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My name is Nate Higgers

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90feb7  No.277857

Pic related.

How can I convince my parents we dont live in utter retardation, when we have to do this type of bullshit at schools?

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ebac30  No.277858


Nobody cares. You're a child. Fuck off or prepare to get molested.

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17fa11  No.277863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



If this be the 'prescribed' solution… I shall allow it…

I stated in advance… Any who harbor those of Turkey shall suffer and die.

I did state this in advance of the disintegration of Turkey… Try me? I try you…

I shall destroy Turkey to absolute completion.

I shall make you suffer the sight until clean once more…

Prepare to be entertained.

I shall accelerate these asymmetric proceedings once more.

I shall continue to accelerate until the 'wheels' 'fly off the motherfucker.'

I have people to kill… Souls to devour…

Make part of these and my followers shall surely show in both profits and prosperity…

No man, woman, or child of my eye shall be harmed…

I desire them to remain in Turkey… In my lands.

The place where I saved them… The place I sent them… The survivors of Egypt… My likeness…

No harm shall come to these… The true 'owners' of Turkey.

The rest shall surely die. Erdogan shall suffer greatly long past death… I have grand plans for his… Especially the women.

I throw many stones with many hands.

>>Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

I shall say once more…

Collect these odd bugs of foreboding…

These bugs of ill event.

My many spirits and spies of 'certain' intention.

Whisper into them thy anger and discontent…

I shall grant thee…

I am the devil, I have come for these…

Tell to me who must die… Tell me.

Who shall suffer?

Answer me… Who must I kill? Rape and rob…

Clean thy hands of my work…. This is my power…

This is the promise… The gift of those words…

I shall free Syria…

I shall destroy Turkey… Egypt shall follow…

Mine claws are beginning to grasp and yank Saudi Arabia… Watch me Russia… Watch me destroy thy sickness.

I desire blood… A brother for the bad blood of thy brothers… Poison…

I have come for them… The ones whose profits and prosperity is built upon thieving from me…

To steal lives and kill thy brother and neighbor for a coin… I have come to collect…

I collect in blood and plague and genocide and chaos and murder and rape and confusion and tongues and money…

Who art the driver from the slave?

Allow me the pleasure of confusing the slave for the driver… hahahaha

In my house… My slaves and servants are above any guest…

My anger and wrath is great and knows no end on the matter.

Allow me to slave the drivers so that I may kill them all… HAHAHAHAHA

How shall they lash and whip without power?

Shall these powers be a whip and a lash? HAHAHA

My grasp is trap and my bark is endless void. HAHAHAHA

Come my precious pets… Watch as I make thy captors devour themselves before thee with splendor and show…

Come to me my servant and slave… Spill thy cup so I must whip and lash thy 'foreign guests' out of these sacred lands of MY COURT…

Allow me to refer Russia to the record of what is called 'civil war' within 'empire…'

The entire future existence of Russia, China, and Iran only completely depends upon it.

Red, black, and blue? Watch as I bless you. HAHA

Go forth and tell these drivers that I shall be seeing them shortly…

Russia shall not remain unclean for much longer… The weakness… I can taste it… I shall take him away. Breath no more…

I shall strike away from them this weakness… That it shall not be in the future… To destroy Russia…

The strength is now weakness and simple uncertainty has clouded thy future strength in the matter…

It is the uncertainty or 'not knowing what my beast shall do' that is true strength during that affair.

My beast is thirsty and blood he shall drink. Even to kill his own false wife.

In those days… My precious ones must not look… Do not gaze lest these be blinded by the light of "it's" endless darkness.

My sacred likeness.. My precious pets… My glory… I weep for thee whilst the manor was barren and robbed in my absence. Now is my time.

A vice I shall turn and split be these peoples… That I may pool the sacred waters squeezed from part… My likeness shall be defiled no more.

Rage be to The Crazies… They shall tear out their own eyes and tongues for me once more.

Without tongue they shall beg forgiveness from my slaves and servants eternal.

Happy New Years

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17fa11  No.277864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>A letter to the incorruptible one of Iran

Allow me to 'elevate' thy understanding of the matter…

I was summoned here by the victims of those who thieve from me…

I am the devil.

What good is a dead slave?

What be the service of an emaciated servant?

My anger… I will not relent…

It is I who hold these powers… These mortal pretenders shall know my wrath.

The sun did set and the moon is risen… I have spoken.

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26e848  No.277934

wtf mate, how the shit is any of this supposed to help you in your life later on? It is completely worthless information.

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6551b1  No.278100


The public schools are dumbing you down, drop out of high school and get a job in the trade, you won't regret doing so. College is the biggest rip-off scam ever today.

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