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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 10125eb1b09622d⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1258x1638, 629:819, Mein_Kampf_Karl_Purple.png)

File: d32b8597a1c478f⋯.pdf (147.47 KB, 1258x1638, 629:819, MEIN_KAMPF_2_0_VOLUME_1_BY….pdf)

File: bf601d8bfdfdf9e⋯.pdf (1.06 MB, 1258x1638, 629:819, MEIN_KAMPF_2_0_VOLUME_2_BY….pdf)

4e0b0f  No.271388

I humbly present to you…


by Karl Purple

AKA Purple Anon

PDF Files are also attached.




code: Mein-Kampf

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410ca6  No.271389

>download my FUD keylogger, goy!

go back to shilling zionism on /pol/ and failing

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3d6728  No.271402


wtf?!! I can't wipe my ass with a photoshop document file…

I'd have to print this garbage out on paper, but I can already use my blank paper to wipe my ass without wasting ink

You should've thought this through better

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3d6728  No.271403

Your book is WORTHLESS……. total garbage….

This weekend, we're going to forget about your stupid "book" and focus onYOU

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3d6728  No.271404


Don't you find it slightly unorthodox to be IN HIDING while releasing the embarrassing 'book' bullshit?

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3d6728  No.271405

File: 9bd7e0f99e437e2⋯.png (581.02 KB, 1268x1080, 317:270, PicsArt_10_22_08_51_51.png)

COURAGE : the mark of a true leader

the one quality you've never displayed

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3d6728  No.271406

Q : why have you been running and hiding ?

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