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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b0f2ba2fb790040⋯.webm (1.21 MB, 853x480, 853:480, destiny.webm)

a3399f  No.305617[Last 50 Posts]

I am posting here to give you a real alternative to the gay as fuck recruitment thread I saw the they ago.

You can finally give your cumsoaked unemployed worthless life a bit of worth by joining the league of shadows and dedicating your life to something greater then you are.

You will recieve good training, and decent pay for your work.

Also, we will make your weak overweight body into that of a real big guy

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a3399f  No.305618

File: 6db3b26d4c77752⋯.webm (3.2 MB, 853x480, 853:480, fair_trial.webm)

Our goal is to take over the US government institutions and install a new form of governments run by internet autists.

The politicos and collaborateurs that work with them will of course be granted fair trials for their traitorous deeds against the nation

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a3399f  No.305619

File: 836dc157aab3d1a⋯.webm (737.1 KB, 853x480, 853:480, oppression.webm)

we are taking away authority from the criminal gang that calls itself the US government and giving it back to

>you . ..

> . . . the people

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a3399f  No.305620

File: 392ae7b336fb95e⋯.webm (2.67 MB, 853x480, 853:480, the_fire_rises.webm)

You don't need to bring anything other what this young man here demonstrates. the will to follow blindly and throw yourself under the bus for the cause

we don't need money because we have rich jews funding the entire operation already. we just need cannon fodder I mean soldiers

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a3399f  No.305621

File: 118a3d34ba0e957⋯.webm (2.1 MB, 853x480, 853:480, time_for_fear.webm)

there is also no need to fear for you

we will cover funeral costs, your clothes and your training to becoming a big guy

all you have to do is just join

upon arrival at our facilities you will be buried

that means your normalfag identity will be buried with a gravestone and cascet and you will be given a new one.

you can choose any edgy name you can think of

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a3399f  No.305622

File: 74fa732cfce9343⋯.webm (2.82 MB, 853x480, 853:480, darkness.webm)

In one of our secret underground training facilities in the sahara desert you will then go on to receive your full training consisting of:

>education about diet and that dorritos and chicken nuggets are trash that make you fat

>muscle training so you turn this cumputer addict body into a big guy body

>training of handling various NATO and warshaw pact types of firearms and explosives

>the art of hijacking planes

>producting of explosives out of household and normally available items

>posting the coolest bane memes on any one digit chanboard forum

at the end of your training you will be a fully trained agent capable of intruding any international border and facility without detection

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a3399f  No.305623

File: 3d1dcc9024efdf6⋯.mp4 (6.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, deshi_basara.mp4)

as an added bonus we will teach you how to sing the

>deshi deshi bassara bassara

chant you hear in all the relevant bane scenes

and also climbing out of really deep holes like youre depression

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a3399f  No.305624

File: 43ed7be21a4211b⋯.webm (2.46 MB, 853x480, 853:480, megaton.webm)

for the mega autists among you we have a special 2 semester course in which you will be taught

>how to turn a nuclear fusion reactor into a netron bomb with 10 easy steps

prerequisite for this course is at least 2 semesters of physics studies completed

and basic electric engineering understanding (plus goes to plus, minus goes to minus, red wire is to defuse bomb, shit like that)

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a3399f  No.305625

File: 3fa089b847f9fe3⋯.webm (5.35 MB, 853x480, 853:480, but_you_do.webm)

we also offer one special 1 semester course in diplomatics and hostage situation negotiations so you don't get fucked over by government operatives while out in the field

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a3399f  No.305626

File: 2b711f3ac3184b3⋯.webm (1.35 MB, 853x480, 853:480, devil.webm)

then we also have more trivial courses in our universtity like

>learning to bring cool catch phrases spontaneously

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a3399f  No.305627

File: b0f88d74bea4248⋯.webm (926.61 KB, 853x480, 853:480, hothead.webm)

>how to handle hotheads

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a3399f  No.305628

File: 5764265db9becd3⋯.webm (1.16 MB, 853x480, 853:480, mask.webm)

>method acting

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a3399f  No.305629

File: 6c850f2974c8b6e⋯.webm (2.11 MB, 853x480, 853:480, not_living.webm)

>how to not be a recluse anymore

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a3399f  No.305630

File: 28517920f994416⋯.webm (6.59 MB, 853x480, 853:480, punishment.webm)

>the art of torchure

based on the latest CIA methods and tricks

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a3399f  No.305632

File: df255254a5b3863⋯.webm (2.38 MB, 853x480, 853:480, lotta_loyalty.webm)

>the art of withstanding torture interrogations and psychological terror by gullible CIA faggots

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a3399f  No.305633

File: b170d2d8c2aca35⋯.webm (2.67 MB, 853x480, 853:480, stock.webm)

>how to do stock market fraud like a wall street pro to fund weapons and explosives purchases when out alone

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a3399f  No.305634

File: c9945030d5fb3f9⋯.webm (2.16 MB, 853x480, 853:480, masquetta_man.webm)

>talking in a fake accent that mimicks whatever you want your counterpart to believe you are

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a3399f  No.305635

File: 5326430dd9a1802⋯.webm (2.96 MB, 853x480, 853:480, friends.webm)

and there is much more we offer

you get

>2 warm meals a day

>a warm bed

>a warm shower

>sturdy clothes

>and the handbook: how to steal any car you want

What are you waiting for anon?

bring some friends too, the more the merrier

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a3399f  No.305638

File: 50794fa111b4f97⋯.webm (2.33 MB, 853x480, 853:480, you_the_people.webm)

our political goals are as follows:

>installation of a type of anarchy without bureaucrats running the country warlordism

>rule of the strong since you are all big guys and armed, you will be part the strong ones

>normalfags put in concentration camps until decided what to do with them

>genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership

>nukes, UFOs and jetpacks for everyone

>making anime real

>giantic trump statue where lady liberty stands

we are giving the US back to you

the people

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35c9be  No.305647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates & 'Europe'

The 'contagion' is proliferating/spreading…



By twisting 'confusion' as 'crime' to render 'mental illness' as 'object…' SCRATCH


By 'collapsing' 'health care/psychology' to fuel the consolidation of 'headless/REICH…' RIP


"I shall now render into 'reality' that which is hole and that which is fill…"

"gotta put dat peg in dat hole to get da A+ son" BANG



goddamn germany…

heil mine IRON EAGLE… SLAM


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35c9be  No.305648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>305617 & Empire Earth

Mr. Bridges… I have given to the earth mine beast…

Mr. Bridges… He shall… 'Lead' 'them' 'well…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

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35c9be  No.305649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

One… By… One…

The nations felt the earth shrink…







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35c9be  No.305650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

… "What's the matter? Scarred?"

… "What about all that democracy?"

"im the GODDAMED majority you little nigger bitch" SCRATCH


"jew hahahha you get what you fucking deserve" RIP


"little joker goes chirp chirp nigguh" BANG


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35c9be  No.305651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



… "Oh yea?"

… "last time i checked, the documents of your mother sucks cocks in hell, say otherwise…"

… "it was all the evil that came from light after all good came for the darkness…"

… "whats the matter nigger? cant read?" SCRATCH


… "lets start with genesis verse 1"

… "ur mother is a goddamed whore"

… "verse 2"

… "the demons forced your faggot father to suck nigga cock for a quick buc"

… "verse 3"



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8f78a2  No.305656

File: b0127943b020d97⋯.jpg (2.74 KB, 98x125, 98:125, rusty.jpg)


>The 'contagion' is proliferating/spreading

y'all gunna get rusted

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d5a57e  No.305691



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d5a57e  No.305692


"dedicating your life to something greater then you are."

the way you've "dedicated your life" to not being able to differentiate between THEN and THAN ?

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d5a57e  No.305693


"and install a new form of governments"

or were you talking about "dedicating your life"to not knowing the difference between PLURAL and SINGULAR?

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d5a57e  No.305694


against what nation?

you don't know how to spell the word "collaborators", but your idiotic misspelling of the word almost indicates that you might not be American…

although your repugnant lazy brain seems to indicate American origin..

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d5a57e  No.305695



I have a feeling this isn't going to end well

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8bcfee  No.305696



you and your stupid superhero movies?

you and your videogames?

you and your imaginary chatroom friends?

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e1a425  No.305697


"we don't need money because we have rich jews funding the entire operation"

that's not exactly true….

your mother has been " funding your operation" ever since you turned 18, when you officially became an "adult", and technically became responsible for your own existence…

yet you STILL haven't gotten a job, haven't moved out of her house, can't afford your own food, can't afford an internet bill, can't afford an electricity bill, and STILL HAVEN'T EVER SEEN A VAGINA IN REAL LIFE

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d11e42  No.305699

Gas prices have skyrocketed to record highs, forcing some families to choose between filling their tank and putting food on the table. But for the oil execs whose stock holdings have soared, these are happy days — and some of them are cashing in their shares at unusually high rates: https://news.yahoo.com/oil-execs-cash-crazy-while-084839242.html

▲ FLASHBACK: Biden admits he needs to collapse the Untited States economy for their "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" bullshit very little care for or wants: https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-of-green-transition/

▲ FLASHBACK: Biden administration cancels gas lease opportunities despite soaring fuel prices: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-15-biden-admin-cancels-gas-lease-opportunities.html

▲ FLASHBACK: Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-admin-cancels-massive-oil-and-gas-lease-sale-amid-record-high-gas-prices/ar-AAXaRXw

▲ FLASHBACK: Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has predicted a massive wave of food shortages in the very near future amid the still-collapsing global and domestic supply chain crisis that is getting worse thanks to spiking gas and diesel fuel prices brought on by Joe Biden's anti-fossil fuel policies: https://citizens.news/619666.html

▲ FLASHBACK: USA Watchdog w/Martin Armstrong; Insane Globalists Are Collapsing The World Economy: https://rumble.com/vwjmwl-insane-globalists-collapsing-world-economy-martin-armstrong.html

▲ FLASHBACK: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists: https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/

▲ FLASHBACK: Globalists Flock To Doomsday Bunkers While World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT To Store Food: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/03/no_author/elite-flock-to-doomsday-bunkers-world-bank-tells-peasant-class-not-to-store-food/

▲ FLASHBACK: The Biden administration has proven to be an economic disaster for the American people, and it’s critical he be impeached to prevent America from collapsing even further, Alex Jones explained Thursday: https://www.infowars.com/posts/biden-must-be-impeached-now-to-save-america/

▲ FLASHBACK: The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break

>But for the oil execs whose stock holdings have soared, these are happy days — and some of them are cashing in their shares at unusually high rates

MY COMMENT: The CEOs and those in the know high up are liquidating their holdings to purchase up REAL ASSETS and PRIVATE PROPERTIES (likely most offshore!) Do you think they are too stupid to see the writing on the wall!? Do you think these people who know about real economics and how the economy functions are too stupid to realize our government is crashing it all down for the WEF "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" with no survivors!? DUH. It's brazen, it's open, they see the corruption and they are CASHING OUT. Period. I would too if I were them!!

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d11e42  No.305700


As warned would happen, domestic food production now collapsing by design: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-03-usa-domestic-food-production-now-collapsing.html

Midwest farmers struggling due to spiking fertilizer costs: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-03-midwest-farmers-struggling-due-spiking-fertilizer-costs.html

With The Collapse of the Global Food System Massive Starvation and Death Worldwide is Now Imminent: https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/the-collapse-of-the-global-food-system-massive-starvation-and-death-worldwide-is-now-imminent/

Tough news keeps coming for Americans struggling with high energy prices. Not only have gas prices broken records for the past several weeks, now a good portion of the country is being told they should expect rolling blackouts, as we enter the hot summer months: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/thanks-to-climate-change-fanatics-and-green-energy-whackos-2-3rds-of-us-faces-blackouts-this-summer

The United States has lost around 1 million bpd in refining capacity since 2020, according to a Reuters report: https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/global-refiners-falter-efforts-keep-up-with-demand-2022-05-31/

What It’s REALLY Like to Live Off-Grid: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/live-off-grid/

The West can argue how its sanctions work, but more and more proof seems to suggest the opposite… As an observer pointed out, Biden can't stop talking about the importance of Western unity… But unity may not be a virtue, it could be staying stupid together. Europeans are no fools to hurt themselves to keep US company in the game… When the interests of some Western countries are hurt, the shaky unity starts to collapse: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202206/1267179.shtml

Sweden to supply Ukraine with anti-ship missiles: https://www.rt.com/russia/556505-sweden-anti-ship-missiles-supply/

Ukraine to get howitzers from Slovakia: https://www.rt.com/news/556490-slovakia-ukraine-zuzana-howitzer/

Russia’s nuclear forces hold drill as Biden approves more military aid for Ukraine: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-03-russia-nuclear-forces-drill-biden-aids-ukraine.html

US President Joe Biden says a "negotiated settlement" will be needed to end the Russian war in Ukraine. The African Union leader met with Vladimir Putin in Moscow and says he was "reassured" by Russia and found Putin aware that the crisis and sanctions are creating serious problems for weaker economies: https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/03/ukraine-live-us-vows-to-hold-russia-accountable-for-crimes-committed-by-its-forces

Over the past 24 hours, the Russian artillery and missile forces destroyed more than 650 positions of the Ukrainian army…to include 26 command posts, 122 artillery and mortar batteries, 537 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment, and five ammunition depots were hit…In the area of ​​​​the settlement of Pervomaiskoye, Mykolaiv region , the command post for unmanned aerial vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was also destroyed: https://ria.ru/20220603/rakety-1792837272.html

Heavy fights for Severodonetsk in the Luhansk region have been going on for several days. According to Oleksij Arestowicz, Ukrainian soldiers managed to outsmart the Russians and set up an ambush. “We imprisoned the Russian army in Severodonetsk, pretending to surrender the city,” said President Volodymyr Zelensky’s advisor: https://poland.postsen.com/news/11319/Severodonetsk-The-Ukrainians-will-light-the-Russians-in-an-ambush-We-pretended-to-surrender-the-city--News-from-the-world.html

Ukrainian defenders have repulsed nine enemy attacks in the area of the Joint Forces Operation, with battles still being fought at one location: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3499339-ukrainian-defenders-repel-nine-attacks-destroy-tank-six-armored-vehicles-in-jfo-area.html

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d11e42  No.305701


Switzerland Risks Power Shortages Next Winter: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/switzerland-risks-power-shortages-next-winter

Get Ready for $1 Per Egg - USDA Forecast Predicts Highest Food Inflation Since 1980 (WEF/Davos Famine Plans Even More Obvious): https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/stacey-lennox/2022/06/01/usda-forecast-predicts-highest-food-inflation-since-1980-get-ready-for-1-per-egg-n1602498

If our elected officials treated the WEF as the rogue, corrupt, illegitimate organization that it really is, their influence would be greatly reduced: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/top-10-creepiest-and-most-dystopian-things-pushed-world-economic-forum-wef

Elon Musk says he thinks the US economy will collapse under Biden (no shit): https://en-volve.com/2022/06/03/elon-musk-says-he-has-a-super-bad-feeling-about-economy-warns-of-staff-cuts/

Putin blames rampant US debt insolvency and endless fiat currency creation for global economic woes: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/putin-says-us-decision-print-money-behind-soaring-food-prices

▲ MY COMMENT: Absolutely, this has been going on for a long time. Since at least the 9/11 false flag attacks in NYC…but they really started to escalate the "money magic" fiat printing after the 2008 bailouts! That is when the Fed decided to bailout a totally insolvent, bankrupt and corrupted ponzi scheme within the mortgage market (rigged with systemic fraud). Since then the economy NEVER actually went back to normal, the debt just continued to skyrocket under Obama, Trump and now Biden too. Endless wars in the Middle East were the punches, the bailout of corrupt bankers to protect their fraudulent profits was the kick to America's stomach and the death blow will be China, Russia, Iran and India dethroning the US dollar from it's global reserve currency status (all while Biden helps accelerate it by blocking domestic oil/gas permits to tank our energy consumption).

In Polohy, Zaporizhia region, the Ukrainian forces struck enemy ammunition depots and a truck carrying an ammo batch: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3499634-in-zaporizhia-region-ukrainian-army-hits-russian-ammo-stocks.html

Russian aircraft aviation has struck the border localities of Sumy region, northern Ukraine, for the third time today: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3499802-third-attack-on-sumy-region-today-russian-aircraft-launches-six-missiles.html

So far, joint DPR and LPR troops with support of the Russian Armed Forces liberated and established full control over 224 settlements on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic. On May 2, the head of the Luhansk People’s Republic claimed that all settlements have been moped up of militants of Ukrainian armed formations, except the cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, where fierce clashes continue. The entire Kherson region and a big part of the Zaporozhie region are under control of the Russian military: https://southfront.org/war-in-ukraine-day-100-overview-of-military-developments/

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized that Ukrainians are paying a high price for defending their own country on the battlefield, but also we see that Russia is taking high casualties: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/western-backers-ukraine-must-persist-long-haul-war-attrition-nato-chief

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d11e42  No.305702


Socialistic Governmental Intervention And Wars Are Destroying The Western Economy: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/policymaker-push-against-fossil-fuels-means-will-never-be-another-refinery-built-us-chevron

As restaurants across the country feel the squeeze from rising inflation, a tight labor market, and minimum wage increases on an industry with notoriously thin margins, owners are passing along the pain in the form of various fees tacked onto the tab, according to the Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/waiter-theres-a-fee-in-my-soup-11654139870

SHTF Is Now Happening As Stores Across America Begin Limiting The Amount Of Consumer Goods You Can Purchase: https://allnewspipeline.com/Prepper_Alert_it_Is_Hitting_The_Fan.php

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maшo believes that the "world bread war has already begun" because of the grain blockade in Ukraine, which prevents many vulnerable countries from accessing grain and means that there is a risk of new conflicts breaking out in Africa: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3500342-italian-foreign-minister-predicts-wars-in-africa-due-to-shortage-of-ukrainian-grain.html

Soaring Cost Of Living Causes Spike In Abandoned And Surrendered Pets: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/soaring-cost-living-causes-spike-abandoned-and-surrendered-pets

Hail of Russian artillery tests Ukrainian morale: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/theyre-in-hell-hail-of-russian-artillery-tests-ukrainian-morale/ar-AAY3MQM

Russia threatens to strike the West if Ukraine hits it with US rockets: https://metro.co.uk/2022/06/04/russia-threatens-to-strike-the-west-if-ukraine-hits-it-with-us-rockets-16768243/

Ukraine to decide range of Washington’s rockets says US ambassador. “The Ukrainians have given us assurances that they will not use these systems against targets on Russian territory,” Blinken said. “There is a strong trust bond between Ukraine and the US, as well as with our allies and partners.” REMEMBER THIS IF SOMETHING HAPPENS: https://www.rt.com/russia/556531-rocket-range-ukraine-ambassador/

Russia took aim at Western military supplies for Ukraine with airstrikes in Kyiv on Sunday that it said destroyed tanks donated from abroad: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-government-and-politics-e98d1d788e132c2a1f2c8ead7ae58761

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine is losing up to 100 soldiers a day during Russia's invasion of the country: https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-losing-60-100-soldiers-a-day-zelenskyy-says-2022-6

Heavy Losses Raise Questions About How Long Ukraine Can Stay in Fight: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/06/04/heavy-losses-raise-questions-about-how-long-ukraine-can-stay-in-fight-ap/

Ukraine Admits Four European, Australian Mercenaries Were Killed By Russian Army: https://southfront.org/ukraine-admits-four-european-australian-mercenaries-were-killed-by-russian-army/

The Russian military has captured a Ukrainian-made Nota counter-drone electronic warfare (EW) system from Kiev forces. On June 2, photos of the EW system, which was reportedly captured on Kherson front, surfaced online: https://southfront.org/russian-forces-captured-advanced-ukrainian-electronic-warfare-system-photos/

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d11e42  No.305703


Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald on Fox News interview: “In what way does this war serve the interests of the American people?… It doesn't… Obviously, it serves the interest of a tiny sliver of people in Washington, weapons manufacturers, people in the security state who get money and power from these sorts of things…And right at the moment, when their market for these weapons disappeared, when the U.S. finally got out of Iraq and Afghanistan, lo and behold, there's this new market in Ukraine.” https://www.foxnews.com/media/ukraine-war-serves-interests-tiny-sliver-americans-defense-contractors-greenwald

▲ Glenn Greenwald On The Ingraham Angle: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6307278071112 // https://www.bitchute.com/video/xqUNF4gUUkA/

The war in Ukraine may be impossible to stop, and the United States government deserves much of the blame: https://www.almendron.com/tribuna/the-war-in-ukraine-may-be-impossible-to-stop-and-the-u-s-deserves-much-of-the-blame/

When it comes to manipulating things, it appears Russia lacks American style finesse:

The African Union has requested America to lift Russian sanctions due to food crisis: https://www.rt.com/business/556561-africa-wants-russian-sanctions-lifted/

Biden Mandates More Ethanol In Gasoline Which Will Erode Engines, Cause More Pollution And Raise Corn Prices: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-mandates-more-ethanol-gasoline-expect-many-negative-repercussions

Complying with Russia’s rubles-for-gas demand would violate the EU’s own sanctions. However, countries that refuse could be cut off from Russian supplies. On 27 April, Moscow halted its gas exports to Bulgaria and Poland. Putin warned he would do the same to other European countries that refuse to pay in rubles. On 10 May, Reuters reported that Germany is already preparing a crisis plan in case of an abrupt halt to Russian gas imports: https://www.energymonitor.ai/policy/how-can-the-eu-end-its-dependence-on-russian-gas#

The US Empire can’t get the hemisphere together because it’s coming apart (unity is breaking up fast for the USSA): https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/05/us-cant-get-hemisphere-together-because-its-coming-apart/

World War II Survivor Has A Dire Warning For Americans: https://allnewspipeline.com/MSM_Behaves_Like_National_Socialist_Media.php

Russian General Roman Kutuzov has been killed on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region, Russian state-owned media reported Sunday: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/06/06/russian-general-reported-killed-in-ukraine-a77898

Russian troops continue to conduct hostilities at the contact line with available forces, pulling up additional armaments. Battles are raging at the border of Kherson Region and Mykolaiv Region, and in Kherson Region’s Beryslav District. The enemy wants to regain the lost positions and opens fire on villages. The situation is difficult in such communities as Kalynivka and Velyka Oleksandrivka: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501019-enemy-keeps-two-boats-and-submarine-carrying-20-kalibr-missiles-in-black-sea.html

Ukrainian forces continued to conduct limited and localized but successful counterattacks against Russian positions throughout Ukraine on June 5, including retaking large areas of Severodonetsk—the city in Luhansk Oblast the Kremlin has concentrated the majority of its forces on capturing. A Russian Telegram channel claimed that Ukrainian troops launched a counterattack north of Kharkiv City, indicating that Ukrainian forces continue to pressure Russian defensive lines near the Russian border: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-5

According to the latest operational update of the Ukrainian Navy, the Russian Black Sea Fleet was pushed back from the Ukrainian coast at a distance of more than a hundred kilometres: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/06/russian-black-sea-fleet-pushed-back-over-100km-from-ukrainian-coast/

Trial Of Foreign Mercenaries In Donetsk People’s Republic Began: https://southfront.org/trial-of-foreign-mercenaries-in-donetsk-peoples-republic-began/

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d11e42  No.305704


India Seeks Even More Russian Oil: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/India-Seeks-Even-More-Russian-Oil.html

Modi’s Multipolar Moment Has Arrived: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/06/modi-india-russia-ukraine-war-china-us-geopolitics-multipolar-quad/

Ukraine is smouldering. The EU is paying a fortune to import LNG. Yet the global oil and gas industry is still flaring off as much gas as the EU buys from Russia each year: https://www.energymonitor.ai/tech/decarbonising-gas/opinion-the-insanity-of-flaring-during-a-global-gas-crisis

Americans who favored exporting natural gas to Europe will regret their decision due to higher electricity bills: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/perfect-storm-factors-sends-us-natural-gas-prices-soaring

The Russian Foreign Ministry has placed sanctions on US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm along with 60 other top officials: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russia-Sanctions-US-Energy-Secretary.html

Globalism, central bank money printing are the real root causes behind inflation and shortages: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-06-globalism-central-banking-root-causes-inflation-shortages.html

Russia has reportedly reached an agreement with Turkey to erect a de-mined 'grain corridor' which would provide safe passage to Ukrainian grain cargo ships out of the Black Sea port of Odessa via joint military escorts: https://www.dailysabah.com/business/economy/turkey-russia-agree-on-ukrainian-grain-exports-from-odessa-izvestia

Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov was set to fly Sunday for an official trip to Serbia, but his plane was blocked by the countries surrounding Serbia, which includes Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro. All three countries, including the tiny Serb breakaway nation of Montenegro, are NATO members: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nato-countries-surrounding-serbia-close-airspace-russian-fms-plane-hostile-action

Ukraine officials hit out at Macron after suggestions Russia should not be humiliated over its invasion of Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/05/ukraine-officials-hit-out-at-macron-after-suggestions-russia-should-not-be-humiliated

Ukrainian Intelligence Service Destroyed Enemy Armoured Vehicle With Unique Copper Core Cumulative Bomb: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/3/500995/

On the Donetsk and Luhansk fronts, Ukrainian troops repulsed 10 Russian attacks and destroyed 11 pieces of Russian equipment on Monday, 6 June: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/6/7350936/

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d11e42  No.305706


Jeff Rense Interviews William Gheen About Coming American Famine And Details Deliberate Destruction Of Global Supply Chains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOYqvd4SWeE

Soon Comming To Every City And Town In America! German Supermarkets Now Limiting Food Purchases Of Consumers: https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1533859892762750977

If the military conflict in Ukraine does not come to an end soon, the resulting famine could trigger political instability in Africa, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio warned during a press conference on Saturday: https://www.rt.com/news/556657-italy-famine-africa-war-ukraine/

AS PREDICTED: In Latest Flailing Attempt To Slow Soaring Energy Costs, Biden Invokes Defense Production Act To Push Agenda 21 Green New Deal Great Reset Agenda: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/biden-invokes-defense-production-act-accelerate-solar-fuel-cells-latest-flailing-attempt

Due To Russian Oil Sanctions, Poland To Lift Ban On Burning Coal & Wood For Alternative Energy: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/collect-branches-fuel-poles-told-burn-wood-keep-warm-amid-putinflation

▲ MY COMMENT: Good idea. I have a wood burning stove and heat my homestead every winter just fine. It cuts energy costs, plus it's a great solution for heat during the winter after economic collapse/grid-down SHTF. Just remember to clean the chute once every year!! You DO NOT want a constant build-up of creosote in the chute because that can eventually lead to over-heating, which leads to house fires! SO CLEAN THE WOOD STOVE CHUTE EVERY YEAR!! This may suck for those afraid of heights but you'll have to get over that fear and do it to prevent dangerous flammable creosote build-up!

Britain is joining the US is supplying longer range rockets to Ukraine, despite fresh threats from Russia's president Vladimir Putin who says he is ready to expand strikes to decision-making centers: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/06/uk-to-send-long-range-rocket-artillery-to-ukraine-despite-russian-threats

What Happens To Europe And America After The Russian-Ukraine War? Just Look At The Archived 2017 Deagel Global Population And GDP Projection For 2025: https://ncrenegade.com/what-happens-to-europe-when-russia-wins/

New video from the Donbass front lines was shared by servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The AFU positions in a kindergarten were shelled by Russian artillery. As a result of shelling, several Ukrainian solders were injured: https://southfront.org/in-video-ukrainian-soldiers-hiding-in-kindergarten-hit-by-russian-artillery-blame-civilians/

In Kharkiv region, the Russians mine the territory on the route of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine towards Rubizhne. "In Kharkiv direction, the enemy's main efforts are focused on holding the occupied frontiers, border areas north of Kharkiv city, and restraining the advance of our troops. The enemy remotely delivers mines on the route of the offensive of our troops towards Rubizhne," the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine posted: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501362-russian-troops-mining-territory-on-route-of-ukraines-army-offensive-in-kharkiv-region.html

In Siverodonetsk, Luhansk region, the situation is currently stable, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have strengthened their positions and are holding their ground in the city against the Russian onslaught: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501682-ukrainian-troops-strengthen-positions-in-siverodonetsk-holding-ground-mayor.html

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8f6624  No.305707

File: cd952ce984be932⋯.jpg (30.13 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Marshmallow_Sally_is_a_Nig….jpg)

File: a1c5d7e13debae1⋯.jpg (20.54 KB, 300x250, 6:5, PicsArt_06_07_08_53_43.jpg)






Shut Up, Sally.

Killcen is Führer here.

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a3807c  No.305708


it's spelled CASKET, and the more I think about it, the more I think you're NOT MALE….

the words you choose, the way you structure them,

it's as if you're a girl who sustained a head injury, and who is desperately trying topretend to be a male

The head injury would be responsible for your inability to spell simple words, but your complete lack of real life experience and interaction with other human beings would bethe reason why you don't know how men talk or behave



you just got yourself filtered….

adios… you just vanished

you're SO easy to dispose of



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a3807c  No.305709


I literally just had to filterthe füüührer

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d11e42  No.305710


Serious question: why are there so many attempts today to get us to join different groups? Those of us who come here regularly are not coming here on a nearly dead image board to save the world or society, if we wanted to do that we'd be setting up our own news networks or media bliz podcasts all over the internet to change minds one at a time, or we'd be running for local political positions, or we'd be doing activist work and trying to get local LE on board to help protect our communities as well standing up for 2A rights, or starting NGOs to "lobby" or I should I say "donate to" public officials, or starting our own communes, or starting a local militia with trusted friends IRL…… sites like these get very little attention, and solely exist to bypass most the other platforms that are heavily regulated, compromised and censored.

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a3807c  No.305711


ANSWER: THIS IS SUMMER, and all the lonely little videogame sissies are left to figure out how to navigate the next few months

since they have no real life experience integrating with other humans or learning how to fit in or making friends or becoming part of something to keep them occupied, all they have are superhero movies as references on how to live a life, so they think they can create a thread with grandiose claims of joining a superior branch of some Shadow League of superheroes.. and they think that's actually going to interest somebody

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d11e42  No.305712


There is no leadership here. I'm just an old disgruntled guy documenting the death of nations from systemic corruption and debt insolvency.

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a3807c  No.305713


they're SO EMBARRASSINGLY INEXPERIENCED IN REAL LIFE, that they don't realize how absurd and corny their superhero movie version of reality appears to the average person…

notice that this thread almost appears to have been created by a 6-year-old boy, trying to make it appear as if an adult created the thread…

but with no real knowledge of how adults behave, the six-year-old fails miserably, incorporating cheesy concepts and terminologies direct out of superhero movies…

but I actually think it's ashley schneider, the only female..

I don't think it's a male that created this thread. I'm pretty sure it's Ashley Schneider

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d11e42  No.305714


They need to figure out how to plant some garlic, I just tilled another new small patch in the backyard today, mixed in some top soil, separated and planted a few heads worth. Watered the patch. Took 15 minutes and I'm back on here posting again.

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a3807c  No.305715


you're right. there is no leadership here

which means you don't have the ability to ruin my cadence with 5,000 copied and pasted bullshit posts that you publish simply out of passive aggressive vengeance behavior

if I'm on a roll, I'm not going to allow somebody to Gunk it up with their moldy leftovers out of the refrigerator

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a3807c  No.305716


see…. you're not a bad person as long as you're having a conversation about something

but when you start throwing 5,000 Links at me…

I'm not going to read it

because I'm going to filter you

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d11e42  No.305717


It's my daily duty here to post real news.

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d11e42  No.305718

This thread is sponsored by JIM STONE INDIA!!!


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a3807c  No.305719


you can tell a lot about a man by the content of the movies he enjoys and the music he listens to

using this measurement system, anybody can instantly determine that you are NOT A MAN

you are left to languish somewhere between little girl and little boy, but you're definitely not a man

you're a pretentious, fashion trend following, unoriginal, predictable, inferiority complex misfit, who fantasizes about being an overweight goth girl shopping at Hot topic while all of the cute boys stare and wish they had the balls to ask you out

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a3807c  No.305720



paying attention was never your strong point


I hate using that stupid filter feature, but if it's the only way I can prevent you from making me miserable by mentioning Jim Stone or 5G, by God I'm going to use it…

so this is where we part ways

it was nice while it lasted

good luck finding somebody interested in your empty conspiracy theories

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d11e42  No.305721


I hate 99% of modern movies. Total garbage.

What do I expect from good movies? An interesting story line that catches my attention. Good actors. Unique characters for the actors. And a good script.

Anything else is fluff.

Rio Bravo was a great movie!!

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d11e42  No.305722


Another great classic film, a film series, Dirty Harry. And then there was Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry too and that was fun watching. Another classic: Duel. Freaky film but a classic.

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8f6624  No.305723

File: 5f53031c79f01f8⋯.jpg (101.72 KB, 854x409, 854:409, PicsArt_05_12_07_33_56.jpg)


> I don't think it's a male that created this thread. I'm pretty sure it's Ashley Schneider

That's what I thought too.

She's also sympathetic to the O9A faggotry, was also raised by 4chan, like Sinistar7, has no social skills, or writing skills, or English skills, wants to be a part of something, wishes folks would "join" her, and only attracts other SSRI-pounding halfchan rejects such as herself to her "Slaver" cause.

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d11e42  No.305724


And one of my daughter's favorites: Dances With Wolves. I think I still have the VHS tape she bought years back, not sure but might.

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d11e42  No.305725



That explains why 4chan is so fucking gay now, huh? Yah I don't even bother lurking for decent news there anymore because it's like trying to find a piece of corn in a filled up septic tank.

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d11e42  No.305726


Johnny, you are no better than those who wish for another safe space if you filter people here. This is literally one of the only places online left that allows free speech.

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8f6624  No.305728

File: ab465ed1687d189⋯.jpg (111.85 KB, 738x751, 738:751, PicsArt_04_12_04_41_36.jpg)


Fucking Summer sucks so bad, and I forget every time just how bad it's gonna suck.

I wish I could spend more time here, just being a thorn in the side of the summer children, but I have other things to do.

I do like wasting me some time now and again though! Probably will roll in later today with proof of my time-wasting, but gonna go watch 2,000 Mules now. It's too hot to work outside, and I haven't seen 2,000 Mules yet, dammit!

Might put some vids up on LBRY too.

Been a long time. Pretty much since I was radiated beyond overcooked. I did at least decide I'd rather die than listen to medical "specialists" ever again. Their priorities are to make money. Mine are different. Quality of life is important too.

Pushing oneself to act responsibly, even when one does not feel like it, yeah, that's maturity.

I'm still maturing. Slowly.

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a3807c  No.305734


I heard Sketch already got paid for Cinderella


which coincidentally just so happens to be

one year's worth of your SSI WELFARE MONEY


she's horrible. I'd imagine her snatch is equally as useless

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6215f1  No.305735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I heard Sketch almost got away…

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6215f1  No.305736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I heard Sketch almost got away…

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6215f1  No.305737


good news !!!

it looks like you might be forced to play Cinderella after all

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6215f1  No.305738

the other day I got out of the shower and walked into my living room naked, and I got the strangest feeling somebody was watching me, intensely looking at my genitals…

that's when I realized my webcam was still turned on, but that wasn't the only thing that was turned on, because it turns out that SINISTAR was SINISTARING AT MY PENIS

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8f6624  No.305745

File: 421c4ea30dc6b2d⋯.jpg (107.62 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Fake_Juice_Moarfaeces.jpg)

File: ef783fa98941f7d⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1982x2643, 1982:2643, Who_Dis.jpg)

File: 332d4910a7fd9e7⋯.jpg (202.88 KB, 1600x669, 1600:669, PicsArt_05_15_12_19_20.jpg)

File: d6833b1dea280bb⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1982x2643, 1982:2643, You.jpg)

File: 33a5e4c752741e2⋯.jpg (657.97 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, pnd.jpg)



Sally Reported You for Shooting Sketch on That Video.

Sally might get out of filling in for Sketch for awhile because this is not his first contact with law enforcement this week, and you know what that means!

An extra trip to his "caseworker/counselor".

Sorry to hear about Sketch.

I though he'd been vanned.

Of course I thought Sally had been too.

Little did I know that Johnny's hit squad was on the job.

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a09690  No.305763





Reported for "gun violence".

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35c9be  No.305776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>A moment of… 'Truth…

305656… You… Are exceptionally wise…

305656… Elon Musk must realize the 'truth' of 'every body looks…'

305656… Elon, the protege supreme, has not yet 'seen' MORBIUS…


"THE TRUE VILLIAN IS A 90s 'WILL & GRACE FAGGOT' that, happens to be, 'misunderstood…' SCRATCH


'got that memorized" RIP


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35c9be  No.305777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Empire Earth

Mr. Bridges & Elon Musk:













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35c9be  No.305779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

I desire to kill the 'vampire…'

The 'vampire' has 'been around a minute…'

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35c9be  No.305786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Elon Musk… FRIENDS?

Elon Musk… OLD?



"his name is my name too nigguh" RIP


"how old is old exactly?" BANG


"how can archeology sustain itself as a functioning business exactly?" KRANK


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35c9be  No.305793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

… "I dunno perath mine wrath is with upon the walls immortalth…" HAHAHAHA

Elon Musk… Mayhaps a 'twi wiwiwiwiwiwiwi atch chchchchchchchchchch…'

Elon Musk… Slalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

Elon Musk… Perhaps the code is in the 'twatch of a twitch of a twat of a twitter?'

Elon Musk… Tik… Tok… Tik… Tok…

Elon Musk… Feel… Good… RIP


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54e310  No.305797

File: 1ba9ea13f7ed3a6⋯.webm (2.64 MB, 853x480, 853:480, try_next.webm)





>he didn't spell so good

>who wants to try next

big guise first


collaborateur is french you cretin


the league of shadoes


>not exactly true

where is the proofs


no need to get sexist you bigot


the other group to join was pretty lame

we have better things to offer


we have a position free for writer in our internal LoS newspaper

whatever, 60 replies that was pretty good so far

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35c9be  No.305805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"All this strange behavior?.?.?" SCRATCH


"ya mean a group of humans wants to unite and stand up for other humans" BANG


"what 'alien' behavior from these who seek to stop salvation/unity/REICH" SLAM


You… YOU… YOU!!!





"only true love can destroy this nigguh" SMART SMART SMART


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54e310  No.305806

File: 077dd24ae84a923⋯.webm (6.76 MB, 853x480, 853:480, good_doctor.webm)

it only comes to my attention now that i completely forgot to put a contact adress for interested people.

of course you need to contact jim about this. just contact him by email or twatter and write the following code phrase to him:

>blue horseshoe bat likes big guys

he will instantly know what it is about and the onboarding process can begin.

thank you for your attentions, good anons

see you soon in the sahara desert anons

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35c9be  No.305810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"short to ground nigguh" SCRATCH


"dark side nigguh" RIP




"with liberal-democracy as anarchy+tyranny; perform filter(peoples)" DEATH


"the recitation of IRON_EAGLE(masses) en direkt?!?!?!" YES


"to start that which cannot be stopped nor controlled" DELIGHTED


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35c9be  No.305813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates




i am an immortal force



You will fuel mine movement and destroy The untied bates…

I have released mine beast upon the earth…




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35c9be  No.305825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

… I have now invented 'mechanism' of CNAS…






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35c9be  No.305840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>The untied bates

F… F… F F F F F F F F F F…





















F.u.c.k.F.u.u.c.c.c.c.c.c.cKUK CUCKC UCKC CUK CUK


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0f350a  No.305844


Are you having a seizure?

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0f350a  No.305846


Welp, it's not like America isn't already collapsing from within from it's own corrupted gov/pol leadership, so whether we die from a thousand cuts or all at once in nuclear hellfire, our destination is pretty much the same at this point.

As I always say: trust the corrupt, run out of luck!

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35c9be  No.305851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>305844 & The untied bates

'Tis a matter of the 'unclean vessel…' Unwilling 'at time…'

I am resolute within 'reverse-possession…'

One must understand that which is 'lost…'

Libation and addiction is not of supposed 'demons,' the possession of said 'demons' by 'idea as entity…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

I, the GOD KING, must 'channel the channel…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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35c9be  No.305852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



… Rain… Rain…


"Shh' and "Hush" have returned from the 'survey…'

Mine 'friends' shall be 'arriving from the deep' shortly…

"Grrrrrrrrrrooooooooowl owl owl owl owl owl owl owl owl owl owl owl Grrrrrrrrrrr" SCRATCH



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a3399f  No.305997

we still take new recruits

contact jim and or ron via email or twatter and write

>blue horseshoe bat loves big guys

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a3399f  No.306005

File: 39f19e650c6b2d1⋯.webm (6.89 MB, 853x480, 853:480, aaaaaah.webm)

forgot pic

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