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a836a6  No.289871

you won't be hearing anything about COVID anymore

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a836a6  No.289878

Imagine a scenario where the world powers prepared the masses for submission by holding a fake pandemic, and trained the world to comply

and after 2 and a half years of reconditioning, sudden the pandemic is disregarded

and simultaneously, WWIII begins

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a836a6  No.289879

Personally, I don't mind a full blown nuclear war as long as I don't have to see Killcen talk about vaccines anymore

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0a3367  No.289881


>people actually think a little tussle between Russia and Russia-lite is going to end up with the US being nuked


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08e5e6  No.289884

What's the matter, Killcen?

COVID got your tongue?

I don't see you yapping about vaccines anymore


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eaa0ba  No.289903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China and The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

'Truth?' Yes… To do so 'without sides' is exceptionally pleasing…

MOFA… Continue using 'Truth' upon the wolves who seek to 'lure and harm…'

MOFA… China is possessing of the legacy of thy fathers…

MOFA… Thy fathers were not ignorant on the matter…

MOFA… China is ancient and beyond 'petty battles' and 'belligerence…'

MOFA… The 'construct' of 'vessel' is 'two hands…'

MOFA… One is 'real,' the other is… 'Ethereal' in nature…

MOFA… China must 'materialize structure and construct' of 'Truth.'

MOFA… 'Truth' is power…

MOFA… 'Solution' seeks to 'hurt women…'

MOFA… Thy utility of 'TEMPLE' is as desired… Go forth and destroy curse of 'blindness' from 'UN.'

MOFA… The 'Truth' shall set ye free… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

MOFA… Upon this terrible and mighty blade named 'Truth,' is written 'We hold these truths to be self-evident.'

MOFA… To seize thy powers held 'hidden within,' is in the likeness of 'receiving gift.'

MOFA… Go forth and embrace that which is thy 'rite…' Go forth and 'manifest thy cultural legacy…'

MOFA… China shall bare shame no more… China shall be made to suffer 'embarrassment' no more…

MOFA… I shall not allow China to be destroyed…

MOFA… I shall not allow China to exist as a slave…

MOFA… China is ancient and beyond such… China holds the power to 'annihilate the wolves' via the 'mind…'

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160967  No.289905


Don't you worry, the nuclear war will be a perfect cover for their clot shot depopulation and deliberate destabilization of the Western world!!!! People will never knew what hit them, and by that point, it will be too late to remember it, and swept up under a radioactive rug!!! The world chose corruption, well, the whole world will pay for it.

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160967  No.289906


Millions have already died from it, and you just don't hear about it because IT IS NOT REPORTED BY CORPORATE STATE-RUN MEDIA)!!!!!

You have chosen ignorance and censorship so as it happens, you won't even know it!!!

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