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72c8ce  No.276512

Abbott Kinney Boulevard was a picture-perfect hidden gem in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles, once known for its boutique shops and locally-owned dining joints. The mile-long strip sings to the tune of upper-middle-class patrons who come to Venice Beach to soak in its peculiar rhythm. The neighborhood’s tight-knit community of homeowners who have lived in the area for decades are proud to reside in this unique nook of town.

But over the last year, the community within this stretch of Venice grew even closer over a common frustration: the growing homeless encampments.

The issue is not new to Los Angeles as a whole, which has more than 41,000 people living on its streets, according to the latest homeless count, with more than 66,000 homeless people countywide. A forecast by the Economic Roundtable estimates that number could reach nearly 90,000 by the year 2023.

Drugs, needles, trash, violence, fires, and encampments have become all too common to the Venice community. They say their pleas for help often fall on deaf ears when it comes to their city leaders, while tourists, homeowners, workers, and other homeless people have become victims to random assaults by a more violent crowd of transients.

“It’s a world gone mad,” Venice resident Deborah Keaton told The Epoch Times. “It’s our own making too. I’m a liberal, a Democrat, and we voted for these measures that decriminalize a lot of this behavior, and so there’s no repercussions for these guys.”

It's also the stupid policies like covid restrictions/lockdowns, higher taxes and more bureaucratic regulations and "green" restrictions that also increased the poverty rate too, Deborah Keaton!

When Keaton steps outside her home on North Venice Blvd. between Abbott Kinney and Electric Ave., her reality is not the white-picket fence experience she bought into 30 years ago when she purchased her home. An encampment, including a handful of parked RVs, has popped up adjacent to her house, making hers the closest house to the neighborhood’s new hot spot for crime and drug dealing.

The transients living inside the RVs play loud music all day and night, she said. She filed a police report against the apparent ringleader of the RV encampment, Brandon Washington, because she says he approached her gate and allegedly made threats against her family.

“He rang the bell, and he was wasted, and he said to me: ‘I just need to know all the evil people, is your husband evil? Because I need to kill your husband,’” Keaton said. “It was scary.”


Enjoy the third world shitholes (((You))) voted to establish! Maybe,, just maybe,, you people should just stop doing that and allow sane people to run your counties and State?

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72c8ce  No.276513

For a minute or two 8kun re-directed to "Meta" website which is a Facebook owned company. Wonder if Jim just sold this site out to them? If so it won't be long till the 404.

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72c8ce  No.276560

File: 780c994827aa618⋯.jpg (131.83 KB, 590x800, 59:80, You_Voted_For_This.jpg)

<Democrats run the cities

<Democrats run Congress

<Democrats run the White House

>Muh country is turning into a shithole, why so? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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6136dd  No.276612

File: 4aa1a354b867577⋯.jpg (142.96 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Shitass_nigger.jpg)

In Vancouver BC the crystal meth addicts seem to rouse themselves around 3:30PM every day and then rush into the upscale business district around Georgia and Burrard and the Bentall Center. They're 27 but look like they're 83. They have only a couple teeth left. They are truly insane maniacs. They roar and scream. They abruptly put on spastic manic dances in the middle of the sidewalk for no reason. They'll rush up to beautiful well dressed ladies and threaten to punch them with raised fist or they'll kick out the glass on a modern bus stop shelter as all the secretaries stand miserable and patient, obviously dying to escape from the rotting city center. I couldn't stand it and moved far far away from that drug disaster. I know whatever "leader" will probably be in the pay of the jews or the jesuits or freemason whatever but I just want a Pinochet to make all the vermin disappear at least. And that Reagan Era; it influenced Canada too. To save money and be cool and hip they let all the most deranged violent lunatics out of the mad houses to afflict the people, and ladies, particularly good looking well dressed one were the most vulnerable to those crazed schizoprhenics and drug addicts.

I want to live in clean polites society.

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72c8ce  No.276620


>I want to live in clean polites society.

If you really do, I will give you a tip that many anons do not like to hear but I'll say it once again anyway. You will no longer find civilized society in these corrupted cities, they are being run by political mafia today. Simple as that.

Fortunately, if you make the right decisions early in your life you may not have to live in these cities. Consider joining the trade instead of going to college. Make contacts in the trade and work hard. Talk with well-sourced people and find options available outside of those major cities. Once you know you can get a job elsewhere, move to a lower taxed less populated area, take a mortgage on a small home and work hard to pay it off. Electricians and plumbers often retire by age 60, some even earlier than that if they stay out of debt and live within their means.

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625a6a  No.276633

bumping real news

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1028c6  No.276660

Leftards are fecalpheliacs

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