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51b9f4  No.296025

Do you know why the media and high-scale politicians keep all the time pushing shenanigans toward people?

Answer: Because that way people keep reacting to these things over and over so that they may not realize they are in control over politics.

Why do high-scale politicians and powerful people keep acting as if they are entitled to patronize society and people should obey them?

One answer: Because they know people lost the sense that it is them that are in control over things.

People were conditioned through psychological torture to dissociate themselves with politicians by identifying themselves with them, so by that point, their desires become the desires of the politicians so that they can get a way to satisfy themselves by experiencing the delights of politicians.

People simply idolize politicians as they feel they have lost all their power to change politics in their favor through immediate means and in more local ways than large scale politics

The power comes from below, so you do not need to bow down to the caprices of powerful people.

If the decisions upward are not satisfying the population, people should not follow them

That is not right! Society was made for the bottom to dictate the top and not the top to dictate the bottom, so obeying a top that hast not the consent of the bottom does not make sense

Form communities in real life

Befriend law enforcement agents

Befriend the armed forces

Seek to inform them about the current situation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

51b9f4  No.296027

How to put powerful people and politicians in their right place:

Instead of letting them patronize society as if society should serve their caprices and letting them make society react to them all the time so that society may not perceive it is the people who are in control, make them react to you.

Be as demanding to them as possible; make petty demands just like the ones that were done during the fraudemics to elicit compliance from people, ruthlessly make them work a lot to the point there would be no point for them to stay in politics other than sucking people's money and relishing from the benefits of a political charge (in case they joined politics for petty personal interests)

Demand them as much as possible to the point they bow down to the knees of society

Commies are generally the lazy people who want to relish the benefits of a political charge with the lines of "I want to serve society", "I will do (insert personal interest) for society", "Let me do your work for you", "Give me your money so I can help you", "I am not doing (insert personal interest) for me; I am doing that for society"

Monitor politicians (legally)

Track them (legally)

Demand excessive transparency from them

Make them work for you otherwise, you throw them off politics

Make them pressure higher scale politicians to work for the population

The power comes from below. Politicians shall be servants of the population and should only be treated well when they well treat the population.

Encourage the common layman and the people at the lowest bottoms of society and the most disenfranchised ones to be patronizing toward politicians. Teach them they are entitled to do that. Give them affectations of grandiosity and a sense they are entitled to control even the politicians at the highest scales

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

51b9f4  No.296028

Use the population's insatisfaction to turn people against politicians so that politicians may get to their knees

Instead of considering changing large scale politics, consider changing politics to more local levels

Instead of pretending to topple large scale politicians, consider toppling politicians at more local scales

Break monopolies

Make monopolies belong to the state

There is no "democracy" until there is no "democratical" access to information, so monopolies of information are a threat to "democracy"

Do not let politicians and big corporations manufacture a fake consent about the population

Teach the populace about this

Make people take decisions only based on the decision of a community and not based on a manufactured consent or a consent in which its verisimilitude cannot be verified

Form real-life communities and integrate people so they cannot be alienated and fall for the tales of manufactured consent and be part of a "lone collective"

Begin a new local life by forming a local community and growing it with time. It is the population's right because the power comes from the bottom. Invite local law enforcement agencies to make part of that new society.

Make sure to make the community as self-reliant as possible, and that means being able to live under primitive conditions and without technology such as chat messengers to communicate.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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