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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: bc0af27cff989d6⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1784x1525, 1784:1525, 1635342901095.png)

82ecf0  No.272997

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH CRYPTOCUCKS ON SUICIIDE WATCH! the minute the power goes out cryptocucks starve to death. Glory be to gold!

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018447  No.273014


(I was going to post some pics but fuck it, this site sucks and keeps shutting the connection down before it loads them!)

Not into crypto myself but allow me to demonstrate common sense. Stuff like power outages due to natural causes happen all the time around the country. Nothing new. As long as the crypto enthusiasts have their "wallets" (software) in "cold storage" (offline), they'll still have the keys and hash. Once the power grid gets fixed those that have their keys and codes stored offline will be able to go back to those networks and use them.

That said, I do recommend prepping. That's why I have a whole-house propane generator. I have a solar panel system. I also store 12V batteries, power inverters and solar battery chargers. Also have smaller gas generators in the garage too. Multiple grid-down backups is good to have when SHTF.

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