> what you idiots must understand is that capitalism is the key to everything in society. instead of buring homo flags you could open companies selling sex toys and homo flags to the homo community and get rich off it.
what you idiots must understand is that practically enforcing this stance on practically everybody practically ensured (((our))) ability to control practically everybody, and it all starts with their belief systems. (((we))) found out a long time ago, that instead of burning christfags at the stake (((we))) could open churches everywhere, selling ready-made belief systems and slave ideologies — all of which (((we))) can profit off of, as long as (((we))) keep "convincing" everybody to keep playing (((our))) little games of "get one over on the next guy"…
Yeah, I seem to have heard all these same arguments for a number of millenia.
Priests scheming, the sheeple lining up and emptying their pockets…
It practically never ends, for practically anybody… Because, in practice, practically nobody wants it to; and those that do can easily be made an example out of, to keep the "other" sheeple in line, maybe nail 'em to a cross or something… Surely that'll show 'em, amirite?
Oh? Is a Christfag gonna get their hackles up because a mirror got shoved in their face? How about you notice all the Christmas decorations and the other worthless trinkets you bought every year that are hanging off of practically every part of that mirror. Trinkets that (((someone))) sold you that you didn't need — out of Greed. Now apply that to the very Ideologies you Believe in. You think those were not advertised and sold to you too? Kinda oftentimes Enforced on you at the point of a life-taking weapon?
Yeah… take a good hard look.
Once you have that answer, What Will You DO With It.