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File: e45d0e5c5391067⋯.jpg (171.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, uvalde_texas_elementary_sc….jpg)

cc4f27  No.303616 [Last 50 Posts]

Another Angry 18 yr old decides that aborting human lives is so important to him that he performs at least 18 late-term abortions on children, ages 7 to 9, and at least 3 adults today in Uvalde, Texas.

Democrats immediately praised his action as "bravely working to both snuff out the lives of children, and doing his best to help enact stricter gun control measures on law-abiding citizens nationwide."

No one even bothered to mention his obvious mental issues, or the mental health crisis in this country, especially among young men; instead choosing to use this tragedy as yet another opportunity to push for more Totalitarian measures to be enacted on the people (because they're "out-of-control", amirite?)


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cc4f27  No.303617

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73e475  No.303619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Did I not state mine intention to perform more school shootings?

Did I not state mine intention to attack 'churches' next?

"Workouts are not a guarantee, collections activity shall continue…"




U… … … L… A… … F…


Joker ULAF ULAF Bide the time ULAF Moving the weapons ULAF

"What's the matter fancy Nancy? Doesn't sex sell any more?" SCRATCH


"Gun confiscation this close to November?" CLINK


"I SAID "When in God's name are we" SNAP


"aint gots no time to phuc, now feed me nigga" CRACK


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73e475  No.303620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I shall tell thee of secret technologies from the far future(s)…

MOD… It is possible to compose a '2D image' from sound using a process similar to 'ghost imaging…'

MOD… Such 'image process' can be used to determine 'resonate frequency…'

MOD… Such information can be used to produce 'flux-field weapons' that are capable of 'eviscerating/shattering/melting/moving' bodies from both the air/sea and land… HAHAHAHAHAHA

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cc4f27  No.303621

File: 0600fe23a41b7f5⋯.jpg (135.86 KB, 720x810, 8:9, Moarfaeces_Antichrist_THRE….jpg)

File: f5f0b8268b4254a⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 720x810, 8:9, You_Moarfaeces_Antichrist_….jpg)


> Did I not state mine intention to perform more school shootings?

That's why you're not only on the list, but a white van is heading for your house right now.

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73e475  No.303622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



achine with no moving parts in zero gravity.

of frequency modulation to produce hydraulic effect.

realization that vibrating the hull at those frequencies caused radical reduction in friction…

resonance that caused missiles to be more effective in both water and air…

alterations to the concept of what a lubricant is…

surrounding how heavy machinery was designed before mass production oil.

combination allowed for delivery systems that cannot be detected by specifically 'electronic' means.

counter resonance that rendered those objects invisible.

a shield that is immune to conventional projectiles.

emf though alloy that alters the behavior of light on the surface.

for what is called 'cloaked signal' transmission.

of a 'virtual' surface. A 'virtual' cylinder that 'shrouds' the signal itself during

understanding that the same patterns used in the design of antenna can be used to change the lattice

construction of the first chamber within the geometric

results consistent with those depicted on the walls

archeologists who are continuing to excavate the site, but still cannot translate the

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c04222  No.303623

A reader sent:

Jim, my youngest son (who is 19 years old now) went to elementary, middle and high school in TX. Three different cities.

By the time 2014 rolled around, ALL schools in our area had been retrofitted (and new schools designed with) buzz- in systems, where you could not walk into the school without being buzzed in by the front office. Parents would literally have to give their name, the name of their student, and the reason for their visit. You would sit outside and wait a couple minutes while the administration and staff verified that your student was a real student at the school.

Once inside, the only place accessible to any visitor was the front office. There was bulletproof glass and / or heavy locked doors leading to all other areas of the school, and this was at multiple schools throughout the years that my son attended. All schools were designed this way! It was done intentionally to stop mass shootings.

There is no way that in 2022 the shooter had access to a classroom.


MY COMMENT: This reminds me when Obama was in office, they were staging mass shootings almost EVERY SINGLE WEEK for two years straight trying to push gun bans! It is very obvious they want America completely dismantled and destroyed, not just our economy or culture, but our Constitutional freedoms with it!! Never ever give up those guns, these despotic murderers are hell bent blood thirsty trying to subjugate and ruin every single American alive!

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c04222  No.303624


Sup, FBI.

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73e475  No.303625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




This is how it goes

Watching it unfold (Watching it unfold)

Playing my own role (runaway on ‘em)

Dum dum ditty dum dum ditty daddy don’t

Make me leave this home

This is what you chose (This is what you chose)

I can’t let him go (runaway on ‘em)

Dum dum ditty dum dum ditty daddy don’t



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73e475  No.303626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Should I make the next one put a gun in it's mouth on television?

Should I impose mine presence upon the earth and destroy all illusion? Destroy all doubt…

Should I reveal the existence of humans that can walk through walls as well?

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c04222  No.303627


Might as well go for it, it may actually happen, considering we are living in a totally inverted upside down collapsing world today.

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73e475  No.303628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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3a494c  No.303629


you're a comedy genius!!

the way you had to repeat the word 'abortion' twenty times was the funniest part, because you weren't sure if anyone would get the joke, so you repeated the word over and over and over…

that's the sign of quality humor:

when it's so un-funny and UN-clever, that the person typing it thinks repeating it will eventually make it 'appear' clever and funny…

good work !!… Very Ethereal Stuff …

nice job @ pretending your gun (tiny penis) rights are important…

while you do indeed have a constitutional right to a tiny penis compensation issue, I'm not sure why it's so important to you, other than your inability to defend yourself against a 10 year old girl.

also, I enjoyed how it took you so long to finally create a thread. I guess it demonstrates how you were one of the last one of us to even find out about it…

but perhaps my favorite part about all of your 'highbrow effort' if the fact that you don't even seem to have a 'point' to make … I'm not sure why you even created the thread in the first place. you talk about mental illness,but you're the same guy who admits being mentally ill

so….. what's your fucking point?

seriously I'm not sure

you just thought this would be a good opportunity to chime in and show your enthusiasm for tiny penis overcompensation rights?

but why? we already figured that much out about you when we realized you need a weapon to defend yourself

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3a494c  No.303632


I've always said in America, we have wonderful FREEDOM… like the freedom to use some screens to mask our hypocrisy…

but it's always fun watching you exercise your constitutional right to be wrong

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3a494c  No.303633

smoke screens*

just curious why it took you SO LONG to finally create the comedy magic….

I got tired of hearing about this story earlier this afternoon, considering it had been playing Non-Stop on every channel, over and over… then I took a nap for several hours…

only to discover you had "jumped on the story" at rocket speed, only taking you 12 hours to catch up

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3a494c  No.303634

I think the Constitution granted you your most useful freedom in your well used 'right to fool yourself into believing your own bullshit'…

you've gotten a lot of mileage out of that one

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3a494c  No.303635

and when I say the 'constitutional right to overcompensate for a tiny penis', I realize you're a giraffe, and you're literally like 18 ft tall, because you're a fucking freak of nature of course..

so yeah, most people might not think a 14-in penis is small…

until they realize a number two pencil is thicker than what's hanging between your legs

I've heard it resembles a shoelace

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3a494c  No.303636


but I don't want to diminish the value of your comedy efforts, and I don't mean to limit the 'gain of comedic function', so feel free to repeat the word abortion several more times, just to make sure everybody understands that was the punchline…

it's such sophisticated, intellectual comedy, that it probably went over the average person's head.. so repeat the word another six or seven times for us, and they'll finally 'get it'…

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3a494c  No.303637

ITT: hypocritical man admits being mentally ill in several threads over the years… also admits to being a gun owner on a regular basis… finally says the problem is mentally ill people having guns

like a weird flesh colored shoelace

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3a494c  No.303638

we all can see the hypocrisy of other people's behaviors and actions, but ego always steps in when you are confronted with your own transparent hypocritical bullshit, and that's why the human animal always denies it when it's US being confronted with our own hypocritical contradictions…. when denying it doesn't make the accusation seem less valid, and simply makes us seem like COWARDLY hypocrites….

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3a494c  No.303639


that's loud and clear ..


(and a self-admitted propensity to harbor hostility towards females)

but let's not focus on confessions of unresolved emotional issues right now.. let's focus on freedom


(and the inability to turn down an opportunity to demonstrate your own hypocrisy by inserting the term abortion into any conversation, pretending as if it was a humorous and intellectual 'double entendre', even though it didn't constitute a double entendre, but instead, it simply demonstrated that your version of freedom involves telling other people what they can and cannot do)

as if women need you to tell them how to run their lives, or what they do with their own body parts…

anything that is natural connected and attached to your body in an organic manner, through skin, tissue, organs, muscle, etc is part of your body, and nobody asked you if they are allowed to have a mole removed or a tumor excised or a regrettable side effect of sex and future financial burden expunged from reality…

shouldn't you be exercising the right to worrying about your own problems instead of distracting by pretending you're making rules?

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3a494c  No.303640


but I'm still laughing at your unique ability to construct hilarious concept, like late term abortion.. that is so fucking clever..

that's some impressive comedy writing ability you've got going on.. you can really cash in on it if you went to Hollywood…

once I realized your FREEDOM was your self-perceived right to control women's lives…. that's when I knew….

much more likely to be used as a shoelace than the pole vault

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3a494c  No.303641


but don't feel bad because everybody knows certain men lose some of their constitutional rights as they get older…

like the right to satisfy a woman…

the right to still achieve an erection…

but thank God there's always the right to transfer virility into a false authoritarian role…

or maybe use it to wrap it around a really gigantic finger to remember something?

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3a494c  No.303642

if you ask any woman in America, they will tell you:

when it comes to the decisions in their own personal lives, their own opinion is completely relevant when compared to that of an obviously manic gun owner who began telling women what they can and cannot do after losing the ability to get a hard-on…

that's the criteria all women look for when being told what to do with their own personal decisions

or you could attach it to a kite

on the windy day it would appear like you got wood

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3a494c  No.303643

CONFUCIUS SAY : never trust a man who toot cheap plastic horn of freedom to hide desire for authoritarianism

or maybe you could rent it out as one of those wiggling air dancers in a used car parking lot?

I'm sure they could find a fan powerful enough to make it appear like it's still alive…

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3a494c  No.303644

it's really not about guns.. it's about emotionally unstable people with psychiatric disorders… we need to do something to get rid of them…

meaning at least 4/5ths of gun owners, including OP would automatically disappear into a psychiatric institution for the rest of their lives…

to be honest, only a mentally ill person would think a firearm make some seem like they are capable of defending themselves with their bare hands if necessary…

you could draw red and blue stripes down it and try to convince somebody its a drinking straw

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3a494c  No.303645

by the way, I first learned that OP has a weird deformed penis when his girlfriend told me that on their first date, she thought he was an entomologist.

then she "realized that wasn't an earthworm"..

so I asked her, "it was a little bit thicker than the average earthworm?"

…. and she said, "No, I realized earthworms are only supposed to have one mouth hole at the end instead of three"

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3a494c  No.303647

I first learned about OPs weird, deformed genitalia when his girlfriend told me he has a "penis tattoo" that says "SHORTIE"..

but when he was still able to achieve an erection, it would unravel and say "SHORTIE'S TRUCK STOP & BBQ RESTAURANT, CHATANOOGA TENNESSEE"

so I asked her, " oh, it's really that big?"

and she said, "the font is so small that you need a microscope to read it"

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3a494c  No.303648


tsk tsk tsk

thinks the psychotic image board homo shootings represent his opportunity to NOT LOOK WITHIN, and disprove all of his word circles by demonstrating an "US & THEM" mentality, pretending life is black & white, with one side always being wrong and HIS side "always being right"…

it's like a symphony of patently hypocritical contradictions in here… and OP is the composer, conductor, one man symphony AND only audience member in the auditorium.

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3a494c  No.303649

shouldn't you be aborting some chickens?

that's what you do everyday, right?

I heard you're running an abortion clinic for chickens…

and if you're so adamant about being pro-life, I'm guessing maybe you're one of those people who thinks humans are the only thing that's alive because we use spoken language?

exactly what about chickens makes you think they're not a form of life?

go abort some more of them, and use some onion and green peppers this time

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3a494c  No.303650


oh, dammit … I just realized something :

you're one of those HUMAN LIVES MATTER people?

lol wow….. brilliant

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9ea247  No.303651

Spic kills spics. Very nice.

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3a494c  No.303653


don't pretend to be focused on race… you're

the loser who enjoys women being shot.

go find a boyfriend, lardass

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cc4f27  No.303656

File: 038b2e6483b6f60⋯.jpg (53.81 KB, 666x666, 1:1, Black_Lives_Do_NOT_Matter_….jpg)




















Literally …………….too easy……………….

OP here.

I spent all of three minutes cresting this shit thread, where (You) proceeded to spend the next. Hours demonstrating (You)r emotionally retarded caustic "persona"-bashing techniques that make you appear less mature than Moarfæces Antichrist, who was tho only "other" person to spend any time ITT.

That I pushed (You)r buttons (over & over) there can be no doubt. I take as much pleasure in it as (You) do when making (You)r targets miserable.

> inb4 I referred to (You) as a target

'And that's pretty rich,(You) complaining about REPETITIVENESS!

The fact is, I repeatedly reminded (You) that murder is happening all around (You) every day, some of it much more politically and socially acceptable than "other" murder, butit's all murder.

Let me give (You) an example. (You) Leftist Progressives obsess about guns far more than any gun owners I know, and (You) literally know NOTHING about them. (You) think "Gun Violence" is a thing — that guns are going around killing people — not criminals. (You) attack the material object, rather than find ways to discourage criminal behavior, in the same way that (You) attack "Personas" all fucking day long, ad nauseum ad infinitum.

Why do (You) Leftist Progressives NEVER even mention all the blacks, that (You) pretend to care about, but are really just using as political pawns, that are dying daily, many of them children, at the hands of what (You) like to call "gun violence", but is really just inner-city black-on-black crime, violence, outright murder, and a profound lack of respect for the Sanctity of Life.

But, I guess to (((You))), BLACK LIVES DO NOT MATTER.

Only taking away the ability for regular folk to protect themselves from the crime and violence that (You) so worship and cultivate matters to (You). (You) will spend all day every day in here, attacking "personas" and doing nothing of value, but pretending (You)'re doing something "important", or that the FBI wants to get another phone call from the likes of (You), with (You)r drippingly obvious mental illness and hypomanic inability to speak without sounding like some perma-tweaked 58yr old whore; which is EGG ZACKLY how (You) sound here, with (You)r inccesant speech-to-text attacks on commonsense and sensibilities, not to mention the constant abuse levied upon "other" little boys, such as (You)rself. That (You) can't even see the immaturity of (You)r actions pretty much proves every point I just made and more.

So, go march with the mobs in the streets, do what (((You)))r masters told (((You))) to. March for only women to have the right to commit murder, and for only criminals to have the right to own guns if (You) must. But if (You) want to act like dangerous toddlers (You) will be treated as such. (You) do not understand the deeper issues about ANYTHING. You only see the surface facade, (You) focus on things like skin color & "persona" because (You) have no Depth, because (You) continue to refuse toLOOK WITHIN.

I wish (You) well in the times to come.

Speaking of time… wasting a lot of it is becoming less important to me. I'm finding many ways to occupy my time that provide more positivity in my life than this place does. ==But (You) Do (You)!

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cc4f27  No.303659

File: dfe2b8ea826aa5f⋯.jpg (66.86 KB, 508x612, 127:153, 2_Peas_in_a_Pod.jpg)

File: 33a5e4c752741e2⋯.jpg (657.97 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, pnd.jpg)




















> inb4 more name-calling and "persona" -bashing

> inb4 "WE DID THIS TO YOU! and more Threats to Freedom & Liberty

"Johnny Neptune" has no idea what's coming, because he does not pay attention. He wallows down there in Georgia, Little Andy, with his siblings Raphael Warnock and Stacey Abrams, pointing at "Others" as the "problem" and fantasizing aboutTotalitarianism for ALL!

And he hangs out on what he thinks of as a "White Supremacist" Board all day with "Other" losers like me (although I only pop in on occasion!) I wonder if he has even examined his reasons for remaining here. I have made no secret of the fact that I am here in the hopes that I might actually trick somebody into thinking for themself.

What Are (((You))) Doing Here?

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14b599  No.303664


it's fairly sophisticated, the technique you use…

most people see you mention spics, and they assume assume 'well here's a nice emotionally stable, successful charismatic superior human being who enjoys an emotionally stable need to continually tell himself that he's superior'…

but it's all an act on your part…

you're simply a TALENTED ACTOR

the secret behind your acting talent

is your ability to mimic other people's behavior

and yes, your observational skills are second to none!!

you simply studied the behavior of REAL superior people, and you noticed that in real life, truly superior people hang out in empty image boards, usually around 2:30 AM, telling themselves that they are superior.


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14b599  No.303665



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fa28f6  No.303669


People in churches shoot back, chinky bug, stick with your late-term abortions of non-White illegals. It will be safer for you.

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14b599  No.303670


I like how you masterfully managed once again to make it appear as if your inner pain is caused by your superiority over Mexicans or blacks…

but I know the truth….

I know your inner pain has been cause by your superiority over women.

and YES, all men who are superior over women RESENT WOMEN…

that's why you secretly gain pleasure when you hear about women being injured or killed…

that's why you enjoyed the Buffalo Video so much. the clearest indication of a superior successful emotionally stable man who happens to be superior is when he gains pleasure from watching little old ladies being murdered by an 18-year-old inferior misfit who happens to be emotionally unstable.

BECAUSE TRUE SUPERIORITY CAN BE MEASURED IN HAPPINESS that one receives when he watches little old ladies suffering at the hands of an angry sexually malfunctional image board misfit boy…

with that being said, I'd imagine you got a bit of a chuckle from so many little children being murdered, becauseyou don't have the balls to deal with your problems by confronting a grown man face to face

and that's why you always relish and the suffering of innocent and defenseless individuals…

it appeals to your superiority…

and your cowardice

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fa28f6  No.303671


Not only is murder happening around him every day but it is an innate aspect of creation itself. There is no way to avoid it or avoid creation. I think that is why that guy/bot is so insane.

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fa28f6  No.303672


>and YES, all men who are superior over women RESENT WOMEN…

Wow. That is pretty faggoty.

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fa28f6  No.303673


Oh no…it might have worked.

No…wait…I was already capable of thinking for myself.

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cc4f27  No.303675

File: bfdd9fb726a99b7⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 340x340, 1:1, JN_Preys.jpg)

I've also made it quite clear on numerous occasions that I Am Pro-Choice, but Anti-Abortion (a stance that is FAR more popular than anyone thinks.)

Abortion IS Murder.

I have NEVER changed my position on that. I also FULLY Support a woman's right to commit murder on the unborn — up until a point, and with certain caveats. We can talk about the particulars, but not with emotionally retarded mobs of violent toddlers.

The Leftist Progressive Position on Abortion IS EXTREME.

That is just a fact. And I'll throw it in your face all fucking day. Partial birth abortions are the hill you want to die on?

And FUCK YES! I AM One of Those Who Think That HUMAN LIVES MATTER.

"Johnny Neptune"HATESALL Humans.

That is why His Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

You see, Johnny gets all worked up about some murders, but thinks "other" murders are more than just justified, they are necessary. (Another reason why his opinions are not taken seriously by anyone with half a brain cell.)

I think Johnny might be unhinged. He hates humans, does not want them to live, wants to start with certain humans he likes even less than all the "other" ones, but he'd like to see them all destroyed, wiped out, tortured and killed.

That is WHY People Like Andrew McGovern Are Not Allowed NEAR Any Firearms by Those of Us Who Are Capable of Being Responsible Gun Owners.

It is the Leftist Progressive Mind that is Most Dangerous and Most Enamored With Authoritarianism nowadays. They're REALLY fucking dangerous, and I'm glad that intelligent people are finally waking up to that fact, and recognizing the REAL Threat posed from those who worship Totalitarianism, and want it imposed on Everyone "Else".

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0d2535  No.303678


Just ask a woman about what constitutes "my body, my choice" and if she says it only constitutes abortion but not other rights then you know you are dealing with some bitch hypocrite. Not all are though, thankfully some woman agree everyone has a right to choose what they want to do with their own body: be it abortion or tattoos or even the right to reject a vaccine.


>CONFUCIUS SAY : never trust a man who toot cheap plastic horn of freedom to hide desire for authoritarianism

Oh, so you mean Antifa thugs who beat up innocent bystanders and burn down innocent businesses while protesting police brutality? Yah, those hypocrites are scumbags.

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14b599  No.303679



lol DAMN, DUDE….

I was fucking with you…

triggered much? you really went off the deep end there, didn't you? you even went full throttle with the psychotic Stacey Abrams accusations.. you went above and beyond when you went there with Warnock..

lol you still think I'm a Democrat? wow

yeah, dude.. weird.. just simply weird

you actually think I'm a Democrat.. that's very observant of you.. with observational skills like that, you should be able to get a job at any gas station or McDonald's…

I was just fucking with you, but you got really touchy there didn't you?


just like every woman on planet Earth has made it perfectly clear to you (including the mother who you are mooching on, because it's another weekday and you are unemployed, unable to pay your own bills, sitting in an empty image board pretending to be superior)nobody cares what you think, especially those with vaginas

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14b599  No.303682


nobody cares what you THINK….

but anybody with a brain stemknows what you ARE:


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14b599  No.303683


this is the part where you drop to the desperate Marshmallow Sally level, and try to convince us that you are "independently wealthy"…


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0d2535  No.303684


I think it should be left up to the States myself. America is very diversified when it comes to politics, religion and culture. You can't expect the whole country to agree on one single issue, that won't ever happen. You can't force your will against the whole country either, that would lead to civil war. Leave it up for States and local jurisdictions to decide, and up to the locals to decide where they choose to live given the results.

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14b599  No.303685


you're using the internet, which costs money.. internet service providers don't supply the service for free…

perhaps that never crossed your mind when you decided to play the role of the independently wealthy Superior guy during weekdays when employed people are at work?

routers don't work without electricity… similar to the way you don't work, but somehow you've got access to electricity…

I'm guessing that never crossed your mind when you decided you would go online and play the role of the successful independently wealthy Superior person?

the router won't last long in the rain, any longer than your little sissy boy computer that afforded you the opportunity to never get a girlfriend… the best way to prevent electronics from being destroyed by rain isHAVING A ROOF OVER YOUR HEADbut there's a catch : it costs money to have roof over your head, and you don't have a job

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0d2535  No.303686

For America to be saved I have concluded that balkanization - NOT FAKE "unification" "we are one" - must be allowed to naturally happen. We don't all agree on a multitude of issues, and we never ever will. So allowing different jurisdictions and States to make the final decisions is what is best for America long-term. Let everyone decide where to settle based on their personal principles.

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14b599  No.303687


like all humans, you are at your best when things are at their worst…

that's why you always shine after somebody points out that you've been triggered…

I think your best work has always been the classic "try covering your ass by pretending you weren't triggered with even more triggered commentary"

you know.. the old 'dilute the matter with more subterfuge that appears similar to the original evidence of your easily triggered State of mind"

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14b599  No.303689


"I think this.."

"I think that"

imagine a world where you had a human being you knew in real life who was interested in what you think or say

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14b599  No.303690


I've always noticed that the people with the most important thoughts and opinions always end up in an empty chat room hoping they can find a random faceless human being who will at least glance across their words

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14b599  No.303691


perhaps I'm a bit of an amateur at sizing people up online, so maybe you could help me with this..

I'm guessing that you don't have a job because you are superior?

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14b599  No.303694


wait a minute.. I just thought of something..

maybe there's some kind of government program that recognizes superiority, and maybe they could take taxpayer dollars and offer it to those Superior people, so they wouldn't have to go out and get a job?

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0d2535  No.303695


That's why I say, in the end, after SHTF is all said and done, you best have some private property, a roof over your head, some essential assets in bulk stored, manual tools and accessories, maybe some solar panels, a wood burning stove, rain water collection & filtering or access to well water, plenty of firearms/ammo/gun cleaning supplies….. maybe a bug-out plan if worse comes to worse….. that is all that will matter when this nation collapses if you have a family to defend and protect. Luxury and comfort will cease to exist, and a longer life is not guaranteed anymore.

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14b599  No.303696


since I'm insane, I'm probably way off base with my cuckoo concept of a government program that offers financial benefits to somebody who sits on his ass all day instead of having a job…

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0d2535  No.303700


The government doesn't really care about those individuals, they simply feed them just enough to keep them from becoming criminals, or rioting, or killing their fellow clogs in the machine. Political capital to keep some stability and false sense of security while they continue to corrupt and undermine the nation.

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14b599  No.303701


that is one of the most novel earth-shattering concepts I've ever read !!

you're telling me that you developed a concept where people could plan for an unexpected harsh future reality??!!!

and you're telling me you dreamed up a concept where people might even PREPARE?….

that's brilliant! you are smart as shit!!

no wonder you don't have a job !!

you're busy developing brand new ideas

you should try coming up with the name for these people you've conceptualized…

with all the preparation and surviving, maybe you could call them PREPARATIONISTS?


you should work on this idea cuz I've never heard anything like it before, and I bet you there's some other people out there who could learn a lot from you

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14b599  No.303702


hold on a second.. I think I'm learning too much too fast from you..

maybe you might want to slow down a little bit so we could all take notes…

you're telling me the government doesn't actually work for me? are you serious?

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14b599  No.303703


I don't know this is beginning to sound a little bit farfetched…

you're telling me that politicians maintain a status quo to appease the populace that, while actually being corrupt behind the scenes?



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14b599  No.303704


dude you have changed my life with your groundbreaking expose

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14b599  No.303705


I owe you my life actually.. you have opened my eyes to a world I never realized existed before

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14b599  No.303706


yep… that was MY IDEA…..

now if I could only think of a name for the program that distributes these benefits to Superior people

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0d2535  No.303707



No shit anyone with a brain knows this already, but not a lot of people with brains exist on image boards, and half that do glow in the dark on the govt doll to keep the other half in denial and unprepared for the inevitable. That's how it works.

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14b599  No.303708


I'm drawing a blank.. you seem brilliant.. perhaps you could help me think of a name for a program that offers financial benefits to Superior people so they can remain unemployed and spend their days in empty chat rooms?

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14b599  No.303709



well if you say it,then it must be true…

because you invented the concept of preparing for the future

and after all, when it comes to "what WORKS", who knows more than the unemployed right?

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14b599  No.303710


one thing is definitely for sure :

REALITY = empty chat rooms are at least 50% secret agents who have been assigned to monitor the progress of unemployed mentally ill men


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0d2535  No.303711


I didn't invent prepping, God did, and God tells those He wishes to save to prepare for the times of tribulation which we are now living through.

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14b599  No.303712


perception of top secret government programs funding highly trained secret agents to monitor worthless conversations in an empty chat room proves that you are definitely an expert when it comes to reality

that's how I can tell you are completelySANE

only an insane person would think 50% of humanity is not a gigantic force of secret agents who are monitoring the other 50%

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14b599  No.303713


see?… thank you for backing me up when I told everybody howSANEyou are !!!

now, for further verification of your sanity, I want you to tell them about how the man in the clouds can read your mind

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0d2535  No.303714


Reality is not sane. It never was.

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adab6f  No.303715


>buys you a expensive 100 year old snifter and lights your contraband aged cuban

<bravo anon.

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14b599  No.303716


prepping? PREPPING !!! THATS IT !!!

you managed to invent the perfect name for your other invention, the preparation for an uncertain future

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14b599  No.303717


I'm supposed to your mother is going to foot the bill for the cigar, just like your internet service and the roof over your head?

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14b599  No.303718


because last time I checked, an unemployed mooch who's simply too lazy to get off his fat swollen soft acne riddled ass can't afford to feed himself, let alone buy somebody an expensive Cuban cigar…

thank God for the parasite/host relationship

otherwise, you'd be chatting from a salvation army right now

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14b599  No.303719



simple ….

he actually uses the word "anon"

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0d2535  No.303720


thankyouverymuch *bows*

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14b599  No.303721


by the way, I'm sorry about the ban at 4chan….

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14b599  No.303722


shouldn't you have called him "anon" too?

that way he could realize that you also have never seen a vagina in real life

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14b599  No.303723


I guess it's safe to say you won't be "pulling a Bill Clinton" with that cigar?

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0d2535  No.303724


4chan is completely radiated by the glowing. Red flag is you cannot even use a simply common VPN to post their, and they make the CAPTCHA impossible to read so in order to bypass it you must give away personal info LOL.

Nah! Best stick to this place.

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14b599  No.303725


boy you got triggered hard..

which is okay because we are all capable of being… well…. 'embarrassed' I guess

yeah I was just fucking with you dude

I didn't realize you were so touchy

that you would flip out and

start throwing around your accusations

and misperceptions about

what political affiliation other people have

much more likely to be used to tie a little girl's tennis shoes then to be used for the pole vault

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0d2535  No.303726


oh shit, should have said *there* sorry

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14b599  No.303727



I've got to give credit where credit is due :

other than Jerry and I, you are the only one in here with the unique ability to spell the word THERE correctly

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cc4f27  No.303728

File: aabba689ed16e74⋯.webm (7.83 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Yuri_Bezmenov.webm)


It's (You) who gotTRIGGERED!

I never said (You) were a Democrat (but I lumped ya in with all of 'em crazies!)

(You), however, CONSTANTLY Accuse ME of being a Republican (when we're both obviously Independents; only I lean more toward a Libertarian form of Anarchy, or an Anarchical form of Libertarianism, than whatever the fuck ya wanna call that miserable stance (You) are taking!) You also CONTINUOUSLY Accuse ME of Loving TRUMP, or Supporting TRUMP!

Like I said, it's all about "Persona" with (You) statue-destroyers. Ya can't seem to grok the concept of POLICY, nor can ya even talk about anything except skin color (Orange Man Baaad!) and other surface facade stuff, maybe tear down some statues unto insubstantiality, or smear more diarrhea on the walls…

Keep Going…

It's a good example to EVERYONE of a particular Stance, and good on (You) for demonstrating it with such bravado and lack of embarrassment. Well played. I sure hope it was all an act, and that (You) really aren't that miserable!

But it's OK if (You) are. (You)'re in good company — (You), and "Others" who have taken that Stance — folks like Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock & (You).

> vid related is just food for thought…

Folks still like to think, don't they?

No appetite for THINKING?

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14b599  No.303729


and yes you are correct!!

50% of human beings are government secret agents

but in 4chan, 100% of the entire human race are top secret government agents

I'm thinking they should call the program WELFARE…. because we are all concerned with the welfare of superior people like you…

this program could put a little bit of money in your pocket so you could help offset the costs and burdens you've placed on the other human being you are relying on to help keep you alive and keep a roof over your head, and so you can continue riding on their Wi-Fi for free and using up the electricity while they are at work today

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14b599  No.303730


you could always rent it out to a swami Snake charmer..

oh shit…. I forgot…

it would actually need to be able to RISE UP out of the swami's basket…

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14b599  No.303731


I'm glad you decided to stay here….

that's going to give me a lot more opportunities to discuss your lack of employment and inability to pay your own bills

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14b599  No.303732


plus, even though fourth grade elementary school students realize swami's are charlatans, it would ruin his act if everyone accused him of using a pinworm instead of a real snake

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0d2535  No.303733

File: e9250332440e474⋯.jpeg (307.77 KB, 1241x1387, 17:19, twitter_govt_propaganda_e….jpeg)


I can tell by the absolute load of narrative propaganda that gets blasted 24/7 over there. Honestly finding something of interests is like finding a needle in a haystack so I very rarely bother lurking there. Kinda reminds me of Twitter.

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14b599  No.303734


Marshmallow Sally = I believe it was you who referred to Marshmallow Sally as "Antichrist Anon" earlier….

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14b599  No.303735


Sean Davis, the lying sack of shit behind the Federalist

good work!!


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0d2535  No.303736


Which post exactly? I don't recall, I did say "sup FBI" to him when he promoted the recent school shooting.

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14b599  No.303737


just like you, Marshmallow Sally doesn't have a job, can't pay his own bills, and is superior to other people, especially people with jobs

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14b599  No.303739


perhaps it wasn't you who referred to him as "Antichrist Anon"….

it's irrelevant….

just like you, Marshmallow Sally didn't realize his lack of employment would be obvious….

so when it was noticed, he tried the classic "I'M INDEPENDENTLY WEALTHY" technique

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0d2535  No.303740


You are very wrong about me. My wife inherited a decent amount of wealth after her parents died, and well…. you know how that goes. Our mortgage on the homestead is also fully paid off today. We paid it all off in one year. Sure, I don't have nearly as much savings, but the family is still making income to help with the bills. All is good and financially sound. Plus, we have TONS of backup supplies. If we ever get into a rut we are well prepared to dip into extra storage and spend less at the stores.

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14b599  No.303742

we almost felt sorry for Marshmallow Sally that day, watching him squirm, desperately trying to develop an immediate answer he should have already fabricated….


so feeling sorry for him

isn't our place

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14b599  No.303744


ahhh….. okay

now you're finally talking my language instead of the chat room culture parrot routine you've been doing all day

see, I'm not a parrot…..

I'm a human being, and we talk REAL TALK

minus all of the trendy chat room culture catch phrases

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14b599  No.303745


and now I see that you are telling the truth

nice to meet you sir. welcome to the shit hole

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0d2535  No.303746


I'm not kidding you, he really hinted the other day he wanted to see Americans get shot up en mass, all because he's another radical who is angry we won't give up our firearms and become like China today. And honestly, I do believe his kind would be that angry about it, he worships the modern totalitarian culture of China.

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14b599  No.303747


you have to begin by realizing that over 60% of chat room culture inhabitants (during weekdays) are SSI WELFARE Recipients

they are easy to spot because they demonstrate the clear symptoms of psychiatric disorders

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14b599  No.303748


let me explain something about him.. I know him very well, and in fact everybody in here knows him very well

so you can Bank on our words

the only thing he worships is himself

because he's suffering from an overwhelming debilitating inferiority complex that is well deserved

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14b599  No.303750

before I proceed any farther with my MARSHMALLOW SALLY DOSSIER, let me tell you how nice it is to actually talk to another human being who has seen a vagina in real life…

including you, that makes four of us who have ever been in this chat room before

none of the other inhabitants have ever seen a vagina in front of their face, and the deeper you look under the hood, the more you'll realize they have no sexual attraction towards women whatsoever

and they all harbor animosity towards women, as if it was women's fault that they have a tiny little penis and an inability to handle intimacy

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14b599  No.303751

the fact that another heterosexual somehow managed to stumble in here gives me Faith in humanity again

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0d2535  No.303752


I think a lot may be, but certainly not all posters. And may of the posters are simply (and deliberately) kept in the dark and brainwashed about reality, they are being radicalized by glowing disinfo spooks online. Believe it or not these spooks have a bad reputation for recruiting psychotic people, and getting them to commit acts of violence to entrap them, as well to push narratives and agendas.

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14b599  No.303753


let's just put it this way..



we are the ones who DON'T live with our mothers, collect SSI disability, and fabricate excuses to justify our repressed sexual attraction towards other men

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14b599  No.303754


woah, Bessie !!!

Careful with all the GLOWING garbage…

if you mention it too many times, you begin to look like a man with a psychiatric disorder, who's unemployed

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0d2535  No.303755


This is literally why I say "sup FBI" to ANYONE promoting the murder of *innocent* people or citizens!! And I will continue to react that way, because I know how these spooks work. Anyone who reads the news does by now.

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0d2535  No.303756


Remember the "white supremacist" kidnapping case? That BLEW UP in the courts. All of it was STAGED by the FBI, they were 100% entrapping people and radicalizing them online!!! FACT.

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cc4f27  No.303757

File: 918a18a7d9b4c58⋯.jpg (84.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Yee_.jpg)


That's the thing about those who only care about the world of Appearances, rather than celebrating Authenticity. They're the only ones who give a flying fuck what "Others" think about them.


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14b599  No.303759

because the truth of the matter is:

AGAIN: yes, the government has employees who work for federal law enforcement agencies, and who handle investigations into subversive counterculture groups associated with acts of violence and domestic terrorism

like the ones I've worked with since I was 17 years old, which makes it a 41-year relationship working with Federal local and state law enforcement agencies

and some of these "secret agents" (if you know about them, then obviously it's not a secret, which is why they are actually referred to as SPECIAL FIELD AGENTS) are actually monitoring this particular chat room on and off, but more right now than ever, because 2 days after the Buffalo shooting, one of the unemployed mentally ill welfare recipient chat room culture douchebuckets who only washes his hair once every 6 months MADE TERRORISTIC THREATS TO TRAVEL TO ANOTHER STATE AND CAUSE BODILY HARM TO A PERSON

in fact, it was ME who the greasy haired mooch threatened

and while I am a convicted violent felon, who would actually relish the opportunity to get my hands on the man who is terrified of shampoo, legal strategic protocol dictates that I make an open statement in which I sayI AM TECHNICALLY IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE

this is the criteria used by every courtroom in America to deny a person Bond after they have been arrested, meaning they would have to sit in a disgusting holding cell until trial finally gets scheduled…

and it could take up to 3 years to schedule a trial

I am technically in fear for my life. I am technically in fear for my life. I am technically in fear for my life. again.. I am in fear for my life

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14b599  No.303761


you are full of information that nobody else is aware of….

like the Michigan governors kidnapping trial, or the acquittal of said alleged plotting kidnappers

yep. I have no idea what you're talking about because unlike you, I am unable to watch the news

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14b599  No.303762


That's bullshit, because if I only cared about "appearance", I would have already reported Nancy for torturing you and putting you on the rack, stretching you out until you're 18 ft tall and your wrists are skinnier than my pinky finger

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0d2535  No.303763



Remember the DHS MIAC report that was leaked to infowars? You'd be surprised that they have been doing this for some time!! They HATE Americans who choose freedom over tyranny, so they have set up massive radicalization operations (this is all leaked and confirmed too), to entrap disgruntled Americans, increase violence and crisis, then they turn around and push more tyranny as a solution and use their violent patsies as an exampled excuse and justification for pushing for more power grabs and population control.

Hegelian dialectic: create a crisis then propose your solution.

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14b599  No.303765




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14b599  No.303766


oh, boy! DO I EVER REMEMBER IT !!!



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14b599  No.303767

I'm actually trying to find a fascinating news article I happen to catch by accident the other day.. a TV set was on in the background, and when I walked through the room, I happen to catch a really good article aboutCLEARVIEW

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14b599  No.303769

CLEARVIEW AI is the world's most accurate and effective facial recognition system, using every single photograph available on the internet, particularly photographs unavailable to the public, like driver's licenses and other ID cards…

but it's not limited to driver's licenses or ID cards…

CLEARVIEW accesses every single photograph on the internet… instantaneously….

and even a blurry out of focus grainy still image from a distance, captured from an old out of focus security camera….


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14b599  No.303771

File: 43f62a17f3bf907⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 2208x2944, 3:4, 43f62a17f3bf907fa65a43a743….jpg)

the man who never met a bottle of shampoo he liked?.. he was completely unaware that posting his photograph made it a snap for special field agents to identify the self-proclaimed white supremacist who made terroristic threats in a white supremacist Neo-Nazi chat room only two days after the Buffalo shootings…

he had never heard of Clearview before

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14b599  No.303772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it doesn't matter if you scratch out your eyes or blur the picture..

it doesn't even matter if a mortar shell blew half of your face off….

only government law enforcement agencies are allowed access to Clearview AI

and now the military is offering it into the Ukrainian government

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14b599  No.303774

old greasy hair accused me of entrapment.. he must have confused me with law enforcement..

only a law enforcement officer can be accused of entrapment, if you understand what entrapment means, which obviously Mr greasy hair does not understand…

he also did not understand what the NSA is capable of doing, how quickly they can identify a person from their internet posts, no matter what form of encryption or VPN or tor or other amateurish attempts at evasion they may try to use.. the NSA actually developed many of those evasion techniques themselves, so of course they are fully capable of locating him from his internet posts

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cc4f27  No.303775

File: cf20b6b1113344b⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1982x2643, 1982:2643, You.jpg)

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14b599  No.303776

in fact, he openly boasted that they're not smart enough to figure out his IP address, even though he always uses the exact same IP address every single time, proving he's not even on a VPN

so he tried quickly deleting the posts

he's a technological genius, because the leading your posts makes it impossible for federal law enforcement to contact the admin and simply subpoena the server logs…

oops!!! turns out I was wrong

I have just been notified that deleting the posts had no efficacy whatsoever

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14b599  No.303777


people call me Neptune, but that's not my name.. I'm sure Jerry will tell you all about it soon, but in the meantime.. it's nice to meet you

I'm the guy who's going to contact my friends in the Atlanta field office of the FBIEVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE SOMEBODY POST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY IN HEREand they can Bank on it because it's not a threat… it's simply a fact..

like you, I've got a wife…

I'm not sure if you've got kids but I do, from a previous marriage or three…

and my current wife has kids from her previous marriage…

and you can absolutely guaranteei AM that guy

I'm the one who's going to immediately take action, because I already have the contacts.. I already have them stored in my contact list, and I have a long reputation of giving valid information to law enforcement, I'm easily pulled up on any special access server to fcic records…

according to multiple Federal field agents over the years, and just as many local and State investigators, my record is Rock solid when it comes to information I offer

I don't have any incidents where my information wasn't valid

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14b599  No.303779


you're obviously not a stupid guy.. that's why I'm going to just assume that you are able to read between the lines when you see any of my slightly regrettable but really not that big of a dealspeech to text typosthat I only learn about after the fact but never really cared enough to prevent them in the first place

nice to meet you

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cc4f27  No.303781

File: 3913a7536359124⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 510x584, 255:292, Fake_Juice_World_for_Moarf….jpg)

Don't forget the Sallified Marshmallowy Moarfæces Antichrist!


> Did I not state mine intention to perform more school shootings?

> Did I not state mine intention to attack 'churches' next?

I don't think he wants to be left out of all the attention!

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14b599  No.303782

and by the way I am a criminal..

let me get that out in the open..


I made the mistake of beating somebody up when I should have probably just walked away…

so I'm not some kind of want to be cop

I do not want to be a cop

I'm on the other side

I'm a fucking criminal

but I'm also an American citizen

and there is honor amongst thieves

and when I see somebody doing something that needs to be stoppedI AM THAT GUY



believe it or not I've seen a lot of instances of people posting child porn in here, one of which was so disturbing that I still have problems processing it….

it's important everybody realize exactly who the fuck I am, and I'm waiting for them to test my veracity.. I'm ready to go motherfuckers, please post your child porn because I'm the one who's going to take you by the hand into a steel concrete box for 25 years… that's a mother fucking promise

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14b599  No.303783



I like this new guy…

I really do…

you and I are really good at reading people

so I'm pretty sure you've got the same good feeling about him

LMFAO he's going to quickly realize who and what marshmallow Sally is

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14b599  No.303784


I always tell people the exact same thing, with no variation much of the time…

that's because truth doesn't vary and change

truth remains exactly the same, no matter how long you wait for it to change

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14b599  No.303789


and for 41 years now, I have been telling people the exact same thing :

"I am not a confidential informant.. there's nothing confidential about what I'm doing.. I will tell you directly to your fucking face what I'm going to do to you, and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it.. I will tell you DIRECTLY IN YOUR FUCKING FACE that I have reported you to the proper law enforcement agency… and if you try to do anything about it, I'm going to have you charged for intimidating a witness on top of your other charges….. not joking….. and I've never accepted a penny from law enforcement for giving them information they needed.. and I've never tried to cut a deal to get out of my own legal problems.. this isn't about helping myself.. I report people to help society, not myself"

but like I said, I'm a mother fucking God damn criminal. so it's not like I'm suggesting on better than anybody

which leads me to my point I'm trying to make to you

this is the part where I'm asking you to please pay attention, so I would really appreciate it if you indulge me for a moment….

I am not Superior….

I'm not a white supremacist.. I'm not even White.. there's no such thing as a white person.. that's slang terminology.. every human being is a mutated negro, and until that fact changes, I'm afraid no matter what color your skin may be, your DNA literally screams I AM A MUTATED NEGRO

so none of us are 'non-niggers'..

but I'm not talking about skin color or gender, because you'll find most of these guys resent women most of them have issues, because they realize no woman on earth is interested in them, so the classic inferiority response is the child psychology 101 SUPERIOR SELF TECHNIQUE so they look down their nose at women and pretend as if the pathetic sexual failure was somehow THEIR CHOICE…

no.. I'm not talking about different races or different genders or different sexual preferences or any of that.. I'm simply talking about SUPERIORITY…. superiority in general…

and I'm definitely not Superior to anybody.. of course has a human being, I am incapable of demonstrating true superiority, because human beings are one of the most inferior forms of life to have ever disgraced this previously wonderful planet

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14b599  No.303790


in 58 years, I still have yet to meet a human being who was Superior…

sorry.. all I ever met was an ocean of worthless garbage

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14b599  No.303791


last time I checked, superiority is not measured in self-destruction

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14b599  No.303794

I've been lied to many times in here, but I think the funniest lies are when they try to convince me this isn't a white supremacy Neo-Nazi chat room q

that's strange.. because the banners are animated gifs of Adolf Hitler… they have all kinds of little SS symbols on the BOs fagposts…

and they're trying to convince me this isn't a white supremacist Neo-Nazi chat room?

in a way they are correct, because there's nobody Superior in here, and that's for God damn sure

and I'm old as fuck, so I have known actual real life neo-nazis ever since the early 80s.. I'm talking about the real thing.. with the shaved heads and the suspenders and the ugly girlfriend who shaved half of her head to distract from the fact that she's ugly as fuck and fat and her tits suck and she didn't want her stupid uneducated white trash skinhead boyfriend to look bad so she shaved half her head to distract from the fact that he can't get any good looking pussy, and he called himself some kind of stupid name like SPIKE…

yeah, I actually know a lot of real life Neo-Nazi type people, so it's real easy for me to tell nobody in this chat room has ever actually been a Neo-Nazi

they're nothing more than sissy boy video game chat room culture awkward misfits

they've never actually gone out to a bar with their buddies and gotten into a fight with some jews, or any of the other things real life neo-nazis do

because they don't have any buddies

nobody hangs out with these losers

they're sitting in their mother's spare bedroom substituting chat room culture for the pussy they should have been getting for the past 16 years, ever since they turned 18

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14b599  No.303798

earlier Jerry asked me why I'm here, which is funny because he knows exactly why I'm here

although he will apply his filter, of course.. because that's what people do

so he will say I'm here to tear people down

and I can live with that description

that's not the way I would describe it

but if that's his version, I can live with that

I'm here because they have Adolf Hitler animated gifs as the banners

they've got little SS diewaffen symbols on the board operators stupid worthless posts…

that's why when a loser gets banned from 4chan, and he's got no real life buddies waiting for him at a bar, and there's no women who are interested in even the most basic platonic friendship with him.. he's got nowhere else to go to lick his wounds of inferiority…

he needs a bastion of safety where he can pretend that he's not inferior


because my chat room is a shell

a shell of a former white supremacist Neo-Nazi chat room

when I scavenged this shit hole, they didn't even bother to take down the animated gifs…

there were a few inferior scavengers already feeding on the carrion when I stumbled in here, so I scared them away…

this is my shit hole now

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14b599  No.303800

thank God they didn't bother to take down the banners!!!


and I would never have my opportunity to meet these "Superior White supremacists and neo-nazis"

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14b599  No.303801

like most buzzards, I know a Honeypot when I steal it from other scavengers…..

and this was the perfect home for me

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14b599  No.303802

this is my spider hole now

the lure, the attractant was already baited and ready

the inferior video game awkward anime dungeons & dragons roleplay sexual and social misfits of superiority will find my spider hole autonomously

thinking they are going to find false reassurances


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14b599  No.303804

unfortunately for them, things aren't going to work out quite the way they planned

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14b599  No.303807

so forgive me if I confused you with one of the video game anime role play dungeons & dragons Antichrist I'm a demon heavy metal video game and chat room culture video game anime look at me I'm intimidating video game super Mario Bros anime dungeons and dragons I'm the Antichrist inferiority complexSUPERIOR PEOPLEwho stumble in here occasionally…

honestly? the thing that made me think you were one of them ?

you parrot chat room trendy terminology

when somebody uses those stupid terms in their conversations, "anon" or "normies"…. they have allowed themselves to become a parody of a chat room culture douchebucket

when I see somebody incapable of carrying on an intellectual conversation without using those stupid terms, I automatically assume they are part of chat room culture

and chat room culture is nothing more than a bunch of losers who repeat the same trendy catch phrases, terrified that they won't fit in unless they behave like everybody else

because this is their only source of feeling like they finally fit into something

because their lives are so empty

they never knew what it felt like

to actually be accepted

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fa28f6  No.303811

File: ff02a363be2a17b⋯.jpg (115.73 KB, 800x710, 80:71, tranny_school_shooter.jpg)

Tranny was let into the school by CIA/Cartels

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cc4f27  No.303812

File: 53fe4594d249840⋯.png (244.75 KB, 401x552, 401:552, X_Men.png)

File: 2f91250586d7549⋯.jpg (64.61 KB, 919x509, 919:509, Casey_CIA_liar.jpg)

File: 56fc0b1dca58407⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Thank_You_for_Listening_to….mp4)

File: 5bf67ca3e96ebf0⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, feminism_sticks_and_stones.mp4)

File: ea019b19ecdb645⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB, 360x640, 9:16, In_a_Good_Place_to_Start_O….mp4)


I think you sometimes mistake the position of not being favorably disposed toward Feminists as that of not being favorably disposed toward Women (Actual Women, Not Harpies.)

There can he no doubt that modern-day Feminism has very little worth defending, and no REAL Women (or REAL Men, for that matter) defend modern-day Feminism anymore.

They literally, like (You),Hate Humans. So, you know what I'm gonna say…

Their Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

> random attachments

> inb4 misogynist

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14b599  No.303814

in my 58 years, I paid fairly close attention…

and I've always found that when people are comfortable with themselves, they don't act like a clown to be accepted ..

they don't feel the need to "jump on the trendy bandwagon" and try to behave like everybody else, because that's kind of what stupid idiots do

people with no originality or charisma.. they use other people's concepts and terminologies to spray paint a facade, in order to be accepted by other unoriginal people

just like a nigger

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fa28f6  No.303815


Chinks are not legally allowed to vote in the USA anyway. The Constitution states very explicitly that ONLY WHITE MALES can be citizens.

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14b599  No.303819


I'm guilty of making all kinds of mistakes

stupid mistakes, quite often….

but I didn't make the mistake of confusing your feelings about ultra feminism and a deep set hatred of women

trust me.. I really didn't

I was fucking with you dude

I was just fucking with you Jerry

I thought you would know I was pushing your buttons

however there definitelyISsomebody in here who recently has been demonstrating his inability to hide his deep set hatred and resentment of women

he's the guy who keeps trying to upload the video of the Buffalo shootings

he wants to distract everyone with racist commentary, which at face value, might be accepted by somebody who's not paying any attention

but I was paying attention when he posted another thread, in which he was trying to recruit people to help him harass women online….

not black women… not Mexican women or Asian women or Jewish women …


That's when somebody might stop and consider the fact that the video of the Buffalo shootings mainly contains imagery of little old ladies being murdered by an angry sexual failure

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14b599  No.303822


so let's communicate here you and I

that's how we can avoid misunderstandings

no, I was actually speaking more the recent migrant in here who hates women

but I was poking fun at you

and I was being abstract

and I tossed in some of

HIS attributes

because I was making a point,

a point to poke fun at you

so lighten up Leroy

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14b599  No.303824

kids these days.. what can I say?

especially the ones in their 50s, right?

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cc4f27  No.303826

File: 0337d5b147f6401⋯.jpg (65.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Birds_Arent_REAL.jpg)


None of this is getting my garden work done, so I'll have to catch y'all later…


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cc4f27  No.303832

File: 11e583dfd6f2592⋯.jpg (113.81 KB, 934x585, 934:585, Preference_4_Freedom.jpg)

File: 912c575c290eccb⋯.jpg (304.19 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, THEY_Know_About_JN.jpg)

File: 2e4074de5d1530e⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2643x1982, 2643:1982, Let_the_Sun_Shine_In.jpg)


I have hundreds of volunteer Sunflowers that need to get gone, over a dozen plants to plant, and LOADS of seeds to plant, besides spreading compost and laying out the tarp. Aaargh! Just coming to life after sickness. Don't wanna face responsibilities, but don't wanna face me beating myself up for not doing shit either! So, drag myself out to the garden, I WILL.

Inertia. Use it. Don't let it use You.

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fa28f6  No.303912


Me too adios garden fren

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49876d  No.304025


You can say my name, bitch. I'm Starshine Pluto and I'm here to stay!

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cc4f27  No.304038

File: f8017cdbd4fd5ed⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 4.3 MB, 849x1024, 849:1024, PicsArt_05_25_04_47_20.gif)

File: 74ad3577a457ad7⋯.jpg (760.01 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, PicsArt_05_25_04_45_17.jpg)

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e1e4bd  No.304570


Filthy, nasty, dumb, "grooming" pedophile FBI scums!

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5e0416  No.308657

File: 1780f4a5b85c7d7⋯.jpg (490.11 KB, 1680x1110, 56:37, 45131a.jpg)

File: a92e5dfe1b96ecc⋯.png (734.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Some_of_Our_Stallions_2021….png)

File: fdec500f7d03672⋯.jpg (210.58 KB, 960x720, 4:3, squirrel_eating.jpg)

File: 3d9febeb5fc5582⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 736x736, 1:1, Statism.jpg)


Well, it is your choice.

You don't have to keepbeing that!

Of course, if that's all you ever see, that's all you'll ever be.


> posting in a cozy thread where the FBI has to read all the posts! lol

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cbecb5  No.317202

File: f32a70d24fbbd10⋯.jpg (95 KB, 828x827, 828:827, Yeah_I_m_an_FBI_Informant_….jpg)


As an informant, I can confirm that the FBI was informed, and was forced to read all the posts and download all the images.

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ffeea7  No.320813


Archive finding confirms view of Russians on NATO eastward expansion

Published 18.02.2022

"We have made it clear that we will not extend NATO beyond the Elbe," German diplomat Juergen Chrobog wrote of a March 1991 meeting of the United States, Britain, France, and Germany. This document confirms the Russian view on eastward expansion.


A note from the British National Archives that has only now surfaced supports the Russian claim that the West violated pledges made in 1990 with NATO's eastward expansion. This is reported by "Der Spiegel."

U.S. political scientist Joshua Shifrinson found the formerly classified document. It deals with a March 6, 1991, meeting in Bonn of the political directors of the foreign ministries of the U.S., Britain, France and Germany. The topic was the security of Poland and other Eastern European states. A Political Director heads the Political Division in the State Department and is considered the closest advisor to the Secretary of State.

Bonn's representative, Jürgen Chrobog, stated at the time, according to the memo, "We made it clear in the Two Plus Four negotiations that we would not extend NATO beyond the Elbe. We therefore cannot offer NATO membership to Poland and the others."

The British, French and Americans also rejected NATO membership for the Eastern Europeans. U.S. Representative Raymond Seitz said, "We have made it clear to the Soviet Union - at Two Plus Four as well as other talks - that we will take no advantage of Soviet troop withdrawals from Eastern Europe." Two years later, the Americans corrected their policy.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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64a594  No.321597



It does feel "precipicey"

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eebc88  No.321726

How many surround me at any given time? Are they there to help me through the pain? How do I call upon their help when needed?

Doing this 23 years ago vs. today, I'll take a younger version of me to get through this. This old version just doesn't have the patience or care about having the patience to work it out anymore. This isn't what I envisioned my life to be.

guidance and support is what I need from all of you. If you think I'm really smart and emotionally grounded think again. I'm an old stick of dynamite, one that doesn't like rough handling.

Help me help you save this planet.

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a3aee9  No.321741

Amazon employees demand banning of all books they don’t like

Sunday, June 05, 2022 by: Ethan Huff


(Natural News) The recent “Pride” flag-raising event at Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle went sour after about 30 of its employees staged a “die-in” over the company’s continued sale of “transphobic” books.

Even though Amazon went out of its way to hoist a massive “rainbow” flag up in the air to celebrate yet another Pride month – because the West loves pride – these employees say that the multinational corporation has not done enough to burn books of which they do not approve.

According to Business Insider‘s Katherine Long, Amazon was in the process of conducting a Pride flag-raising ceremony when the group all laid on the ground as if dead while draped in transgender flags.

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2dad56  No.322669


>Swarm will lead to new insight into many natural processes


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fe9d87  No.323019


^^^. Khazarian Mafia in the house

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aebd69  No.323040


It's mask doesn't jiggle

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541cf7  No.323054


Covid Truth Network, [10.06.22 13:15]

[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊]

[ Video ]

Under the Age of 40? Time to Get Your Heart Checked: The Normalization of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)


Young woman who went to gym and walked 10,000 steps a day dies suddenly in sleep

College lacrosse player from Long Island dead at 19

New bride, 30, who was found dead in a tanning salon cubicle in Swansea after collapsing with a suspected heart problem

Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register

- From within the above article: "People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome."

Video via t.me/backtolife_2022/468

@VigilantFox | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1808aa-under-the-age-of-40-time-to-get-your-heart-checked-the-normalization.html) | Full Show (https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/06/sads-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-canada-unhinged-the-highwire-episode-271-video/)

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5077fd  No.323130


FDA is corrupt…

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12b59d  No.323422


Why not both?

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392528  No.324013

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ebc04b  No.324030

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f58d59  No.324362

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6935fb  No.324834


That explains it! Thanks anon. No way is Biden's DOJ going to do that. The Biden DOJ would have arrested the local law enforcement for false arrest. Too bad for Biden team, it happened before the 'enemy of the people, the media' got wind of it.

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e66bfd  No.324847

Garland officers fatally shoot suspect who killed private investigator, police say

UPDATED JUNE 03, 2022 8:43 AM

Three Garland police officers are on paid administrative leave after firing shots at a suspect who was wanted on multiple counts of sexual assault of a child and killed a private investigator while being served his arrest warrant, police said Friday.

The suspect, Juan Carlos Lopez, 33, of Little Elm, was killed by responding officers Thursday night in a Garland motel in the 6200 block of Broadway Boulevard around 7:30 p.m.

Garland police said they were at the motel when private investigators approached Lopez and attempted to serve him an arrest warrant for multiple counts of sexual assault of a child.

The responding officers heard the sound of gunshots, and said that a private investigator was shot in one of the motel rooms.

“A team of Garland Officers entered the room to rescue the private investigator and encountered the armed suspect,” police said, adding that three officers fired at Lopez.

Lopez died from his injuries at the scene.

The private investigator was also taken to a nearby hospital, where he died. He has not been publicly identified yet.

The three officers involved in the shooting are being placed on paid administrative leave as is standard procedure while the incident is investigated by Garland detectives and the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office.


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f69b5a  No.325308

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d7d0ae  No.325596



Those are called San Francisco Slippers, sir.

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b7eab0  No.325717



The clean board is no longer in Q's control, as soon as Babyfist posted there it was no longer in Q's control. THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE BABYFIST DROP. THE MOMENT THAT HAPPENED, Q COULD NOT USE THAT BOARD FOR VERIFICATION BECAUSE A CIVILIAN HAD POSTED ON IT.

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798d32  No.325945


Are you Someone?

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c7d245  No.326020



fake and ghey

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68675d  No.326201


hotel California

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624878  No.326286



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86d371  No.326851


Your stupidity has nothing to do with this.


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797ee1  No.326999


Suicide Weekend?

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26379f  No.327129

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c7187b  No.327207


Thanks anon! Any clockfags seeing a line up with these posts and current news? idk but seems highly relevant especially with the current news story of Prince Charles refusing to take phone calls from Harry because he keeps asking for cash. Enough is Enough they keep saying.

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c3a839  No.327313


Mega based.

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dd59af  No.327487

Sounds as if they'll be sending a referral for indictments of Donald Trump over to the DOJ early tomorrow morning.

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c20ae2  No.327591

bidan gets a 'hairline fracture' and it 'heals' in one day.

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016ee3  No.327650


>But they print and sell you the Bible?

>They actually give them away free.

>Free Bible , fiercely attack Q

What are your thoughts on the 1945 scrolls, the Nag Hammadi?

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69b543  No.327740


Jewboy panics like a jewboy.

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ce154f  No.327824

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4b55cc  No.327909


It's just chat (daily pissing contest) and a little bit of copy/paste - next to no real research.

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f4ea76  No.327999

Carbon monoxide killed 3 Americans at Bahamas Sandals resort, police say

Chantal Da Silva - 40m ago


Three U.S. tourists found dead at a Sandals resort in the Bahamas in May were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, police said Tuesday.

In a statement, the Royal Bahamas Police Force said the three victims, identified as Michael Phillips, 68, and Robbie Phillips, 65, from Tennessee; and Vincent Chiarella, 64, from Florida, had died as a result of asphyxiation due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

They said an investigation into the deadly incident was still underway.

The three Americans were found dead at the Sandals Emerald Bay Resort in Great Exuma on May 6.

Chiarella’s wife, Donnis, 65, was airlifted to a hospital in Florida in serious condition. The hospital, HCA Florida Kendall in Miami, later said her health had been upgraded to “fair condition,” NBC Miami reported. Her current condition was not immediately known.

Police previously said an initial investigation had found that one of the couples had complained of illness the night before they were found. They had visited a medical facility, received treatment and then returned to the villa, police said.

It was not clear if the villas had been equipped with carbon monoxide detectors or if they had, whether they were working. A spokesperson for Sandals did not directly respond to a question from NBC News on whether the villas had been equipped with carbon monoxide detectors at the time.

In a statement, the spokesperson said Sandals has "fully supported the investigation into this event to ensure we are doing everything possible to learn from it."

"Bahamian authorities have concluded the cause was an isolated incident in one standalone structure that housed two individual guest rooms," they said.

The spokesperson repeated past comments from the company saying carbon monoxide detectors have since been placed in all guest rooms at Sandals Emerald Bay and will be installed in all guest rooms across the company's portfolio.

The deaths have cast a cloud over the resort hotel since the incident unfolded. The location is billed as an “adults-only” enclave with 11 restaurants and a golf course overlooking a secluded stretch of beach.

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dd59af  No.328445


wish harder

while your world is harvested


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7697d9  No.328527


Russia is gonna clap the USD aren't they. Germany, China, India, UK, all of them …..

I get it, but that PAIN… full send?

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b3ca5a  No.329407

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9816aa  No.329565


Ever since the SC gun ruling. It's just another type of attack.

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ba478b  No.329600


This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.

How is the game played?

Shadow game.

Game theory.

Is the game being played public or private?

Shall we play another 'Q Proof' game?

This is NOT a game.

Shall we play a game?

Game over.


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f8cad2  No.329678


It was generally offensive to look at someone's genitals back then. They were coving their drunken father.

Jesus spoke in parables, but he never claimed "the whole of the OT is parable!".

I'm arguing what the Bible SAYS.

You're arguing what you WANT the Bible to say.

And the other anon had it right.

You don't fucking know what a parable is and you've made the term meaningless with your arguments.

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8fe6e7  No.329891


yeah but the AI is fake and gay

it's just going to say whatever the (((globalists))) want.

retards will think it's super smart because they will get some new tech and distracting luxuries.

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647221  No.329993

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3c42af  No.330091

H.R.6538 - Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] (Introduced 02/01/2022)


One of the Bills in House this week


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84d272  No.330196


empty kitch lb, got in late. muh pleasure fam.

gonna be a heck of a day me thinks.

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142602  No.330231


>So you don't care about being a liar.


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397239  No.330940

Dialectic Projection from the Democrat Party'shuman trafficking defendingillegitimate resident Bidan.

Biden, who is attending a NATO summit in Spain, responded to Abbott's statement saying,"Exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit is shameful, as is political grandstanding around tragedy, and my Administration will continue to do everything possible to stop human smugglers and traffickers from taking advantage of people who are seeking to enter the United States between ports of entry."


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96a082  No.331008




Patriot Front step in my command.

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e52d31  No.331765



Next prez of the USA if Soros has his way.

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e39082  No.332938


paul ryan = pervert?

reminds me of lincoln project, idk why

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c8f782  No.333118

So this is it huh? The infamous place that the Qanon followers hang out? Wow, you all need psychological help.

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866381  No.333371

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653318  No.333622

Musical interlude

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6cc9a1  No.333652

Intended to get lost in today's supreme court announcements, the House Financial services committee released their report on the 2021 January sneeze in the stock market and determined the DTCC waived a 9.7 billion margin call to prevent the collapse of Robinhood and potentially the rest of the financial markets confirming the markets are rigged.



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1bb0cc  No.333741


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e3de6e  No.334979


WEF alum

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085d73  No.335228


it's too bad that medicine is a profiteering racket

can't really justify their existence without constant disease and sickness

just like war

when there's no enemies left to fight, they just create them to justify their existence

same reason why this shitty world will never get any better

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0561c1  No.335486


I don't want games. I want freedom, Love and Light for me and all my fellow humans around the globe. This is why I'm still here and I still watch carefully with hope.

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4c87c8  No.335505


No, because I was supposed to have it all but I'm not allowed to have my dream come true.

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7e5cb3  No.335554

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

07/01/2022 14:43:26

Truth Social: 108573557170732899


Greg Gutfeld: Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony has been ruined and so has the January 6 Committee

Greg Gutfeld called on viewers to vote in the November midterms

So did you hear the latest news? Yep, Charles Payne accepted my friend request.

But also, according to NPR, the January 6 hearings are now extending into July. Yeah, I guess they're using the same calendar as two-weeks to flatten the curve. But thank God, because the stuff I've watched so far has been so riveting. To hell with that summer vacation to Key West. I know what I'm doing the first week or two of July. Yeah.

Apparently, they're going to pursue more witnesses and say they're going to get lots of new evidence. I guess they're not happy with the witnesses they originally cast in the —- show. What a disaster. Yeah. She made the Hindenburg look like a fender bender. She made Pompei look like Knott's Berry Farm. That's a weird comparison.

Cassidy Hutchinson, who was an aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows during the administration of former U.S. President Donald Trump, is sworn in to testify during a public hearing of the U.S. House Select Committee to investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol. (REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein)

Apparently, they're going to subpoena Trump's White House counsel Pat Cipollone, I don't know, who already talked to these clowns. And what for? Well, obviously, to salvage the mess they made with their big star.

The good news, at least she didn't implicate two bodybuilding Nigerians. Seriously, haven't they been through enough? I just wish they'd move out of my apartment, they take the longest showers.

Apparently, the committee didn't bother to reach out to the Secret Service before it aired the crud about Trump lunging at security. So I guess they're doing that now, which means new witnesses become responsible for repairing other witnesses's hearsay. But maybe they'll find out that Trump didn't just lunge at the Secret Service, he did a double backflip off the trunk of the car and landed squarely in the lap of Abe Lincoln. Who knew Trump can drive an SUV from the backseat? You won't see that in a Bond movie.

Of course, the media will say, "come on, look, it's not a court of law." Which is true, but how's that helped you?

Hutchinson's testimony has now been ruined and by connection, so is the hearing. You'd think they'd be experts at framing Trump by now. They've had so much practice.

But damn, if I wanted to watch a show trial, I'd go to North Korea. At least none of the actors there are fat. It's not by choice, though. Yet it still goes on, and why? Because the incentives are in place.

First of all, you're paying for it. Like a night out with Kilmeade, you foot the bill.

BRIAN KILMEADE: That's not true. We go Dutch.

Yes, leave them out of this.

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cf2973  No.335928


Patriots DAY. Pride MONTH. A whole fucking month.

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ac0829  No.335930

where'r all the gab nazis tonight?

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92b7e2  No.336496


>Big Pharma pulls the trigger. The evidence is there. Ever shooter = anti depressants prescribed.

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fd9145  No.336546

Leftists always ruin perfectly good words, then they get a hold of them and pervert every truthful meaning of them. I can't even say that word now

equity noun

eq·​ui·​ty | \ ˈe-kwə-tē


plural equities

Definition of equity

1a : justice according to natural law or right specifically : freedom from bias or favoritism

b : something that is equitable

2a : the money value of a property or of an interest in a property in excess of claims or liens against it

b : the common stock of a corporation

c : a risk interest or ownership right in property

d : a right, claim, or interest existing or valid in equity

3a : a system of law originating in the English chancery and comprising a settled and formal body of legal and procedural rules and doctrines that supplement, aid, or override common and statute law and are designed to protect rights and enforce duties fixed by substantive law

b : trial or remedial justice under or by the rules and doctrines of equity

c : a body of legal doctrines and rules developed to enlarge, supplement, or override a narrow rigid system of law

Synonyms & Antonyms


detachment, disinterest, disinterestedness, evenhandedness, fair-mindedness, fairness, impartiality, justice, neutralism, neutrality, nonpartisanship, objectiveness, objectivity


bias, favor, favoritism, nonobjectivity, one-sidedness, partiality, partisanship, prejudice

Did you know?

Equity usually appears in courts of law as a term related to justice or proportional fairness, or in financial offices to property or one's share of a company. The derivative root of the noun, which gained stability in the English language during the 1300s, is Latin aequus, meaning "even," "fair," or "equal"; however, to be fair, it was introduced to English by the French, whose adaptation of the Latin was equité. The French word has clear legal connotations; it means "justice" or "rightness," and those meanings, plus a splash of "fairness," carried over to the English word equity. Noah Webster, himself a lawyer, notes the legal term equity of redemption in his 1828 dictionary defining it as "the advantage, allowed to a mortgager, of a reasonable time to redeem lands mortgaged, when the estate is of greater value than the sum for which it was mortgaged." This use led to the modern financial meanings of equity: "the value of a piece of property after any debts that remain to be paid are subtracted" and "a share in a company or of a company's stock."

Examples of equity in a Sentence

In making these decisions we should be governed by the principle of equity. We've been slowly paying off our mortgage and building up equity in our house.

Recent Examples on the Web Kathy Delaney-Smith has been at the forefront of fighting for women’s equity in sports since Title IX was first signed into law. — Jeneé Osterheldt, BostonGlobe.com, 17 June 2022 Yet, even with early success, Chasen remains grounded in his passion for bringing greater equity in education to the world. — Rod Berger, Forbes, 17 June 2022 DeBeatham-Brown raised concerns about the timing of each flag raising since June is half over and Town Manager Stanley D. Hawthorne assured that the flags would be flown with equity in mind. — Deidre Montague, Hartford Courant, 14 June 2022

See More

equity capital

home equity loan

negative equity

sweat equity


© 2022 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated


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a446d7  No.337349

If it is important for anons to know, it will be made clear. but carry on sliding anyway.

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45173a  No.337428

My guess…every nwo country has a death quota to meet. Maybe theyre playing a game of Great Race and placing high stakes bets on the contestants

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19035f  No.337441


"Mitigation strategies for FEMA command, control, and communications during and after a solar superstorm"


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ad0c34  No.337641


No it's Jeffrey Epstein

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ad0bc7  No.337811


Great, but is it just moar "the journey is the destination"?

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fa7212  No.337819



Excellent name choice other baker

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3729c6  No.338246


well i just hope one day he clarifies what he meant because i have feeling you're wrong

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cc9642  No.338488



>Oh, fuck no.


>Gonna stay here and call it out until the plug is pulled.


>So, how's that 0-delta or other no doubt verification that will never happen for Fake Q coming along?


>2 moar weeks?


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10561a  No.338727

Have Faith, Trust The Plan!



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bc3f21  No.339181


Jun 24, 2020 1:06:33 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4ac89 No. 9731054

Jun 24, 2020 1:04:50 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: a4abe1 No. 9731023

Jun 24, 2020 1:01:36 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4ac89 No. 9730975

You have been selected to help serve your Country.

Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].

Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.

Organize and connect [bridge through linking].

Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]

Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts

Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]

Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda

Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary

Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)]

Game theory.

Information warfare.

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.

Together we win.



I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. WWG1WGA


Take the oath.

Mission forward.


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e719e3  No.340099

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2f4257  No.340554


I'm not convinced Tucker is a White Hat.

Great showman…

But a true Patriot?

We'll see.


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ca15c5  No.340679





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72fdcb  No.340718

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bdf184  No.341009


does it mean you agree it's creepy? Show me your creepy files now I showed you mine..


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742538  No.341599



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0d5239  No.341638




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220715  No.341703


Trust is broken. Treaon is rampant.

Put 1000 pieces of shit behind bars if you want trust again, other wise your gona get a civil war soon.


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df567e  No.342201

>touches nose


dime bag…


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111d40  No.342261

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72fdcb  No.342723


Biden’s Open Border Policy:

Trump told supporters that Biden’s border policies would effectively leave the southern border wide open to illegal immigrants.

During his 2020 campaign Trump said:

“Think of that: Abolish immigration enforcement. They’re going to abolish immigration enforcement.”

“Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.”

“Stop all deportation. So if we get a MS-13 gang member, which we’ve taken out of our country by the thousands — brought them back to Honduras, Guatemala — can’t do that anymore — El Salvador. Can’t do that anymore. Stop all deportations. So in other words, we’ll take all of these people — many of whom are in prison for rape, murder, lots of other things.”

“Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens. How about that one? All new illegal aliens, expand asylum.”

“Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling. Give it an incentive. Because if you look at what they’re saying, that’s exactly what they do: Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.”

The Associated Press rated these Trump predictions as “false in almost every detail.” Still, a recent report by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives (House GOP) shows Trump was right and the fact-checkers were wildly inaccurate.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) data shows that its agency has apprehended over 2.9 million illegal immigrants crossing the border since Biden took office, including 239,416 migrant encounters in May 2022 alone, according to the House GOP report. (RELATED: ‘Lack Of Control’: Mexico’s President Slams US Border Policies After San Antonio Tragedy)

At least 50 illegal border crossers since Oct. 2021 were identified as suspects on the terrorist watchlist, reported the House GOP.

“This is the highest in CBP’s 22-year record for monthly crossings and the second month in a row for this record high. That is up 32% from May 2021. That is a 930% increase from 2020,” the House GOP report stated.

May 2022 became the 15th straight month for CBP to apprehend over 150,000 illegal immigrants at the southern border, the House GOP reported. CBP seized over 1 million pounds of illegal drugs in 2022 and over 700,000 illegal border crossers, “gotaways,” evaded CBP apprehension since Biden took office, the report stated.


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5a3a96  No.343986



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fe94e2  No.343996

The potato in Spain lies mostly on the plane


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5a3a96  No.344197


Only 26%, compounded hourly


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f814e8  No.344230


it goes without saying, this is why anons are here, we love everyone, especially those who open hearted, god bless and luv you too (no homo)


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9d093f  No.344407

Lose that boner


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b232c2  No.344425


He has his period


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5d0f91  No.344812

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a86bc9  No.345025




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df02b4  No.345086


those same mothers will force their kids to swap genders


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a86bc9  No.345398


>who wears a helmet when he rides a bike


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6935b9  No.345722






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cceb8b  No.351421

lol @ the Demoncrats running on Fear of Abortion access being curtailed; not realizing there are bigger fish to fry.

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774cc5  No.357444


It worked though. That, and the whole "threat to our Democracy" tack, which is still the current effective stance, and will probably work in the Georgia runoff too; especially since the Uniparty only runs retards anymore.

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24350b  No.360656


Trips confirms that Johnny Neptune and his friends who moved out to Georgia from Portland, OR are all Antifa, and have been participating in the recent violence there. Confirmed violent felon who cannot handle his trips.

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