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3bd5f1  No.312375

Federal Jury: City Must Pay $59,657 After SWAT Team Wrecks Innocent Woman's House

After a SWAT team wrecked an innocent woman's house, the city of McKinney, Texas essentially told her "tough luck" and refused to compensate her. In a case that could have nationwide property rights implications, a federal jury on Wednesday awarded her $59,656.59 in damages—and more may be coming.

The jury award follows an April 29 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Amos Mazzant III that the city's "intentional and foreseeable" destruction of Vicki Baker's house constituted a government "taking" that compelled the city to pay just compensation.

The case marks a "sea change in the law," according to Baker's attorney, Jeffrey Redfern of the liberty-minded Institute for Justice:

"Everyone agrees with the general proposition that the government has to pay for the property it takes, but courts across the country had held that this rule just did not apply to the police. But the police are part of the government, which this victory makes abundantly clear.”

Baker is likely to receive additional compensation: The jury also found that the city's refusal to pay Baker constituted a violation of her civil rights, making the city liable under federal civil rights law too.

It all started in July 2020, when a fugitive took shelter in Baker's suburban Dallas home, which had just gone under contract for sale after she'd renovated it. Baker, who had recently beaten cancer and was retiring to Montana, notified police and a standoff ensued.

Eventually, McKinney police decided to attack the house with a BearCat armored vehicle, breaking windows and their frames, destroying the garage door, leveling the backyard fence, knocking down the front door, and firing approximately 30 tear gas containers into the home, which broke drywall. Baker's daughter's dog was blinded and deafened in the attack. When police entered, they found the fugitive had already committed suicide.

"I contacted the city of McKinney and asked how to file suit against them for recovery. I was told…there was absolutely no possible recovery, that the city had never paid such a claim and they had no intention of doing that," said Baker.

Naturally, Baker's homebuyer backed out of the deal. She proceeded to spend months and tens of thousands of dollars putting the house back in order.

The Institute for Justice worked with Baker to file a federal suit in March 2021 against the city, arguing that its decision to wreck Baker's home without compensation violated both the Texas and U.S. constitutions.

"The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the Fifth Amendment's takings clause 'was designed to bar government from forcing some people alone to bear public burdens which, in all fairness and justice, should be borne by the public as a whole'," said attorney Jeffrey Redfern in an Institute for Justice video that explained the case (embedded below).

“Pursuing a fugitive is a legitimate government interest, but if the government deliberately destroys innocent people’s property in the process, those people must be compensated,” said Institute for Justice attorney Will Aronin.

“My priority has always been to make sure that cities like McKinney cannot treat other people the way I’ve been treated,” said Baker. “I expect today’s victory to send a message to governments across the country that they have to pay for what they break.”


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3bd5f1  No.312382

I must admit I'm glad the way courts are handling most cases today, there seems to be some return to common sense and decency. Hopefully that continues so We The People don't ever have to live under despotic rule.

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3bd5f1  No.312383

There was another case in New Orleans recently, a first of many more to come, that the court allowed a bankrupted business to sue the local government over covid-19 lockdown restrictions. In my honest opinion every business that was ruined due to that totalitarian third world policy deserves to be compensated for their loss. Hopefully more justice will come on that front.

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92f84f  No.312425

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0c6fe6  No.312434


WTF? Firing Judges over legal court rulings now?

How is that even legal? This is literally actions of a banana republic!

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777a9e  No.312470


They've gone bananas.

Lost their bloody minds.

And they're taking us all along for the ride.

One day soon, they'll go just a little too far and then…

DC will be blanketed 24/7 with fully armed Apache helicopters to

hold off the hordes of angry disenfranchised Americans locked down on quarantine and watching another irregular election steal their hopes, their dreams, their lives and their futures.

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0c6fe6  No.312487


Don't be so blackpilled all the time. I know things are bad but you must understand most - if not all - the covid lockdowns and quarantines in America were enforced in major Dem-run cities, on the local and maybe State level. Not federal because that would be next to impossible to enforce. During the height of the covid-19 lockdowns in American cities I was literally in the process of selling my old home after moving shortly after the covid plandemic. I was all over the place, back and forth. I live in Missouri, the only covid-related mandates were in the city of St. Louis. Once you drive 20+ minutes outside city limits everything was back to normal, businesses still open, people walking around without masks, no vaxx or testing mandates. All that shit was big city run by the DN muthafuckin C run mafia turf. Average Americans didn't give a flying shit about covid and knew our government was lying to us and over-hyping it. Now everyone knows the deal, cat is out of the bag.

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0db3c1  No.312509






I'll grant you the current DNC is bad.

But no worse than the RNC under W.

Anyone still operating on the assumption that we have a two party system "tardpilled".

Like take your Soma and be happy while they execute your friends and family "pilled".

There is one Lobby and one ethics committee to rule them all.

Including the courts and the military.

This power structure is unelected, enshrined and protected by law and will continue to advance it's agendas unimpeded by whatever majority holds any legislative body.

It is insidious, pernicious and lethal.

If you honestly believe there is a way to vote ourselves out this nightmare then I want what you're smoking.

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49a58a  No.313479

actual factional news

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