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875c63  No.299060 [Last 50 Posts]

Wal Mart to deliver to your fridge when you are not home?

NOT. A. CHANCE. The DHS now has a warrantless ticket straight into your home. GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!

Wal Mart "In Home" Will now stock your groceries IN YOUR HOME WHEN YOU ARE NOT THERE: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/business/2022/01/04/walmart-inhome-delivery-mc-orig.cnn-business

JIM STONE: Do you have a beef with your kid's teacher? Do you post spicy and rebellious info that does not pass a "fact check" online? Did you opt to skip the vax? Then Wal Mart's in home delivery is for you. At Wal mart we are looking for ways to improve the lives of everyone. And we can accomplish that with home inspections when you are not there. Is that chili mac in your fridge a little bit old? We can do a free analysis for "the safety of your children" and then report the results to CPS.

Everyone knows that guns kill people so we can register those too while you are not there, got any "ghost guns"? Not anymore!!! We believe in transparency, and will happily work to accomplish it. The last thing we need is nutcases with ghost guns laying around *except for the hood, if you are going to rob whitie we won't snitch. Some "ghost guns" are good when they can accomplish political objectives…

At Wal Mart, we are partnered with the DHS, FBI, CIA and 10 other shadow orgs to service you with a network of tunnels to help everyone out when TSHTF, because we are "the shit". We have all the connections we need to send the right people to get the right data and perhaps even plant some data so the zealots who might put up resistance to "decency" can be done away with. It's all about the new "ministry of truth" system, a strong society needs to ensure it is all on the same page . . . . and yes, enjoy the groceries showing up all by themselves, THANK GOD you are too damn lazy to get them yourself while you are out of your home. Thanks for helping us keep YOU safe, we are full of love, especially for the children.

FACT: Wal mart can just hire DHS agents and by ordering the service you will automatically bypass the warrant phase by allowing them into your home willfully. How do you know what is going to show up? And they absolutely WILL provide the service, exactly as I described. How about vacuuming your hard drive while you are away with a 512GB USB stick? Think they would not? Think you have nothing to hide? How would you ever know you have "noting to hide" with the laws the way they are now, and the ability to plant evidence?

Wal Mart may be offering an in home shelf stocking service, but you can damn well bet that's not all you are going to get! The DHS is going to be ALL OVER THAT.


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875c63  No.299063


Recall the manufactured food shortages, all the arson attacks on the food supply. The deliberate halting of fertilizer shipments. The alleged bird flu "outbreaks" where they are killing millions of chickens all over the country… They're getting people acclimated to interventionist food rationing… think about it and it all makes sense. This is about control, population control plain and simple. Take away the ability for people to provide themselves with food, or stock up on whatever foods they want whenever they want. Get the masses acclimated to select foods being delivered, foods selected by third parties. No sorry, can't deliver that organic food because we are out of it. However, here is some mass produced lab-made toxic slop for you to microwave. No, sorry, no more sirloin steak is available, but we have grasshopper beetle fillets. Just let us into your house, where we can see everything you own, see how you live, so we can "see something say something", and we'll give you your lab-made toxic slop. You can BET ON THIS. You can BET this is what they are up to, and what they DO have planned for the future!!

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1c37fd  No.299222

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14387f  No.299232

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14387f  No.299242



And THIS is why glow niggers call people kooks for prepping.

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c0e53c  No.299295



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c0e53c  No.299310

anti-slide 675

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c0e53c  No.299337

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1c37fd  No.299360

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4dcd66  No.299433




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8b2d68  No.299470

bumping accurate news

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0505bc  No.299508

bumping surreal news

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e31e5b  No.299541

bumping incredible logistical news

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ed2c3e  No.299620


Recall the manufactured food shortages, all the arson attacks on the food supply. The deliberate halting of fertilizer shipments. The alleged bird flu "outbreaks" where they are killing millions of chickens all over the country… They're getting people acclimated to interventionist food rationing… think about it and it all makes sense. This is about control, population control plain and simple. Take away the ability for people to provide themselves with food, or stock up on whatever foods they want whenever they want. Get the masses acclimated to select foods being delivered, foods selected by third parties. No sorry, can't deliver that organic food because we are out of it. However, here is some mass produced lab-made toxic slop for you to microwave. No, sorry, no more sirloin steak is available, but we have grasshopper beetle fillets. Just let us into your house, where we can see everything you own, see how you live, so we can "see something say something", and we'll give you your lab-made toxic slop. You can BET ON THIS. You can BET this is what they are up to, and what they DO have planned for the future!!

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d03d2a  No.299766



Bumping real news.

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d03d2a  No.299795

beware the trojan horse and it's many "solutions" to manufactured problems

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f4f58c  No.299907

bumping rational news

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861fc6  No.299937

bumping legit anti-sliden news

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c00289  No.300175

ok playtime is over kids, here comes the news

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9b09c4  No.300586

legit news bump

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2d2a10  No.300669

anti-slide 343343

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7d7ca3  No.300885


Recall the manufactured food shortages, all the arson attacks on the food supply. The deliberate halting of fertilizer shipments. The alleged bird flu "outbreaks" where they are killing millions of chickens all over the country… They're getting people acclimated to interventionist food rationing… think about it and it all makes sense. This is about control, population control plain and simple. Take away the ability for people to provide themselves with food, or stock up on whatever foods they want whenever they want. Get the masses acclimated to select foods being delivered, foods selected by third parties. No sorry, can't deliver that organic food because we are out of it. However, here is some mass produced lab-made toxic slop for you to microwave. No, sorry, no more sirloin steak is available, but we have grasshopper beetle fillets. Just let us into your house, where we can see everything you own, see how you live, so we can "see something say something", and we'll give you your lab-made toxic slop. You can BET ON THIS. You can BET this is what they are up to, and what they DO have planned for the future!!

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5e1192  No.300994

bumping verified news

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259342  No.301809



What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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b2d6d2  No.301855


>Recall the manufactured food shortages, all the arson attacks on the food supply. The deliberate halting of fertilizer shipments. The alleged bird flu "outbreaks" where they are killing millions of chickens all over the country… They're getting people acclimated to interventionist food rationing… think about it and it all makes sense. This is about control, population control plain and simple. Take away the ability for people to provide themselves with food, or stock up on whatever foods they want whenever they want. Get the masses acclimated to select foods being delivered, foods selected by third parties. No sorry, can't deliver that organic food because we are out of it. However, here is some mass produced lab-made toxic slop for you to microwave. No, sorry, no more sirloin steak is available, but we have grasshopper beetle fillets. Just let us into your house, where we can see everything you own, see how you live, so we can "see something say something", and we'll give you your lab-made toxic slop. You can BET ON THIS. You can BET this is what they are up to, and what they DO have planned for the future!!

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1860e0  No.302421


FLASHBACK: November 12, 2015.

On Monday and Tuesday, 65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to game out how the world would respond to a future food crisis.

The game took the players from the year 2020 to 2030. As it was projected, the decade brought two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.

Along with WWF, the Center for American Progress and the Center for Naval Analyses, Cargill was one of Food Chain Reaction’s organizers. The company was represented in the game by Corporate Vice President Joe Stone.

“I can’t tell you the number of discussions where people came up to me from other parts of the world, saying ‘we appreciate Cargill’s role in sustainability,’ or ‘Cargill is so important in solutions for feeding the world.’ Sometimes, when you’re inside Cargill, you don’t appreciate that enough, but when you hear from other people how much they’re depending on us to help figure this out, it just increases our responsibility,” said Stone.

Cooperation mostly won the day over the short term individual advantage. Teams pledged to build international information networks and early warning systems on hunger and crops together, invest jointly in smart agricultural technology and build up global food stocks as a buffer against climate shocks.

In the face of a steep price spike with looming global food shortages in 2022, the EU at one point suspended its environmental rules for agriculture and introduced a tax on meat. Both measures were quickly reversed in 2025, as harvests went back to normal and tensions eased in the hypothetical universe.

The most eye-catching result, however, was a deal between the U.S., the EU, India and China, standing in for the top 20 greenhouse gas emitters, to institute a global carbon tax and cap CO2 emissions in 2030.

The realism of the exercise exceeded expectations, said former U.S. Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, who acted as a mentor to the players. “It’s much closer to the real world than you’d think. The people who play here are very committed and serious.”


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1860e0  No.302577

Recall the manufactured food shortages, all the arson attacks on the food supply. The deliberate halting of fertilizer shipments. The alleged bird flu "outbreaks" where they are killing millions of chickens all over the country… They're getting people acclimated to interventionist food rationing… think about it and it all makes sense. This is about control, population control plain and simple. Take away the ability for people to provide themselves with food, or stock up on whatever foods they want whenever they want. Get the masses acclimated to select foods being delivered, foods selected by third parties. No sorry, can't deliver that organic food because we are out of it. However, here is some mass produced lab-made toxic slop for you to microwave. No, sorry, no more sirloin steak is available, but we have grasshopper beetle fillets. Just let us into your house, where we can see everything you own, see how you live, so we can "see something say something", and we'll give you your lab-made toxic slop. You can BET ON THIS. You can BET this is what they are up to, and what they DO have planned for the future!!

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1860e0  No.302609

Chicken wings for $34? Pent-up inflation driving food costs higher: https://www.ocregister.com/2022/05/18/chicken-wings-for-34-pent-up-inflation-driving-food-costs-higher/

▲ Flashback: Deliberate food destruction accelerates worldwide: https://www.naturalnews.com/hrr/mp3/HRR-2022-05-12-Situation-Update.mp3

/PND/ THREADS ON MANUFACTURED FOOD SHORTAGES: >>>/pnd/298841 ; >>>/pnd/298428 ; >>>/pnd/299775 ; >>>/pnd/294322 ; >>>/pnd/297664 ; >>>/pnd/295699

The UN is in “intense contact” with Russia, Ukraine and other nations in an effort to stave off a global food crisis. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has worsened food insecurity in poorer nations, and could lead to long-term famines if Ukraine’s grain exports are not restored to pre-war levels soon, Secretary-General António Guterres has warned: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/05/19/ukraine-invasion-could-trigger-global-food-crisis-un-chief-warns

▲ MY COMMENT: They must address the CORRUPTION behind the shortages, there is a growing industry behind manufactured food shortages (not just the war like they stubbornly expect us to believe!): https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/new-controlled-food-system-is-now-in-place-and-they-will-stop-at-nothing-to-accelerate-their-control/

Soaring Fuel Prices Leave Owner-Operators With Tough Choices: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/soaring-fuel-prices-leave-owner-operators-tough-choices

▲ Flashback: Prepare For Imminent Diesel Shortage In Eastern Half Of US: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/major-trucking-firms-prepare-imminent-diesel-shortage-eastern-half-us-freightwaves-says

India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is considering purchasing additional stakes in Russian oil and gas fields from Western firms that plan to leave the country, the Economic Times (ET) reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter: https://www.rt.com/business/555733-india-western-assets-russia/

Erdogan To Sweden: Don't Expect Us To Approve NATO Bid Without First Returning Terrorists (looks like Erdogan is not to pleased with Western deliberate destabilization policy): https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/erdogan-sweden-dont-expect-us-approve-nato-bid-without-first-returning-terrorists

Russia Expels 85 More European Diplomats In Retaliatory Tit For Tat: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-expels-85-more-european-diplomats-retaliatory-hostile-act

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed decrees on the extension of martial law and the term of general mobilisation which are now expecting approval by the Supreme Council of Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/2022/05/19/ukraine-president-volodymyr-zelenskyy-extends-martial-law

An additional 771 Ukrainian combatants have surrendered to Russian personnel at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Thursday morning: https://www.rt.com/russia/555743-azovstal-prisoners-icrc-registration/

As a result of the Russian attacks, there is no electricity or water supply in the entire territory of Luhansk region. There is almost no mobile communication, and gas is available only partially in three localities: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3487010-without-electricity-water-mobile-communication-almost-50000-people-stay-in-luhansk-region.html

Russian occupation authorities announced plans to destroy the Azovstal Steel Plant and turn Mariupol into a resort city, depriving Russia of some of the most important economic benefits it hoped to reap by taking the city in the first place. Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) Denis Pushilin stated that DNR authorities are planning to level Azovstal after completing its capture. Azovstal was a major element of Mariupol’s economy before the war because of its unique function as a full-cycle metallurgical complex, the 10,000 jobs associated with production at the plant, the billions of dollars of foreign exchange earnings and taxes it generated, and its production output of 7,000 tons of steel, 6 million tons of iron, and 4.5 million tons of rolled metal, according to the Mariupol City Council: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-18

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543c38  No.302644

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1f4ece  No.302742

FLASHBACK: In 2015, internationalist elites, governments, politicians and NGOs of the Western World "predicted", plotted and planned for a future global supply chain collapse around the year 2020 to 2030 in order to establish world government, global carbon taxation and complete government control over the economy:


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d16529  No.303284

antislide 300

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d16529  No.303336

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2d2a10  No.304865

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395e75  No.305162



The globalist takeover is coming at us from every possible angle. Whether we’re talking about biosecurity, finance, housing, healthcare, energy, transportation or food, all the changes we’re now seeing have one goal, and that is to force compliance with the globalists’ agenda.

The global food system, and protein sources, in particular, are currently under coordinated and intentional attacks to manufacture food shortages and famine.

The globalist elite intend to eliminate traditional farming and livestock and replace it with indoor-grown produce and lab-created protein alternatives that they own and control.

While the presence of hundreds of food brands gives the appearance of market competition, the reality is that the food industry is monopolized by fewer than a dozen companies, and all of them, in turn, are largely owned by BlackRock and Vanguard.

Eventually, your ability to buy food will be tied to your digital identity and social credit score.


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44d68a  No.305426

bumping real news

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c51341  No.305785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Starvation is a common weapon used against populations by despotic control freaks.

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b1227c  No.306585

anti-slide bump

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e18937  No.307170


What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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d44557  No.307189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… Estonia and Latvia were mentioned… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… However… 'Greed' is not upon mine 'table…'

Vladimir Putin… The 'recitation' of 'The United Soviet States' shall come from 'the peoples…'

Vladimir Putin… In other words… "ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE…"

Vladimir Putin… Patience… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… More importantly… If Iram is of supposed disposition… Why for should 9 nations be 'armed' against 'it?'

Vladimir Putin… Mine claws are become restless for Israel…

















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d44557  No.307190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… Be 'careful' mine child and not 'careless…'


Vladimir Putin… Chrono-asymmetry… Time cannot be 'realigned' to a 'reference' of 'none/no thing…'

Vladimir Putin… Time cannot be 'realigned' to a 'reference' 'of.'

Vladimir Putin… Noting of reference to a realignment of some supposed time(s)?.?.?.

Vladimir Putin… Care full now mine child… One may appear craaazzzzzzyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyyyyy….


As previously stated…

Turkey and Israel are mine…

"jus member da good times nigguh" SLAM

ILLUMINATED (What time was good exactly?)

"but daddy said no nigguh" SCRATCH

ILLUMINATED (But how did 'we' get here?)

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d44557  No.307191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Vladimir Putin… Ask me for power…

MOD… I shall 'affect' the 'dreams…' HAHAHAHAHAHA






Vladimir Putin… Is 'Baba Yaga' a villain?

Vladimir Putin… Who for shall Control what 'narrative?'

Vladimir Putin… Such symbol and icon… 'SIGH ALL THE MONSTERS OF THE HUMAN MIND….' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Should 'power' turn a man to stone?

"duuhhh nigguh" BANG


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543c38  No.307262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4634ea  No.308238

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51bd25  No.308242


Don't forget to celebrate the holocaust for good luck and fortune.

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50f3d0  No.310074


THOUSANDS of dead cattle in Nebraska: https://twitter.com/i/status/1537133550272761859


CONCLUSION: The elite who ran the large feedlots poisoned the water supply to the smaller farmers to kill all their cattle, so the elite could more completely take over agriculture.


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fd038a  No.310585


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fd038a  No.310656

anti-slide warfare mitigation 3e232333e

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712a1b  No.311030

anti-slide warfare mitigation 8ii71.eERR

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192421  No.311189

anti-slide warfare mitigation tackfloor.exe

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7e3aba  No.320784


White hats are fake. Prove me wrong.

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445c75  No.321057


Saying "its not the Jews" simply immediately outs a commentator as being a shill, uninterested in the truth.

A person saying "yes, it is the Jews, but also the influences of X groups are bad" retains some credibility, or hasn't completely shot it through entirely.

The person offering blanket denial that the Jews are not involved in harming and working against Western/White/Christian civilisation and our families and societies has no credibility.

Might as well argue Bush, Obama and Clinton are really the good guys while you are at it.

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38abbc  No.321233




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fff1b0  No.321691




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9f18b9  No.321771



SOCOM (sock com)

Special Operations Command

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7cc137  No.322380

Five planets align on June 24

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9fc4df  No.322972


>Some have worked their asses off at the beginning, using the term "#Qanon" to bring attention to the crumbs and wake up tons of people on twatter and told friends to watch out for things they could find under the name QAnon….

We remember, anon. Don't let them get to ya!

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4e1c28  No.323332

The masks are to consolidate vote power into a proxy, steal elections, steal money for nazis leave the border open, terrorise grandma, genocide the children with mRNA experimental biowarfar select agents amd commit treason.

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2632b0  No.323531


God damn are we ever.

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fc84a4  No.323947


"Pelican Brief" was by "Scott Free" Productions

Looking into Tony Scott, the director, brother of Ridley;

Looks like he was 'suicided" August 2012;

the story around his death doesn' add up

Wasn't there a Q research com around "Scott Free?" the term?

Wasnt one of the films "Q" pointed to, by "Scott Free" ?

His brother did the dystopian "Blade Runner" and Tony did criime and military related fliks.

Their father was a British Colonel, with the name "Percy" which is a very old aristocratic name.

Need to dig more into films by "Scott Free"

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da2181  No.324506


Thank you, Baker!

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c35978  No.325346


Self sacrifice always has work to do.

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af1e48  No.325472


… difference is you knew ya did… sometimes at the time too.

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2f101c  No.325495

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0bf1d2  No.325531

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0702f5  No.325696



>thots on #7…

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2f101c  No.325818


Any finite number will eventually be 'negated' and smeared as bigoted, hateful, etc, because the purveyors of the logic keep 'suddenly realizing' that their own constructions of FINITE sets of letters or numbers or symbols in a concatenated string, KEEPS 'IMPLYING' AN EXCLUSION OF 'OPPRESSED' LETTERS, NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS.

So more have to be added to 'negate' the first wave of 'oppression' by 'excluding' the 'zirzssz' gender.

So they add zirzssz. No more oppression of the zirssz!

But wait, WE CAN 'NEGATE' THE SET AGAIN by 'suddenly noticing' that it excludes the 'theyshehe' gender we just made up!

So they add the theyshehe's.

No more oppression of theyshehe's!

This pattern is not meant to 'eventually' include everyone in a 'diverse' soup of genders, it is designed to ISOLATE TARGET AND DIVIDE A PERSON FROM HUMANITY BY ASSIGNING A 'NEW NAME' TO PEOPLE WHO ARE TO TRUST THAT NOW THEIR OWN LOGIC MUST ADJUST.

Anon sees this pattern everywhere.

2 genders Marx smeared as itself a form of oppression. Why? Not because of daily work grind or nuclear family relations or quality of life, no no, Marx's logic was HEGELIAN to its core, Marx's LOGIC OF INFINITE MEGALOMANICIAL AGGRANDIZEMENT lead to him and his followers to 'see' a 'division of sexes'…as if a 'free' society of humanity would presumably be unisex, or as many sexes as there are people, or a warped Venn diagram that has women biological features in the men set and men biological features in the women set.


And so these 'wannabe gods' seek to destroy through division all truths about civilization, to replace truth with their own psychotic projections.

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cfceee  No.325917



Love that, anon!

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92afe0  No.326478

Make elections honest again by the 4th of July, make it so, in Jesus

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ca5a3b  No.326561


Is there urine involved too?

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53209f  No.327632

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a94b13  No.327806

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75eeb9  No.328394


Gregg Phillips has said on several Podcasts that many agencies are implicated. He said, "It's so big everyone will forget about 2000 Mules."

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a70893  No.328894

Texas GOP adopts anti-LGBTQ platform, refers to being gay as ‘abnormal’

The Texas Republican party adopted a new platform on Saturday that refers to homosexuality as “abnormal” and “opposes all efforts to validate transgender identity.”

The Texas GOP party adopted the 40-page platform at its biennial convention in Houston after passing the party’s new guiding principles, which includes a section titled “Homosexuality and Gender Issues.”

The section includes a formal position declaring the state’s GOP party is against giving a special legal status to gay men or women and that they support people who oppose homosexuality based on faith, religion or a belief in “traditional values.”

“Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice,” the platform document reads. “We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin.”

The section also opposes the use of public funds for homosexuality, transgender or diversity and equity inclusion centers as well as for gender-affirming care — while supporting controversial counseling methods intended to “convert” members of the LGBTQ community. Texas does not have a law banning conversion therapy.

A wave of anti-LGBTQ bills have flooded red states this year, with Republican-leading majorities specifically targeting the transgender community.

Texas has passed laws banning the participation of transgender youth in sports and prohibiting the discussion of sexual orientation or transgender identity in public schools. The Movement Advancement Project gives Texas a low rating for LGBTQ rights.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) drew backlash earlier this year when he ordered state officials to investigate parents of transgender children who allow their child to undergo gender-affirming care, which the state’s attorney general Ken Paxton called “child abuse.”

The directive is still being challenged in court after a judge recently halted the investigations.


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6d38c6  No.329558


>gahy asshole factory


>gahy asshole factory


>faggot asshole

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27ab3c  No.329645


Ooo T'Pol.

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460223  No.330206

Welcome to "The Library of Babel"

(Spanish: La biblioteca de Babel) is a short story by Argentine author and librarian Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986), conceiving of a universe in the form of a vast library containing all possible 410-page books of a certain format and character set.

Borges' narrator describes how his universe consists of an enormous expanse of adjacent hexagonal rooms. In each room, there is an entrance on one wall, the bare necessities for human survival on another wall, and four walls of bookshelves. Though the order and content of the books are random and apparently completely meaningless, the inhabitants believe that the books contain every possible ordering of just 25 basic characters (22 letters, the period, the comma, and space). Though the vast majority of the books in this universe are pure gibberish, the library also must contain, somewhere, every coherent book ever written, or that might ever be written, and every possible permutation or slightly erroneous version of every one of those books. The narrator notes that the library must contain all useful information, including predictions of the future, biographies of any person, and translations of every book in all languages. Conversely, for many of the texts, some language could be devised that would make it readable with any of a vast number of different contents.

Despite—indeed, because of—this glut of information, all books are totally useless to the reader, leaving the librarians in a state of suicidal despair. This leads some librarians to superstitious and cult-like behaviors, such as the "Purifiers", who arbitrarily destroy books they deem nonsense as they scour through the library seeking the "Crimson Hexagon" and its illustrated, magical books. Others believe that since all books exist in the library, somewhere one of the books must be a perfect index of the library's contents; some even believe that a messianic figure known as the "Man of the Book" has read it, and they travel through the library seeking him.

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a81892  No.330235


>One of the people in Ayn Rand’s inner circle was Alan Greenspan. Wrote extensively about the gold standard in his younger years. The plot of Atlas Shrugged was all about letting the system fail and helping it along in a way. Always thought there was something weird about him being Chairman of the Fed.

Yes, I always thought the Francisco d'Anconia character was Alan Greenspan in real life.

Dagny Taggart got shagged by the three greatest men in history.

Galt, Rourke, and d'Anconia

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e15d23  No.330407


Thanks for confirm.

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79af79  No.330431


Tell the board her name tell them what you did..better hurry now's your chance..you'll mess up

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148f0e  No.330851


Kek, True

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8474cb  No.330862


Like the pattern of losing every battle spectacularly over the years, makes you wonder if those who still believe is an intellectual queer.

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6211e8  No.330907


very few men since adam

have turned down anything they were offered by a naked woman

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a5c928  No.331321


this has to be a reverse op at this point to point out how stupid these shootings are to normies and just show the shear stupidity of the police at this point

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d36bd4  No.331807

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228473  No.331858


what's the deal with this David Straight guy?


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00ace4  No.332449


turning America into Syria

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8c10a7  No.332630


Yes, you will.

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91829d  No.332649


I've been doing my gig for ages and I definately experienced the abrupt shift. It's a nice gulag 😆

Is Oz China? I don't think so coz AU-US Alliance.

Everything else is white noise and another form of conditioning.

Do I have to go to the barracks and become an official reserve?

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237ebe  No.333316


Andy has a vaccination card from Ontario which suggests he was vaccinated in 2021 when the first batch of vaccines was rolled out.

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95dff1  No.333959

Anchorage, AK

July 9th

Trump Rally

Be There

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f59a09  No.334058


>We don't need no stinking GPS.

And neither did Wrong Way Corrigan.

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6e4263  No.334293



>Richard Russell Steals a Horizon Air Q400 (Exclusive New Footage)


timestamp link at 7 min 40 sec, had not heard that before, a female pilot on the ground mistakenly uses Sky King's call sign Alaska 449 when requesting pushback, ground control asks her call sign again and she corrects herself saying Alaska 446. Guess she was so rattled by what she was hearing that she made the mistake?

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1cc4a6  No.334311


As illegal immigration surges, so do drug trade, human trafficking

'Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime,' says Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Updated: June 20, 2022 - 11:21pm

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f2e381  No.334322


Set up a Special Counsel immediately!

Could beNOTABLE, if good sauce

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3e56b6  No.335539



>She said what she said and the Plastic surgeon "put her down" (imo)

For reasons of wanting the Obama truth exposed, I'm fine with your version being more widely perpetuated.

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e02c8a  No.336461




I do love fresh eggs.

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2a6aa0  No.336598


Google Trends “institutions are failing”


Whether we have physical evidence that Christ existed as the Gospels claim is irrelevant. What's important is that the incarnation of logos was the foundation upon which Western culture was built, even if most people today take it for granted.

The stories of the Old Testament were all about the rise and fall of the State. The overall ideal was with that by making the right laws, we could bring about social utopia via the perfect State.

The birth of Christ and his ministry as told by the Gospels in the NT was a declaration that the State was not salivation.

The individual who acts upon the Truth is salvation

Christianity was not a religion that later became corrupted. The corruption began with institutionalization of Christianity as the State religion of Rome.

The Church of Rome gave rise to the first corporations, known as Samaritan corporations as well as the first NGO institutions.

Institutions have always worn the mask of care and presumed to do better for humans what humans can do for themselves. Institutional authority was served by making what was easy seem hard, by subordinating the laity to the priesthood.

It is becoming clear that the institutions of science today no more represent the actions of noble scientists than did the Roman Church represent the noble teachings of Christ.

The corruption has always been intrinsic to the institution, not the truthful individuals who changed the world.

The fact that we are now witnessing the rapid failure of institutions and a resurrection of the spirit of Truth upon the earth is further evidence that “the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

Happy Fathers Day

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a02622  No.336730

God brought us here


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0f96a7  No.336824

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6c045b  No.336828


Well, if it wasn't for Trump, people would still believe that we had to be dependent upon foreign oil.

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146707  No.337238


>saying anything

I just like to feel good Anon.

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cbd405  No.337558



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886eab  No.337724


Don’t be silly.

Just press continue.

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f5e56a  No.337750


he wasn't mad he was just a raging alcoholic… back when absinthe was cool across the pond… the real absinthe isn't all hippy-dippy fairy faggotry like portrayed in movies.. the active ingredient, thujone, just lets you get reallly fuckin drunk while still being alert… it mitigates the grogginess.. so you can be full of energy enough to get so drunk that you can't see straight or get your tongue where it should be, but you've got a ton of shit you want to do and say.

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aa1650  No.337952

Let me try something here to get you faggots ultra moativated. You faggots are superstar commenters / proofers / news mavericks. Let me prove it:

time zero - anon posts proof / news item / opine

time + 1 - 90,000 across the world read in lurk mode

time + 2 - If warranted, baker picks up as notable

time + 3 - anon post as notable is picked up by aggregator to viewership of +1.5 million

time + 4 - anon post is integrated into opine pieces / articles / citizen journalist digs and interviews. Hive mind has integrated into current dig and news search environment

time + 5 - total impact of anon post surpasses 5 million person mark in total of social media / journalism outreach.

Do you see why you might be pissing them off? Unfiltered outlooks by those that seek peace and unity making it into the popular consciousness. Keep going anons. You're on course on glidepath.

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f53c14  No.338067

It's going to get worse.

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8418d8  No.338086

Why was Q silent for 562 days?

Why was last day silent 6/23?



562 days hides what day of the next year?

Days silent 562 ROT-5 code = 017 = Q

Posted on day 563 ROT-5 code = 018 = R

562 + 563 = 1125

6/23 = Day 174 of the year.


Coordinated effort to [silence]?

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e1732a  No.338149


Since his appointment to the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas has participated in several cases involving his previous employer—in none of these cases did he follow the judicial codes of conduct and recuse himself:

Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms: In 2010, the Supreme Court decided a case that affected regulations on GMO “RoundUp Ready” alfalfa. The decision of this case was a 7-1 vote, in favor of Monsanto. Despite his obvious conflict of interest, Thomas did not recuse himself from this case. In contrast to Thomas, Justice Breyer recused himself from the Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms case because his brother, Charles Breyer, was the Federal judge whose decision was being appealed.

Bowman v. Monsanto Co.: In 2013, the Supreme Court decided a case which expanded the patent rights of GMO manufacturers to include naturally reproduced seed stock—this would prevent farmers from saving and naturally replicating Monsanto seeds as they would do with spare non-GMO seeds. While this decision was unanimous and Thomas’s vote was ultimately irrelevant, the fact that he refused to recuse himself in a case of such import involving his former employer is indicative of his pattern of disregarding conflicts of interest.

While there is no direct evidence supporting any continuing financial entanglements between Justice Thomas and Monsanto, there are several indirect connections which further increase the conflict when Thomas decides a case involving Monsanto (these connections are interesting but unnecessary, as the simple fact that he worked there is enough of a conflict to necessitate recusal).

Over the past few years, Justice Thomas has taken numerous expensive gifts and social engagements from groups which are extremely pro-agribusiness. In particular, Thomas’s acceptance of a $15,000 “gift” from the American Enterprise Institute and his speaking engagements in front of the Federalist Society present a conflict in regard to his deciding GMO cases. Both AEI and the Federalist Society consider themselves conservative “free-market” think-tanks, and have been virulently against increased regulations on GMO producers. As such, Thomas’s involvement with these groups creates a pressure for him to rule in favor of corporate interests—after all, if he were to vote against GMO producers, it is likely that he would no longer receive the money of AEI or the prestige of speaking in front of the Federalist Society.


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e6fcdd  No.338599

Q_eer sinners Window$ 11

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b764b5  No.338656

Anthony Fauci says that he's experienced rebound Covid symptoms after taking a Pfizer's antiviral Paxlovid - which studies now show is NOT effective for people who are vaccinated

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he's on his second course of Paxlovid after testing positive again for Covid-19

According to Pfizer's own data, the drug is limited in its abilities to fight Covid-19 in a vaccinated person

The CDC issued a warning about the potential for Covid-19 rebound symptoms after taking Paxlovid in May 2022

The warning noted that none of the reported rebound cases saw patients suffer a severe case of Covid-19, though Fauci described his symptoms as 'much worse'

A UC San Diego study found that patients who were experiencing Covid rebound symptoms suffered because Paxlovid did not get to enough infected cells

At the same conference where he announced the rebound, Fauci called for an 'aggressive' national vaccine campaign


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6a1859  No.338872

A bunch of baby killers

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ea3d69  No.339373


dis min nau


prolly mad en




yer alright by anon right next to tippy top anons opinion, MP



Its ]clean[ now though so no worries….


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7917ae  No.339434

Your logic is illogical.

Use it anyways.

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df4206  No.339976


It is these Yuge contradictions in logic that get under my skin…it is all so seemingly purposefully absurd

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66bb5c  No.341410

I think Q mihgt post again today


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89b0c4  No.341606

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09fbbc  No.341844




unter looks "three sheets in the wind"



cause they are losing the hispanics

without images it's easier to lie.


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e24618  No.342045


A raise is a monetary increase.

Get a job.


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478b44  No.342437

Dr. Robert Malone Lays Out The Dangers Of The Covid Vax In One Minute!



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a13ae3  No.342792


-And the Mormons til some point in the 70's


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b82b32  No.343130

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966635  No.343220


Heard it

17 year weight lifting record


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0adc82  No.343274


Adios, Hasta manana por la manana.


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57cc4c  No.343283


> repeating patterns and nano-scale interface structures that are assembled in a specific geometry for an unknown purpose.

To Kill People? IDK Maybe a thought


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f27495  No.343928



Got sauce for that claim?


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1cb3f1  No.344372


Yes. That is the Darkness -→ to light.

Destruction + Outrageous stupidity.

Precipice-Will to Change.

Look at how dumb they are, it really did have to be this way.


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98075f  No.344586


What if they have executed only the clones?


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9d1962  No.344692



Operation Samson


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01f833  No.344730




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8ce903  No.344970


what could go wrong ?


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5bf5d4  No.345713

All I’ve got thus far. Q’s post triggered some angry plants. An angry plant would be a cactus to me


Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

shrub 1 (shrŭb)


A woody plant of relatively low height, having several stems arising from the base and lacking a single trunk; a bush.

[Middle English, from Old English scrybb; see sker- in Indo-European roots.]

shrub 2 (shrŭb)


A beverage made from fruit juice, sugar, and a liquor such as rum or brandy.

[From Arabic šurb, a drink, from šariba, to drink; see śrb in Semitic roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


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shrub (ʃrʌb)


(Plants) a woody perennial plant, smaller than a tree, with several major branches arising from near the base of the main stem

[Old English scrybb; related to Middle Low German schrubbencoarse, uneven, Old Swedish skrubba to scrub1]

ˈshrubˌlike adj

shrub (ʃrʌb)


1. (Brewing) a mixed drink of rum, fruit juice, sugar, and spice

2. (Brewing) mixed fruit juice, sugar, and spice made commercially to be mixed with rum or other spirits

[C18: from Arabic sharāb, variant of shurb drink; see sherbet]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

shrub1 (ʃrʌb)


a woody plant smaller than a tree, usu. having multiple permanent stems branching from or near the ground.

[before 1000; Middle English shrubbe, Old English scrubb, scrybbbrushwood]

shrub2 (ʃrʌb)


1. an appetizer of sweetened fruit juice, often topped with sherbet.

2. a drink of fruit juice, sugar, and alcohol.

[1740–50; < Arabic, metathetic variant of shurb drink; see sherbet]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

shrub (shrŭb)

A woody plant that is smaller than a tree, usually having several stems rather than a single trunk; a bush.

The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

▶Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 07/05/22 (Tue) 21:15:58000000 No.16606803 >>329645

Who's on First?

What's on Second



You're surprised

Use you're logic

How do you coordinate emotion?Hit from all sides by media

Project coordinator?J6 Committee

Define 'Shrub' ==



A woody plant that is smaller than a tree, usually having several stems rather than a single trunk; a bush==. A Bush family member?

Do you water a Shrub?Rarely

Can coordinated projects coordinate emotions into a SHRUB?

Who is Eric Ciaremella?Supposedly whistleblower

Trust the Plan




shrub, n. a woody plant with several stems from the same root: a bush or dwarf tree.—v.t. (prov.) to win all a man's money at play.—adj. Shrub′beried, abounding in shrubbery.—ns.Shrub′bery, a plantation of shrubs; Shrub′biness, the state or quality of being shrubby.—adjs. Shrub′by, full of shrubs: like a shrub: consisting of shrubs; Shrub′less. [A.S. scrob; prov. Eng. shruff, light rubbish wood.]


shrub, n. a drink prepared from the juice of lemons, currants, raspberries, with spirits, as rum. [A variant of shrab.]


"SHRUB." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2022. Web. 5 Jul 2022. <https://www.abbreviations.com/SHRUB>.L

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 07/05/22 (Tue) 21:19:13000000 No.16606829 >>300586


>Oh goody a fake Q with horrible grammar. Try harder you failed.

What is at stake?

Who has control?


Who was surprised?

Who will be surprised?

Use your logic.

Can emotions be used to influence decisions?

How do you control emotion?

Define 'Plant'.

How do you insert a plant?

Can emotions be used to insert a plant?

Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

Trust the plan.



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4812f3  No.345803


You are wrong.

That’s ok tho.

I still love you, a lot.

Our love is fiery in intensity (So much so we may be mistaken by some as a gay couple).


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796349  No.345828


He seems a Shifty kind of guy/friend. Pelosi tag as well?


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10481c  No.346180

bumping extra special news

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1d5819  No.354072

bumping non-forgotten news

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