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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 494cf681a73be56⋯.jpg (614.45 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1638826180905.jpg)

d2f9f7  No.305592

Is it OK to bully white children for having incarcerated parents? I did that in high school a lot.

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bdca62  No.305598

File: 9ea42056516b9ce⋯.jpg (62 KB, 497x427, 71:61, OP_Knows_Where_to_Go.jpg)

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26f8aa  No.305600

File: 9e0653fe3b733cd⋯.jpg (491.38 KB, 923x1004, 923:1004, neanderkikes_1600690736572….jpg)

File: 8e2edb0505c6111⋯.png (75.12 KB, 426x749, 426:749, 07a2c2a2e0febd6c04bcacdb94….png)

File: f7c4e23246119e9⋯.png (391.03 KB, 1088x1568, 34:49, 1621216510403_tinypng_com_.png)

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15b4e3  No.305609

File: bd2cacd59f23e17⋯.mp4 (12.95 MB, 480x360, 4:3, cohn_walking_in_memphis.mp4)




you know the funny thing is that the neandertal was endemic to europe. while the goyim destroyer is endemic to the deserts of the mid east.

but of course it doesnt matter. we are on pol here. whatever puts shlomo in a bad light is swallowed without any doubt

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9b67ea  No.305641


it's humorous, to be completely candid with you…

exactly HOW uneducated you are

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9b67ea  No.305642


I'm not saying that you 'never had any education'

…………..it simply didn't inspire you to

PAY ATTENTION, and that's too bad

but the results are humorous, indeed

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9b67ea  No.305643


allow me to clarify….

see, an illiterate person can't tell what words he's misspelling, because he would need to know the correct spelling to gain the perspective required to notice his embarrassing mistakes…

and you lack the KNOWLEDGE required to gain the perspective and ability to realize that you're a lazy idiot, who THINKS he has knowledge, so doesn't feel the need to continue education himself.

I'm not critiquing your morals or beliefs

I'm simply ridiculing your lack of knowledge

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9b67ea  No.305644

File: 97a00a9e0c1d760⋯.png (421.4 KB, 1080x1623, 360:541, Picsart_22_06_07_03_24_29_….png)



like admitting when you made a mistake

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9b67ea  No.305646


I think it's safe to say that your utter lack of real life interaction with other human beings, the daily decisions tocontinue sitting in front of a computer instead of EXPERIENCING YOUR LIFEis both the reason WHY you're so horrifyingly inexperienced (stupid) and simultaneously the 'bastion of safety' you run to when seeking false reassurances of a life well lived.

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1788fc  No.307729


its only ok to bully those without foreskins. i e : Foreskin-chewers

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483b0e  No.307972

File: 0f82b23ec373249⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 497x427, 71:61, You_Have_to_Go_Back_to_Hal….jpg)

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