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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: a6df3cf3c1c5dbc⋯.jpg (124.62 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ReadABook.jpg)

a6dcff  No.312166

Troons are mentally ill and a source of entertainment. ITT post examples of troons taking the L.

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a6dcff  No.312171

File: 746b9333245d813⋯.jpg (290.42 KB, 1280x1080, 32:27, PizzaHutAndTrannies.jpg)

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a6dcff  No.312183

File: bb553d37e829673⋯.jpeg (541.9 KB, 2000x2050, 40:41, 25000Dollars.jpeg)

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ce7c11  No.312221

File: fd307bee6801ad9⋯.png (395.02 KB, 688x988, 172:247, Transgender_Ogremaxed_dog_….png)

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ce7c11  No.312222

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780fe0  No.312229

File: b245d08c862ffc8⋯.jpg (299.71 KB, 1125x1139, 1125:1139, 12b0c2ff08d5efe7804d8a9809….jpg)

Reminder that Marshmallow Sally has Constant Sexual Fantasies about Trannies.

He Obsesses on them…

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a6dcff  No.312269

File: 2a7fac69f4cdd2f⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 828x900, 23:25, ChelseaLOL.jpg)

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