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f0b191  No.312241

When a person is tortured, the person may identify oneself with the person that tortured the person. That can be called identification with the aggressor. A person in such a state appears to experience a schizophrenia-like state where the person dissociates from one's personality (ceases to identify oneself with oneself) and passes to dissociate oneself with the person that tortures (begins to identify oneself with the person that tortures). That explains Stockholm Syndrome significantly. In such a state, the person begins to regard the person that tortures as the own person and veneer the person like a deity.

In the scamdemic, people were tortured by the media, inferring they were killing people by not bowing to "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc, and threatening them to have them having social life sanctions in case they didn't bow down to "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc, so people began veneering "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc as deities and the solutions to the torture they were submitted to by the media. Additionally, the media produced guilt in people inferring they were killing people by not bowing down to "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc, so people felt guilty and they developed a guilt-ridden cult toward "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc. In this cult, their eternal sin is not bowing down to "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc, causing the supposed eternal sin of killing people, and their savior was "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc. The members of this cult literally take "vaccines", masks, "Doc Fauci", etc, as literal deities. The fervor they have to defend these (supposed) deities is bigger than the fervor religious individuals have towards their deities.

That can be explained by the fact that their deities are physically incarnated deities, therefore going against these deities would be equivalently worse than the sin of blasphemy in Catholicism, or at least they treat it with such a negative emotional fervor, worse than Catholics in face of what they identify as "Blasphemy", that makes it appear it is equivalently worse for them.

In this cult, the members dissociate themselves with the deities, regard the deities as being incarnated, and as such, they are prone to make use of extreme violence against anyone that goes against these deities, because for them, these people are equivalent to demons. Have you ever noticed the propensity the members of this cult have to use extreme violence against anyone who goes against the scamdemic?

For one to have such a fervor for "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc, to the extent of sacrificing one's dignity, one's health, the health of one's family, the health of one's children, one's liberty, "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc, these things have to be regarded by that person as a deity, and that's how the members of the scamdemic cult regard these things. For them, it is okay to risk their lives in name of the cult, because for them it is equivalent to sacrificing themselves for their deities. For instance, if you show them the potential side effects of "vaccines", masks, Doc Fauci, etc, they will be insensitive to them as for them it is worth risking themselves in name of their deities

For the so-called leftists in general (may this term be used in a vague sense so that you can identify what kind of leftist I am talking about if it is not applied to all leftists), the lines between the personality of the leftist and the personality of other entities is either blurred or has completed disappeared, leaving him in a state of dissociation. That helps to explain their collectivist tendencies and behavior.

It appears that, for schizophrenic individuals, the lines between their personality and the personality of others are blurred. When people experiment drugs that appear to mimic schizophrenia symptoms, people appear to experience a sort of dissolution of the ego, and they begin to identify themselves with people and things other than them

What does it take for someone to have the lunacy of defending "vaccines", masks, etc with such a fervor as if these things were deities? These people likely never defended even their family, themselves, and their children with such a fervor, can you comprehend me? The answer is that the sense of identity of these people is dissolved

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