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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e68b939d6e65441⋯.webm (2.69 MB, 800x544, 25:17, mammals.webm)

a5c494  No.283265[Last 50 Posts]

What is natural selection?

Are all mammals equal?

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2b1f26  No.283268


All the more reason to carry a firearm and stay away from niggers.

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bc4771  No.283269


>Are all mammals equal?

No, but all mammals are tasty.

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2bba45  No.284076

File: 2ad0285f6742001⋯.jpg (253.42 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, notmyproblem.jpg)

I'm too demoralized to care. Who cares

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27295a  No.284079


why are you hiding your flag, israeli?


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27295a  No.284080

File: 52845f619447bda⋯.png (68.27 KB, 1233x192, 411:64, pnd_shill_btfo_on_pol.PNG)

everywhere you go you get btfo and dont know when to quit. low iq neurotic fake jew

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2bba45  No.284094

File: 524ea6d35b7bdbc⋯.jpg (158.09 KB, 1108x1280, 277:320, rip_in_jabs.jpg)

how about darwin award to darwin herself?

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ed205a  No.284104


I am the one who got away!

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ed205a  No.284113

Targeted individuals are a real thing, and here's why: hatred is hardcore hedonism for those who indulge it. People LOVE to act in hatred. They ENJOY acting in hatred.

So targeted individuals are the human sacrifices of Omelas. The last joy that the well-governed city needs to be perfect, without which its people would turn on each other… That's what targeted individuals are.

Besides, the alternative would be goddamned expensive. Protecting and treating the suffering is too damned expensive.

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19bf0f  No.284121

File: e12a8732dfcd049⋯.webm (1.68 MB, 320x690, 32:69, equity.webm)


Maybe hatred is useful. Maybe if people hated more when it is justified their life could be better, so in that sense hatred is a hidden form of virtue? Maybe it's natural selection that those who cannot hate die off? But I agree that it is a form of instinctive self-defense that is primarily available to those that prefer to conserve themselves, which is why hatred is in a way the only cure for the severely demoralized. In a way, hatred is a cure to depression, and it costs you nothing. How else to defeat ideological racial structures (such as "socialism") you disapprove if if you don't hate them?

How long will it take until we separate the human mammals into distinct (proper) subgroups of mammals? Consider this for instance: Isn't it biologically rational to simply throw up on the other mammals? Many animals do it after all.

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19bf0f  No.284137

Imagine a world of pure hate. Would it be much different really?

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5ac802  No.284153

File: ce85806034574b0⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 640x701, 640:701, hobo_pride.jpg)

Natural selection is when a gay rock prohibits you from taking a nap.

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bb824b  No.284154



They're giving us free vaccines though.

Those are pretty expensive.

What more do you want?

Come on man.

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2e9b37  No.284159



Nope. Paid for by taxpayers without our consent or desire.

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e35da0  No.284375

File: fca21dc0bfa2624⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 320x400, 4:5, Who_is_fittest.webm)

File: 1af13d0704afd40⋯.webm (1.94 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, relax.webm)

File: e2793f4c4311e67⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 400x272, 25:17, migrant.webm)

File: 5549b19959aab99⋯.webm (1.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, djungle.webm)


Demoralization is a tool of natural selection too. If you are demoralized it just means you are fighting for the wrong side.

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e35da0  No.284379

File: 396befe03f9974d⋯.webm (1.53 MB, 960x544, 30:17, gookrelax.webm)

Unprotected females getting attacked is usually a failure of male territorial integrity.

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e35da0  No.284380

File: 466f04f8c8d76f1⋯.jpg (82.61 KB, 577x939, 577:939, functional_selection.jpg)

It is theoretically possible to assert natural selection anonymously. Going underground is powerful.

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d43526  No.284385


They said they were broke.

They wanted to raid the Social Security Trust Fund to balance the budget.

FF to today.

Suddenly hundreds of billions of dollars became available to supply vaccines.

More hundreds of billions were given to states to shore up the hospital system.

Why must they lie to us about literally everything?

Don't answer.

I'm just venting.

VENTING– not ventilating.


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8dd571  No.284496

File: f2c3179713ef6a0⋯.webm (1.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, racistwater.webm)



It is a natural process which causes life forms to adapt to their environment and remain unchanged. All mammals are not equals due to the simple natural lawn known as competition for resources. The stronger and more able to adapt to their environment are the most successful. hey are not equal in the same way as humans and other humans are not equal. All mammals are equal in the sense that they are mammals, and have similar anatomy and physiology, but this is a very limited comparison. You can easily realize the difference between groups of humans by simply looking at them. It is politically incorrect to talk about these things but it needs to be said: There are some humans who are more intelligent than others. The same is true of animals and plants.

How do we deal with those with lower intelligence? There is a simple answer to that as well: You only need to look at them and learn how to live in the world as they are and as they are. You don't need to make them any different than they already are. You can see this clearly in nature. It is a very complicated process. It is a natural process which has caused life forms to adapt to their environment. It is not artificial. We do not need to make it work for us. It works for itself. We don't need to interfere with it. It is also a process which has occurred in all life forms, from bacteria to humans.

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6a169c  No.284500


>You only need to look at them and learn how to live in the world as they are and as they are. You don't need to make them any different than they already are. You can see this clearly in nature. It is a very complicated process. It is a natural process which has caused life forms to adapt to their environment. It is not artificial. We do not need to make it work for us. It works for itself. We don't need to interfere with it.

As I high school dropout myself, I AGREE. All we need is to be left alone to live our own lives! Now try telling that to the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who run the damned country thinking they always know whats best for us!

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20b7d6  No.284502

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8dd571  No.284503

File: 58beaaf9e3711d5⋯.webm (1.48 MB, 360x206, 180:103, democracy.webm)


>Now try telling that to the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who run the damned country thinking they always know whats best for us

There is no single reasonable response to this problem. In my view, the only thing which is reasonable is to ask for a better class of people to run this country. The world is full of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who are thinking they always know whats best for us. The easy way to achieve this is to elect people who are not corrupt and who do not know what is best for us. When you vote for them, you are also voting for people who are not corrupt and who do not know what is best for us. Why do you think the politicians and bureaucrats in this country are so corrupt and so willing to do anything to get elected and to stay in office? Why do they spend so much time trying to influence voters with promises, lies, propaganda and other deceptions? You may think that I am talking about people who live in other countries, but the same things happen in this country.

The current political class think they know what is best for you, but you can see for yourself. You don't need to believe them. You can see for yourself. A better question to ask yourself would be: "What would you do if you were running this country?" "What would you do if you were running the other countries in the world?" It is so easy to see how this country is run. It is not run by people who know what is best for us. It is run by people who think they know what is best for us, but who don't know what is best for us. When you are running your own country, it is easy to see what is best for you. You don't need to ask someone else to tell you what is best for you.

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9be8d9  No.284535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… Peace is weapon…

Vladimir Putin… Европе не обязательно быть жертвой американского империализма…

Vladimir Putin… The time of 'water games' draw near…

Vladimir Putin… «Первый контакт» произойдет вскоре после этого.

Vladimir Putin… Способствовать распространению мира в Латинской Америке… Пригласить Китай к участию…

Vladimir Putin… Моя власть над землей огромна, но моей силы еще недостаточно.

Vladimir Putin… Я продолжу зажигать вулканы…

Vladimir Putin… Я буду продолжать сводить на нет усилия древнего вампира…

Vladimir Putin… I will destroy Japan.

Vladimir Putin… I will destroy Turkey.

Vladimir Putin… Ich werde Deutschland zerstören.

Vladimir Putin… Ich werde Deutschland weiter vergewaltigen wie eine Hure…

Vladimir Putin… Ich bin der Teufel … Ich werde sie in Stücke reißen …

Vladimir Putin… Gott wird Deutschland nicht vor mir retten…

Vladimir Putin… Ich werde sie aushungern … Ich werde sie schlachten … Ich werde sie explodieren lassen … Ich werde sie verwirren … Ich werde sie verderben … Ich werde sie vergiften … Ich bin endlos … Ich bin der Teufel inkarniert…

Vladimir Putin… Ich werde nicht aufhören … Ich werde Deutschland in Stücke reißen … Es wird nichts übrig bleiben …

Vladimir Putin… Es gibt keine Seele in den lebenden Toten … Ich werde sie als Erzdämon besitzen …

Vladimir Putin… Es soll keinen leichten Tod geben … Mein Wunsch, Deutschland zu quälen, ist viel zu groß …

Vladimir Putin… Leistung? Deutschland hat keine Macht … Deutschland gehört mir … Deutschland ist nichts weiter als ein Fahrzeug …

Vladimir Putin… Deutschland existiert, um meine Hure zu sein und ist nichts weiter…

Vladimir Putin… Я не отпущу Германию…

Vladimir Putin… Германия моя… Я начну священные обряды и соответственно буду судить Германию…

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9be8d9  No.284540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Кто сказал, что эти народы контролируют свои армии?

Насколько я контролирую?

Я напрямую контролирую треть вооруженных сил Америки. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Есть много вещей, которые «неизвестны».

Сколько на самом деле умерло?

Я убил четырнадцать миллионов именно в Америке… HAHAHA

Столько неуверенности…

Так мало времени…

Какая сила?

Какая стратегия?

Какая дипломатия?

Vladimir Putin… В этот момент волки находятся в состоянии хаоса…

Vladimir Putin… Меня послали защищать Россию, Китай и Иран…

Vladimir Putin… Я не делаю милосердия.

Vladimir Putin… Я не занимаюсь свободой воли.

Vladimir Putin… Я не не играю.

Vladimir Putin… Я поглотил много душ…

Vladimir Putin… Почему я должен «играть» со своей едой…

Vladimir Putin… Когда они умирают… Я заставляю их наблюдать за собственной смертью. Их собственное убийство…

Vladimir Putin… That's how I earn such good "conditions" in my "deals …"

Vladimir Putin… Я знаю много «секретов».

Возможно, самая большая ошибка в это время будет вызвана тем, что народы будут лгать друг другу о количестве мертвых. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA




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6a169c  No.284552


>"What would you do if you were running this country?" "What would you do if you were running the other countries in the world?"

I would be hated by the minority of control freaks, as I would allow people to live their own lives and trust they know what is best for themselves and their own families and affairs. I would do everything I could to restore as much individual freedom and liberty as possible. I would also purge a lot of corrupt officials out of office, and replace those agencies with like minded individuals, who's mandate would be to crack down on corruption (both outside and from within). You'd start seeing some high-profile corrupt actors face Justice, and a lot of innocent people being left alone to live their lives in peace, that's for sure.

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2bba45  No.284562

File: 569b9cdc708e78a⋯.png (451.87 KB, 875x946, 875:946, pandemonic.png)


>I would also purge a lot of corrupt officials out of office, and replace those agencies with like minded individuals, who's mandate would be to crack down on corruption

It's all right in principle, but not as easy in practice. The best way to let people live their own lives can be found in the study of philosophy. In philosophy, one must follow the rules of logic, the study of the mind and the study of the natural world.

In the study of logic, one must follow the rules of logic. For example, if a person says something that is not true, then it is not the truth. For example, if a person says that all people must obey the government, then it is not the truth. One must follow the rules of logic in the study of the mind. For example, if a person says that he is not lazy, then it is not the truth. Many people fall for the intellectual traps of government. Consider what liberty actually means. Liberty is the ability to do what you want, so the definition of liberty is the ability to do what you want. If a person wants to do something that is good, and he does not do that thing, then he is not free. If a person wants to do something that is evil, and he DOES that thing, then he is not free. It is easy for people to get confused here with the concept of freedom. The concept of freedom is the ability to do what one wants, and liberty is the ability to do what one wants. But, the freedom to do evil is not liberty. The freedom to do evil is the freedom to do evil. The freedom to do good is liberty. The freedom to do good is the ability to do good. In order to be free, one must be able to do what one wants. So the question is then, what is evil?

Consider the spammer in this thread for instance. He is evil. Since he is evil he does not have freedom. He thinks he is free but he is not. So what is evil? It is the ability to cause harm to others. It is the ability to hurt others. It is the ability to harm others. It is the ability to do evil. It is the ability to do harm. And since this ability is not in the power of the individual, it is not liberty. These spammers have not much freedom. So, in conclusion what does this mean for the average person? It means that he must be able to do what he wants. He must be able to live his own life. He must be able to do what he wants.

PS: In the study of the natural world, one must follow the rules of nature. For example, if a person is hungry, then he must eat. If a person is cold, then he must be warm. If a person is tired, then he must rest. If a person is thirsty, then he must drink. If a person is pregnant, then he must be careful and so on. In this high-tech world of overwhelming contradiction it is easy to forget what life is like in the natural world. When people forget what life is like in the natural world they end up killing each other, as they try to force their way into life. When people forget what life is like in the natural world, they end up committing suicide, as they try to escape the natural laws of life. In conclusion, what does this mean for the average person? It means, just as I said: that he must live his own life. He must be able to live his own life.

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6a169c  No.284563


The people should have freedom to do good things for themselves and others around them ("good things" as so long as it is peaceful, respectful, polite, civil, rational, productive, useful, charitable).

Governments should only have the freedom to punish those who seek and do evil ("evil" as in intentionally subversive, corrupt, criminal, treasonous, hateful, deadly, destructive, inhumane, sadistic, vile).

That way there is a clear definition between right and wrong. Live your life the right way and you would have nothing to fear. Live by evil then you should be punished for it and dealt with if need be. This kind of civilized sane mentality was written into the fabric of the US Constitution but unfortunately people have abandoned it and are now paying a heavy price.

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2bba45  No.284568


>This kind of civilized sane mentality was written into the fabric of the US Constitution

Pretty much.

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61e617  No.284694

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bc4771  No.284697


Cool. Now … what defines those things? Evil doesn't believe it is evil. The people who stormed the Capitol on 1/6 to stop the certification of Biden as President believed themselves to be fighting a corrupt government and are the true patriots, while the other side sees them as seditious traitors.

Which side is correct?

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64e2f5  No.284701













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bc4771  No.284702


Your trigger seems to be in need of dilation.

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ad1f78  No.284704

File: 48b99128e65d133⋯.png (692.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_01_22_12_2….png)

File: 313e64d25066d48⋯.jpg (211.33 KB, 573x1578, 191:526, 20220121_110110_2.jpg)


find it funny that people still talk about the " constitution" which was written by anglo elitists who in their own words hated all germanics and didnt see us as human.

the original humans who were in north america 10000 + years ago were germanic as the oldest remains clearly show.

the masonic " founders" wanted to keep living off the slave labor of germanics brought during the irish slave trade.

its a matter of record that these " enlightened" degenerate scumbags went behind our backs like faggot franklin in the parliament telling his masonic co conspirators about how the average colonist was free of usury and able to be truly free.

we dont need freemasons with their " equality" bs to know right fron wrong; it is written into our spirit

the freemason traitors and jew bankers are the enemy and this has been done to every race, culture and nation.

" the prisoner" is exactly what they want

but the good news is; plastic storage bags are " kosher" as shown in pic with the prominent "U"

we can eat these plastic bags because a talmudic rabbi has jabbered some kabbalistic nonsense and deemed it " healthful and good"

this talmudic bs is the root of all evil

and that includes the judeomasonic " leaders" of all fake " countries"( corporations")

its all jew nonsense

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be4911  No.284708


That is the biggest question of all. What is evil?

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be4911  No.284709


isn't left vs right a form of natural selection too? But on a global scale? I have heard that men that are feminine and androgynous are more likely to be passive aggressive. Perhaps these leftoids are simply a different species?

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7db598  No.284749

File: 55be742f0f778a8⋯.jpg (134.51 KB, 2100x1400, 3:2, love.jpg)


How does nature generally deal with pic related?

What is the social equivalent of pic related? And what can we learn from this equivalence?

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a450cc  No.284800

File: 12fbdb23f60a1c9⋯.jpg (268.54 KB, 1080x1098, 60:61, roundtwo.jpg)

File: 61fb94243763e95⋯.png (758.99 KB, 856x838, 428:419, 1642890424116.png)

File: ef0a8db61633738⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 640x640, 1:1, fatality.webm)

File: df5dd250c6586bc⋯.png (78.07 KB, 750x1222, 375:611, 1642813763578.png)

natural selection can show itself in many ways OP. It is one of the most secret knowledge's of humanity and understanding natural selection is like accessing a secret form of dark wisdom.

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2ba74c  No.284837

File: 7b88b34f339cb3e⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 1642899066651.jpg)

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27f79d  No.284972


what if the jews have won? Maybe they are simply more fit than us to survive nature?

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5d4587  No.284982

I have a question another question. Why would an alien species care about some other competing species society? Aren't they both competing for the resources?

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ed205a  No.284994



I have a question. Why do you anti-alien losers act like pre-social-science troglodytes who don't understand gains from cooperation and psychic profits? Why are aliens supposed to mirror your bullshit primitivism?

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e5ecc0  No.285038


I am gonna counter your sage:

Let's say aliens are real anon. Then the ones coming here are absolutely naïve. They also have to be stupid and technology stunted. do they really need to mutilate cattle? do they really need to abduct living specimens when there already are sources of information that they can look at? Visiting a dangerous planet, without weapons, when the locals allegedly have weapons that can shoot down their craft. is peak stupid.

Aliens that visit earth are peak stupid.

No, this is just disruption that is tossed into the communities that research to distract away from meaningful discovery. Aliens only became a thing after spy planes were researched, and became shilled hard after they cia stole those other Kennedy assassination tapes from congress.

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be5d4c  No.285060


Why is having children the meaning of life and why are competing species always pretending to be symbiotic? Is there some evolutionary benefit to trick the host into believing the symbiosis? I never understood why a non-alien species gets into a state of hyper-tolerance when its resources are clearly dangerously finite?

Also another question: Is it a sign of being unfit by using "words" as a way to take the resources from those more evolved? In that case, how come these alien species are hyper-tolerated?

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1369ef  No.285114

I was trusting the plan, but 2 more weeks and Clinton decided to deep state the COVID vaccine because Gates CIA psyop the Qanon. But Trump never promised WWG1WGA Biden patriots, just Mossad CIA Google peaceful protestors. Does anyone else Netflix feel this way about the climate change world? Oh well, 5G is monitoring the situation from cuck tower, fake CNN news and "Brexit Iran Israel NSA PRISM Flynn".

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9279ec  No.285953


Considering how much the word "equality" is used now everywhere it wouldn't surprise me if the main stream media started claiming that all mammals are equal. Hell, maybe everything is equal? Maybe all information is equal too? Why settle with just a minor insanity when you can go the whole yard.

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e25fc2  No.286357


>competing species always pretending to be symbiotic

sounds jewy

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5743b6  No.286367

File: 972f97655b3b1d3⋯.jpg (146.67 KB, 1600x720, 20:9, Screenshot_20220201_010953….jpg)


Canada Rise Up…"CROSS" was happy to call out the jew in this catchy album, all this honking in the North reminded me of this good ole' NS Skin band. Odin's Law was good too…anyone easily offended can puck off


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e02a51  No.286719

Well it's a logical effect to a dying civilization.

The rich are pulling their exit scam, extracting as much wealth as they can, flooding once great nations with nigger scum .

When civility stops only violence can fill the void. Ie return to monkey.

Why not be excited and look at the lulz ahead, while everyone is going mad.

We can just have fun and troll people online on gta 5 :)

Sabotage electricity relay stations near niggerfied blue cities, by flying helicopters into powerlines.

Ambush&highjack inbound logistic trucks, block highway and light the fucking thing on fire!

Fuck with the municipal water systems by routing the raw sewage through the water lines. Or dump truckloads of rocks into the aquaduct and sewersystem to clog it, so the shit bubbles through the drainage system.

play farmville and drive a tractor pulling a full septic tank to your local govt building and release the schmoo.

Stupid clownworld times require clever clownlike passtimes.


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e02a51  No.286723

File: 7af85ce34b3295f⋯.png (346.06 KB, 2160x3840, 9:16, 1637807696009.png)

File: c4725180e90b769⋯.jpg (470.21 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1637807072227.jpg)


Oddly enough, you want to know what evil is ?

Ask murderers, thieves and other convicts around the globe.

They will all agree that "child molesters" and "Pedophiles" deserve nothing but death.

Other than that there is no good and evil , just power. Aka survival of the richest.

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fddf36  No.286724


impressive very based

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fddf36  No.286725


>How does nature generally deal with pic related?What is the social equivalent of pic related? And what can we learn from this equivalence?

Nature fucks it

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fddf36  No.286727


you made him mad lol

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e02a51  No.286742

File: 30032574b74a1b5⋯.jpg (1.94 KB, 125x111, 125:111, 1642132450350s.jpg)


>Natural selection is when a gay rock prohibits you from taking a nap.

This is a criminally underrated comment anon.

The beautiful irony of it all is: 1 the painters did not have this effect intended .

Orrrrr 2 they masterfully just hacked and exploited the leftist virtue signal system.

<if i want a crosswalk i'll get the local lgb community to get their rollers out.

I'll make up some bs sob story how my tranny sister got killed by a bigot busdriver, and this crosswalk is to remember and honor "her" by.

When the govt attempts to remove it, let the bigot accusations and social media sperging begin.

Govt will back off, because they can't nor won't defy the lgbt.

<i get to smugly jaywalk on my private gay crosswalk, screw walking around and waiting for stoplights muhahaha.

Clownworld times call for clownworld solutions,

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e5ecc0  No.286749


human's have not experienced true natural selection in over 40,000 years anon. At some point in history, one of your ancestors killed all the men and raped all the women, and you are descended from one of those rape babies, just like everyone else in here.

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174573  No.287006


It seems to me like you are trying to equate people in humanity by saying that "we have the same ancestor". But is that really an argument for anything? All organisms have the same ancient microbial ancestor. With your argument all micro-organisms would be equal. I'm afraid that your argument can be reduced to relatively obvious absurdity here .


Yeah it seems so. The rich is the fittest in a capitalist society. I wonder what role natural selection plays in modern society, in capitalism, banking, in marketing and democracy in general. It can't just be about IQ. Is it all just an illusion? Is it about something greater that we are missing? How does evolution fit in the modern world. How does natural selection explain mass migration for instance? Why would a people replace it self? It makes zero sense from evolutionary point of view.

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f10f0f  No.287028

Of course we are not.

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6f8c75  No.287610


Dude holy fucking shit, are you/do you know about TheAlternativeHypothesis?>>287488

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670359  No.288427

File: 375b61bdcdee765⋯.webm (1.62 MB, 640x352, 20:11, sponsored_by_fanta.webm)

Natural selection is when you are sponsored by fanta to kick women.

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670359  No.288430

File: ab772a045738b77⋯.jpg (203.78 KB, 1200x1817, 1200:1817, toothbrush.jpg)

Natural selection is when you have $1m debt because toothbrushes.

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670359  No.288431

File: 2732befb3d146c2⋯.jpg (223.77 KB, 3306x934, 1653:467, childless.jpg)

Natural selection is when childless women are teaching you about sex.

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670359  No.288432

File: 51ffe1d632d67bb⋯.jpg (203.86 KB, 1070x1126, 535:563, food.jpg)

Natural selection is when food is illegal

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296351  No.288434

File: 0d83644dd12a7bb⋯.png (342.58 KB, 590x626, 295:313, stoneage.png)


natural selection is when the stone-age is progressive

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296351  No.288435

File: 25f4caf4517971f⋯.jpg (156.27 KB, 1200x856, 150:107, sissyhypno.jpg)


natural selection is when you make aliens infertile

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296351  No.288436

File: 5dd1adbe5f2a9cb⋯.jpg (296.3 KB, 1080x1351, 1080:1351, hiv.jpg)

natural selection is when you get HIV

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f7ac7d  No.288628


Is this why it always feels schizophrenic talking to women?

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49be2f  No.288678


the reason the science of natural selection is so heavily oppressed is because it exposes the lies of both the left and the right. It's the secret to basically everything living in the world.

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bc4771  No.288679


Humans are not subject to natural selection. We conquered nature. Only betas believe they're subject to nature.

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90b741  No.290403


It seems almost like deliberate destabilization or… something.

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bc4771  No.290408


It only seems deliberate because you're a sad little white faggot who is now being judged by the same metric you've judged others.


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dc5107  No.290414


*punches you in the jaw and lays you out one punch*

1. you don't know my skin color

*picks you up off the floor and kicks you in the crotch*

2. i've never judged anyone.

*douses you with gasoline*

3. over the last 70 years we've lost 50 percent of our overall economic capability due to mergers, leveraged buyouts, hostile takeovers and glorious globalization. the government sat on it's hands and let it happen.

*lights a match*

4. we have had no corresponding drop in population and the tax revenue those businesses paid is gone. that's why my property taxes have quadrupled during those 70 years.

my neighborhood is flooded with drugs from distro set up with illegal and undocumented people who live off of government dole and traffic more illegal and undocumented people into this mess everyday.

*lights you on fire*

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bc4771  No.290447


>internet tough guy

lol cry more, cracker

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dc6b05  No.290729

File: e513b7d578c0902⋯.jpg (955.24 KB, 1150x1575, 46:63, tomboy.jpg)

is "sissy and tomboy hypno" natural selection?

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