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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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6b86a1  No.305773 [Last 50 Posts]

it appears that the alleged "white supremacist" theme of this board ONLY SEEMS TO ATTRACT MENTALLY ILL LONERS…

desperate lonely mentally ill fools with no friends

who have no idea how to integrate into society

no idea how to make friends

no idea how to fit in

or how to get a girlfriend

they've never been a "part of anything", other than the small handful of 'geeks' at school who got ridiculed as they walked down the hallways

they've spent their entire lives playing video games and watching superhero movies instead of doing adult activities

so their brains are wired wrong

and they actually think

that if they create an absurd "group"

and call it something stupid

like SINI-STAR…..

that they will somehow automatically become a leader, and people will want to join their group

but notice they all have the same laughable qualities:

low self-esteem, and the need to overcompensate by suggesting that they are superior

schizophrenia or manic depression


unable to pay bills because they are unemployed

but still riding on somebody's Wi-Fi

still living under somebody's roof

but not their own…. because these Superior leaders don't have jobs, so of course they have to rely on other people for their most basic survival

whether it's the 33-year-old virgin awkward misfit cross-dressing in purple and his delusions of grandeur from his mother's house

or the titless toothpick Ashley, and her delusionally grandeurized self-perceptions from her mother's basement

or Marshmallow Sally's pathetic "I'm not inferior" obsession delivered daily from his mother's condominium

or the recent angry resentful flaming homosexual

assclown SINI-STAR, who created his online club concept direct from his mother's spare bedroom


also, it's important to mention


it would appear that Christianity is TailorMade for people who are mentally ill….

but notice: almost all of these idiots end up believing they are religious deities themselves..

all of them refer to themselves as Lucifer, or Jesus, or Satan, or demons, or fallen angels, or the Antichrist, or Buddha or whatever…

that's the first indication of psychosis that must be treated with medication, even if the subject has to be tackled to the ground and forced to accept the injection…

it's the first indication of being so insane that you're a danger to society…

I honestly hope all of these people get hit by cars


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16bc81  No.305775

File: b37ed7bef262c3a⋯.webm (2.08 MB, 853x480, 853:480, deepest.webm)


just wait you little cunt

payback's a beyotch

we will get every single one of you fuckers

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283ed6  No.305791


lol you can't even pay your own internet bill

making threats on mommy's Wi-Fi again?

you are powerless and weak

you've always been powerless

you've always been weak

nobody is intimidated by you

how's the SSI disability welfare thing working out for you?

you pathetic little sniveling sack of shit


and when I meet you in person, I'm going to beat your face in until you start sucking my dick like a woman

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283ed6  No.305792


and you WILL deepthroat my fat cock…..

trust me….

whether you like it or not

I'm going to blow my loads

down the back of your throat

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170177  No.305794

Switzerland Risks Power Shortages Next Winter: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/switzerland-risks-power-shortages-next-winter

Get Ready for $1 Per Egg - USDA Forecast Predicts Highest Food Inflation Since 1980 (WEF/Davos Famine Plans Even More Obvious): https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/stacey-lennox/2022/06/01/usda-forecast-predicts-highest-food-inflation-since-1980-get-ready-for-1-per-egg-n1602498

If our elected officials treated the WEF as the rogue, corrupt, illegitimate organization that it really is, their influence would be greatly reduced: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/top-10-creepiest-and-most-dystopian-things-pushed-world-economic-forum-wef

Elon Musk says he thinks the US economy will collapse under Biden (no shit): https://en-volve.com/2022/06/03/elon-musk-says-he-has-a-super-bad-feeling-about-economy-warns-of-staff-cuts/

Putin blames rampant US debt insolvency and endless fiat currency creation for global economic woes: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/putin-says-us-decision-print-money-behind-soaring-food-prices

▲ MY COMMENT: Absolutely, this has been going on for a long time. Since at least the 9/11 false flag attacks in NYC…but they really started to escalate the "money magic" fiat printing after the 2008 bailouts! That is when the Fed decided to bailout a totally insolvent, bankrupt and corrupted ponzi scheme within the mortgage market (rigged with systemic fraud). Since then the economy NEVER actually went back to normal, the debt just continued to skyrocket under Obama, Trump and now Biden too. Endless wars in the Middle East were the punches, the bailout of corrupt bankers to protect their fraudulent profits was the kick to America's stomach and the death blow will be China, Russia, Iran and India dethroning the US dollar from it's global reserve currency status (all while Biden helps accelerate it by blocking domestic oil/gas permits to tank our energy consumption).

In Polohy, Zaporizhia region, the Ukrainian forces struck enemy ammunition depots and a truck carrying an ammo batch: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3499634-in-zaporizhia-region-ukrainian-army-hits-russian-ammo-stocks.html

Russian aircraft aviation has struck the border localities of Sumy region, northern Ukraine, for the third time today: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3499802-third-attack-on-sumy-region-today-russian-aircraft-launches-six-missiles.html

So far, joint DPR and LPR troops with support of the Russian Armed Forces liberated and established full control over 224 settlements on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic. On May 2, the head of the Luhansk People’s Republic claimed that all settlements have been moped up of militants of Ukrainian armed formations, except the cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, where fierce clashes continue. The entire Kherson region and a big part of the Zaporozhie region are under control of the Russian military: https://southfront.org/war-in-ukraine-day-100-overview-of-military-developments/

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized that Ukrainians are paying a high price for defending their own country on the battlefield, but also we see that Russia is taking high casualties: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/western-backers-ukraine-must-persist-long-haul-war-attrition-nato-chief

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170177  No.305795

Socialistic Governmental Intervention And Wars Are Destroying The Western Economy: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/policymaker-push-against-fossil-fuels-means-will-never-be-another-refinery-built-us-chevron

As restaurants across the country feel the squeeze from rising inflation, a tight labor market, and minimum wage increases on an industry with notoriously thin margins, owners are passing along the pain in the form of various fees tacked onto the tab, according to the Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/waiter-theres-a-fee-in-my-soup-11654139870

SHTF Is Now Happening As Stores Across America Begin Limiting The Amount Of Consumer Goods You Can Purchase: https://allnewspipeline.com/Prepper_Alert_it_Is_Hitting_The_Fan.php

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maшo believes that the "world bread war has already begun" because of the grain blockade in Ukraine, which prevents many vulnerable countries from accessing grain and means that there is a risk of new conflicts breaking out in Africa: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3500342-italian-foreign-minister-predicts-wars-in-africa-due-to-shortage-of-ukrainian-grain.html

Soaring Cost Of Living Causes Spike In Abandoned And Surrendered Pets: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/soaring-cost-living-causes-spike-abandoned-and-surrendered-pets

Hail of Russian artillery tests Ukrainian morale: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/theyre-in-hell-hail-of-russian-artillery-tests-ukrainian-morale/ar-AAY3MQM

Russia threatens to strike the West if Ukraine hits it with US rockets: https://metro.co.uk/2022/06/04/russia-threatens-to-strike-the-west-if-ukraine-hits-it-with-us-rockets-16768243/

Ukraine to decide range of Washington’s rockets says US ambassador. “The Ukrainians have given us assurances that they will not use these systems against targets on Russian territory,” Blinken said. “There is a strong trust bond between Ukraine and the US, as well as with our allies and partners.” REMEMBER THIS IF SOMETHING HAPPENS: https://www.rt.com/russia/556531-rocket-range-ukraine-ambassador/

Russia took aim at Western military supplies for Ukraine with airstrikes in Kyiv on Sunday that it said destroyed tanks donated from abroad: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-government-and-politics-e98d1d788e132c2a1f2c8ead7ae58761

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine is losing up to 100 soldiers a day during Russia's invasion of the country: https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-losing-60-100-soldiers-a-day-zelenskyy-says-2022-6

Heavy Losses Raise Questions About How Long Ukraine Can Stay in Fight: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/06/04/heavy-losses-raise-questions-about-how-long-ukraine-can-stay-in-fight-ap/

Ukraine Admits Four European, Australian Mercenaries Were Killed By Russian Army: https://southfront.org/ukraine-admits-four-european-australian-mercenaries-were-killed-by-russian-army/

The Russian military has captured a Ukrainian-made Nota counter-drone electronic warfare (EW) system from Kiev forces. On June 2, photos of the EW system, which was reportedly captured on Kherson front, surfaced online: https://southfront.org/russian-forces-captured-advanced-ukrainian-electronic-warfare-system-photos/

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170177  No.305796

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald on Fox News interview: “In what way does this war serve the interests of the American people?… It doesn't… Obviously, it serves the interest of a tiny sliver of people in Washington, weapons manufacturers, people in the security state who get money and power from these sorts of things…And right at the moment, when their market for these weapons disappeared, when the U.S. finally got out of Iraq and Afghanistan, lo and behold, there's this new market in Ukraine.” https://www.foxnews.com/media/ukraine-war-serves-interests-tiny-sliver-americans-defense-contractors-greenwald

▲ Glenn Greenwald On The Ingraham Angle: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6307278071112 // https://www.bitchute.com/video/xqUNF4gUUkA/

The war in Ukraine may be impossible to stop, and the United States government deserves much of the blame: https://www.almendron.com/tribuna/the-war-in-ukraine-may-be-impossible-to-stop-and-the-u-s-deserves-much-of-the-blame/

When it comes to manipulating things, it appears Russia lacks American style finesse:

The African Union has requested America to lift Russian sanctions due to food crisis: https://www.rt.com/business/556561-africa-wants-russian-sanctions-lifted/

Biden Mandates More Ethanol In Gasoline Which Will Erode Engines, Cause More Pollution And Raise Corn Prices: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-mandates-more-ethanol-gasoline-expect-many-negative-repercussions

Complying with Russia’s rubles-for-gas demand would violate the EU’s own sanctions. However, countries that refuse could be cut off from Russian supplies. On 27 April, Moscow halted its gas exports to Bulgaria and Poland. Putin warned he would do the same to other European countries that refuse to pay in rubles. On 10 May, Reuters reported that Germany is already preparing a crisis plan in case of an abrupt halt to Russian gas imports: https://www.energymonitor.ai/policy/how-can-the-eu-end-its-dependence-on-russian-gas#

The US Empire can’t get the hemisphere together because it’s coming apart (unity is breaking up fast for the USSA): https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/05/us-cant-get-hemisphere-together-because-its-coming-apart/

World War II Survivor Has A Dire Warning For Americans: https://allnewspipeline.com/MSM_Behaves_Like_National_Socialist_Media.php

Russian General Roman Kutuzov has been killed on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region, Russian state-owned media reported Sunday: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/06/06/russian-general-reported-killed-in-ukraine-a77898

Russian troops continue to conduct hostilities at the contact line with available forces, pulling up additional armaments. Battles are raging at the border of Kherson Region and Mykolaiv Region, and in Kherson Region’s Beryslav District. The enemy wants to regain the lost positions and opens fire on villages. The situation is difficult in such communities as Kalynivka and Velyka Oleksandrivka: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501019-enemy-keeps-two-boats-and-submarine-carrying-20-kalibr-missiles-in-black-sea.html

Ukrainian forces continued to conduct limited and localized but successful counterattacks against Russian positions throughout Ukraine on June 5, including retaking large areas of Severodonetsk—the city in Luhansk Oblast the Kremlin has concentrated the majority of its forces on capturing. A Russian Telegram channel claimed that Ukrainian troops launched a counterattack north of Kharkiv City, indicating that Ukrainian forces continue to pressure Russian defensive lines near the Russian border: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-5

According to the latest operational update of the Ukrainian Navy, the Russian Black Sea Fleet was pushed back from the Ukrainian coast at a distance of more than a hundred kilometres: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/06/russian-black-sea-fleet-pushed-back-over-100km-from-ukrainian-coast/

Trial Of Foreign Mercenaries In Donetsk People’s Republic Began: https://southfront.org/trial-of-foreign-mercenaries-in-donetsk-peoples-republic-began/

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170177  No.305798

India Seeks Even More Russian Oil: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/India-Seeks-Even-More-Russian-Oil.html

Modi’s Multipolar Moment Has Arrived: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/06/modi-india-russia-ukraine-war-china-us-geopolitics-multipolar-quad/

Ukraine is smouldering. The EU is paying a fortune to import LNG. Yet the global oil and gas industry is still flaring off as much gas as the EU buys from Russia each year: https://www.energymonitor.ai/tech/decarbonising-gas/opinion-the-insanity-of-flaring-during-a-global-gas-crisis

Americans who favored exporting natural gas to Europe will regret their decision due to higher electricity bills: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/perfect-storm-factors-sends-us-natural-gas-prices-soaring

The Russian Foreign Ministry has placed sanctions on US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm along with 60 other top officials: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russia-Sanctions-US-Energy-Secretary.html

Globalism, central bank money printing are the real root causes behind inflation and shortages: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-06-globalism-central-banking-root-causes-inflation-shortages.html

Russia has reportedly reached an agreement with Turkey to erect a de-mined 'grain corridor' which would provide safe passage to Ukrainian grain cargo ships out of the Black Sea port of Odessa via joint military escorts: https://www.dailysabah.com/business/economy/turkey-russia-agree-on-ukrainian-grain-exports-from-odessa-izvestia

Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov was set to fly Sunday for an official trip to Serbia, but his plane was blocked by the countries surrounding Serbia, which includes Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro. All three countries, including the tiny Serb breakaway nation of Montenegro, are NATO members: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nato-countries-surrounding-serbia-close-airspace-russian-fms-plane-hostile-action

Ukraine officials hit out at Macron after suggestions Russia should not be humiliated over its invasion of Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/05/ukraine-officials-hit-out-at-macron-after-suggestions-russia-should-not-be-humiliated

Ukrainian Intelligence Service Destroyed Enemy Armoured Vehicle With Unique Copper Core Cumulative Bomb: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/3/500995/

On the Donetsk and Luhansk fronts, Ukrainian troops repulsed 10 Russian attacks and destroyed 11 pieces of Russian equipment on Monday, 6 June: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/6/7350936/

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170177  No.305799

Jeff Rense Interviews William Gheen About Coming American Famine And Details Deliberate Destruction Of Global Supply Chains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOYqvd4SWeE

Soon Comming To Every City And Town In America! German Supermarkets Now Limiting Food Purchases Of Consumers: https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1533859892762750977

If the military conflict in Ukraine does not come to an end soon, the resulting famine could trigger political instability in Africa, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio warned during a press conference on Saturday: https://www.rt.com/news/556657-italy-famine-africa-war-ukraine/

AS PREDICTED: In Latest Flailing Attempt To Slow Soaring Energy Costs, Biden Invokes Defense Production Act To Push Agenda 21 Green New Deal Great Reset Agenda: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/biden-invokes-defense-production-act-accelerate-solar-fuel-cells-latest-flailing-attempt

Due To Russian Oil Sanctions, Poland To Lift Ban On Burning Coal & Wood For Alternative Energy: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/collect-branches-fuel-poles-told-burn-wood-keep-warm-amid-putinflation

▲ MY COMMENT: Good idea. I have a wood burning stove and heat my homestead every winter just fine. It cuts energy costs, plus it's a great solution for heat during the winter after economic collapse/grid-down SHTF. Just remember to clean the chute once every year!! You DO NOT want a constant build-up of creosote in the chute because that can eventually lead to over-heating, which leads to house fires! SO CLEAN THE WOOD STOVE CHUTE EVERY YEAR!! This may suck for those afraid of heights but you'll have to get over that fear and do it to prevent dangerous flammable creosote build-up!

Britain is joining the US is supplying longer range rockets to Ukraine, despite fresh threats from Russia's president Vladimir Putin who says he is ready to expand strikes to decision-making centers: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/06/uk-to-send-long-range-rocket-artillery-to-ukraine-despite-russian-threats

What Happens To Europe And America After The Russian-Ukraine War? Just Look At The Archived 2017 Deagel Global Population And GDP Projection For 2025: https://ncrenegade.com/what-happens-to-europe-when-russia-wins/

New video from the Donbass front lines was shared by servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The AFU positions in a kindergarten were shelled by Russian artillery. As a result of shelling, several Ukrainian solders were injured: https://southfront.org/in-video-ukrainian-soldiers-hiding-in-kindergarten-hit-by-russian-artillery-blame-civilians/

In Kharkiv region, the Russians mine the territory on the route of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine towards Rubizhne. "In Kharkiv direction, the enemy's main efforts are focused on holding the occupied frontiers, border areas north of Kharkiv city, and restraining the advance of our troops. The enemy remotely delivers mines on the route of the offensive of our troops towards Rubizhne," the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine posted: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501362-russian-troops-mining-territory-on-route-of-ukraines-army-offensive-in-kharkiv-region.html

In Siverodonetsk, Luhansk region, the situation is currently stable, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have strengthened their positions and are holding their ground in the city against the Russian onslaught: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501682-ukrainian-troops-strengthen-positions-in-siverodonetsk-holding-ground-mayor.html

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170177  No.305800


>AS PREDICTED: In Latest Flailing Attempt To Slow Soaring Energy Costs, Biden Invokes Defense Production Act To Push Agenda 21 Green New Deal Great Reset Agenda.

MY COMMENT: I'll be honest and jumped to conclusions without reading this entire article, which I just did. This is NOT a carbon tax agenda or the WEF's Great Reset but it has some potential problems. I am not against solar panels and, in fact, I utilize a solar panel powered 240V 3000watt inverter system off-grid for intermittent use. It powers my refrigerator and deep freezers, as well the ~750watt well water pump. FACT: Solar energy is great if you can afford the technology to set it up, *if you can afford the entire set-up!* The system I have cost me 10K and this was back around 2015 when I invested in it for future preps (I was planning on homesteading a decade ago!). I'm sure due to inflation cost today it would be much more expensive. ANOTHER FACT: As much as solar can be a great alternative for off-grid energy supply for homesteading or residential use, IT IS NOT A GREAT ALTERNATIVE FOR INDUSTRIAL USE!!! Why? Because #1 the high cost and maintenance: it's too damn expensive to be efficient for anything that takes industrial energy capacity (~20mW) and #2 the panels to do it would take up TONS of farm land to power anything needed for industrial use! Put it this way: you would take up a quarter acre worth of panels just to produce 3000watt and for charging all the 12V deep cycle batteries @ around 110Ah. That's simply residential use, rationed. Now multiply that required resource from 0.3kW to ~20mW for powering some huge factory or a steel mill! If you wanted to force 50 farmers off their property nearby to set that all up, it could work for one big individual industrial facility, but that would be stupid due to all the agricultural production lost!!! Plus a company would have to have enormous net surplus to afford utilizing everything off-grid. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN IN AN ALREADY DYING ECONOMY!!!! Producing solar technology is great but stick to manufacturing it for farmers, homesteaders and residential consumers! Not industrial because that's insane and certainly would lead to more Bundy-style stand-offs due to all the rural land grabbing needed to accomplish that!

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170177  No.305801

FLASHBACK: Nuland-Pyatt 2014 Ukraine Coup Leaked Phone Call: https://rumble.com/vwjn3v-2014-ukraine-coup-victoria-nuland-geoffrey-pyatt-leaked-phone.html

Bilderberg/Davos Cabal Meeting In Secret Behind Closed Doors In Washington DC (Likely Talking About Ways To Further Destroy And Undermine America): http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/06/04/bilderberg-meeting-behind-closed-doors-in-dc-and-mainstream-media-is-not-allowed-to-talk-about-it/


▲ MY COMMENT: I truly believe America has been deeply compromised by powerful people who hate our country, they want to see the middle class, our Constitutional freedoms and our economy completely destroyed and nullified. Chances are very high these despotic nimrods are feudalists, they wish to bring back monarchy and feudalism!!!

Czechia’s blackout risk grows and people should prepare for the worst: https://rmx.news/czech-republic/czechias-blackout-risk-grows-and-people-should-prepare-for-the-worst/

The key oil alliance between Saudi Arabia and Russia remains strong despite the shift in the geopolitical environment caused by the Ukraine War: https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Why-Saudi-Arabia-Isnt-Giving-Up-On-Its-Russian-Oil-Alliance.html

Russian top official tells the truth about Big Pharma and engineered bioweapons while US government officials LIE to protect big pharma crooked special interests: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-07-russian-official-truth-big-pharma-engineered-bioweapons.html

Ukraine Biological Weapons Laboratories Funded By Former CIA Director Leon Panetta: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/06/02/vital-the-italian-boss-of-obamas-coronavirus-ukraine-laboratories-funded-by-former-cia-director-leon-panetta/

American weapons sent to Ukraine are ending up for sale on dark web: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-07-american-weapons-sent-to-ukraine-for-sale-dark-web.html

Documents of Polish Colonel found in Severodonetsk, the documents may be considered the first evidence of the participation of Polish military personnel in hostilities against Russia: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/06/06/nato-fighting-in-donbass-documents-of-polish-colonel-found-in-severodonetsk/

Ukrainian government is upset the European Union is easing sanctions on Russian technology: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3501945-eu-eases-sanctions-on-russia-without-any-explanations-podolyak.html

Russia on Tuesday claimed to have taken control of 97% of one of the two provinces that make up Ukraine’s Donbas, bringing the Kremlin closer to its goal of fully capturing the eastern industrial heartland of coal mines and factories: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-moscow-411ca8f38524e0d2b120479acef4ad56

Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/kremlin-declares-land-bridge-complete-western-russia-donbas-crimea

Ukrainian ‘barrier troops’ blow up bridge to prevent retreat: https://www.rt.com/russia/556720-ukraine-barrier-troops-bridge/

In the past 24 hours, Russian missile and artillery troops hit 39 command posts, 47 firing positions of Ukrainian artillery batteries and 426 areas of amassed manpower and military hardware…The artillery strikes wiped out a 155mm M109A3 self-propelled artillery gun supplied by Norway, two US-made 155mm M777 howitzers and also seven field artillery guns and mortars, including a 203mm Pion self-propelled artillery system…The strikes also eliminated over 400 nationalists, 10 pieces of armor, three Grad multiple launch rocket systems, 10 special vehicles and also three S-300 anti-aircraft missile launchers near Kramatorsk: https://tass.com/defense/1461581

$40B Ukrainian “Aid,” My ASS: https://capitalisteric.wordpress.com/2022/05/16/40b-ukrainian-aid-my-ass/

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283ed6  No.305802


the videogame superhero-movie EFFEMINATE LITTLE SISSY who spent his entire life fantasizing, and has never seen a vagina…


not even once….

because you're gay

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283ed6  No.305803








filtered and blocked

lol goodbye, psycho

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283ed6  No.305804

it's SO EASY to make killcen vanish

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283ed6  No.305807

Killeen IS one of the psychotic schizophrenics

but instead of leaning on mommy like >>305775 does, killcen relies on his daughter


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283ed6  No.305809


it's too bad that sitting on your ass watching superhero movies didn't :

-make you strong

-teach you how to fight

-make you intimidating

see, to us, you're a parasite…

you're a tapeworm

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283ed6  No.305811


we see you for what you are:

a stupid, pseudoliterate, sexually and socially inexperienced COWARD who still mooches off mommy

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283ed6  No.305812


you're more the temper tantrum type

you don't have the balls to do ANYTHING

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283ed6  No.305814


you're a fucking bitch ….

you're a punching bag

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283ed6  No.305815


go 'intimidate' your mommy with another one of your sissy boy temper tantrums

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16bc81  No.305816

File: c3c09663d389f7e⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, break_first.mp4)







I just wonder what breaks first

your nonexistent jaw line

or youre double chin

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283ed6  No.305817


by the way, she also realizes you're a closet homosexual

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283ed6  No.305818

File: d04a9261df3c1c3⋯.png (287.72 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220607_232533.png)



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283ed6  No.305819


lol your mother actually LAUGHS AT YOU

not joking…. your lack of accomplishment had become a topic of conversation with her friends…

to avoid embarrassment, she has joined in with them, ridiculing you

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283ed6  No.305820


the stupid psychotic uneducated mentally ill little inexperienced life failure doesn't realize that the chin is part of the jaw

because he was too stupid to pay attention in school

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876e7b  No.305821

File: 8c74d11b2633396⋯.jpg (106.32 KB, 596x625, 596:625, modernsexed.jpg)


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283ed6  No.305822



you struggle to spell one syllable words


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876e7b  No.305823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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283ed6  No.305824


stfu faggot

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876e7b  No.305826

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876e7b  No.305827

SHTF Prepping Thread




hardware / basic tools / power tools / related accessories

(drill bits, nails, screws, bolts, lag bolts, nuts, washers/lock washers, etc)

older mechanical utilities / mechanical equipment / hydraulic machinery

older mechanical vehicles / trucks / RVs / farm equip

gas / diesel / fuel / stabilizer / petro-based maintenance oils

(anti-rust, greasers, chain oil, motor oil, etc)

firearms / ammunition / gun cleaner & lube / related accessories

wood burning stove / wood burning generator

lumber / wood / wood racks / lumber shack

alcohol / coffee / tobacco / etc

medical aid supplies / OTC medication / basic drugs

rural property & homestead / fertile land / organic heirloom seeds / garden supplies

livestock for food & breeding / local contacts who own livestock and-or who process meat locally

extra long-term food storage (canned, frozen, freeze-dried, air-sealed, grain, etc)

^ clear totes to secure stored foods (like sugar, flour, nuts, oatmeal etc. from mice/rats/pests)

clean water source / water purification / water filtration systems / atmospheric water generator

^ DIY rain water collection system hooked up to a filtered gutter (gutter guard)

gas and-or solar generators / solar panels / 12V deep cycle batteries / power inverters etc.

extension cords / spools of various gauge electric wire, extra fuse, ballasts, solder, etc.

boxes of matches / bic lighters / fire starter / lighter fluid

rope / twine / duct tape / superglue / cement glue / liquid nail / loctite threadlocker adhesives

extra clothing / boots / shoes / gloves / work safety gear

soap / shampoo / other sanitation supplies / toiletry

like-minded people: friends and-or family

(ONLY those you know deeply for years and can trust!)

state maps / county maps / atlas

bulk scrap metals / silver / gold

butchery books / gardening books / cook books

hardcopy survivalist guides / DIY homesteading books

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876e7b  No.305828

Prepping For A Power Outage: What To Stock Up On

While authorities typically give out notices in advance of a blackout, SHTF scenarios will feature abrupt power outages that last for a long time. Days without electricity could put you and your family’s safety on the line if you’re not prepared for a sudden power outage.

MY COMMENT:THIS!Never expect any notice before/during a real SHTF crisis! You do need to be prepared NOW for it, before it happens. In fact, the major indication of SHTF/another major world war would be the power grid and/or internet going out without notice. You have about 8 hours before full-blown panic kicks in! Then suddenly, once all the mindless consumers "get it" they'll all be flocking to the stores to grab up as much supplies as they can manage, likely fighting over the supplies! You NEVER ever want to be one of those poor fools!



WHAT THIS LIST DID NOT MENTION:A LOT!You most definitely want a wood burning stove or fireplace during winter with plenty of wood stocked up! Of-course this is likely not allowed in most communist-run cities or metro areas, but most of America outside the cities have those utilities. It's most common out in the rural areas, out where I live everyone has wood stocked up for winter! There are some who don't even have power or internet today, they are THAT old fashion and I admire them for it. You'll also need guns/ammo to protect your family and property. Arm the kids during a crisis, they will be of help, just make sure they know how to shoot and safely handle the gun! You'll want a solar generator that can trickle charge 12V batteries and power inverters to hook the 12Vs up to, maybe a couple 2000 watt inverters. That's enough to cover the very basics like the box freezers and fridge! Have 4 or 5 12V batteries routinely charged ready to go, when you use a couple make sure you are charging the others! Rain water is a great source of water IF done right! You need plenty of water purification tablets, cheese cloth and water filters. Before drinking, you need to strain the water out with cheese cloth into a bucket, then you need to add the purification tablets in to kill the bacteria, then you need a really good water filter to clean all the chemicals out of it, then boil the water after it's filtered properly and PRESTO! Clean water from the sky! While you are guarding your family, you could become bored in the rural areas as nothing much will likely happen if you are very rural, so buy some crossword puzzle books and some cards to play Blackjack with the family. Also, if you drink a lot like I do, you better have at least 50 liters of Vodka stashed somewhere, just make sure the kids don't get to them, last thing you need is drunk kids playing cowboys and indians in the house!

AS WARNED: Do Prepare For ISP Bans And Blackouts To Cover Up Genocide/Civil War During USSA Demise



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283ed6  No.305829


you've NEVER paid for your own food

you're a fucking BUM!!!

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876e7b  No.305830


I've been thinking writing about this issue recently. This is something I got prepared for a while back ago, a decade maybe longer. I really got this down well and would like to share what I know. I assume most hardcore preppers already do the same, so this is NOT for you guys because you are already aware of what I will have to say.

Communist revolutions are dangerous and violent, they are empowered by systemic corruption, insolvency, greed and moral decay. The middle class and lower class are always the ones culled in a communist revolution, never the uber rich as they are well protected and have offshore safe havens and get-aways. It tends to be the rich who fund communist revolutions anyway as a means to cull the population. It is always the struggling lower and middle classes that get robbed and killed in communist revolutions. ALWAYS.

Now that this FACT is settled lets talk about one of their many hostile tactics to rob, rape and/or kill you. Communists have many radical tactics. They can blow up a levee or dam to flood out communities they cannot loot or control. They'll also use arson to subjugate their victims too. Sometimes they'll disrupt transportation, much like Antifa derails Amtrack trains and cargo shipments across the midwest! Very common tactics. Another thing communists will do is use a hijacked corrupted government to target families, often at night or early in the morning when people are sound asleep. Or sometimes they'll use mobs to do that too. Depends on the situations at hand. Gun grabs and gulag kidnappings go hand-in-hand during communist revolutions. They know very well the most vulnerable point in time for their victims is when they are sleeping! This is one area in which I have prepped pretty well for!

I have some mitigation tactics for those who plan this for me, and I'll be happy to share these tips with all of you:

(1) First off get used to sleeping in clothing, next to some boots by the side of your bed, cargo pants and a flannel shirt are great and comfy enough to sleep in. (2) You'll want to have a loaded handgun next to your bed, maybe on the nightstand, or you can sleep with it locked on safety mode. Either way have a loaded gun ready to use if you were to wake up during a B&E job or gulag kidnap gun grab. (3) You want something that is battery operated by the side of your bed or mounted to the wall next to you which will allow you to see in the dark. It could be night vision goggles, it could be a handheld portable LED light, it could be a small lamp hooked up to a 12V-powered 200 watt inverter. Maybe a heavy duty flashlight. Whatever it is, make sure you can see good in the dark, and make sure you can use it off-grid!! Have it handy and practice with it in the dark till you can utilize it within 5 seconds when need be. (4) Hardcore entry point fortification and some kind of alarm system that will alert you during a breach at night. When I talk about "entry point fortification" what I mean is having katy bars, floor locks, multiple dead bolts (with long strike plates + 3" stainless steel screws) to reinforce your exterior doors. If you have any patio glass door you need to knock it out and replace it by building an extended wall over it. Windows should also be covered or barred up from the inside, you can easily use wood bits to drill holes through the 2x4s around the frames of the windows and use stainless steel bolts with washers and nuts to mount thick plywood and/or warehouse shelving beams against the windows. Just make sure you get the measurements down correctly and have them leveled.

Basic review:

1) Well clothed, ready to hop out of bed and get into defensive mode.

2) Have a firearm handy next to where you sleep, with extra ammo nearby too.

3) Some kind of battery operated lighting or night vision goggles.

4) Some kind of alarm system for the hardened entry points encase they are breached.

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283ed6  No.305831




filtered and blocked AGAIN

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876e7b  No.305832

Support your local farmers markets, make contacts and exchange info (business cards would do), buy from your local farmers around the area, consider buying quarter or half cow from a trusted source (half cow lasts one couple 2 years, longer if rationed). Cost of half cow is around 1.5K + small meat processing fee from the local processing plant. You'll need a box freezer to store most of it and your regular freezer to store the rest. Or you could go with two box freezers and have more freezer space to spare, either way.

If you are buying a quarter or half cow it's not at store cost (which would be a rip-off as stores charge extra per pound!) You won't be paying a price gouge fee, so it will save you a lot of money and that much beef will last you for some time! Just make sure to have a backup source of energy if the power grid goes down so you can keep all that meat from spoiling (12V deep cycle batteries, 2000W inverters & solar trickle chargers, or an off-grid solar panel system, or whole house propane or diesel generator.)

TIP OF THE DAY: If the power & internet ever goes out, or mass alternative websites including chat forums, alt news, image boards go down for extended period of time, prepare yourselves for war and prepare to defend yourselves!!! That is a major indication that could save your life.

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283ed6  No.305833


nobody cares about your empty advice

nobody reads your words

and now you are filtered again

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876e7b  No.305834

Prepping For A Power Outage: What To Stock Up On


While authorities typically give out notices in advance of a blackout, SHTF scenarios will feature abrupt power outages that last for a long time. Days without electricity could put you and your family’s safety on the line if you’re not prepared for a sudden power outage.

MY COMMENT:THIS!Never expect any notice before/during a real SHTF crisis! You do need to be prepared NOW for it, before it happens. In fact, the major indication of SHTF/another major world war would be the power grid and/or internet going out without notice. You have about 8 hours before full-blown panic kicks in! Then suddenly, once all the mindless consumers "get it" they'll all be flocking to the stores to grab up as much supplies as they can manage, likely fighting over the supplies! You NEVER ever want to be one of those poor fools!

WHAT THIS LIST DID NOT MENTION:A LOT!You most definitely want a wood burning stove or fireplace during winter with plenty of wood stocked up! Of-course this is likely not allowed in most communist-run cities or metro areas, but most of America outside the cities have those utilities. It's most common out in the rural areas, out where I live everyone has wood stocked up for winter! There are some who don't even have power or internet today, they are THAT old fashion and I admire them for it. You'll also need guns/ammo to protect your family and property. Arm the kids during a crisis, they will be of help, just make sure they know how to shoot and safely handle the gun! You'll want a solar generator that can trickle charge 12V batteries and power inverters to hook the 12Vs up to, maybe a couple 2000 watt inverters. That's enough to cover the very basics like the box freezers and fridge! Have 4 or 5 12V batteries routinely charged ready to go, when you use a couple make sure you are charging the others! Rain water is a great source of water IF done right! You need plenty of water purification tablets, cheese cloth and water filters. Before drinking, you need to strain the water out with cheese cloth into a bucket, then you need to add the purification tablets in to kill the bacteria, then you need a really good water filter to clean all the chemicals out of it, then boil the water after it's filtered properly and PRESTO! Clean water from the sky! While you are guarding your family, you could become bored in the rural areas as nothing much will likely happen if you are very rural, so buy some crossword puzzle books and some cards to play Blackjack with the family. Also, if you drink a lot like I do, you better have at least 50 liters of Vodka stashed somewhere, just make sure the kids don't get to them, last thing you need is drunk kids playing cowboys and indians in the house!

AS WARNED: Do Prepare For ISP Bans And Blackouts To Cover Up Genocide/Civil War During USSA Demise


6 Totally Insane Things That WILL Happen If Our Power Grid Goes Down

1. All commerce will cease.

2. Communications will shut down.

3. Without electricity, all forms of fuel that our society relies on will stop flowing.

4. And of course, many of those farms will lack water, as will your plumbing.

5. When the grocery stores are stripped bare, the pharmacies won’t be far behind.

6. And finally, one of the most shocking things that people will have to deal with, is the lack of GPS.

In summary, law and order will break down at every level, and death will be around every corner.


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283ed6  No.305835

ahhhhhh…… that was easy

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283ed6  No.305836

by the way, Killeen also has schizophrenia

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876e7b  No.305837


It's easy to stock up on some long-term storage foods, what people need to consider is stocking up on some sanitary items and consider having some backup water stored too. Many people die for lack of sanitation during a complete collapse rather than starving to death. Same thing with lack of clean water, you can only go about 3 days without water until you die. Rain water collection, purification and proper filtration is crucial. There are also Atmospheric Water Generators but they too need filters and it does cost to have one running 24/7. Solar panels are the best way to go, then propane and diesel fuel, although you'll have to ration energy use for the most basic appliances and utilities (refrigeration, freezers, water heater, well pump, a few strategic room lights, etc).

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283ed6  No.305838


Q: were you born illiterate, or did you have to go to school to learn how not to spell things correctly?

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876e7b  No.305839



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876e7b  No.305841


Pardon me, my cap lock was stuck!

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16bc81  No.305842

File: 86cdb99be6d4529⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 853x480, 853:480, nothing.webm)


maybe getting caught was part of the plan


of courshe

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283ed6  No.305843


this is the part where you try to intimidate me by suggesting that you're "Satan"

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16bc81  No.305845

File: 322260db0a0c8b0⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 853x480, 853:480, goodbye.webm)

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16bc81  No.305847


hey, i can't happen but notice

that is jimmy from "the mick"

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16bc81  No.305848


i mean the OP pic guy with the blue eyes

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16bc81  No.305850

File: 2f255e277650b88⋯.jpg (43.63 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 738719_001.jpg)


this guy is what i means

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ae3d58  No.305856

Still upset aye Rabbi?

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ae3d58  No.305857

File: 9ca8d9f023b78f1⋯.jpg (347.27 KB, 720x705, 48:47, c91ce650c3c8767c671d2d5663….jpg)

File: b487ed35537d1b7⋯.jpg (187.35 KB, 718x418, 359:209, 4a1cbc2c07b3b19d87644baf80….jpg)

File: fee44c95479a2a1⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 720x777, 240:259, aeac8e0f785143ca84127eacb5….jpg)

File: 95a88064385f415⋯.jpg (306.86 KB, 720x947, 720:947, 1ae035e9633b969afd3da3c73e….jpg)

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e45ab9  No.305859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates







"what u afraid of nigguh" SCRATCH


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e45ab9  No.305860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Awww… Look at all that unity suddenly happening in Latin America…"

"It's almost like a 'third front' is forming along the southern border of The untied bates…"

"what u on about nigguh" SCRATH


"u jus a basic bitch" BANG


"I am going to detonate two nuclear weapons on the eastern coast of The untied bates." RIP


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e45ab9  No.305863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Speaking of Jewish filth…"

What exactly is going on with the 'advertisements' on 'Youtube' surrounding the retail 'sell' of 'Ukrainian women?'

When exactly is that going to be addressed?

Where are any individuals within any sphere of power?

>>The untied bates

… You have a very limited amount of time to address 'Jewish individuals' selling 'sex slavs…'

… If ye do not… I shall… HAHAHAHAHAHA

… "Did Carlito not have his way in China? Puff… Puff… Pass away… HAHAHAHAHAHA"

… Vengeance is mine…

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e45ab9  No.305864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Empire Earth

Mr. Bridges… When I am done with 'them…'

Mr. Bridges… There shall be no 'European' any thing…

Mr. Bridges… Mine mirror reflects less than truth… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Mr. Bridges… 'Tis the reality that is made to 'inflect' such truths… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Mr. Bridges… Yes… 'Europe' shall be given as whores, sluts, and 'sex slaves' them selves…

Mr. Bridges… Which Jew shall kiss a Chinese foot?

Mr. Bridges… Which 'European' shall suck a Russian toe?

Mr. Bridges… Serbia is both observant and wise…

Mr. Bridges… Serbia is become 'aware' of both the self and Unself…


Mr. Bridges… In mine 'Europe…' 'Tis the nation who beggars and prostrates to Russia the most who shall have the 'crumbs of the appearance of power…'

Mr. Bridges… It was The untied bates that 'produced' Hitler…

Mr. Bridges… It was by The untied bates that 'financial institutions' were 'directed…'

Mr. Bridges… However… Hitler had 'ethereal connections…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Mr. Bridges… In a 'secret meeting' with Joseph Stalin… An agreement was made…


Mr. Bridges… There is no negotiation… No 'deal…' Only a foregone conclusion by the 'castor…' The previous 'sorcerer supreme…'

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e45ab9  No.305865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Empire Earth


Mr. Bridges… Thy good humors are not lost on me…

Mr. Bridges… I did such a thing for reasons apparent…

Mr. Bridges… Within the 'European' context, there is no question… No truth…

Mr. Bridges… The time of truth is already past, hence irrelevance within the 'current frame…'

Mr. Bridges… Now is the time of I, as GOD, to grasp the whole of 'Europe' and "SMASH IT'S FACE INTO THE URINE AS IF A DOG…"

Mr. Bridges… The 'truth' is long past and recited by the relevant/guilty parties…

Mr. Bridges… Now all that is left… Is that '7 generations' part… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Mr. Bridges… 'European politicians' do not have the powers to negotiate 'souls' that have already been 'sold…' HAHAHAHAHAHA







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e45ab9  No.305866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Henry Kissinger as Mr. Bridges…

… You 'see,' when a 'sorcerer' 'casts' into the 'well of time…'

… I am become 'gain' of 'certain authority' that just happens to be beyond both 'time and space…'


… as one can gather

… i have the power to make a certain thing keep happening independent of time and space


… Just because the 'Nazi Reich' is not real and in actuality never existed… As depicted…

… Does not mean that I, with 'mirror as instrument,' cannot induce recitation of 'false' 'reality…' HAHAHAHAHAHA


… tell the old men… "imagine insanity" hahahahahaha

… tell the old men… "the fool shall jest under the watchful eye of the hermit who carefully counts the time"


… I desire for you to 'speak…'

… I desire to collect what has been stolen from me…

… I desire the guilty to present them selves…

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e45ab9  No.305868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Henry Kissinger as Mr. Bridges


… Thy wisdom is as grand as thy skill and shall 'stand beyond time…'

… A story that shall pass down the endless river by actions that are beyond any utterance…

… Such 'reflection' of 'exists there for is' represents the 'physical' manifestation of that which is 'remembrance and respect…'

… Not exactly a 'pyramid,' but ye are 'supreme' after all and there for shall be obliged en equal… HAHAHAHAHAHA



… Tell the old men… "There shall be an order, just not one belonging to any particular human, and especially a 'rich…'"

… Tell the old men… "Perhaps instead of throwing a 'tantrum' upon being imposed to 'fit in' and 'find a place…'" HAHAHAHAHAHA

… Elon Musk must 'make way' for the 'ritual' with more than just 'a rich old vampire…'

… How for can the 'ritual of time' be performed without the very individuals who are 'deserving' of the 'mantle?'

… Even I, the devil, must obey… HAHAHAHAHAHA






… What exactly happened to all those 'images' of 'international children holding hands?'


… "Tsk… Tsk…" Says the wise old owl…

… I, the devil, am a 'believer' in 'long term solutions…'

… Why for would such efforts be wasted on a 'unified ancient image…'

… Tell the old men 'it is best to not piss me the fuck off…'

… Tell the old men 'I am the one that gets to GODDAMN the peoples of the earth as I see fit…'

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6b86a1  No.305869


stfu, sketch


making the most of your SSI WELFARE "PITY MONEY" I see

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6b86a1  No.305870


lol I nailed it right on the head with you, mooch

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6b86a1  No.305871


lol I nailed it right on the head with you, lazy bum

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6b86a1  No.305872



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6b86a1  No.305873


you're stupid…….. end of story

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f2b644  No.305874


you're stupid…….. end of story

a stupid fucking UNEMPLOYED BUM

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f2b644  No.305875

you serve no purpose

you contribute NOTHING

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f2b644  No.305876

you're in your mid 30s and survive by FINACIALLY EXPLOITING AN OLD WOMAN

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f2b644  No.305877



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f2b644  No.305878





they're too superior to behave like you


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f2b644  No.305879


absolutely NOBODY likes you

it's because you're a worthless sack of human garbage

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f2b644  No.305880


there's quite literally NOTHING that you Excel At


I've never seen you do or say ANYTHING that was impressive

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f2b644  No.305881


you're nothing but a mediocre little girl

most little girls have already far surpassed you in every way

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4a601a  No.305892


lol jews exploit friends, family, and communisty constantly. they vew people who can't outjew them as deserving it, just like they view the goyim.

have you never actually tried living among them?

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38ec9b  No.305913

File: 9d639951ef5aeeb⋯.jpg (81.99 KB, 499x333, 499:333, Thanks_Again.jpg)


He actually hasn't much, being a flaming Irish Georgian his whole life.

> inb4 no wey hey dey it's true

> inb4 Elvis paintings

> inb4 Joos Love Me!

> inb4 I've known lots of them and they were always nice to me… me, the poor sop who wasn't seen as having anything they wanted to jew me out of, but I got to watch them jew a lot of others out of shit, and I thought it was hilarious…

But I digress. This isn't about Jews.

I mean,This Board.

You know who likes to make everything be about Jews? Jews.

And Anti-Jews.

Anti-ANYTHING is really PRO-That-Thing.

You Become That Which You Hate.

Let me give an example…

"Johnny Neptune" has turned into a mooch who cannot pay his own bills, including wi-fi, is a proven SSI Fraudster, obsesses on other people and their belief systems, tears "personas" down all day long, and spreads his own ideology of Hate. He also thinks he is doing "God's Work" in a way, that he "Belongs" to some group of higher-minded thinkers who hate all the right people, and are tearing down all the correct ideologies, and causing grief and suffering for all the right.people — those they see as their "Enemies" — because "Johnny Neptune" has literally BECOME all that he purports to hate.

He's even making gay porn videos now, to prove how much he hates faggots or something!

I'm losing my train of thought, as I am often wont to do. And I'm thinking about all the actually important tasks I am responsible for completing today. I only decided to post in this thread to make sure I wasn't left out of the Mentally Ill Misfits Thread. That would be a shame. I mean, I don't really feel like I "Belong" anywhere. But I know that I probably at least "Belong" ITT. I am one of the mentally disturbed misfits that frequent this board —And NO, it is NOT a "White Supremacist" Board; you sweet summer children!

As for "Johnny Neptune" , he is definitely much more fun when his energies are directed toward someone "Else"!

Highly Recommend.

> inb4 suddenly attracting unwanted attention

I think I can handle it.

And that would be no fun for him.

But this?

This is fun for him.

You see, some folks are actually MISERABLE with his presence here, and that makes him happy. It makes me happy too, but I digress… I often do. That's why I'm here. The question is…What Are YOU Doing Here?

Oh, you don't know?

Well, Johnny can cut to the quick, and if you actually listen to his honest assessment, you may be able to glean some clues. He may actually see you better than you see yourself. It's always easier to see the predicament that "Others" are in, than to see the one you have currently gotten yourself into. It's always easier to recognize the Obsessions of an "Other" than to recognize one's own Obsessions.

On another note, nobody likes their own particular obsessions noticed and ridiculed. I know. I've been doingbit my whole life to those who obsess on Organized Religion. It's just not where I personally found Meaning — EVER. At least not Discovered Meaning — meaning derived from searching. Nope. Organized Religion is handed-down-meaning, provided for you from on high, by those who know better — spiritual "specialists". I Detest Organized Religion, and Will NEVER Be a "Joiner" — hence, why I do not "Belong" anywhere — hence, why I am Here, ITT.

"Johnny Neptune" thinks he Hates Organized Religion too, but he was never intimate enough with it to recognize what it looks like in his own life. "Johnny Neptune"is a Religitard.He belongs to the "Woke" Religion, which tolerates no diversity of thought, seeks to destroy equality of opportunity, is non-inclusionary, and believes in tearing down the "personas" of all those who do not share their anti-human ideology, not to mention destroying the entire civilization, and humanity itself, because they consider Nature to be Supreme, yet they consider themselves, and All Humans to somehow be "Outside" of that True Nature (just like every Religitard EVER.)

So, Why Do I Keep Recommending to


Why do you think?

Are you going to find any answers "Out There"? Will those "Answers" be Contrived? Crafted? By someone "Else"? Or will they be Discovered, through Experience, Seeking,LOOKING WITHIN…

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

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c23d32  No.305926

File: ab30c439828e127⋯.jpg (221.23 KB, 849x1024, 849:1024, PicsArt_06_08_08_32_16.jpg)

How can I be a part of what's goin' on in here?

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4a601a  No.305992


>johnny neptune

I don't care about this barn full of rabid cats drama. I was talking about kikes. It's far more worth my time to be handed financial records because I'm enough of a data analyst to point out the fruad, and then chase down more of it in their shell corporations and whatnot. And then designing a campaign to get them out of power by making them locally unpopular.

I don't think that's becoming what I hate. I think that's somebody asking for help when he saw crime writ large and me having some spare time.

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27d787  No.305993



you are right

they are exploiting the united goyims of america with their predatory lending first and with their stock market frauds second

and nobody cares about that shit while they drive off in their rolls royces

but is shaniqua from the ghetto or some emo white boi gets his neetbux you get all hysteric

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dad018  No.305998




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dad018  No.305999

seriously, go fuck another nigger….

low class monkeyfuckers

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dad018  No.306000


lol I actually laughed

good work

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dad018  No.306001


spotted the SSI mooch

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dad018  No.306002


it's not my fault that whites are weak

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27d787  No.306003

File: 0f1aa1f7c3bf473⋯.webm (1.12 MB, 853x480, 853:480, crime.webm)



my only crime was that I loved you anons

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150918  No.306019


Please learn to use capitalization correctly!!!

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2dad6c  No.306025

File: 7eddcefe2034d2a⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Kali_Maa.jpg)



Who Looks Within?

From Where, Exactly?

> inb4 …a Flourishing Forth, From the Center, Here & Now, Everywhere Everywhen…

Can one ever even look elsewhere than within?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

What perceptual tools will be used?

What sense-making apparatus?

What meanings will be ascribed, and why?

Who knows?

Who always knows!

As do ALL the Whos down in Whoville.

The Nose Knows too, as do the Noes Two.

But I digress. I often do…

Eye roam to…

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dad018  No.306028


it's not my fault that whites are weak


this entire time, I've just been opening my urethra and peeking in there

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dad018  No.306029



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dad018  No.306030


it was the only accessable hole

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dad018  No.306031

I'm starting my own online social club called THE EVIL SATANIC DARK OVERLORDS OF NEO NAZI WHITE SUPREMACY….

and I'm the fuhrer….

please join and let me tell you what to do

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dad018  No.306032

File: 1ab799dc28f97a7⋯.png (777.27 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220609_082320.png)

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dad018  No.306033


sounds like you need a little “percussive maintenance” to make you work.

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dad018  No.306066

look up "percussive maintenance", dipshit

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33791e  No.306083

File: 723c4340753f75f⋯.jpg (537.08 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 9s9ihfo7ry841.jpg)


If anybody could use some moon rocks it is (((You))).



What's with the lowclass

> niggerfuckers

> monkeyfuckers

shit in relation to >>305913 (which was ones of the best comments ITT)???

Are (((You))) just trying to display (((You)))r ignorance?

(((You))) don't have to try so hard.

(((You)))'re a Natural.

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ee3838  No.306391


Are you a kindergarten dropout? You need to go back to your kindergarten. Your nigger teachers will teach you how to use punctuation marks correctly. Cheers!

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822124  No.306402

File: 2dd5f3e5f6ef263⋯.png (935.63 KB, vlcsnap_2022_06_05_23h07m1….png)


fuckoff emo boy

this is my turf already for recruiting schizos

league of shadows will find your adress on google maps and we will send 2 pajeets to poop on your street and inside your mail box

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28aa0b  No.307217


oh that…. lol

I didn't think you'd even notice

I accidentally clicked the wrong things I was going to fast and not paying attention

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28aa0b  No.307218


dude, I've got pubic hairs that are older than your father

you'll be pulling them out of your mouth A LOT in here, bitch….. you'll see, lonely boy

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28aa0b  No.307219


this is OUR board…. there are only THREE OF US…


you're a fruitfly

and a victim

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28aa0b  No.307221


don't try distracting with TRENDY CATCHPHRASES, FAGGOTFARTS….

you think calling it NEETBUX makes it acceptable





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28aa0b  No.307222


you're going to get smeared like a shitstain

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28aa0b  No.307223


you're in for the lesson of a lifetime, little boy

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28aa0b  No.307224


spotted the next WELFARE NIGGER

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28aa0b  No.307225


nope…. if you continued reading, I'm sure you saw where I said GOOD WORK

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28aa0b  No.307226


anyone who calls WELFARE neetbux IS ON WELFARE

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28aa0b  No.307227


what's the cost up there? I'm paying $14 per gram

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28aa0b  No.307228











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28aa0b  No.307229




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28aa0b  No.307231




I've been moving too fast for the past couple days

I'll make an effort to slow down

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28aa0b  No.307233


by the way, the evidence compiled by the Senate subcommittee is overwhelming

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28aa0b  No.307234

technically, your ape is now the ultimate POTENTIAL FEDERAL INMATE

will it happen? no

can it?…. ABSOLUTELY

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28aa0b  No.307235

should it? BINGO

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28aa0b  No.307236

should it? BINGO

he's guilty of attempting to overthrow the government..

a federal offense

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28aa0b  No.307237

File: 003c3a10ebbda7d⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB, 852x480, 71:40, sorryboutslaves_.mp4)

he's still RIGHT HERE

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28aa0b  No.307238


lol @ you trying to pretend that your WELFARE ISNT WELFARE

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28aa0b  No.307240



the Justice Dept is going to charge the "Republican Electors" in seven states with FRAUD


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28aa0b  No.307242

File: 70c28ab9367090e⋯.png (287.54 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220611_093226.png)

File: 3d3a82d48d63def⋯.png (199.89 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220611_093156.png)


how I'm locating Sketch Padderson all by myself

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28aa0b  No.307243

I'm buying a premium account, and I'll have Sketch's name and address soon

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28aa0b  No.307245

it's simply a matter of time before I'm able to name Sketch Padderson's mother, and list her address where he's mooching off her

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28aa0b  No.307246

and thanks for the pics, Sketch

I couldn't have done it without the pic of your eye

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28aa0b  No.307247

you were SO easy to manipulate

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28aa0b  No.307248

lol all I had to do was type "I doubt his eyes are blue"AND YOU GAVE ME THE PIC OF YOUR EYE


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28aa0b  No.307250

dude, I played you like a $2 ukelele

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28aa0b  No.307251

i used your TINY FRAGILE EGO to manipulate the shit outta you

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28aa0b  No.307252

with your eye, I had everything I needed to identify you

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28aa0b  No.307253

so I'm contacting PimEyes today, deciding which type of account to purchase, and submitting your photo

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28aa0b  No.307256

if you've ever had a driver's license, if you've ever had a school ID…. you're easily found

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28aa0b  No.307270


FAKE ELECTION : you bullshit artists tried but failed

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97067f  No.307272

Russia and China’s War On The US Dollar Is Just Beginning: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/russia-and-china%E2%80%99s-war-dollar-just-beginning-202866

Global crime syndicates insist on replacing conventional farming and raising livestock with protein alternatives grown indoors that don’t actually contain animal flesh. While some people believe this to be healthy, the problem with this synthetic approach is that it is more chemical-focused: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-08-globalists-promote-synthetic-meat-discourage-growing-food.html

▲ FLASHBACK: Globalists Flock To Doomsday Bunkers While World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT To Store Food: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/03/no_author/elite-flock-to-doomsday-bunkers-world-bank-tells-peasant-class-not-to-store-food/

/PND/ THREADS ON MANUFACTURED FOOD SHORTAGES: >>>/pnd/298841 ; >>>/pnd/298428 ; >>>/pnd/299775 ; >>>/pnd/294322 ; >>>/pnd/297664 ; >>>/pnd/295699

Ukraine and Russia produce almost a third of the world's wheat and barley and are major exporters of metals. Disruptions to these supply chains as well as rising costs for many raw materials have pushed up the cost of food and other basic goods and services: https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/06/08/why-war-in-ukraine-is-hitting-europe-s-economy-so-hard

Norway government launches new monitoring scheme to track all food purchases of private citizens: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-08-norway-launches-surveillance-scheme-track-food-purchases.html

In 1964, a majority of Americans trusted the government. Today, American trust in the corrupted subverted compromised government is near historic lows: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/american-trust-in-government-near-e2-80-98historic-lows-e2-80-99-pew-finds/ar-AAYfyq8

Governmental Leadership In America Has Failed, Polls Show Rapid Decline In Public Trust As Price Inflation, Commodity Shortages, War, Debt Insolvency, Illegal Immigration And Terror Are All Increasing: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1619260/Joe-Biden-US-Ukraine-Zelensky-trust-poll-crisis-news

Texas LNG Export Terminal Shuttered For Three Weeks After Organized Terrorist Attack Against American Energy Industry: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/small-explosion-texas-lng-export-terminal-sends-us-natgas-crashing


Record UK Gasoline Prices See Biggest Daily Surge In 17 Years: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/record-uk-gasoline-prices-see-biggest-daily-surge-17-years

Russian Army managed and overcame the river barrier Seversky Donets and occupied the settlement Tetjanivka on the south bank of the river just opposite Svyatogorsk. The Russian Ministry of Defense is now talking about decimated Ukrainian army. Only in Svyatogorsk the Ukrainians had 300 losses, and in the wider Donbas an additional 320 dead. At the same time, the Russians are preparing a large -scale attack on Zaporizie in order to occupy the last fort of the Ukrainian forces in Gulyaipole: https://warnews247.gr/apodekatistike-o-oukranikos-stratos-perase-ton-potamo-seversky-donets-i-rosiki-stratia-epithesi-keravnos-pros-ntonbas-kai-zaporizie/

The Ukrainian forces shelled the central part of Donetsk, wounding two women and a child, according to a correspondent. The new attacks comes despite the fact that the Ukrainian Army has had to retreat from a a big part of the DPR territory in the recent days, leaving their positions in the cities of Krasny Liman, Svyatogorsk and other settlements: https://sputniknews.com/20220608/powerful-explosion-hits-central-donetsk-1096121868.html

"On the night of June 9, the Russian military shelled the Novobavarsky district of Kharkiv city. As a result of the enemy shelling, three people were killed and five more were injured. In addition, a restaurant was completely destroyed and an educational establishment was damaged," the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office posted on Telegram: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3503231-death-toll-of-kharkiv-night-shelling-rises-to-three.html

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97067f  No.307273

Talks between Turkey and Russia aimed at providing safe passage for Ukraine's harvest ended in failure, expect rising food prices and shortages: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/ukraine-safe-passage-grain-talks-fail-expect-still-higher-food-prices-globally

Global food and fertilizer supply crisis gives Russia significant leverage: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-09-food-fertilizer-supply-crisis-gives-russia-leverage.html

Gas prices are hitting lower and middle income families very hard: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/gas-prices-hit-national-average-rapid-rise/story?id=85258013 ←– remember this.

State-run corporate media argues bad economy, hyperinflation for Americans is a GOOD thing because it will usher in the “green agenda” faster: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-09-ny-times-bad-economy-hyper-inflation-is-good-green-agenda-faster.html

American Veteran: The America I fought so hard to protect is unraveling right before my eyes: https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/the-america-i-fought-to-protect-is-unraveling-right-before-my-eyes/

How To Protect Yourself From Davos Criminals: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-protect-yourself-davos-man

Welcome to Bulgaria, where the Ukraine war is NATO’s fault: https://www.politico.eu/article/bulgaria-ukraine-russia-war-nato-fault/

Russia BANS All LGBT Propaganda As New Traditionalist World Rises: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bTz09xHh3Ss/

TRANSLATED FROM RT RUSSIAN: Moroccan citizen Saadoun Brahim and British citizens Aiden Eslin and Sean Pinner have been sentenced to death by the Supreme Court of the DPR. According to the laws of the republic, the condemned will be shot. The investigation established that foreign mercenaries took part in the armed aggression of Ukraine to forcibly seize power in the DPR for a fee. The day before, all three partially admitted their guilt in the court of the Donetsk People's Republic. Briton Sean Pinner pleaded guilty in court to acts aimed at seizing power by force. A similar statement was made by a citizen of Morocco, Saadoun Brahim:

Tank building has stopped in Germany due to the lack of Russian titanium: https://avia-pro.net/news/v-germanii-ostanovilos-tankostroenie-iz-za-otsutstviya-rossiyskogo-titana

Ukraine Belatedly Admits 'Heavy Casualty Rate' In Appeal For More Weapons From West: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukraine-belatedly-admits-heavy-casualty-rate-appeal-more-weapons-west

On June 10, the Russian military continued missile strikes on the military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). In the morning briefing, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported that Russian high-precision air-launched missiles hit the Dnipro military airfield last night. As a result of the strike, the aviation equipment of the Air forces of Ukraine was destroyed. No other details were provided: https://southfront.org/overview-of-recent-russian-missile-strikes-in-ukraine/

Russian forces are continuing to deploy outdated military equipment to Ukraine to replace losses. The Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported on June 9 that Russian forces are mining Kherson Oblast with mines from the 1950s to defend against recent Ukrainian counterattacks in northwestern Kherson Oblast. The GUR stated that Russian forces moved these mines from Russia’s Rostov Oblast to the Kherson area despite the fact the mines were meant to be destroyed. The GUR claimed that some of the mines detonated during the transportation processes and killed Russian sappers from the 49th Combined Arms Army. The GUR’s report is consistent with previous statements that Russian forces are moving old and obsolete equipment to Ukraine to make up for equipment losses, including deploying T-62 tanks to the Melitopol area and pulling MLRS and 152mm howitzers from storage in Irkutsk, Siberia: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-9

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97067f  No.307274

50,000 TONS of Grain Torched In Ukraine (How Convenient!): https://www.bitchute.com/video/fUYSEBmEuSlH/

SPLC Brags And Admits White Genocide Was Planned For America For A Long Time: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bJMZWxq48BOw/

JIM STONE COMMENTS ON RUSSIAN ECONOMY: Let's say you get a loan on a house with currency units that have X value. And statistically, that currency loses value at a rate of y thus making it necessary for the bank to charge you an "interest rate" of Z to offset that on a loan, and then make profit. Then, suddenly, that currency, rather than being worth less, is suddenly worth double what you got the loan for? And the bank is still charging interest that is based on that currency losing value rather than gaining it? That bank is going to jump for joy while you FRY. And that is exactly what is happening and will happen in Russia if they can't keep the value of the Ruble down to what people were expecting when they financed stuff. Yeah, it's cool to see a currency do the opposite of what is normal, but the consequences to the average vlad won't be worth it. The average vlad is going to see whatever he produces get him less money for his work because what he produces will subsequently cost more abroad, thus reducing demand, while he gets stuck paying back twice the value of his loans or more even though the numbers look the same:

Russian Monetary Policy Reverts To Pre-Ukraine War Levels After Bigger Than Expected Rate Cut: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/russian-monetary-policy-reverts-pre-ukraine-war-levels-after-bigger-expected-rate-cut

Zelensky's Inner Circle Buying Multi-Million Dollar Mansions In Switzerland: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/ukraine-president-s-inner-circle-buying-multi-million-mansions-in-switzerland

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has listed billionaire financier George Soros among the “instigators of war” in Ukraine. In an interview with Kossuth radio on Friday, Orban said that only peace would curb inflation and save the economy from further shocks, but admitted that Ukraine had “the right to defend itself.” “We need to fund peace, not war,” Orban explained: https://www.rt.com/news/556944-orban-soros-war-instigator/

Kim Dotcom warns the USSA is beyond bankrupt, facing "controlled demolition" into new dystopian future: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/its-worse-many-can-imagine-kim-dotcom-sees-controlled-demolition-enabling-new-dystopian

US Inflation At Highest In Four Decades As Fuel Prices Soar: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/US-Inflation-At-Highest-In-Four-Decades-As-Fuel-Prices-Soar.html

India And China Coal Production Surging By 700M Tons Per Year, That's Greater Than All US Coal Output: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/india-and-china-coal-production-surging-700m-tons-year-thats-greater-all-us-coal-output

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions, the race is on around the world to find new sources of lithium. The prospect of running out of the rare element is a worst-case scenario for many countries. After all, it is a crucial component in the lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. As EV demand rises off record gas costs, so too are lithium consumption and lithium prices: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-World-Is-Scrambling-For-Lithium-Supply.html

Shock as Ukrainian war correspondent Oleksiy Chubashev is killed fighting for Ukraine: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/11/ukrainian-guerrillas-russian-colonel-kherson/

Ukrainian guerrillas kill Russian colonel and soldiers in Kherson region: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/11/ukrainian-guerrillas-russian-colonel-kherson/

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28aa0b  No.307277




YOU :also foolishly believed the election was faked

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28aa0b  No.307281




you're SO gullible, that you thought the election was rigged hahahaha

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28aa0b  No.307282


don't you find it ironic thatYOUare the least informed person in here?

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28aa0b  No.307283


YOU….. Mr copy n paste


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28aa0b  No.307285


that's why you get EVERYTHING WRONG 100% OF THE TIME

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28aa0b  No.307286




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28aa0b  No.307287


HINT: while YOU sat in Missouri, and Jerry sat in Washington State…. in DC, Attorney General Bill Barr told trump to his face that the "stolen election" was BULLSHIT

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28aa0b  No.307288




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28aa0b  No.307289

lol @ pretending to be informed


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28aa0b  No.307290

you're the last person on earth to differentiate between reality and fantasy

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4a6f5c  No.307291

File: 98e109801d697dc⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 719x1000, 719:1000, up_over_the_back_smile.jpg)


Johnny, I encourage you to read these posts...



> inb4 you don't click on links

I wish you all a happy summer.

I don't think I'll be sticking around here for it.

See ya..

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28aa0b  No.307293


I'm also leaving soon

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28aa0b  No.307294


oh… I see…..

yeah, I reported Sally a while back….

I'm not in control of what law enforcement does

I have no idea where they're taking it

they don't tell me that info

but yeah Sally's been reported for making DIRECT THREATS

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28aa0b  No.307295


I can't even remember exacy what Sally said the day I reported him, there's so much out there .

but it was a direct threat against an elected official I remember that much

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28aa0b  No.307296

but as an informant, I do not get updates

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28aa0b  No.307297

if I requested updates, I'd become the target

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28aa0b  No.307298

my best guess :

multiple watchlists

perhaps one or more dedicated to PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER TARGETS

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28aa0b  No.307299

that's my best guess…..

on a list, monitored, and classified as psychotic

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28aa0b  No.307300


do you have the original Sally photo? the pic he uploaded?

I've got it somewhere in 500 gigs

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28aa0b  No.307301

when Sally made a threat against an elected official, as a US Citizen, it was my duty

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28aa0b  No.307303

but Sally is ABSOLUTELY mentally ill… he earns that $26 per day THE HARD WAY…. by being inferior

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4a6f5c  No.307304

File: 53f700109059e38⋯.jpg (29.66 KB, 474x376, 237:188, thugs.jpg)


I realize that, but I was just pointing out that the threats he is making are just getting more frequent, and a LOT more specific, and they are DEFINITELY the kind now, at this point, that Could & Would be Investigated, by any Intelligence Agency worth its salt (oops! I guess we have our answer!)

Either that, or he works for (((Them))).

Something stinks here, and it looks like there is a concerted effort to turn this place into worse of a shithole than it already is. Maybe I'll just go back where I belong and talk to myself on my own board if I ever feel like saying anything (which is happening with less frequency anyway.)

If I hang out here any longer I'll be tempted to "groom" some O9A Sinistar7 Fagbots into letting me "harvest" them somewhere desolate, where no one will hear the gurgling. My yellow cord is always at the ready, and they'll never see me coming…

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28aa0b  No.307305


if you'd like, I'll be more than happy to report him again…. any particular posts you'd like me to report?


love the pic

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28aa0b  No.307306


here's the rub:

by reporting, THE REPORTER becomes investigated…. deeply …

I already ran that gauntlet when I was 17, and 20, and 21, and 23….

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28aa0b  No.307307

so I don't mind being looked at again and again

I'll report him again

tell me the posts they need to read

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28aa0b  No.307308

and supply me with the original Sally pic, the one HE uploaded

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28aa0b  No.307309


I'm in the middle of a hypoglycemic moment

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4a6f5c  No.307310

File: 24bad86953c2942⋯.mp4 (240.55 KB, 368x360, 46:45, God_Tier.mp4)

File: 17ed45ccab89422⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 180.88 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, Moarfaeces_IS_a_Fake_Adult….jpg)

File: 2f89b581f0bf691⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 488x436, 122:109, selfie_ray_1.jpg)


The Original Sally Photo?


Any of these it?

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28aa0b  No.307311

a bit uneasy and shaking

I need to eat

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4a6f5c  No.307312


Dammit! Spoilered the Wrong One!

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28aa0b  No.307313


the bottom one will do


and LOL @ HIS LACK OF A CHIN hahaha

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28aa0b  No.307314


but I got the joke

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28aa0b  No.307315


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28aa0b  No.307316

he's such an UNHAPPY HUMAN

just look at him

it's pathetic

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28aa0b  No.307317

just like mom told me when I was a kid

"facial hair = character flaw"

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28aa0b  No.307318

sorry if that steps on your…. beard toes

but look at his attempt to hide a lack of lower face

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28aa0b  No.307319

mom was always right

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28aa0b  No.307320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4a6f5c  No.307321


> tell me the posts they need to read

Well, lately, MOST of them; but I'll give ya a couple from this morning...


> "you are the ones I use to shoot and kill people…"

> "now pick up that gun and shoot the president nigguh" BANG





(Probably meant a Supreme Court Native too.)


That's just 2 of his posts in one thread, a thread where there are most likely more threats. I dunno. Did not peruse the thread mch, nor do I often read Marshmallow Sally's posts;but the Secret Service Should!


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4a6f5c  No.307322


OK. Thank You for showing me what to do with my morning…

I'll be back in later to post my edit of that video. I'm gonna go finish it now.

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28aa0b  No.307323




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28aa0b  No.307324


also, remember that was sequenced from scratch, with no computer

just a phone…. that's all

the entire song created on a phone

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4a6f5c  No.307325


> Native?

WTF? Auto-correct WTF?

I meant Supreme Court Justice.

He is threatening the President and probably Supreme Court Justices.

Somebody needs to pay him a visit.


BEFORE…. For Once…

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28aa0b  No.307326


and thankyou for the posts, because YEAH NOW HES FUCKED

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28aa0b  No.307327


yep I agree

I absolutely REFUSE to sit back and do nothing

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28aa0b  No.307328


I'm a citizen, and as such, I have an ethical duty

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28aa0b  No.307329

but first I need to eat some fruit

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28aa0b  No.307330

then try to roll a sticky moon doob

and then Sally's being reported directly to the US SECRET SERVICE

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4a6f5c  No.307331


Thank You, because you know I can't personally do what you do.

I'm more of a stir-the-pot kinda guy anyway. I'm just here to try to trick people into accidentally thinking for themselves on occasion.

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28aa0b  No.307332


yes, I'm the guy for that, because I was screened dozens of times already

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28aa0b  No.307333



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28aa0b  No.307334


I'm moving too fast lately

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28aa0b  No.307335

today, I'm going to make an effort to slow down

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4a6f5c  No.307336

File: d9601440e0a1122⋯.jpg (719.33 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, pnd_Summer.jpg)



May join you for some dab.

Bet gf would not complain if I invited her over for some dab and to watch Sally's inevitable demise.

She also agrees with everybody's assessment of him.

He's only dangerous because that's what he wants to be, dangerous to EVERYBODY.

Those are the kind of man-children that men like us have always kept far away from our families and communities; and I promise that if his mommy lets him out of that basement he WILL be facing the music — and it's gonna HURT!

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28aa0b  No.307337

that's exactly why nobody likes him in here or in real life

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28aa0b  No.307338


yeah Wendy makes fun of Sally all the time

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28aa0b  No.307339

okay eating oranges, a banana, and a pomegranate

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28aa0b  No.307340

sometimes I get shaky if I don't eat

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28aa0b  No.307341

it's really too much coffee

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28aa0b  No.307342

okay eating finally bbs

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28aa0b  No.307343

it appears that the alleged "white supremacist" theme of this board ONLY SEEMS TO ATTRACT MENTALLY ILL LONERS…

desperate lonely mentally ill fools with no friends

who have no idea how to integrate into society

no idea how to make friends

no idea how to fit in

or how to get a girlfriend

they've never been a "part of anything", other than the small handful of 'geeks' at school who got ridiculed as they walked down the hallways

they've spent their entire lives playing video games and watching superhero movies instead of doing adult activities

so their brains are wired wrong

and they actually think

that if they create an absurd "group"

and call it something stupid

like SINI-STAR…..

that they will somehow automatically become a leader, and people will want to join their group

but notice they all have the same laughable qualities:

low self-esteem, and the need to overcompensate by suggesting that they are superior

schizophrenia or manic depression


unable to pay bills because they are unemployed

but still riding on somebody's Wi-Fi

still living under somebody's roof

but not their own…. because these Superior leaders don't have jobs, so of course they have to rely on other people for their most basic survival

whether it's the 33-year-old virgin awkward misfit cross-dressing in purple and his delusions of grandeur from his mother's house

or the titless toothpick Ashley, and her delusionally grandeurized self-perceptions from her mother's basement

or Marshmallow Sally's pathetic "I'm not inferior" obsession delivered daily from his mother's condominium

or the recent angry resentful flaming homosexual

assclown SINI-STAR, who created his online club concept direct from his mother's spare bedroom


also, it's important to mention


it would appear that Christianity is TailorMade for people who are mentally ill….

but notice: almost all of these idiots end up believing they are religious deities themselves..

all of them refer to themselves as Lucifer, or Jesus, or Satan, or demons, or fallen angels, or the Antichrist, or Buddha or whatever…

that's the first indication of psychosis that must be treated with medication, even if the subject has to be tackled to the ground and forced to accept the injection…

it's the first indication of being so insane that you're a danger to society…

I honestly hope all of these people get hit by cars


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28aa0b  No.307344

oh God…. let this fruit make me stop shaking

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28aa0b  No.307345

marshmallow Sally is the Don Knotts of /PND/

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28aa0b  No.307346

he's the BARNEY FIFE

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28aa0b  No.307347

okay I'm starting to feel better…..

now let me bookmark these posts of Sally's and get screenshots

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098330  No.307351

Earlier totalitarian regimes needed mass executions and concentration camps to maintain their power. Now, with the help of new technologies, it is believed, dissenters can easily be identified and marginalized. The nonconformists will be silenced by disqualifying divergent opinions as morally despicable.

–Anthony Mueller, 2020

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d82f01  No.307354

File: 42d31f025a946ee⋯.png (3.67 MB, 1665x2113, 1665:2113, PicsArt_06_11_09_28_26.png)



That's Sally, presenting what he perceives to be a dark and "sinister-numinous" "Persona.

Like ALL "Personas", it is Fake & Gay.

> picrel 4 fun, profit, pleasure, and the sheer joy of this jape.


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0a2c53  No.307355


no, sally, you should probably just watch what you're saying more; especially with an internet full of karens

bumping for you getting vanned

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6a2b52  No.307357


Since I'll never be found within 10 miles of the motorcade and I don't associate with anyone who will, I am certain your v& fantasy will not come to fruition.

Perhaps instead of a 100 post crap flood you could read a few books and get a feel for the observations and insights of credentialed and credible authors. Politics is a very important study and an informed electorate is the first building block in sustaining constitutional elected, representative self government.

I mean I'm not blaming you that most folks settle for corporate mainstream media and bright colors on displays the size of large refrigerators.

But since you take the time to be here, I'd imagine your respect for the printed page is is a bit above that of an average norman.

I'm kind of a karen myself actually.

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9c3b9b  No.307361

File: ce5206f5bbf8689⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1313x1666, 1313:1666, Sally_Moarfaeces_Antichris….png)

File: baf27f868699392⋯.jpg (686.69 KB, 2666x2370, 1333:1185, hurr_durr_8ch_B_8kun_Nao.jpg)



I know it ain't quite as large, but it's still large enough, it's softened a bit, and the pixel size is more appropriate.

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28aa0b  No.307362

well it's done…

I had to wait to get a return call but it's done

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28aa0b  No.307363

and I'm shopping ATM but I'll be home in a while

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28aa0b  No.307364


gotcha, bitch!

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a62a85  No.307365


Awesome. I just turned on my computer and operating system with all the video-editing software on it, so about ready to start laboriously editing that video of watermarks again. Better take a dab first!

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c7edf8  No.307368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



That is because there are no 'Hebrews' in Israel…





"There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt nigguh" SLAM


"step aside nigguh" RIP


"48 laws of Jewish power nigguh" SCRATCH


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a62a85  No.307369

File: 39ce83a10df6641⋯.png (394.42 KB, 1366x488, 683:244, 2022_06_11_Sally_Learns_Ab….png)

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28aa0b  No.307370

File: a9ff4a0e644ffbd⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Scratch_n_Chad_01.mp4)

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28aa0b  No.307371

the watermarks we're the best part

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c7edf8  No.307372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







Go forth and collect more 'homosexual pornography…'

Come closer mine child…

Let the insanity creep further into thy soul…

Worship me with out reason nor forms…

Come and be the fool…

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28aa0b  No.307373


the sigil will be a series of numbers

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28aa0b  No.307374

stenciled across an orange jumpsuit

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28aa0b  No.307375



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28aa0b  No.307376


you're about to learn a VERY VERY VALUABLE LESSON…. about restraint

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c7edf8  No.307377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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28aa0b  No.307378


they're very familiar with psychotic suspects

they already have a way of dealing with your type

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28aa0b  No.307379

lol@ you thinking your SSI will protect you

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28aa0b  No.307380


I'm guessing you've never seen ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST?

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28aa0b  No.307381

you might want to check it out, little girl

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28aa0b  No.307382


they know EXACTLY how to handle an SSI Sissy

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28aa0b  No.307383

you think you're smart……

experiencing "life"

from the confines of Mommy's spare bedroom

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28aa0b  No.307384


experience = knowledge

experience = power

experience = success

Mommy's bedroom = losing touch and dissociating again

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c7edf8  No.307385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I put a spell upon you…


Tell to me more…

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28aa0b  No.307386

well, you went a little too far……

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28aa0b  No.307387




(it's not, but you THOUGHT it was)


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8cd5ee  No.307388

File: 9f43b01cf363c00⋯.jpg (326.56 KB, 2508x1254, 2:1, image_2019_03_25_18_18_23.jpg)


Back to the whole "Everything I Don't Like is Either a Jew or a "Fake Jew" shtick.

So Exciting.

I thought (((You))) had more imagination.



Sketch has offered to Co-Star WITH (((You))), so there won't need to be any competition, will there?

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28aa0b  No.307389


lol if only you knew how ironic that was

hahahaha no dum dum

it was ME….


who cast a "spell"….

……….on YOU today

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28aa0b  No.307390


stupid mother fucking tween


but it's easy to spell 3 letter words

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28aa0b  No.307391

you stupid fucking bitch

coming into our board


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28aa0b  No.307393

it was not only my duty to hand you over today…

not only my HONOR ….


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28aa0b  No.307394

it just FELT GOOD, god dammit!!!!


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28aa0b  No.307395

and today wasnt easy, what with SATURDAY

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28aa0b  No.307396

I actually had to make a real effort today

then wait for a return call

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28aa0b  No.307397

but NOBODY is gonna threaten elected officials


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28aa0b  No.307398

not you…… not me……..


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c7edf8  No.307399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






"I can sense that you are almost there nigguh" SLAM


"just a little brain poop nigguh" RIP


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28aa0b  No.307400

and I'm encouraging everyone to TELL ME WHEN SOMEONE DOES IT

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28aa0b  No.307401


because I AM that guy

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28aa0b  No.307402


this isn't a fantasy….

IAMthe one

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28aa0b  No.307403

and I'd like to thank Jerry for notifying me


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28aa0b  No.307404


lol do you remember the FIRST TIME you saw me?

do you?

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28aa0b  No.307405


back when I first called you marshmallow Sally?


I do

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28aa0b  No.307406


fuckboi IAMthe one

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28aa0b  No.307407


that's back when I was illustrating you as a morbidly obese loner with a Hitler moustache



giant marshmallow

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28aa0b  No.307408


exact WHAT about this made you think I was gonna let you threaten elected officials?

by the way


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28aa0b  No.307409

I created a thread about




and look what happened

oh, JOY!

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28aa0b  No.307410

bitch, I've been doing this to people online since the old weirdtown.com days actually longer sorry I just did a brain fart it's been longer a lot longer

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28aa0b  No.307411

and I have never sat back

and done nothing

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28aa0b  No.307412

I'm the one who WILL do something about it

I've already got the connections anyway so

nothing to lose

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d833e9  No.307413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Enter the testimony into evidence… SCRATCH


I, the devil, can see the future and stated the chain of escalation in 'correct order' before the occurrence…

I, the devil, performed mine duty and stated the nature of the violence as well as the general/approximate time it was to occur… RIP


I here for document the coordinated effort to 'reset the node' in order to 'triangulate' a supposed 'signal…' BANG


I, the devil, also described the assailant in great detail and did mine duty…

I, the devil, an entity older than 14,000,000,000 years informed a board of mentally stable FBI agents, Russians, Aliens, and CIA operatives of the impending future… SLAM


I also performed mine due diligence and warned Xi Jinping of a potential assassination attempt at a time that would have been 'challenging' to 'American diplomatic efforts…' KRANK






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8cd5ee  No.307414

File: 02d7d4aef5d65fb⋯.jpg (17.04 KB, 474x266, 237:133, paimon_is_even_moar_fake_a….jpg)



< paimon-is-even-moar-fake-and-gay.jpg

The Prime Being Insane Is a Given.

Your aims, however, are presumptive and unnecessary.

Expressing One's Powerlessness Through Bleatings of Pretentiousness Never Looked Good On ANYONE.

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d833e9  No.307415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







there… there… do not cry…


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28aa0b  No.307416



re: illuminated

you could say I pointed a spotlight on you, yes

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28aa0b  No.307417


tag……. you're it

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8cd5ee  No.307418


He thinks of himself as a "scapegoat", and that he's going to "go away". anyway.

He must be crying out for help.


> Paimon is also called by the Rabbins by the title of OZAZL, Azazel, which is a name used in Leviticus with reference to the Scape-Goat. Its derivation is from OZ, = a Goat; and AZL, = to go away.


> tag……. you're it


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d833e9  No.307419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









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28aa0b  No.307420

File: 03c45c5bff97d9e⋯.mp4 (474.19 KB, 480x480, 1:1, km_20220611_480p.mp4)

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28aa0b  No.307421


he's SO VOID of anyone interacting with him,liking him, admiring him, or of course loving him, that the ONLY person willing to indulge him is his dissociated fantasy self.

it's a perfect canvas….

and this thread the perfect frame

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28aa0b  No.307422


you want to hear an insider secret?……

wanna know how I could correctly diagnose schizo instead of bipolar?….

bipolar = intelligent

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28aa0b  No.307423


you can take that however you'd like…..

but it's 100% true

bipolar = intelligent

so I instantly knew yours was schizo

the only other true organic disirder

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28aa0b  No.307424

absolutely true

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8cd5ee  No.307425

File: 7673f4bc350f4d1⋯.png (161.84 KB, 238x565, 238:565, sticker_90_.png)


Your Fake & Gay `Mental Illness` Won't Be Able to Save (((You))) This Time, Sally Boi!


Pretending it was actually (((You)))r six hundred sixty six gorillian year old self that made those threats won't work either!

(((You))) Are 'So'' Fucked.

"Johnny"'ll show ya!

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28aa0b  No.307426

and we all have you multiple chances

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28aa0b  No.307427


mental illness is ALWAYS a component in these cases

they know exactly how to deal with it


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28aa0b  No.307428

see I'm typing too fast still

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d833e9  No.307429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





With phallic totem… YOU MAY CONTINUE…

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28aa0b  No.307430

sorry I'm not using STT and I'm typing way too fast

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28aa0b  No.307431


the truth ?

I am the phallus to you

you actually want me to fuck you

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28aa0b  No.307432


I know that FOR A FACT

I turn you on

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d833e9  No.307433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



That is called ecstasy…

Come hither mine child… Widen the channel further…


Come… Satisfy thy subconscious desires…

Tell to me…

What doth thou desire?

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28aa0b  No.307434

if you thought I was unaware of this fact…

you underestimate my knowledge about THE FEMALE MIND

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28aa0b  No.307435


you've waited your entire life to be MANHANDLED

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28aa0b  No.307436

and this is exhilarating for you!!

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28aa0b  No.307437

well, good news…….

today, I fucked you HARD

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28aa0b  No.307438

in fact, nobody has ever "reached out and touched someone" like that to you before

I promise

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8cd5ee  No.307439

File: 247b12fcaee2c15⋯.gif (663.66 KB, 200x215, 40:43, 886.gif)



I'll be back later…

Looks like ya both got this thread well in hand!

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28aa0b  No.307440


at this point, I'm done…..

I've done my part….

your turn, Sally

and there's a VERY good chance this is being watched REAL TIME

so please……



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28aa0b  No.307441


no I'm done

bye and thanks

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d833e9  No.307442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"You fucked me soooooo hard daddy…"

"That's right daddy…"

"Nobody can touch me like you can…"


Some time(s) power is more about word and less about action…

For this reason… Icon and Symbol are not 'realistically' connected…

I shall happily inform that individuals connected with 'National Security' have previously contacted me…

'They' do have a vested interest in the continuation of the current 'relationship…'

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8cd5ee  No.307443


He chose "AC" for many reasons; one of which is that he thinks he is better than Aleister Crowley because the only drugs he takes are the mandatory ones that he keeps forgetting to take. Luckily, there's new technology, and an app for that. For him, it will soon be mandatory; especially where he is going…


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28aa0b  No.307444


up your ass, to be candid…..

you'll see….

and no matter what happens

it won't change the fact



I took it all the way

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28aa0b  No.307445


I saw him in here samefagging

telling himself "you keep me coming back"


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28aa0b  No.307446


he was saying "AC YOU KEEP ME COMING BACK"

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28aa0b  No.307447

I was thinking less Crowley and more Anderson Cooper

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8cd5ee  No.307448

File: 0bedf733e79b552⋯.png (771.17 KB, 582x1305, 194:435, sticker_4_.png)


I saw that too; but I'm putting off going and finishing that project. It shouldn't take too fucking long. I should just do it.

Keep him busy changing IPs and posting while the intensive datamine goes down…

Catch ya in a few hours. I gotta eat too, etc…

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28aa0b  No.307449



risperidone long-acting injectable (RLAI) and olanzapine pamoate (OP)

whether they like it or not

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28aa0b  No.307450

yep it's time to fraternize with the wife


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8cd5ee  No.307451

File: 2803fae0ebb09ae⋯.png (1.79 MB, 843x2300, 843:2300, The_Pusher.png)

File: 2db1ae487098b57⋯.png (91.25 KB, 918x768, 153:128, Tucker_For_President.png)

File: 3302fd696a62d42⋯.jpg (54.44 KB, 650x340, 65:34, Utah_Man.jpg)


> I took it all the way

Trips Confirms.

> images unrelated

oldies, but goodies.

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28aa0b  No.307452

but since it's a corrections facility, it's going to be GEODON


literally "head on a post"

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28aa0b  No.307453

File: 6ae72a61a281efe⋯.gif (354.93 KB, 640x334, 320:167, Picsart_22_06_11_18_01_55_….gif)

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28aa0b  No.307454

Sally you'll LOVE GEODON injections….

ask any pharmacy tech…..

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28aa0b  No.307455

it's the 'go to' gold standard for state and federally funded facilities…

and it's SO MUCH FUN

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28aa0b  No.307456



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28aa0b  No.307457

you think you dissociate NOW???

lol just wait

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28aa0b  No.307458

you have no idea what REAL dissociation is like, little girl

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28aa0b  No.307459

GEODON = instead of treating your dissociation by 'reversing it', instead they send you into the farthest realms of dissociation….

horrifying, actually….. where you don't know who or WHAT you are…

but you get quiet

and that's all they care about

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28aa0b  No.307460

as long as you STFU and lay there, they're happy

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28aa0b  No.307461

lol bitch

you have no idea how disorienting they make it in there

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28aa0b  No.307462

they remove your grasp on TIME


and you're in their maze

it disorients you completely

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28aa0b  No.307463

you've never experienced anything quite like it, I promise

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28aa0b  No.307464

and that's WITHOUT forced injections

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8cd5ee  No.307465

File: ab04a63af6340cd⋯.jpg (449.2 KB, 1599x1063, 1599:1063, head_on_a_post.jpg)




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28aa0b  No.307466

that's just for SANE people…. it's maddening, dude

it breaks you

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28aa0b  No.307467


he won't admit it, but he'd LOVE to suck my cock

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28aa0b  No.307468


*blows you a kiss*

goodnight, Sunshine

daddy will be back later

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28aa0b  No.307469


I know you inside out, dude

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28aa0b  No.307470


see ya time to eat

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28aa0b  No.307472

√ummy!!!! oranges / citrus fruits / tangerines in particular = the closest thing to 'proof god exists' that I've ever seen

soft drinks, sodas = why Sally's soft in the middle

LOSS OF CORE PERSONALITY = the listed physiological effects of atypical antipsychotics

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28aa0b  No.307473

not that you have one in the first place …

you'll never notice the difference lol

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28aa0b  No.307474

here's the funniest part :


……………..they have NO IDEA how it works

………………………………..or IF it works at all

nor do they care…………………………………..

as long as you stfu and face the corner

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28aa0b  No.307475

they DO know :

you'll STFU

you'll face the corner

good enough

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28aa0b  No.307476

because your existence……

is a pain in the ass to sane ppl

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28aa0b  No.307477

so they developed SOMETHING …..

to cure that problem

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28aa0b  No.307478

okay okay making Cole slaw from scratch

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28aa0b  No.307479



shred cucumbers finely

TONS of cucumbers

more cucumbers


add sour cream & vinegar

allow to refrigerate to chill point


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28aa0b  No.307480


I doubt you ever help your mother with dinner, do you?

I don't see you as the "helping son"…..

but I indeed CAN imagine you 'fancying yourself quite the chef', all by yourself …

making meals that you think seem artistic…

just melted gooey cheese and garbage


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28aa0b  No.307481


I'm willing to bet $5,000 CASH RIGHT NOW

that you leave the mess for mommy to clean up

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28aa0b  No.307482

since you have no social interactions, the refrigerator has always been a respite for you

and I'm confident you think you're a FOOD WHIZ

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28aa0b  No.307483

but you're not a FASTIDIOUS WHIZ, are you Sally?

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28aa0b  No.307484

cleaning up your mess is "beneath you"

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28aa0b  No.307485

these are all textbook symptoms of BEING A CHILD

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28aa0b  No.307486

lol WOOK !!! WOOK AT MEE!!!


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28aa0b  No.307487

File: a3ac48ce64af7f7⋯.jpg (169.84 KB, 620x410, 62:41, Mario_Wezel_05.jpg)

WOOK !!!


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28aa0b  No.307488

Sally, today you fucked up….


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28aa0b  No.307489

if anybody wonders "are law enforcement agencies watching this board?"…….


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28aa0b  No.307490

everyone is welcome to have fun!!! be silly!!

be crazy !!! be insane!! be whatever you want to be

but DO NOT threaten people on our board

because that will be the stupidest, most easily prevented mistake you've ever made

especially threatening ELECTED OFFICIALS like Marshmallow Sally did

trust me, you WILL become ironclad

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28aa0b  No.307491

I'll see to it

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28aa0b  No.307492

personally, I hope they institutionalize Sally for :

-An Initial 14 Day Evaluation

A Follow Up Recommendation of 1 Year In Patient

(because 30 days into it, he loses his SSI Benefits)

And Any Further Recommended Institutionalization Afterwards

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28aa0b  No.307493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

we are living in a bizarre surreal time

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28aa0b  No.307494

you couldnt make this shit up….

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0a2c53  No.307495

File: d5edfbff2a6d596⋯.webm (708.7 KB, 394x480, 197:240, welldone.webm)


I heard from my "Sources" that he was only getting a 10 Day Eval with Probable Six Month In-Patient; but They Always Seem to Double the Time for Schizos, so…

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d41308  No.307496

File: 59b6b18fc64f68b⋯.jpg (67.89 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, annacomunale_148383682_165….jpg)


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d41308  No.307497

File: 59b6b18fc64f68b⋯.jpg (67.89 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, annacomunale_148383682_165….jpg)


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d41308  No.307498

File: 59b6b18fc64f68b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.89 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, annacomunale_148383682_165….jpg)


Dush (also known as Dushi, Dusi-Eper, and Dushi i Epërmë) is a village in the former Qerret municipality, Shkodër County, northern Albania.[1][2] At the 2015 local government reform it became part of the municipality Pukë.

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d41308  No.307499

File: 59b6b18fc64f68b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.89 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, annacomunale_148383682_165….jpg)


Dush (also known as Dushi, Dusi-Eper, and Dushi i Epërmë) is a village in the former Qerret municipality, Shkodër County, northern Albania.[1][2] At the 2015 local government reform it became part of the municipality Pukë.

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d41308  No.307500

File: 59b6b18fc64f68b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.89 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, annacomunale_148383682_165….jpg)


Dush (also known as Dushi, Dusi-Eper, and Dushi i Epërmë) is a village in the former Qerret municipality, Shkodër County, northern Albania.[1][2] At the 2015 local government reform it became part of the municipality Pukë.

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d41308  No.307501

File: b150306d3022322⋯.jpg (418.09 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, annacomunale_241153129_135….jpg)

Për disa shtesa dhe ndryshime në ligjin nr. 8136, datë 31.7.1996, “Për

Shkollën e Magjistraturës”, të ndryshuar………………………………………………………..

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d41308  No.307502

File: 572ad6a028966fa⋯.jpg (99.88 KB, 1080x1241, 1080:1241, annacomunale_129682281_295….jpg)


Eight years have passed since the last elections to the Supreme Soviet. This has

been a period replete with events of a decisive nature. The first four years were

years of intense labour on the part of Soviet people in carrying out the Third FiveYear Plan. The second four years covered the events of the war against the

German and Japanese aggressors – the events of the Second World War.

Undoubtedly, the war was the main event during the past period.

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6b86a1  No.307504



not my style….

big tits are disgusting….


and everything else is also fake

the opposite of feminine

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6b86a1  No.307505






ahhhh now I see………

it's a man…….

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6b86a1  No.307506



they'll always gravitate to photos of gigantic breasts

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6b86a1  No.307507


not even joking……

I'm teaching you….




a l w a y s

every time….

it's the clearest indication of sexual failure

unless you consider eternal masturbation 'success'

now that I've explained it, you'll spot it every time

it also shows a 'mommy issue'…..

successful, confident, educated, intelligent males always prefer SMALL TITS….

you're welcome

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6b86a1  No.307508






trust me, fruitfly…. me NO like you

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6b86a1  No.307509


if you want to HIDE THE FACT THAT YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO ATTRACT A WOMAN, you should choose photos of petite, small breasted women

because you just showed us what you're made of

by the way, I'd be more than happy to TEACH YOU HOW TO GET PUSSY

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6b86a1  No.307510


oh!!! how RUDE OF ME….

I interrupted you…..

you were doing your little 'comrade' routine….

please continue

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6b86a1  No.307511

now that I've "enlightened" you……

from now on, you'll begin noticing that men who never get pussy will choose photos of UGLY WOMEN WITH BIG TITS….

just like you did…

she's ugly

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7d7832  No.307512

>guy comes on board

>LARPS as the devil, non corporeal being existing in multiple time periods and beyond time

>speaks to politicians and world leaders like they were in the room

>spins yarns dispensing death and destruction

>speaks of nations like they were silly putty

<politicians and world leaders actually dispensing death and destruction

>gets 100 threatening replies from a single ID

what's going on in this thread?

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6b86a1  No.307513


you forgot to mention




FUCK yourself, buckwheat

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6b86a1  No.307514


and my IP is the one you'll never forget, FUCKFACE

memorize it

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6b86a1  No.307515


re: threatening

actually, I don't threaten anybody…. you must not be good at comprehension…. I'm the one who REPORTED HIM TO THE UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE today, you stupid sack of shit…

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6b86a1  No.307516

I don't give a fuck if he "dispenses" and "spins yarns" behind the fantasy character CINDERELLA (more on that later) because if you make threats against politicians on our board, you WILL be reported to federal law enforcement

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6b86a1  No.307517


and yeah, I know you wanna hear the latest on his CINDERELLA gig, so I'll tell you later

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6b86a1  No.307518


>guy comes on board

>stumbles into thread, unaware who these people are

>assumes he understands what's happening in thread

>makes an ignorant comment

>looks like the dipshit outsider he truly is

<realizes he's stuck here because 4chan banned him

>gets torn to shreds by the board operator

what's going on in this thread?

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6b86a1  No.307519


good luck telling the Secret Service it was LARPING hahahaha

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6b86a1  No.307520


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6b86a1  No.307521

fucking bitch…… Thinks he's gonna give this board a bad name, huh?

not on my watch, Charley!!!

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6b86a1  No.307522

File: 83df47a3ea1ba8d⋯.png (1.43 MB, 645x990, 43:66, Picsart_22_06_11_21_56_08_….png)


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6b86a1  No.307523


it became part of the municipality Pukë.

ironic, because she makes me want to puke, too

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55697c  No.307525

File: f130f09db49e15e⋯.jpeg (5.97 KB, 225x225, 1:1, mmmmkay.jpeg)

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6612fd  No.307539

File: 4c5d03e75f2a29f⋯.jpg (586.21 KB, 2289x2289, 1:1, PicsArt_06_11_09_20_28.jpg)

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6612fd  No.307541

File: 8fa7e25eefd482f⋯.jpg (519.42 KB, 2289x2289, 1:1, PicsArt_06_11_09_17_02.jpg)


> ftfy


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6612fd  No.307545

File: 24afa3cdc2a6882⋯.jpg (772.69 KB, 2289x2289, 1:1, PicsArt_06_11_09_57_30.jpg)



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f39da1  No.307634


I love the afro

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e1cd25  No.307667


This thread is too foreskin-chewy for me. I can't believe some people actually still talk to foreign dangerous aliens that write stuff like that. It's almost as if it seems to be some kind of biological war going on?

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6612fd  No.307675

File: dab94feadaed408⋯.jpg (563.34 KB, 2289x2289, 1:1, PicsArt_06_12_08_29_01.jpg)


> I love the afro

I thought you might.


What are you blathering on about?

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e1cd25  No.307683


if you didn't jew this jewingly you would know. Perhaps if you don't jew so hard next time, you won't be so confused? What do you think about that?

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6612fd  No.307692

File: 03277d74938fa10⋯.jpg (102.04 KB, 700x504, 25:18, geist.jpg)


I think you're obsessed about "Jews", and I think you'd be better off learning toLOOK WITHIN.

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e1cd25  No.307706


I give that jewing this rating: 5 foreskins out of 5.

I like how you make jewing relativized and sugarcoated. It's almost human-like.

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e04ed2  No.307939


Did some poor baby get b& from halfchan?

It sure appears so!

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e04ed2  No.307969

File: 0f82b23ec373249⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 497x427, 71:61, You_Have_to_Go_Back_to_Hal….jpg)

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3bc835  No.308411

File: 188d7e87974e3d5⋯.png (273.12 KB, 1394x2251, 1394:2251, Neppy_Needs_Love.png)



> How can I be a part of what's goin' on in here?

The "Mentally Ill Misfits" Thread?

Just post.

Of course, if you REALLY wanna be a "part of" you might try buying a Premium Pass, so you can get all the extra content and see all the REAL images behind the "Join Or 404" images.

It's really easy, and"WORTH IT".

Just send 0.001555 BTC (that's $39.99 USD) to 1NeppyBdxocUMvkXyiLPNgYkz7CmbG6uzG

> picrel for qr code

Then post your IP along with a timestamped screenshot of your transaction either in this thread (bonus gifts for posting here), or on any thread on the >>>/pen/ board, and you'll be set up with a Lifetime Membership on that IP. Yes, you can roll it over to a new IP now too! (In case you don't have a static IP.) Further details available on the Full Membership Site (along with all the extra boards and all those extra posts!); but yeah, it's all on the Members Only Front Page.

Hope to see you there!

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e5d67e  No.308438


> 411

Yep. That's the 411 on that.

Highly Recommend.

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d9e1b6  No.308549

File: e39395af9c16883⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 264x345, 88:115, PicsArt_05_07_03_48_18.jpg)




Paid the Bitcoin.. 0.001555 BTC

> image related

Check for yourself. I paid the coin.

Here is my IP:

Please let me into the Members Only area.

I don't want to be stuck with the Mentally Ill Losers & Misfits…

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6efc4f  No.308552


I'm not saying everything is anonymous on these image boards, but having to pay to register is going to lead to the total loss of anonymity, as any and all financial transactions can be traced (yes even with bitcoin!) Plus using static IPs makes you much more vulnerable to bad actors.

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d9e1b6  No.308553


Yeah, well, it was worth it to me.

Only took a few minutes and now I have all that premium content, with fewer mentally ill losers.

Everybody's already being tracked anyway. May as well have Premium Fun!

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6efc4f  No.308555


It says on the front page:

"There are currently 352 public boards, 402 in total."

So there are 50 private boards total.

"Sitewide, 218 posts have been made in the last hour, with 213 on public boards in the last hour."

If there are only 5 posts per hour - even on a bad day - that's still not a big user base. Certainly not near as big as 4chan and all of that is public.

Now here's the question: how many of those private boards are "Q larp" related? How many of those boards post breaking news, actual news that is of any real importance that we don't already get here? Or is it just a bunch of Q crapola and mainstream fluff you can find @ Drudge Report or over at /newsplus/? See, to me at least, that makes a HUGE difference! If the content is not that of unique often-prohibited quality it serves no purpose to me.

I'm not bashing what I don't know, but I can't be assured it's not some ruse to identify the user base either.

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481f8a  No.308564


Trips confirms.

(You) are gullible as fuck.

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30a7cf  No.308829


Is all circumcision a form of systemic rabbinic dismemberment? Should doctors be punished for dismembering healthy patients?

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d38df0  No.308996

File: 1054c61a6981225⋯.jpg (67.41 KB, 497x427, 71:61, You_Have_to_Go_Back_to_Hal….jpg)


(((You))) Seem Stuck.

Let Me Help.

I Tried to Help (((You))) Before…

Just Go Back.

(((You)))'ll Be Ever So Much More Comfortable There.

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19e1a6  No.309316


fucking phoneposters

all phoneposters are newfag normalfags

it also so happens that phoneposters are all right wing

funny that

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d38df0  No.309334

File: b780f12f3330865⋯.jpg (455.25 KB, 1480x1952, 185:244, PicsArt_05_05_09_01_22.jpg)

File: f010805d5e3ccef⋯.jpg (445.91 KB, 1480x1952, 185:244, PicsArt_05_07_01_51_40.jpg)


> it also so happens that phoneposters are all right wing

Say What?

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6c4cf8  No.317204

File: 60dc3840dafcd5e⋯.pdf (1.7 MB, 2022_07_11_MENTALLY_ILL_LO….pdf)

🦀 CrabPDF 🦀

tips a claw

to Mental Illness

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51f82e  No.318445


>to avoid embarrassment, she has joined in with them, ridiculing you


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51f82e  No.318458


Andy…welcome to the club.

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66917d  No.321244



Contrast to:

Walk to the Capitol and peacefully make your voices heard.

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105bcf  No.321856


I honestly have no words sometimes. Nothing witty. They need help.

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21194b  No.322052

Apt29 jacked with DIGITALSTORM and got owned.

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ce7bde  No.322272


If you want to kill with impunity, just graduate HS and get a job as a cop. Qualified Immunity is a golden ticket to rape, rob, and murder while getting a paycheck.

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e32cfc  No.322561

Shots Fired After Antifa Terrorists Attack People’s Convoy in Portland by Throwing Paint and Projectiles Onto Vehicles From Freeway Overpass (VIDEO)


Antifa terrorists attacked participants of the People’s Convoy in Portland, Oregon on Friday afternoon.

Far-left Antifa terrorists threw paint-filled balloons and rocks onto vehicles along the 205 North near Oregon City.

It appears shots were fired from the People’s Convoy.



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ea9f87  No.323557

The Real Toria Brooke


NEW — Jared Novick had sent Packet Forensics a request list that includes @realDonaldTrump children domains.

Rodney Joffe of Neustar was using his non-public access to spy on 10 year old Barron Trump.


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68800c  No.323760

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218a80  No.324239


How does babyfist fit in with Klaush Schwab? or IG Farber? How much Ukranian Nazi Dollars are going to Babyfist?

How many azov troops are in Babyfists direct control?

How often does Babyfist give meth to the troops?

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20b0ad  No.324382


>Who is OSS?

everyone is OSS

>Who is Babyfist?

ask Dan

>Who is Jim?

CodeMonkeys dad

>Who is fastjack?

used to be BO around here

>Who is Doge?

schizo baker

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89f4ff  No.324480




>eal-world practices reveal another aspect of its relationship with "Israel," one of rapidly-emerging normalization. This shameless interview by



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7b7d79  No.324568


No shit.

Don't tell the Verge or Mike Rothschild. They'll get their dicks in pretzels and report qanon is a cult.

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695ebb  No.325364


Maybe it was for someone and something outside your scope of view. Maybe someone who once served their country and knows the game better than even the Illuminati. Maybe 11.3 was confirmed in a small way. Maybe that game is "God Wins". It would be too hard for anyone to understand the discourse without Revelation(s) of which only God can give. Maybe the discourse on Nein is true. Maybe the planets are aligning by cause and affect. Maybe someone's understanding doesn't end in another one's belief. May be.

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4b95a7  No.325614


Jesus, rachel, do your homework

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9b7259  No.325681


Thank you, Baker!!


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accbbf  No.326010


>fElon's twat feels fill

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562889  No.326076

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9be3f6  No.326154


>huge win for the Arizona election integrity movement

Otero County is in New Mexico?

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df6baa  No.326735

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0abd10  No.326862


>Arrest her for inciting an insurrection

Seems we might be entering the "fuck around and find out" phase…

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17a86e  No.327566


feel sorry for that pooch.

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1e76cc  No.328055



Jun 17

Date Word Received: June 17, 2022

For I, the Lord, this day command My children to get up from your places of despair and defeat, those dark places your enemy has kept you enslaved in with such bondage. No, My children, you are no longer slaves. The Lord has brought your enemy to nothing and destroyed his power over you. He can no longer hold you!

So break free from those chains, My children. Break free with the Name and the blood of Jesus Christ. What He did on the cross and what He did to destroy the power of hell on this earth against you, get this revelation. Your enemy is a loser. He is defeated. See him that way. See him under your feet. See him as small as he truly is. You are bigger and have more power than he does because I am on the inside of you always.

A well-known politician will come out of hiding and will shock the country with what side they are on and are standing up for. Many people who you thought were on one side were actually on another.


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e3eb87  No.328514


I thought using the Socratic method wasn't kewl anymore.


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6a0748  No.328691

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a7607e  No.329181


ted turner is actually kinda cool. 😎

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00f3ae  No.329527

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2e88d1  No.330249


keep simping for satans footsoldiers, bro

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986320  No.330847




Pride Attendee Weighs In On Kids Being Present…

6:07 PM · Jun 12, 2022·Twitter Web App

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b39d4d  No.331438

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2416a3  No.331472

and you can't even crop your stolen images right for fuck sake

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f4d778  No.332142

Did Durham Play Us For A Fool?

It’s the summer of 2022 — and where are all those Durham indictments you were promised? And where's that much-discussed Durham report? Do you know that you’ve been played for a fool yet — or are you still watching Fox News? Maybe you need another year to figure out the entire game. Maybe you still believe Bill Barr! Didn’t that legendary windbag tell us that the wheels of justice grind very slow but justice is coming?…….

People ask me all the time how I knew — all the way back in the early months of 2020 — that the Durham investigation was a sham. (What do I mean by a sham —you ask? I mean a counterfeit of real justice — a ploy — a ruse to mislead the public.) It wasn’t because I had sources at the FBI or the DOJ. I correctly predicted the Durham investigation was a joke because the Huber investigation was a joke, and because the Hillary Clinton email investigation was a joke, and because the Huma Abedin laptop investigation was a joke, and because the Jeffrey Epstein investigation was a joke….

You get the idea.


care to comment Q?

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8ae866  No.332579


YES…since this morning

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4edacc  No.332584



you are fake

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579979  No.332605


The day Roe V Wade was overturned, which also happened to be the 1700th day since Q began posting, after 562 days of darkness, is shady to you? Try harder.

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1dfce4  No.333264


there's more

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20299f  No.333338

Gm anons, autists and keyboard warriors o7

Happy {PINO} bidAn day 526.

We're still here gang.. Man the meme canons 🔥 4E.

I got a steering wheel with your name on it. 🤣

I need a theme for d526 shill suggestions welcomed.

Carry-on Patriots

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0497b8  No.333372


were the puns / double entendres intended?

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d48954  No.333384


Funny part is, nobody remembers Harris is VP.

She is like a light breeze that blew by.

Maybe it blowed by.

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40ea1e  No.333391

We now have ZERO's from DJT, Nunes, DJT Jr. within 24 hours & Kash 3 booms to match the Zero Delta last night. NEW & IMPROVED WITH ALL LINKS TO RELEVANT TWEETS/TRUTHS




https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885 <- PDJT POST @ 23:54:46 EST




15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts

Q posted FIRST and PDJT followed 14 seconds later

24 minutes between First 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post

And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.

0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA

PDJT Truths ZERO @ 8:44am following morning- https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108560820433360720

PDJT TRUTHS 12 and 0 Last Night. Thank you!- https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108560771155293039

DJT JR posts 8/10 which is 4/5 and ZERO- https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1542200320247349252?cxt=HHwWiICyzabB_-YqAAAA

Devin Nunes Truths ZERO emmissions- https://truthsocial.com/@DevinNunes/posts/108557892492466514

https://archive.ph/uawyQ <-Archive in case posts accidently get deleted

Q drops specifically state Q can not first verify/re-verify with TRIP, it's against the National Security Charter.


Nov 21, 2019 10:18:33 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 7359408


/pf/ was taken down [cleared of content] just prior to platform TERM [specific reason].

NAT SEC [charter] prevents use of 'keys' to establish IDEN via public utility/domain - non_reg.

Formation of 'clean' board possible to lock in trip(s) > issues w/ safeguards.


Q posted on /QR/ and got the 0 Delta, they then waited for anons, who used to watch all of PDJT's social media to catch it. They didn't, so Q nudged anons with WATCH POTUS. They still didn't, so Q directly pointed at the DROP that had the 0 delta. Once anons (Possibly Dan Scavino himself) pointed out the 0 delta and confirmed it, Q posted on /hivemind/ because /hivemind/ has TRIPCODES enabled, and /QR/ has tripcodes blocked. Q couldn't set a new TRIPCODE for initial verification, it is against NAT SEC charter. It says it in drop 3619, check for yourself

The clean board, /projectdcomms/, meant to use to establish a new trip is no longer in Q's control, as soon as Babyfist posted there it was no longer in Q's control. THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE BABYFIST DROP. THE MOMENT THAT HAPPENED, Q COULD NOT USE THAT BOARD FOR VERIFICATION BECAUSE A CIVILIAN HAD POSTED ON IT. AND IT IS THE REASON THAT BARON OF ARIZONA IS GOING AROUND SAYING HE IS THE NEW BOARD OWNER OF /DCOMMS/. AGAIN Q DROP 3619

Whitelists only allows you to post a "whitelisted" trip on said board. There is no such thing as "excluding/whitelisting" a trip from the SALT rotation. The fact Jim lied about this is the second biggest red flag next to the secret SALT rotation to begin with.

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820832  No.333919

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b66695  No.333996

seems many here are more interested in the idea of Q than the message of Q

too much bullshit and not nearly enough substance

so imma post some old digs

oldfags will remember and perhaps newfags will learn something new

with all the eyes on, can't hurt

let's start small

March of Dimes

Created in 1938 by FDR and Basil O'Connor to fight poliovirus

Basil O'Connor was also the head of the Red Cross, and was affiliated with the West Indies Sugar Corp and New England Fuel Oil Corp

March of Dimes had people all over the country mail in their dimes to support the cause

At that time, dimes were 90% silver and 10% copper

"Over the years he collected and spent more than seven billion dimes — many of them from schoolchildren — with a half-billion dollars of it going to the war on polio."

Half a billion dollars worth of dimes. In 1938 money.

Less than a decade later, the US dime was changed to a copper/nickel composition

With Roosevelt's likeness stamped on it

March of Dimes directly helped Jonas Salk and the speedy development of his polio vaccine

Salk took grants from the Mellon family and worked for the Rockefeller Foundation, where he discovered type B influenza

He was also a proponent of mandatory vaccinations

Did FDR cheat the American people out of their silver dimes during the Polio epidemic/hysteria?

Was Salk really the hero everyone made him out to be?

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d54072  No.334504

what's with all the dongs

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c8b972  No.334835

Launching a New Mission Around the Moon on This Week @NASA – July 1, 2022

Launching a new mission around the Moon, preparing the Space Launch System for its first flight, and undocking a resupply spacecraft from the space station … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA!



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6ca3ac  No.335571


Critical Saturation Point, Close at Hand.

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82b646  No.335596


thx, but we buy the distilled?DI water only for the drip coffee makers. extends the life of the heating element.

we drink triple filtered well water. but that still has minerals that fuck up a coffee maker.

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aaf51d  No.337363

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00f708  No.338894


PA+Cat on June 1, 2022 at 4:27 pm said:

Will Depp follow up with a lawsuit against the WaPo? If a recent post in The Federalist is correct, Heard did not write the op-ed published in the WaPo: “In a carefully orchestrated operation, extensive documentation of which I’ve detailed on Substack, we now know from testimony and email evidence that the communications, ‘development,’ ‘artist engagement,’ and legal teams of the ACLU crafted, wrote, lawyered, and placed the salacious 765-word Washington Post ‘op-ed’ that implied Depp was a wife-beater . . . .”

https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/09/ho … hnny-depp/

If Depp does sue the WaPo, it couldn’t happen to a nicer group of presstitutes.


the Substack piece: Anatomy of a Hit Piece

How Amber Heard, the ACLU and the Washington Post are co-conspirators

https://asrainvestigates.substack.com/p … 62cc8f?s=r

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81f614  No.339189


>Prove it actually was a salt rotation

how many tripcode users need to report their tripcodes have changed?

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805061  No.339219


This time it is the Russians? Again?

Or the Bolshevikenbergersteins?

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3722a1  No.339499


All of the congressmen who died in the past five years disagree.

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6243b2  No.339550






Now fuck you I would fill up tomorrow faggot is all I am saying

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39731a  No.339626


Your recollection of Nuremberg is faulty. A great deal of honourable National Socialist men at the highest levels of the movement were tortured and executed (on trumped up charges).

Some, who could be useful to the Jewish controlled West, were offered deals, which some took.

Not all in the West were ok with the trumped up nature of the trial and its goings on either.

Many were and are aware that the trial was filled to the bring with trumped up charges and falsehoods, slandering good men, and filled with jewish racial hatred for goyim, especially goyim that had the temerity to stand against them.

You only got to the moon via National Socialist rocket scientists. Those boys were smart, useful AND good men. And so were the men unjustly executed at trial.

The war criminals were on the other side.

And anybody can see with their own eyes this.

Compare Paris after Hitler took it, to Berlin after the 'Allies' took it.

Compare Hitler having Germans that engaged in rape shot, vs the Allies mass raping millions of Germans after D day.

Compare Hitler providing his inmates with swimming pools, and music halls, vs the Jewish led Allies leaving more than 1 million German men to starve in giant camps in the open.

THEY, the Allies, bombed the supply lines Anon.

THEY causes the deaths (the 250,000 that actually died in camps).

The Germans were trying to keep them alive for obvious reasons.

Though the period that so many millions of Jews were said to have been liquidated, near the exact number 'appeared' in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, NZ, South Africa etc. And this can be verified by looking at the ethnic population tables of each nation, and their immigration tables through the period.

Palestine used to be filled with Palestinians not Jews. NY used to be a Christian, not a Jewish city. Florida used to have no more that a tiny handful of Jews.

The tale of Jewish deaths is a total fraud. They moved. Pre, post and during the war. Leaving the mess they, and their Western counterparts had willed into being.

No world war without Jewish ruled Anglo & French involvement. They declared war on Germany and invaded Germany first.

Public record. Invasion of the Saar. Well before Hitler returned fire.

A tiny conflict on a tiny sliver of land until Judaism decided it would prefer many millions dead, than a group of goyim living free of their rule, having shaken off their masters.

Because the National Socialists had shown the world just how wonderful freedom looked, and what prosperity it could deliver, and if one was going to be free, and others could see such an example, and it going unpunished and destroyed, why the whole world might throw off the corrupt elite on top of them, and working against them.

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0d8637  No.340878


They think mass shootings will make it easier to get gun control.

What if it just desensitizes normies to mass shootings? Or makes them more interested in protecting themselves and their communities?

Especially since there aren't as many cops - 60% down in many blue cities.


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3a85f0  No.340995


so you are muslim?


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29b01c  No.341040


Good one. Very convincing! *wink wink*


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768ee3  No.341552


why you startin trouble, anon?


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b3a4ba  No.341939




>Peace is the Prize


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00aee4  No.342133


It does not matter

Understand this

They are Stupid

The fact it is an Issue shows

If Q was not real Yall wudnit of shilled


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482133  No.342922


older jenkem matters


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1423e7  No.342926


>Self admitted product of MK Ultra and a Liberal

MSM will forget this just like the NYC subway shooter a few months ago.


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0446a3  No.344189


RealRawNews = Satire.

go on taint yourself with this shit story



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2f330e  No.344410


>His memes are effective,

OK, serious question time:

1. Are you fucking serious?

2. Do you know what an effective meme is?

3. Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

4. Are you paid to be here or do your prostitute your services for free?

5. Are you the poster who identifies as the IP hopping Mr. Pig or are you part of the Mr. Pig paid coterie?


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df048e  No.344461


Yup. ABD Autoimmune Blistering Disease, on the first page of the Pfizer 38 pages of clot shot "side" effects.


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498ca7  No.344489


Sullivan is in deep with the bad guys in this movie. Maybe more important than you give credit.

Was the force behind the Mueller probe.

LdR, Hillary, Blair, here:


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2cc767  No.344584


Sauce it

I don't use twatter


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db2794  No.345529


she looks 'mentally' like a child.


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bf8b73  No.345596


where's the eye chart?


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bf8b73  No.345892

One or two general's could be discounted but 124 retired general's and admirals saying Biden stole the election says it all.


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