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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, Real_Revolution.jpg)

0c8fb8  No.273555

With these ten steps you can become more independent while not supporting such a corrupted system. I took some ideas from another anon and expanded on some, but will link to the original plan as well.

1) Cancel cable/sat TV service. TV service is full of subversive propaganda and lies.

2) Do not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches.

3) Boycott Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, Google and other tech giants. Use a VPN service online to keep your info private from them and your ISP.

4) Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your employer/pension fund do the same. Buy from small local merchant stores, farmers markets, flea markets, thrift shops and use cash when possible. UPDATE: Boycott companies & areas that mandate vaccine passports.

5) Support a pardon for Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers. Help spread the truth.

6) Join pro-freedom social networks like Minds, Gab, Bitchute, MeWe, Matrix, LBRY, Brighteon, etc. where freedom of speech and truth are respected. Follow Rense, Jim Stone, Zero Hedge, Natural News, National File, Citizen Free Press (or whatever else) for news updates.

7) Use web browsers like Brave, Tor, Dissenter, Librewolf, Basilisk when you surf the web. Do not use Google or big tech browsers which spy on and censor their users. Use Duckduckgo, Startpage or Qwant for your search engine.

8) Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint, Debian or others rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (almost any PC can be switched to Linux). Check out Distrowatch.com for all kinds of free Linux operating systems. If you use an older Windows, at least disable auto-update and remove a lot of the bloatware, don't always keep it online. Use a 2nd separate computer or laptop dedicated for sensitive person use like finances, banking, personal emails, dating sites etc. Keep that separate from your other computer used for reading news, shitposting and other online activity you desire kept private.

9) Do NOT support the phony 'War on Drugs' which causes more crime, death, murder, gang violence and incarcerations, enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway. Best to avoid drugs and limit drinking.

10) Become a prepper, no matter how big or small, do something productive that will keep you safe and out of harms way when a crisis comes. Have some extra food, some clean water and other essentials stocked up to last at least three weeks. If you cannot legally buy a gun, at least forge another weapon or buy bear spray and have that handy for self-defense. Never trust your government, even in an emergency, governments are out to control you and treat you as a resource, they are not out to help you.

Here is the original plan: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/943148464663228416

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d40c21  No.273559

File: 87aca0e3adad39e⋯.jpg (78.44 KB, 700x686, 50:49, No.jpg)

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0c8fb8  No.273572


Doesn't matter, I am as with many others.

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e17bdb  No.273574

>6) Join pro-freedom social networks like Minds, Gab, Bitchute, MeWe, Matrix, LBRY, Brighteon, etc. where freedom of speech and truth are respected. Follow Rense, Jim Stone, Zero Hedge, Natural News, National File, Citizen Free Press (or whatever else) for news updates.

fuck off kike

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0c8fb8  No.273576


Sure, why not? If I can't post content to Youtube then I'll just post it to Bitchute and Brighteon. I use OPSEC while doing it, using a VPN, never register real info, using a temp disposable email to register so it's not a big deal if my accounts do get hacked lol. Just be smart about it.

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e17bdb  No.273581


no one gives a shit what you do, migapede. kys.

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0c8fb8  No.273582


And I could care less either way. Have a bump.

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d40c21  No.273585


>get banned for posting mean things about Trump

>freedom of speech

top kek m8

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ca3e44  No.273599


Well unlike you I don't focus on Trump 24/7 so I wouldn't know. Youtube is now banning very basic news today, anything that goes against the establishment at all gets removed or at least filtered from regular viewership. I won't bother with those kinds of platforms. I'll rip Youtube videos I need, like gun reviews, prepping videos or recipes from cooking channels but that's about all I'd use it for. News I get from elsewhere. :)

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6122ce  No.273709



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68b2f4  No.273767


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68b2f4  No.273797

ANTI-SLIDE 2415124`

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68b2f4  No.273875


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68b2f4  No.273896


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68b2f4  No.273906

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845a08  No.274834

great plan doing so

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845a08  No.274868


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e17bdb  No.274872

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU censors both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught censoring both /pol/ and /pnd/


Covid is disproportionately kill kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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e17bdb  No.274873

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU censors both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught censoring both /pol/ and /pnd/


Covid is disproportionately kill kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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e17bdb  No.274874

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU censors both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught censoring both /pol/ and /pnd/


Covid is disproportionately kill kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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845a08  No.274883

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

Thanksgiving Shortages And Prices Spikes Should Awaken Americans That Trusted The MSM Lies



China, Russia, India and Australia Exempt From US-EU Govt Climate Sanctions



Vaccine Mandate Meltdown Hits US Cities As State Municipalities See Exodus



Anti Vax Compilation



U.S. Government's gruesome, medically worthless experimentation on adult dogs and puppies



Massive Blow To ZOG As Anti-Marxist Parents Win School Board Victories Throughout America!



Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott



Peter Daszak Address



SHTF Prepping Thread



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845a08  No.274934


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e17bdb  No.274952

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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e17bdb  No.274953

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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e17bdb  No.274954

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

How kikes are re-creating historical events to control future outcomes


Russian GRU caught censoring both 8kun and 4chan


Israeli MOSSAD and Russian GRU caught running honeypots against the so-called Alt-Right


Covid is disproportionately killing kikes


Trump admits Israel controlled Congress while he was President and regrets Democrats took back control


American Zionism is unraveling


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun have no traffic


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62886d  No.275198

anti-slide n

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62886d  No.275307


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62886d  No.275360

feakin' such legits

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62886d  No.275404

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

Biden OSHA Vaccine Mandate Announced, Attacking Employees & Large Employers Beginning January 4th



Disgusting Garbage Piles Up In NYC After De Blasio Sent Sanitation Workers Home For Refusing Vaccines



Thanksgiving Shortages And Prices Spikes Should Awaken Americans That Trusted The MSM Lies



China, Russia, India and Australia Exempt From US-EU Govt Climate Sanctions



Vaccine Mandate Meltdown Hits US Cities As State Municipalities See Exodus



Anti Vax Compilation



U.S. Government's gruesome, medically worthless experimentation on adult dogs and puppies



Massive Blow To ZOG As Anti-Marxist Parents Win School Board Victories Throughout America!



Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott



Peter Daszak Address



SHTF Prepping Thread



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62886d  No.275447

such excellent legits

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