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File: 96c25b277b6b3d5⋯.png (39.38 KB, 1065x1238, 1065:1238, Picsart_22_03_30_19_31_31_….png)

ab231e  No.293877

a Zero ?

an O ?

don't be so sure

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d1c37c  No.293885


I won't use either an O or a 0 in any passwords because, depending on fonts, one may not be able to tell them apart.

O or 0

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5fd46e  No.293894



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5fd46e  No.293895

back in the day, way before I ever heard the term "troll", I used to 'work' a chat site (not an imageboard) called WEIRD TOWN.COM

I was the person their admin called "THE DISRUPTIVE GUEST" in the many warning banners they'd post….

there wasn't anybody calling me a troll

I never heard that title until years later

anyway, me and my buddies had an online club called CLONER NATION that cloned profiles and caused complete and utter chaos…

these rooms had 3,000 + guests at any given moment

it was insane

ppl from every country on earth

from the nastiest places

a perfect opportunity to insult all of them

it was fantastic

dude it was like sharks attacking in a wading pool

it was vicious

much more fun than this bullshit…..

but yeah, we'd replace a zero with a capital O

or a 1 with a lower case L

and mimick other accounts that were chatting

toss together a modified profile pic

maybe them sucking a niggerdick or worse

and we'd step in and "take over there conversations" for them

and the other people had no idea, they thought they were talking to the 'cloned' victim… they'd be oblivious that one of the "disruptive guests" had replaced the original chatter…

dude it was a fucking blast


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5fd46e  No.293896

speech to text typo


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ef648f  No.293897

File: 702b86e9b7ba2ba⋯.jpg (325 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Picsart_22_03_30_22_07_11_….jpg)

I realize that in today's "oh so trendy unerdouche" Gizmo WhizzBang SUBSCRIBE & LIKE flatulent landscape, the old days seem a bit corny….

what with the cloning of people's profiles

creating insane hilarity

with a loyal audience numbering in the thousands

a truly international audience

where you'd get to personally insult

ANY disgusting DNA strand on earth

and the girls?

they loved it

they fucking LOVED it

the girls would always "side with the cloners"

and they'd always point out guys that were harassing them

and we'd all clone the FUCK out of those losers

and just say horrible, AWFUL comments (as them)

stuff like describing their own father's penis in graphic detail, etc etc

and the cloned 'victims' were SO STUPID

that they didn't 'get it'…

they'd think their account had been hacked


yeah…. take my word for it


childish?…. yes

fun ?……. you can't imagine

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c18b9d  No.293898

I'd give ANYTHING to have WEIRDTOWN.COM up and running for just one day…..

it was a rollercoaster

it was like the water flume at a fairgrounds, where the rubber ducks kept coming at you, and you could just sit there and shoot them between the eyes with a bb gun.


nothing cool like that anymore

it's all imageboard faggot culture or Facebook

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0a5416  No.293900

File: 0b0e0f7dd2680ab⋯.jpg (639.23 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Picsart_22_03_30_23_34_32_….jpg)

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