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038300  No.295989

I have heard a story from a Brazilian Youtuber that alleges he/she and some people he/she knows are sorts of being monitored by bioluminescent agencies.

He/she told a story that goes like that: He/she marked up an encounter with his/her friend to go to a place X, and then when they were conversing, a bioluminescent individual approached them and has sit nearby them (probably to listen to them). Then they moved from the place, and then another bioluminescent individual has sit beside them.

Crazy times.

Imagine getting gang stalked in Brazil and how freaky bioluminescent agencies may be to keep tracking people outside of their country.

Does anyone here was already gang stalked?

Do you suspect you have already been gang stalked?

Do you know someone who was gang stalked?

Let us know.

Let's discuss that subject.

Ways to deal with gang stalkers are welcome.

Follow Bryan Tew channel on Youtube. Apparently he is gangstalked.

He has interesting videos and he puts interesting texts in the description of his videos


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