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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 32704e3e6859f51⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 307x319, 307:319, theface.JPG)

804876  No.309739

maaaan this FBI forum poster job is not for you. im telling ya! hahahahahahaha!

I've absolutely fucking decimated you in 1 day, and you are even using bots to generate whole paragraphs of insults.

Jackal's Podcast on Bitchute baby! We're the ones that made killcen into a fucking joke!


we name jews, we name niggers, we have 100% free speech, we talk about breaking skulls. And no one can delete my videos.

We're the ones that made killcen cry!

So, you are the guy that's been charged with keeping the 8chan /pol/ supressed?

You've got a really old strategy there pal. Posting how "niggers are stealing your women white boy" and "tell me why the white race is better wow you cant!" thats some weak emotional bait engagement. 2008 psy-ops strategy.

We get it. We're supposed to get angry and go shoot up a mall, killing a few random niggers and go to jail, while you pass a law to take the guns away, right?

You definitely wouldnt want us to….instead shoot up some goldman sachs jew living outside of town….and get away with it anonymously right?

i mean dont get me wrong. were still racist. niggers are still a plague….but not the MAIN plague. You are diverting our attention from the real banking jews and politicians….who are behind everything.

Now that Im here..i have a feeling your tactics wont work anymore. im just going to tell everyone to ban your id's and ignore you.

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269f76  No.309742


Dude, you mean Johnny Neptune, the one who keeps trolling you and your channels? That's not Killcen. "Operation Kill Censorship" aka "Killcen" is the tin foil hat dude posting REAL NEWS.

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804876  No.309755


huh…i guess so?

he named himself killcen on bitchute and i thought….

so..theres a good guy called killcen….

and theres a guy called johnny neptune that is so obsessed with him, he larps so hard?

what truth did killcen post to get so much FBI attention?

i gotta get him on my podcast…

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2e0dd5  No.309762

File: b903283a66409e8⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 955x581, 955:581, JN_You.jpg)


What a newfag!


You're just now catching on that Johnny obfuscates the Truth? Wow.


There's no reason to always be helping the newfags; especially ones that roll in with such a "Purple" -like attitude. Let them figure shit out for themselves and make fools of themselves as they attempt to "Take Over", or "Fix" the "Johnny Neptune" "Problem".

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939b9e  No.309763


Operation Kill Censorship started out as a rogue one-man "Anonymoose" idea back in 2013, by someone who has never been identified. Nothing illegal, the tin foil nut just mirrored literally over 10,000,000+ news articles from hundreds of different alternative news sites using an old spider (Teleport Pro & VLX which are long obsolete and no longer work on most sites). No one knows who this anon is, he just shit posted and mirrored tons of links on 8chan (and now posts alternative news on 8kun). 'Johnny Neptune' (your troll) admires Killcen only because Killcen pissed off a whole lot of other anons and drove them away from many boards lol. Including becoming so obnoxious with the links even Jim Watkins (owner of 8chan) removed the main board /n/ off the front page years ago and started /newsplus/ to get rid of Killcen lol!

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2e0dd5  No.309764



If ANYONE Sounds Like FBI, it is(((You))).

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2e0dd5  No.309766


Stop answering his questions.

Make him do his own research.

It's a common Intel Agency tactic.

To get you to tell them everything they want to know. And (You) fall for it EVERY FUCKING TIME, Killcen!EVERY FUCKING TIME!

> inb4 but I'm not FBI

That's not the point.

OP is using FBI tactics.

Stop working with him.

He's a literal (((nigger))), as far as I'm concerned.

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2e0dd5  No.309769

File: bd4dea880d67f7c⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2643x1982, 2643:1982, PicsArt_06_03_09_36_25.jpg)

File: ba005a2ddaac722⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1982x2643, 1982:2643, PicsArt_06_03_09_53_08.jpg)


Also, not everything is about (You), Killcen, nor has it ever been; including the >>>/n/ thang, which you seem to remember being all about (You). Fucking humans suck so bad. They always think everything is about them.

This fucking place SUCKS! Fuck you guys! ALL OF (You)! I'm going tp go do something productive with my day.

(You) ALL Deserve Each Other.


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939b9e  No.309770


Nothing I said was incriminating or very detailed but I do get your point. Just a little history for a newfag, or fed?

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804876  No.309771



pooping your pants yet?

no, im not an FBI agent.

an FBI agent's job is to keep you riled up every day and waste your time getting angry over nothing. He wants to convey a message of hopelessness, and humiliation.

ultimately he wants you to go shoot up some mall full of normal people.

if it was up to me i would tell you "if you want to hurt someone, pick someone who really deserves it, go at night, find a way to get away with it. watch for cameras. wear gray man clothing. have an aliby"

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2e0dd5  No.309772

File: fdfb4af46d2a01c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1298x842, 649:421, Dunkin_U_JN.png)


And that is PRECISELY Why "Johnny Neptune" WILL DESTROY (You), and I will sit back and laugh.

(You) think (You) have power because (You) have a podcast? People look up to (You)? A fairly rude awakening is soon to be coming (You)r way, I predict.

Also, if (You) wanted to get someone on your podcast, I assure you that "Johnny Neptune" would do it in a heartbeat; as long as (You( have (You)r shit together a little more than "Purple"

It would be good for (You) both.

Doing the podcast from a Dunkin Donuts would obviously be a big Bonus.

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939b9e  No.309776



Yes, Johnny Neptune has joined podcasts before, and oh my God the "purple" podcast with him was funny AF! I remember when Purplefag streamed the /pnd/ thread for his podcast and I ended up sabotaging it with links. Purplefag was beyond pissed lol, and Johnny Neptune was trolling Purple LIVE the whole time saying "you have no idea what you are doing and who it is you are trying to talk to!"

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b91e68  No.309800

File: 6c5a8026ab5b927⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 190x190, 1:1, jeremy_irons_as_john_tuld_….jpg)



you are a joke, johnny neptune.

youve never met a troll your own size before.

i dont need an FBI informant on my podcast.

it will be pain enough trolling you here and making you watch as you can't ban my podcast. watching me talking about niggers and jews, shit that can get americans reported to the FBI and stopped…but you cant stop me.

because im not from america.

/pnd/ is my forum now.

The Jackal's forum. and you..are town's clown.

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2e0dd5  No.309830

File: e23d2eeb87a1b4b⋯.png (474.83 KB, 850x478, 425:239, Niggerishness_Abounds.png)

File: a7c4d0577b826c5⋯.png (566.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, you_know_artist.png)

File: 5397ac81606e0c9⋯.jpg (129.69 KB, 980x742, 70:53, Drinkin_Dat_Kool_Aid.jpg)

File: 100f88b9b3fe622⋯.png (276.78 KB, 340x548, 85:137, Awww_Nutz.png)



He doesn't even know who's who!

But I give him an A+ for Positive Thinking, and I DO Believe he might put forth some Effort, and I DEFINITELY DO Approve, and HIGHLY ENCOURAGE Said Unfoldment of newfagishness "trying to take over". It will be entertaining to say the least…

Of course, it's fucking Summer, and I don't have the time nor the inclination to hang put here much and enjoy the rompin' good times, but y'allENJOY!

I'll pop in later with some reminders of recent attempts to take that stance here…

> inb4 I'm Neptune

It doesn't help if you're trying to "take over", like I said, if ya don't know who's who.

And not being an American just means that all one's opinions regarding America may be Safely Discarded, so good luck with Non-Americans "taking over" here…

Eurofags have their own problems.

Yes, there are GLOBAL Problems, but making everything be about the outer facade, or "Persona" will only make one sound as retarded as "Johnny Neptune"

We care more about changing minds toward changing policies, not about trying to get folks to hate the right people.

I speak as someone who has not even remotely checked out newfag's channel. I only judge, like an oldfag chantard does, by the content of posts here, not by some fake facade, a "Persona" that some "Persona"-Pusher is trying to fob off as REAL, just like "Johnny Neptune"

And those folks ALWAYS Find Each "Other", and DESERVE Each "Other".

I think I just may come back later. This just might be entertaining, to say the least. And I like to Obfuscate too!

ANYTHING to try to trick someone into accidentally thinking for oneself.

But I had already assumed that OP was not an Amerifug. He seems better educated than whatever public school has been churning out here for decades. So he'll easily be able to outmanouver "Johnny Neptune" intellectually, although he has no idea what's in store, so…

Like I said,Stances Matter.

This should be entertaining, to say the least…

I'm probably, of course, going to be bombarding ALL with misery-inducing posts at will…

And I'll bump this thread too, just to cause Killcen to feel like he has to go in and bump all his threads again. Like old times…

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