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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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1dc29e  No.305560

Only Stupid Leaders Do Not Know Use Military To Make Money In Modern Day

Source: humanitywhole.wordpress.com

In the modern day, there is no more time for physical weapon war but it is the new battle of mindset and creative.

It is sad to see many stupid outdated leaders do not know how to military to make money.

Here not only mortal humans but I am talking about all the people in the shadow gorverment including few demi-gods as well.

Why I am blaming them?

Because after quick thought about how to use military to make money to balance the budget, I already have a crazy innovative solution that will 100% success and bring a lot of money to any strong military nations like the USA, Russia without crash the current system.

But all the national government still made by the people and I don’t like them very much so I don’t reveal anything here in this post for it could cause the earthquake to this whole world !

If you are GOV agencies or from any big cooperations/groups, then tell your boss your team that reach me if they want to know the secret strategy, the innovative military startup in modern day.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source: humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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57a0bd  No.305615

File: e917345c4baa893⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB, 360x360, 1:1, I_Think_We_re_Alone_Now.mp4)

>nobody in thread

I came here because I felt like you might be lonely OP

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bc2aa0  No.305746

Ashley, you're stupi as a pile of dogshit

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bc2aa0  No.305748


of course, I realize that you don't think you're stupid. of course not. that's to be expected.

but you are

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bc2aa0  No.305749

your mother needs you out of her basement…

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bc2aa0  No.305750

you're going to have to face the music eventually

and find your own place with that SSI money

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400d7c  No.305764

File: 166d0851c1a069c⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 497x427, 71:61, PicsArt_06_06_04_33_15.jpg)

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