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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: af0a1536aeaf269⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1397x1080, 1397:1080, PicsArt_10_14_09_26_06.png)

5cd956  No.268528

We all know what "NO"reallymeans….

That's why he's called THE PURPLE JIZZGUZZLER

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5cd956  No.268529

File: 52c3e8eb14b9a34⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1321x1080, 1321:1080, PicsArt_10_14_09_28_38.png)

we're not stupid……

we've been down that road before

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5cd956  No.268530

File: 27f75249f42b793⋯.png (1004.25 KB, 1080x1119, 360:373, PicsArt_10_14_09_39_35.png)

when they say "NO",they really mean it

"yes"….. they really mean YES

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5cd956  No.268540

File: 1bbadef0c8c297f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1444, 270:361, PicsArt_10_14_09_52_22.png)

So recently, that annoying lonely purple effeminate fruitfly saw somebody calling him 'the Jizzguzzler'

and he reacted

He said he didn't mind being called a POLESMOKER, or a COCKSUCKER, or an INBRED WHITE TRASH PEDOPHILE…….

but heREFUSEDto be called "Jizzguzzler"

he said it was vulgar, and went farther than other words, because it created 'horrible visual images in the mind"…


as per his request,

henceforth, he shall be known as


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9653c3  No.268543

File: d97dc30c34f74e0⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1522, 540:761, PicsArt_10_14_10_09_43.png)

I think it was a wise campaign decision for him….

Because it's hard to forget…

Now everybody will know who he is…

Name recognition is everything when it comes to politics…

He might even sway some of Killcen's 10,000 voters, especially with thisNEW CAMPAIGN POSTERhe just released….

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9653c3  No.268544

File: 0e4e425f498efe2⋯.png (854.06 KB, 1109x1280, 1109:1280, PicsArt_10_14_10_28_16.png)

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3199bf  No.268555

File: 8290c5a1c51cdb9⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Purple_REALLY_Wants_to_be_….mp4)

This is a Purple Approved Thread.

Fuck the Purple Code. .

I'm so over that.

I got me a super sekret Tripfag Code Nao!


Too bad >>>/pnd/ won't let me use it.

I may have to start my own Purple Board.

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271ca6  No.268582

File: f1b5d94bef59623⋯.png (252.89 KB, 725x845, 145:169, ClipboardImage.png)




I just called this purple faker out in another thread;



he keeps trying to impersonate purple anon; but you can tell cuz his codes never pass the code checker: https://secretagentwars.com/code


>I got me a super sekret Tripfag Code Nao!

Identity codes ARE NOT SECRET you lazy noob.

If they were secret then why are they given out FREELY o code posts?

Secret codes are used in code warfare, not identies you sack of rice. please get off this board.

EVERY TIME. you et caught. and you make yourself look foolish. give it a rest.

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a6b540  No.268624

File: 56a78fe80200903⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Baby_Purple.jpg)



This Fake Purple is so stupid he does not know what a Tripcode is, nor does he recognize one.

> Identity codes ARE NOT SECRET you lazy noob.

>> If they were secret then why are they given out FREELY o code posts?

> Identity codes

Wew Lad!

(You)r Fake Website with it's Fake Codes does not pass the muster around here!

>>>/pnd/ does not encourage the use of Tripcodes because "Tripfagging" is as gay as "Namefagging" .

We get it. (You) are still a newfriend and did not Recognize Purple 's Tripcode .


Even though (You) are a Purple Imposter, (You) may be forgiven if (You) cease the Namefagging immediately.

This is for (You)r own good.

(You)'re kinda Neptuning out about the whole "Persona" thang…

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