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Due to decades of socialist indoctrination and leftist media propaganda, this report concludes, the vast majority of Americans remain unaware that the United States government is subordinate to its 50 States as designated by the Constitution of the United States—which means that the States are individual entities able to enact their own laws based on the popular vote of their citizens—for laws that affect all Americans sees them having to be enacted by the Constitutional Amendment Process, that require the approval of three-quarters of the States legislators—in 1973 saw this constitutional amendment process subverted by the Roe v. Wade decision handed down by a socialist controlled Supreme Court—after which socialist forces used this ruling to impose on Americans numerous laws by judicial edict not voted on by citizens—but whose near 50-year reign of socialist judicial tyranny is fast coming to an end, because, on 1 December, the Supreme Court will hear the Fifth Circuit Court cases to overturn Roe v. Wade—an ending of socialist judicial tyranny even the leftist Washington Post acknowledges today in their article “‘Roe’ Will Be Overturned. The Federal Courts Will Go Back To Normal”, wherein it states:
Roe and Casey should be discarded because they are bad decisions that perverted the Constitution and took us all into the deep polarization we find ourselves in now.
Left-wing observers think this will be the ruin of the GOP when it comes to pass.
In reality, it will not hurt the party and will instead be the triumph of peaceful politics over raw power.
It will remind everyone that states matter, that legislatures matter, that citizens matter.
You will read much about Dobbs in the next few months, as the remaining tall towers of elite opinion — the watch fires of the overclass — are being pre-lit ahead of the oral argument.
But the writing is on the wall.
The anti-Roe constitutionalists have been right that Roe has been doomed for the last 48 years — nearly as long as the 58 years it took Plessy to be tossed out by the Warren Court in Brown v. Board of Education.