POL/ right off the bat

Unlike marshmallow Sally or Jakkov, TAD/POL/ instantly became one of the guys

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ce27d4  No.313138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>untied bates

Yee shalt eat ye bugs!

Yee shalt there be disarmed!

Yee shalt by mark of beast take thy 'clot shot'

Yee shalt relocate to nearest FEMA Cam SLAM





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ce27d4  No.313139

You you like to chime in Sally?

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ce27d4  No.313141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yee shalt promote and install social credit score system across globe

Yee shalt set global rules for bootlicking subjugation

Yee shalt help operate FEMA Camp disposal operations

Yee shalt 'unite' AmeriKa once again, forever more.

Yee shalt spread seed among all the lands for thy zionist central banking cabal SLAM





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ce27d4  No.313142

What do you think of Photonlice, Sally? I think he cuts to the chase better, huh?

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621bb8  No.313239


Cute kid.

=Welcome kid.==

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621bb8  No.313240



Welcome kid.

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a677b2  No.313546



You BASTARD !!!!!!!!!!!

I'm eating a cinnamon disc candy, and you made me laugh so hard I almost inhaled it

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a677b2  No.313547

I swear to God, it's not an online 'lol'

I literally almost inhaled one of those red cinnamon candies

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