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File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)

34c80b  No.273603[Last 50 Posts]

Ready To Embrace Global Communism Goyim?

In order to save the planet from catastrophic climate change, Americans will have to cut their energy use by more than 90 percent and families of four should live in housing no larger than 640 square feet. That's at least according to a team of European researchers led by University of Leeds sustainability researcher Jefim Vogel. In their new study, "Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use," in Global Environmental Change, they calculate that public transportation should account for most travel. Travel should, in any case, be limited to between 3,000 to 10,000 miles per person annually.

Vogel and his colleagues set themselves the goal of figuring out how to "provide sufficient need satisfaction at much lower, ecologically sustainable levels of energy use." Referencing earlier sustainability studies they argue that human needs are sufficiently satisfied when each person has access to the energy equivalent of 7,500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per capita. That is about how much energy the average Bolivian uses. Currently, Americans use about 80,000 kWh annually per capita. With respect to transportation and physical mobility, the average person would be limited to using the energy equivalent of 16–40 gallons of gasoline per year. People are assumed to take one short- to medium-haul airplane trip every three years or so.

In addition, food consumption per capita would vary depending on age and other conditions, but the average would be 2,100 calories per day. While just over 10 percent of the world's people are unfortunately still undernourished, the Food and Agriculture Organization reports that the daily global average food supply now stands at just under 3,000 calories per person. Each individual is allocated a new clothing allowance of nine pounds per year, and clothes may be washed 20 times annually. Everyone over age 10 is permitted a smartphone and each household can have one laptop with Windows 10.

To achieve that goal, the researchers focus on what they call provisioning factors, which are intermediary institutions that people use to satisfy their needs. Provisioning factors that affect the amount of energy a society uses include public service, public health coverage, access to electricity and clean fuels, democratic quality, income equality, economic growth, and extractivism. These provisioning factors are the basis for providing sufficient human needs such as nourishment, drinking water, sanitation access, basic education, and a minimum income to keep you slaves alive.

Two things that humanity for sure doesn't need according to the study are economic growth or the continued extraction of natural resources such as oil, coal, gas, or minerals. Vogel concluded: "In short, we need to abandon economic growth in affluent countries, scale back resource extraction, and prioritize public services, basic infrastructures and fair income distributions everywhere." He added, "In my view, the most promising and integral vision for the required transformation is the idea of degrowth - it is an idea whose time has come."

Of-course the researchers are very concerned to make such a global transition to communist utopia, the goyim must be disarmed for this to ever be an enforced standard of their New World Order.

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34c80b  No.273604

Nope, never going along with that, never. I'd rather die fighting on the hill then living a life like that. Bunch of communist scumbags.

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b30c9b  No.273606


Communism is more hated than Zionism, but only by a small fraction, and Zionism is on its way to be equal to Communism.

What will you kikes use as the "better of two evils" now?


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34c80b  No.273608


Sure communism is hated, perhaps both are, but what is your point? They're trying to bring communism back. Don't worry, we won't tolerate any of it.

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b30c9b  No.273609

File: 5d69e3074f95c05⋯.png (27.06 KB, 1073x309, 1073:309, moarpheus_pivot_redpill.PNG)


As Zionism falls out of favor they try and bring back Communism, especially of the Nationalist sort. When Communism falls out of favor they try and bring back Zionism.

>pic related

Their playbook is so outdated. Zionism, at this moment, is the threat which is now being attacked, not Communism. Communism is irrelevant, Zionism is on its way to irrelevancy, fast-tracked.

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a38955  No.273614


I can understand there is controlled opposition. However, I don't prefer Zionism over Communism, either one is complete shit. I'm just not going to live however a gaggle of control freaks want me to live, I'm going to continue living the way I want to live is all. This thread is just a warning to other Americans why not to give in, never to give up our guns, and keep to fighting for our freedoms no matter what. This is the hellish conditions they would like us to live in (and they are buttering it up to look as 'nice' as possible: imagine actually living in that micromanaged nightmare in compacted crowded ghetto squealer, the reality of their "utopia" would actually be very hellish for those who conformed to it, it literally would be just like a giant prison and they have no intention of keeping us happy, if they did they would have left us alone long ago!)

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335182  No.273616


>Ready To Embrace Global Communism Goyim?

Eh, couldn't be any worse than the capitalist slavery we live under now.

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a38955  No.273624


The US government pretty much has an iron grip over the modern economy and has since the 2008 banker bailouts. The stock market is owned by two major companies (Blackrock & Vanguard) that both do business with the US Federal Reserve (completely centralized monetary control). The US also has the biggest welfare state on the planet, with nearly 50% of the population even working full-time jobs. Don't forget our completely gutted and outsourced industries which we now rely on other nations for manufactured utilities and commodities. Not to mention the mass debt insolvency and trade deficits.

The only thing "capitalist" left in America are some retail shops, thrift shops, garage & yard sales, flea markets and farmer markets. This will soon all crash too once the Fiat Dollar is devalued into oblivion and we face hyperinflation.

Communism is only the next step to this epidemic of corruption: communism is population control in a wrecked third world environment. That's all it is. Capitalism no longer exists today, it was thrown out decades ago by the very people advocating communism.

Outside the whole 'economy' today it's pretty much government-organized monopoly for the very rich, and when they fully pillage and plunder all the wealth they'll use communism to starve the masses out and enslave them.

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a38955  No.273625

File: d19b4c6b0a898eb⋯.png (167.76 KB, 500x522, 250:261, corrupt_billionaires_corru….png)

File: 40f1b6f65e6b2ce⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 850x400, 17:8, if_america_could_be_once_a….jpg)


Everything you hate about "capitalist slavery" is exactly what communism will be like on steroids, study history or you'll be fucked repeating the same mistakes.

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acd875  No.273648


Once communists start repeating slogans like "capitalism has failed" and "billionaires" then you're dealing with NPCs whose programing most likely will never be undone. These useful idiots would be liquidated in the early stages of a communist revolution, so they are ultimately of no consequence and can safely be shoveled into the nearest ditch so they stop mucking things up for everybody.

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335182  No.273657


Since there has never been a Communist country, you have no argument. Communism's core tenant is literally abolition of the State. There cannot be a Communist state, only a Communist society, and those work quite well.

Need an example? Rural towns where everyone knows everyone else, trades goods and services among themselves (paying your doctor bill by building a shed in your doctor's back yard, for example), and if there's a pothole in the road, Farmer Jenkins has a paver and the local steel mill donates some slag and tar.

Amish communities are literal Communism and that works just fine.

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335182  No.273658


You know who wants you afraid of Communists and a Communist society? Jewish bankers, who will lose their livelihood at money manipulation, if society started looking after itself. So, they carefully crafted and fed you every lie possible and you slurped it right up like the bleating sheep you are to the point where the first question you ask is, "What's that going to cost?" instead of "How will this benefit the greater good?"

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acd875  No.273659


The Jewish bankers are behind Communism. What kind of pink prancing ponies farting rainbows crap has been installed in place of where your brain is supposed to be?

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335182  No.273661


You apparently have no idea what Communism is. You have a McCarthy-era level understanding of it, probably based in Trotskyism, which is not Communism.

Amish communities are socialist communism. Banking/Credit is Capitalism. Cope.

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ba6770  No.273663

File: 780c994827aa618⋯.jpg (131.83 KB, 590x800, 59:80, You_Voted_For_This.jpg)


Well well. Sounds a lot like my highly conservative rural area in Missouri ironically. We have local farmer markets, flea markets, small family-run businesses, diners and thrift shops, lots of yard sales and garage sales and auctions during the summer and fall out here too. And yes, around my area there is a local farmer who grates the dirt roads too (for a small fee from the local home owners associations all around the immediate area who have a contract with him). … But guess what? That's not "red terror" communism. It's called a free market, and the county I live in is highly conservative! So let me ask you something: why is it the "blue" cities overwhelmingly vote for socialist and communist parties …. but WE conservatives are the ones who often live in civilized 'utopia' that you'd never find in any Democrat-run city today? Why is that exactly? Maybe who you vote for are natural born shysters?

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acd875  No.273664


>Trotsky was not a communist

Oh this just keeps getting better. Do go on.

If you need more material, I belong to a credit union rather than having a bank account.

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2cda3e  No.273666

The idea is to keep all goyim at bare physical sustenance level, will that be achieved by capitalism or communism is irrelevant, that's why both have horseshoed into Talmudic dark age feudalism. You will eat ze bugs, you will live in a pod, and you will be lobotomized happy.

Most people fail to realize that mass culling is not the worst thing that can happen.

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acd875  No.273669



death cult confirmed

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335182  No.273671


The fact that you think Democrats are socialist/communist is what's so telling. You literally live in a Communist society and your ingrained, sheep-like fear of "le red menace" has made you think the very society you live in is your enemy. Communism is the abolition of the State. If you want to abolish the State and give the power to the people, then congratulations, you're a Communist!


Trotskyism is not Communism.

Maoism is not Communism.

Stop drinking the kool-aid and learn what words actually mean instead of regurgitating Tucker Carlson talking points.

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ba6770  No.273674


It doesn't have to happen, and that's the sad ironic part of it all. We far outnumber them and we have more than enough arms, and we are very well spread out across the country. We do NOT have to allow this to happen at all, we could easily fight all of this and win. Sadly, I see so many idiots, statists and cowards in America I am starting to think us rebels are far outnumbered and if that is the case, we are doomed. I'll stand my ground until the drones strike me into the dirt though, no question about that. Rather die than be living a slave on their plantation.

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acd875  No.273675


Oh okay so no Maoism isn't communism either, and also the democrat party doesn't operate in Leninist fashion (aka "democratic centralism" to avoid self-identifying as communist). But you also said the Trostkyite neocons weren't communist, so that's no surprise.

What, pray tell, is True Communism?

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ba6770  No.273678


I've always been told communism was like the USSR, which had a very powerful State that subjugated their political opponents (similar to Nazi Germany or any totalitarian government). That's really all I know outside the USSR Empire collapsing from fiscal insolvency and eventually balkanization. Ironically I see the same happening to the US today. I just want to be left alone, and ironically, my conservative State pretty much leaves people alone and lets us live how we please (even during the whole 'pandemic' scare).

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1ec6b8  No.273711



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fc58f9  No.273768


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fc58f9  No.273773


RINO Zionist Neo-cons are just as communist, agreed. However I have a pretty "based" governor in my conservative State and he doesn't fuck up our State like the commie Dems or neo-con RINOs. The opposite pretty much, he leaves us the hell alone so I'll vote for that son of a bitch, just for that!

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fc58f9  No.273774


Her'es my porspective of politocs: LEEVE ME THE HELL ALONE AND I"M OK WITH YOU!

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fc58f9  No.273801


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b30c9b  No.273803


>be you

>fake jew

>slide every thread exposing (((trump)))

>cry about slide threads

<why do they persecute me so?

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fc58f9  No.273806




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fc58f9  No.273809





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b30c9b  No.273830



>oy vey stop exposing israel and their 2024 puppet


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fc58f9  No.273839

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fc58f9  No.273843


Every SINGLE time you spam I'm ready to spam you're fucking threads too, you obsessed self-centered asshole, take notice!!!!!

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fc58f9  No.273882


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b30c9b  No.273895


i have all day, every day. so knock yourself out.

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fc58f9  No.273901


You are either mentally ill or retarded.


What the hell is wrong with you?

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fc58f9  No.273902


Seriously. You are a total JERK.

Let people talk!!! Stop spamming your own threads that NO ONE CARES ABOUT.

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b30c9b  No.273909


There's 36 posts ITT.

You are at least 14 of them.

Your slide threads are irrelevant and inferior.

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fc58f9  No.273912



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fc58f9  No.273913


No. I just want to talk about CURRENT EVENTS. NEWS.

I am sick and tired of this Kike Trump this and Kike Trump that Kike Kike Kike Kike Kike!!! over and over and over and over and over!!!!!

No wonder /pnd/ died!!! YOU fucking killed it!

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b30c9b  No.273914


>oy vey!

You lost control of /pol/ and now you've lost /pnd/. Your trolling was defeated. Your personas were defeated. Your arguments were defeated. Your spam was defeated. And now your slide threads are defeated.

Stay defeated.

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fc58f9  No.273915


You are obsessed and very mentally ill!!!

I'd challenge you to live a real life, someone would smack the hell out of you in no time!

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fc58f9  No.273916


Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk*

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fc58f9  No.273917


Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk* Kike Kike Trump Russia Russia Kike Trump *bawk*

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b30c9b  No.273919




Cry harder. Everything you can do I can do better <3

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fc58f9  No.273924


By the way, I hope you enjoyed the election results this morning. I laughed honestly. People had enough of this crazy demented Trump-obsessed crap, and YOU are no better than the Q-tards!

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fc58f9  No.273927


No, you spam boards and no one comments on your fucking threads. At least I got a FEW comments here and there!

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fc58f9  No.273928


Just the other day I had someone inquiring about rain water collection. I answered about it. Now that thread is slid so no one ever sees it! You are mentally ill! Why would you do that!?

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b30c9b  No.273929

File: 46f6ecf71a6fa74⋯.png (86.4 KB, 563x434, 563:434, elections_irrelevant.PNG)


Seems to me voters aren't supporting either side.

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fc58f9  No.273932


So with YOU around, no one can talk about anything!? We can't even post news!? We can't talk about prepping? Nothing!? Just Trump, Kikes and Russia 24/7 right!?



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b30c9b  No.273934

File: f900e77ec412ac9⋯.png (351.11 KB, 858x435, 286:145, elections_irrelevant_2.PNG)




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fc58f9  No.273936


I am leaving. Spam all you want kido, you are all by YOURSELF. Have a nice time with Johnny Neptune when he arrives! It will be you and him from now on, even that Purple Faggot bailed out!

Nice while it lasted. God damn!

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b30c9b  No.273937


samefag is same.

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7f350d  No.274066


LOL. You are such a fucking loser! Have a nice day!

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7f350d  No.274081


I'm not going to let that happen, sorry buddy. This board is not your board or safe space! You'll have to get along with the few others here even if you don't like us.

Don't like it? You can leave anytime bro.

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b30c9b  No.274096


You're the only one complaining.

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acd875  No.274110


Not anymore :^)

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b30c9b  No.274111



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7f350d  No.274116


I don't understand why you have to slide threads the way you do, it's childish and rude. Just learn to be considerate and things will get back to normal around here. You are not the only one with an opinion here either, others have their own opinions too.

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b30c9b  No.274117

File: 51e24c28747be18⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 500x375, 4:3, lel.gif)


>waaaah you're sliding my slide threads better than i can slide with my slide threads

why are you such an inadequate failure in every regard?

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7f350d  No.274118


I'm not failing, you are just being a jerk is all. Again, I'm not going to allow my threads to be slid by a rude jerk. So get over it already.

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b30c9b  No.274120

File: 60ffd151c3732b1⋯.gif (138.96 KB, 220x146, 110:73, drowning_in_GRUSSAD_tears.gif)


do whatever you want. but stop complaining like a woman.

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7f350d  No.274121


Oh you can count on it, I always do what I want.

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b30c9b  No.274122


Cool, lady.

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7f350d  No.274123


You are a faggot. Sage mitigated.

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b30c9b  No.274124

File: 773aab850a88c3d⋯.png (231.54 KB, 564x427, 564:427, America_Zionism_LOL.PNG)

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207b85  No.274135



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207b85  No.274138


Those European think tanks can go FUCK THEMSELVES. I am never ever moving out of my rural homestead, or giving up my guns, or taking a covid test or vaccine, or any of that bullshit. And if they have an issue with that, they can talk directly to my 12G shotgun.

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2cda3e  No.274208


Some would rather live like bugs then die like men

Satan trips bring the harsh truth


Did you ever take a good look at any of the so called "elites"? I mostly see a bunch of degenerates, deranged, broken, feeble people who never had a single struggle in life and whose "success" is almost entirely built upon nepotism and tribalism. Did you ever look at them and wonder, how can THIS have any power over me? A creature I could dominate physically, mentally, and in every other way possible. If everyone did the same, their power would disappear instantaneously.

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0b73e6  No.274476

another great thread slide by the fat marshmellow who thinks we should be forced to read his delusional 4chan crap

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0b73e6  No.274526


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0b73e6  No.274624


Won't ever happen, so forget it comrade Sally.

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0b73e6  No.274688

bumping real news

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0b73e6  No.274933

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b30c9b  No.274955

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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b30c9b  No.274956

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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b30c9b  No.274957

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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0b73e6  No.274961


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15b38b  No.275126

bumping news loads

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15b38b  No.275148

With these ten steps you can become more independent while not supporting such a corrupted system. I took some ideas from another anon and expanded on some, but will link to the original plan as well.

1) Cancel cable/sat TV service. TV service is full of subversive propaganda and lies.

2) Do not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches.

3) Boycott Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, Google and other tech giants. Use a VPN service online to keep your info private from them and your ISP.

4) Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your employer/pension fund do the same. Buy from small local merchant stores, farmers markets, flea markets, thrift shops and use cash when possible. UPDATE: Boycott companies & areas that mandate vaccine passports.

5) Support a pardon for Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers. Help spread the truth.

6) Join pro-freedom social networks like Minds, Gab, Bitchute, MeWe, Matrix, LBRY, Brighteon, etc. where freedom of speech and truth are respected. Follow Rense, Jim Stone, Zero Hedge, Natural News, National File, Citizen Free Press (or whatever else) for news updates.

7) Use web browsers like Brave, Tor, Dissenter, Librewolf, Basilisk when you surf the web. Do not use Google or big tech browsers which spy on and censor their users. Use Duckduckgo, Startpage or Qwant for your search engine.

8) Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint, Debian or others rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (almost any PC can be switched to Linux). Check out Distrowatch.com for all kinds of free Linux operating systems. If you use an older Windows, at least disable auto-update and remove a lot of the bloatware, don't always keep it online. Use a 2nd separate computer or laptop dedicated for sensitive person use like finances, banking, personal emails, dating sites etc. Keep that separate from your other computer used for reading news, shitposting and other online activity you desire kept private.

9) Do NOT support the phony 'War on Drugs' which causes more crime, death, murder, gang violence and incarcerations, enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway. Best to avoid drugs and limit drinking.

10) Become a prepper, no matter how big or small, do something productive that will keep you safe and out of harms way when a crisis comes. Have some extra food, some clean water and other essentials stocked up to last at least three weeks. If you cannot legally buy a gun, at least forge another weapon or buy bear spray and have that handy for self-defense. Never trust your government, even in an emergency, governments are out to control you and treat you as a resource, they are not out to help you.

Here is the original plan: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/943148464663228416

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b30c9b  No.275154

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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b30c9b  No.275155

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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b30c9b  No.275156

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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15b38b  No.275166

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

Biden OSHA Vaccine Mandate Announced, Attacking Employees & Large Employers Beginning January 4th



Disgusting Garbage Piles Up In NYC After De Blasio Sent Sanitation Workers Home For Refusing Vaccines



Thanksgiving Shortages And Prices Spikes Should Awaken Americans That Trusted The MSM Lies



China, Russia, India and Australia Exempt From US-EU Govt Climate Sanctions



Vaccine Mandate Meltdown Hits US Cities As State Municipalities See Exodus



Anti Vax Compilation



U.S. Government's gruesome, medically worthless experimentation on adult dogs and puppies



Massive Blow To ZOG As Anti-Marxist Parents Win School Board Victories Throughout America!



Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott



Peter Daszak Address



SHTF Prepping Thread



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15b38b  No.275211


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15b38b  No.275484


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15b38b  No.275491

such mitigated-slide

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15b38b  No.275526

qfe dfws

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55fde3  No.275948


My answer remains the same: HELL NO NEVER.

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55fde3  No.275949




Thank you for leaving and going back to 4cuckistan.

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d02e91  No.275997

File: 60ca7636b3bc969⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 700x400, 7:4, 88a45bdd2cc3dfdf8dc183a41c….jpg)

I Am Ready to Embrace Global Communism.

Like a Loving Parent Would Embrace & Smother a Child They Can No Longer Afford to Feed.

To save the lives of the children more likely to survive.

Communists never think these things through beyond Free Gibs Me Dat. They are always, not only willing to get in the white van with the psychopaths offering candy and kittens, but they will always shove everyone "else" in too! They are dangerous toddlers who refuse to grow up.

They do nothing but Blame.

Communism ISNOT "WORTH IT".

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16b580  No.276232


My answer is still FUCK NO.

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b36ebf  No.276238


Let me guess? Niggers who makes more than $1000000 a year are exempt? Those who makes less will live in the pods and eat the bugs

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53bad5  No.276265


I'm never going to leave my rural homestead so I can live in a corrupt shithole and eat bugs. I have plenty of beef and chicken stocked up in my two deep freezers to eat. However, if those who wish to change my lifestyle want to come out here sometime to convince me to change my mind, I'd let them talk to my American Tactical 12g shotgun. However it only barfs out "off to hell with you!" in high decibels that will rings my ears for a while. That's why I choose not to talk back to it.

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20024c  No.276283


are there any fun and normal threads left?

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05c7d2  No.276285


This is a normal thread and you can make it fun, or make fun of it, either way. However, this thread was taken from the mainstream press. Yes this is really how they think we should live.

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f00a1b  No.276446


>If you want to abolish the State and give the power to the people, then congratulations, you're a Communist!

I never called for abolishing the government entirely, we need some form of law and order. However, I do support the US Constitution. I do support freedom, consumer choice, free market capitalism (not corruption and Keynesian economic fraud like we have today!) but I do support fair competition and would like central banking to be abolished and for us to return to sound asset-backed currencies (like gold and silver notes). I'm not against bartering either, if that's what consumers and merchants desire to do (again, free market!) Government should be extremely limited when it comes to intervention, the only purpose governments should have is to crackdown on corruption, not become the mafia themselves like they clearly have today!!

By the way, ironically the reason rural areas seem like "utopia" to you is because we have some common sense out here. We desire limited government. We don't like bureaucrats running our lives, or criminals doing whatever the hell they want either. We support the right to self defense and the right to bear arms, etc. Unlike a lot of those hellish cities today. Common sense policies bring about good communities. Bureaucratic corruption and power grabbing ruins communities.

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335182  No.276452


>rural areas seem like "utopia" to you

No they don't. Who, exactly, do you think you're talking to?

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f00a1b  No.276468


Wasn't it you who made the comment about rural towns and communities being like "communist utopia"? See: >>273657

>Rural towns where everyone knows everyone else, trades goods and services among themselves (paying your doctor bill by building a shed in your doctor's back yard, for example), and if there's a pothole in the road, Farmer Jenkins has a paver and the local steel mill donates some slag and tar.

>Amish communities are literal Communism and that works just fine.

Ironically, all the places he's talking about (in America) are highly conservative, they have limited government, fewer taxes and fewer regulations, more armed citizens, more friendly towards free market capitalism too, lol. And YES, they totally are better places to live. You can thank the conservatives and us rednecks for that.

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61f402  No.276476



This is my first time back since the 8chan days, and man this place has changed. Is it all because of the Q people camping out here?

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b0451c  No.276486


Wrong, the Q larp stays on their own boards as they should 99% of the time.

/pnd/ = Politics, News, Debate

/pnd/ does not mean /pol/ or /leftypol/ or /b/ or /random/ or /x/ or /qlarp/

If you do not wish for "Politics, News and Debate" (which by the way is always subject to controversy) then this is clearly not the board for you. If you wish to set narratives like a propagandist I would suggest joining the numerous psyop and cointelpro types on 4cucks. Glow niggers are easily noticed and mitigated here.

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61f402  No.276490



I didn't make a statement, I asked a question, and the question was based on the observation that this board has changed dramatically. But I was assuming that /pnd/ was the replacement for /pol/.

So if, like you say, the Q larp stays on their own boards, then what changed? Did nobody come back after 8chan became 8kun, and why did they get rid of /pol/?

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0aecee  No.276507


You would have to ask Jim Watkins or the FBI that question, I don't know why they banned /pol/. However you are free to post here, if you desire, as long as it's about politics, news or general debate about historical events and current issues. Isn't that what a lot of /pol/ did anyway?

On the other hand, if you don't want to contribute and you are too stubborn to contribute anything of value, just leave and enjoy your safe space elsewhere.

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8a4ff5  No.276693


Not giving up a God damn thing to these corrupt SOBs. Not taking their clot shots! Not giving up the guns! Not listening to their propaganda, nothing! They'll get nothing from me but contempt, bullets if they dare come for me. Corrupt traitors.

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