I can't believe it's come to this.
I have less than two weeks left in my house—my dream house, I might add, where I hoped to live when I retired—and I am angry. COVID is everywhere. I know multiple people who “have it” right now. How is this different from March 2020? COVID is still everywhere, and we can all still get it. This means—conclusively means—that all of our “countermeasures” did nothing. Not one single thing, other than cause grievous harm.
This morning I had my last tennis lesson with a pro I am close to. I nearly cried. She also coaches my daughter. She will find new clients, but this affects her also. My friends who play weekly doubles with me will need to find another player for their foursome. There are two other coaches I hit with every week who now have open lesson time slots. My nine-year-old is sleeping over at her best friend’s on Thursday, the day before the last day of school. The friend cries and cries about my daughter’s departure.
We’ve never lived in Texas, in fact I’d never even been to Texas when we finally decided to bail out of New Jersey, during “Omicron.” Before that, I don’t think my husband thought I was serious about moving. But my intuition had been telling me for months, many of them, that this wasn’t the place for me. I feel betrayed.
People know. They have to know that COVID makes no sense by now. They have all had it. The symptoms are not new, not unique in any way. These are illnesses we all dealt with for all of our lives, so did our parents and our grandparents. There was never a time when people did not get coughs, body aches, fevers, and sniffles. The only thing new since 2020 is that now people run out and get a test when these symptoms arise, the test tells them their symptoms have a name, and they announce this to everyone they know. There is literally no endpoint to this. People will have to stop testing, or COVID will go on forever.
And that is why I am moving to a place where people don’t “do COVID.” Strangely enough, they are still surviving just fine—the blue state COVID cult pretends this isn’t happening, which makes them look less than brainless. If MSNBC was correct, everyone in Florida and Texas (and all of Africa) would be dead now. Since they are not, perhaps you should start just doing what they do, i.e., letting this sh*t go?
Don’t bother saying that to any of them, they will just freeze you out. None of them will debate. They can’t. They sidestep the subject and refuse to engage, which is the heart of the betrayal. They are hurting me and my family, I’d like to explain to them why and how—and they smile at me and change the subject. Sometimes they drop a little aside about their latest booster shot. What? You really think Pfizer is holding back the floodgates of mass death? Have you not heard that NO ONE is getting the booster? You are aware that I haven’t had any of those injections, and unlike you, I haven’t even HAD COVID?
These people are acting as if there was a magical day in March 2020 beyond which it will never be safe to ignore common respiratory symptoms again. That would all be well and good, except for the fact that it is causing harm. Massive harm. Once that is acknowledged, we need to ask why the government is doing what it’s doing. I believe this is the point where they get stuck. They can’t even allow themselves to consider that their political party—which they see as a friend and ally, even better than most of their in-person friends and allies like me—could do something this heinous. Their mind shuts down. They do not want to rebuild their entire worldview and existence, which is what would result if they followed this inquiry to its logical end.