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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 337d2a4318da308⋯.jpg (47.39 KB, 800x444, 200:111, asdfasf.jpg)

bbc1f3  No.312765

I’m a male. I was always pro-choice. I am still in theory for reproductive choice, but I have stopped caring long time ago. I blame radical feminists and their attacks on masculinity… you know all the talk about “toxic” masculinity, believe all women nonsense, false or exaggerated accusations of sexual misconduct, cancel culture, etc.

I’m glad that Roe v Wade got overturned today. Why? Not because I think that abortion should be illegal but because the radical feminists will now have something else to draw their anger and occupy their time, instead of lashing out and attacking masculinity at every turn. Go at it grrls, knock yourself out!

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5ebee5  No.312815

Abortion is baby assassination

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bbc1f3  No.312816

If abortion if assassination, what about menstruation? Surely, that's like a semi-murder, ….ha ha ha

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bbc1f3  No.312836

Letting a viable egg go to waste is murder. Menstruation is murder ;))))

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6d321c  No.312840

Swallowing semen is cannibalism.

You just ate like 500,000 of a dude's unborn children.

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dfe6c7  No.312971

Correction: Menstruation is a bloody murder ;)

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f110a2  No.313955

Glad that I'm just gay as fuck

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aed5e9  No.313959

File: af41263e351379a⋯.jpg (424.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, JKI_Orates_thumb.jpg)


Dubs confirms, it's a match made in heaven.

Johnny, Jackov and Sally are all gay as fuck too! Nice how you were able to run into them here, on the pearl clutching board for misfit Mongolian deep sea basketweavers.

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