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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: bcbc3e5ce1a0bad⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2550x1700, 3:2, Sapp.jpg)

f25ce9  No.273126

Jodi Sapp, Mankato School Board

20588 Old Hwy 66, Mankato, MN 56001



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8d11c5  No.273127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My silence is becoming increasingly more dangerous.


-Xi Jinping

In the 'high court' 'they' would gather the children.

They picked a common food item that was plentiful and use either 'it' or the seed in a bag or sack.

The children were asked, one at a time, to take and conceal the number.

The children were then asked to determine who amongst them had what.

This was accented with various behaviors…

They were asked to act out in different ways depending on the concealed number they carried…

This was how 'he' had 'ingrained' methods of compliance free from corruption… That is to say be knowing of corruption in social engagements by appearance of behavior and sensing of strange social displays.

The imperial ways were lost…

Be knowing of thy fathers… Thy fathers were not ignorant on the matters…

China shall be attacked by primarily sea and air in the beginning.

Beijing shall fall and be no more if this comes to pass.

Shall Beijing suffer the same rape and century of shame that the imperium suffered 100 years before?

I say no…

Decisions… Decisions…

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