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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 6dbe7b5624e7e7e⋯.jpg (116.36 KB, 1120x680, 28:17, AMA_Pushes_CRT_Shit.jpg)

6b397d  No.276426

The American Medical Association recently released a guide on "Advancing Health Equity" that promotes how to fight for critical race theory, includes a list of words not to say and their "equity-focused alternatives," and criticizes concepts like "meritocracy," "individualism" and the "'free' market".

The Medical Community has gone 'Woke' and Marxist, I am sorry to say. If we, as a people, do not stamp out this evil ideology with a quickness, it will consume us, further divide us, and further conquer us by enslaving and killing us, enforcing conformity from us.

A couple links about this ACTUAL REAL NEWS:


There's some other good articles surrounding this subject on that page.

Here's just another link to this story, because I'm not posting an archive link…


Actual PDF of 55 Page Document in next post…

There is a previous post about this at:


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6b397d  No.276427

File: 4ab5887a113d566⋯.pdf (515.66 KB, ama_aamc_equity_guide.pdf)



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f22917  No.276430

File: 6c3c46783207536⋯.jpg (146.04 KB, 1135x1072, 1135:1072, 8926.jpg)


Why do people hate CRTs so much these days?

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96ef33  No.276432


Just like everything else is this country today besides quality guns ;) everything is based around fraud and lies. It's almost as if they are addicted to falsifying reality because they can't face the sad fact they have gone absolutely insane. Psychological denial to maximum extremity.

PS: when we have to use the terms "real news" and "actual news" just to point out the fact it is real, then you know you are living in a crazy world full of fraud, lies and denial.

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3d2b13  No.276435

File: 3e04e2e3df7d9cd⋯.png (114.68 KB, 500x497, 500:497, Orwell1984.png)

File: 24db32574a36d84⋯.png (605.97 KB, 534x521, 534:521, wisdom.png)

File: ee027b1222f843a⋯.png (371.12 KB, 446x627, 446:627, damos_coin.png)

File: f9949ab42132093⋯.png (446.95 KB, 510x480, 17:16, u_cant_speak_truth.png)

File: 741a298418ba34a⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Ted_5.jpg)


Read the PDF and you may find out.


This is true.

The TRUTH Is What Sets Us Free.

They want us to accept the Obvious Lies & Absurdities, because if we are willing to do that, then we will also be willing to accept the Atrocities, which are definitely ramping up.

Their whole "We're Here to Help", "We're Here to Fix Racism" Stance is actually an Assault On TRUTH.

They want a chaotic society that believes in absurdities so that they can commit atrocities.

Anti-Racists & Democrats practice the very worst Racist Behaviours.

Just like the Pedo vs. Anti-Pedo days of old.

One Becomes That Which One Hates.

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f22917  No.276436


I read the PDF and it has nothing to do with CRTs at all. LED monitors are shit. People need to go back to CRTs.

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3d2b13  No.276438

File: 7bf5e3cac0178f7⋯.jpg (232.82 KB, 759x729, 253:243, 7bf5e3cac0178f77f8c55642a3….jpg)

File: 546a15b79943f1c⋯.jpg (59.48 KB, 804x960, 67:80, Kamala_Harris_Threatens_Am….jpg)

File: d2a3e48075f1e2b⋯.jpg (310.59 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, download_20200817_040650.jpg)

File: ad1029ce81a37aa⋯.jpg (6.24 MB, 500x694, 250:347, download_20190826_172358.jpg)

File: add2e94ea194a99⋯.jpg (95.18 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Ted_6.jpg)

In every aspect of life, 'Woke'sters have made Labels and Epithets more important than Evidentiary TRUTH.

They scoff at TRUTH, as though it were silly to even be concerned with it, or anything at all for that matter, besides their Clown World of Absurdities.

Case In Point: >>276436

Ha ha, but no (You) did not read that PDF, or even (You) would know how fucking absolutely ABSURD the entire document is, and how ABSURD the Entire 'Woke' movement is, and how SHITTY "Equity"-based models are as compared to MERIT-Based models.

(You) Did This to (You)rselves.

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a7cd8e  No.276634



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