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File: 3c7c7b18c073f01⋯.jpg (76.72 KB, 700x450, 14:9, vote_for_killcen_as_fuhrer….jpg)

46f904  No.266849

The Führer Election is almost upon us yet again, and this time /pnd/ wants to make sure it has the most worthy candidate. Voting does not always achieve said result, but we're still going with a democratically elected representative.

This Thread will be where all the arguments are made forWhy the New Führer of /pnd/ should be KILLCEN.

I mean, besides all the awesome links!

He is welcome to demonstrate his link-leaving prowess in this thread, but he didn't start this thread. He is far too modest and humble. But he has a YUUUGE Following (some say 10,000 or more lurkers!)

He DEFINITELY Deserves to be Führer of /pnd/ more than Neptune or Purple. More arguments to that effect will be made in this thread as we, his fan base, find time. We are also very busyPREPARE!ing for the Collapse, just like KILLCEN taught us.

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46f904  No.266851

File: 6f8de97f655a6e5⋯.jpg (126.25 KB, 480x720, 2:3, when_purple_tried_to_be_a_….jpg)


It has recently come to our attention that an IMPOSTER Fake Killcen has been trying to claim the Titleship of Führer of /pnd/.

This will obviously not be tolerated, as this Purple feller is just a poor IMITATION.

Sure, he's got Codes & shit, but he ain't got enough Links!

He also doesn't seem to like Pussy, so he ain't got the Lynx either!

Killcen actually has a cat, which is important to any Führer worth his salt.

Of course, Killcen's Cat is actually a Black Puma, and it lives on his property, occasionally coming inside to perch on top of boxes of antique toasters and the box freezers.

Why did I bring up Killcen's Cat?

Well, not just because it proves he is cool as shit, having a Puma as a feline companion, but it also reminds us of the fact that Killcen, unlike some "others" in this contest, actually showed respect for the democratic process and let 8ch.net name his cat. We named it "Catpocalypse", and he went with the name we chose for his cat too. Some of the other names that were voted for would have been more difficult for him to yell loudly in the woods without drawing the wrong kind of attention, so he has always counted himself lucky.

Anyway, if this IMPOSTER Purple Killcen thinks he can take away Mein Führer Killcen's rightful Lordship around here, he will have to faceMine Furor!

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1ea8a9  No.266857

File: ccb854fb464a821⋯.jpg (68.13 KB, 468x720, 13:20, even_women_for_killcen.jpg)

I don't often post here, but when I do, I am reminded how only Killcen treats me like I even "exist" on the internet!

Not only is Killcen attracted to Women, Women Are Attracted to Killcen!

He and his gals probably do spend a lot more time preparing to go out than the average /pnd/tard, but all that aluminum foil does require constant adjustments, and hey! At least Killcen leaves his basement on occasion!

Femanons 4 Killcen!

There's like 10,000 or more of us "lurkers", and we're liable to vote too!

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1ea8a9  No.266859

File: 17b175bc5f36609⋯.jpg (7.63 KB, 208x242, 104:121, tin_foil_harem_girl.jpg)


This is so true.

He treats us all so nice that we're not even jealous of each other or anything! Killcen really knows how to treat a woman.

"Incels" take note.

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a278cf  No.266860

File: 0339e68f61a6658⋯.png (1.27 MB, 639x1309, 639:1309, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh yeah. Purple Anon is such a loser.

I heard him once on his beer hall bros meeting say that homosexuality is the wrong path, and that transgenders should learn to love themselves as they were born instead of transitioning.

As a transgender, I'm offended that he doesn't approve of men acting feminine. He's so macho. Does everything manly. Sick of him.

These aluminum foil dresses are cute. If Purple Anon would just lighten up a little, he could try wearing one; but he wouldn't ever wear a dress he says.

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2eee39  No.266863

File: 33fff5377e8a315⋯.jpg (448.8 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Purple_is_NOT_a_Serious_Co….jpg)


This is TRUE.

"Purple" is NOT a Serious Contender.

Long Live KILLCEN as Führer of /pnd/!

Smoke another one, Purple

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2eee39  No.266866

File: fe6a6e57052b239⋯.jpg (227.32 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, moar_women_for_killcen.JPG)




Even younger, geekier women prefer the manly nature of Killcen as their Führer.

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2eee39  No.266867

File: 090b7f4217e3b26⋯.jpg (113.42 KB, 550x413, 550:413, we_have_all_learned_to_tak….jpg)


> we-have-all-learned-to-take-a-little-killcen-with-us-wherever-we-go.jpg

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2eee39  No.266878

File: 57c9380349b6ffc⋯.jpg (48.99 KB, 459x612, 3:4, killcen_is_mein_fuhrer.jpg)


Yes,KILLCEN is Mein Führer.

He's got the most comprehensive package.

Don't settle for cheap imitations or usurpers.

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2eee39  No.266889

File: 960931aa861e09e⋯.jpg (156.09 KB, 650x650, 1:1, MAGA_Gorillas_4_Killcen.jpg)


Is this the OFFICIAL ELECTION for Führer of /pnd/ THREAD ?

Oh wait. I see the quatrain now… >>266856

Obviously OFFICIAL.

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d9d531  No.266894

File: 1a570cce4298375⋯.jpg (159.09 KB, 1740x883, 1740:883, PicsArt_10_04_09_44_28.jpg)

I'm voting for Killcen because he doesn't nlbeg for friends online AND because he actually seen a vagina before in real life

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d9d531  No.266895

File: 1a570cce4298375⋯.jpg (159.09 KB, 1740x883, 1740:883, PicsArt_10_04_09_44_28.jpg)

I'm voting for Killcen because he doesn't beg for friends online, he can grow facial hair, AND because he actually seen a vagina before in real life

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a32fff  No.266896


I would never vote for the purple pole smoker because beer is for pussies… Beer is for amateurs and lightweights…

Killcen drinks whiskey.. a man's drink

And while he doesn't have a whiskey Hall, I'm quite certain he has vomited whiskey and blood in his hallway many times before

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2eee39  No.266902

File: bb75833ae320ed4⋯.jpg (955.9 KB, 1890x2773, 1890:2773, PicsArt_03_28_07_22_59.jpg)

File: bfc752ec0964b14⋯.png (69.16 KB, 300x100, 3:1, good_whiskey.png)


> And while he doesn't have a whiskey Hall, I'm quite certain he has vomited whiskey and blood in his hallway many times before

Yeah, we're all pretty certain of that.

Killcen may not have a Whiskey Hall, but he has both a foyer and a vestibule, and he's already turned the foyer into the "Ayahuasca Hall Bros Meeting" Hall, so I'm sure if Purple plays his cards right, and maybe brings Killcen a good bottle of whiskey, and doesn't talk too much about sucking Hitler's left testicle, Killcen might be willing to turn a corner of his vestibule into a whiskey-slamming area, and he might even let Purple call it a "Hall", but I wouldn't bring up the whole "Führer" topic with Killcen anytime soon if I were Purple. He's just trying to be nice about what a little IMPOSTER this Purple guy is, and Killcen probably won't say anything about it, but I wouldn't broach the subject with him after a few shots of whiskey if I were Purple .

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2eee39  No.266903

File: 22500fcf3405a55⋯.jpeg (151.07 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, REPOST.jpeg)



(You) posted the same picture twice.

I wonder if I can do that?

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2eee39  No.266904

File: 22500fcf3405a55⋯.jpeg (151.07 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, REPOST.jpeg)


It appears so.

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2eee39  No.266905



Now the vote will have a lot less fraud.

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2eee39  No.266906

File: 0e57da9c679fc28⋯.jpg (123.36 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, JN_and_Bearded_Chia_Man_To….jpg)


> Killcen can grow facial hair

Purple is just something that grew in `'Just-Kiss-It'`'s bacteria beard.

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104ddf  No.266940

File: 24f27aa7dd610ed⋯.gif (6.16 MB, 777x777, 1:1, vote_killcen_fuhrer_of_pnd….gif)


Vote Killcen Führer of /pnd/

He has better `.gif`s

> GIF related


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9890d0  No.267070

File: 6d586d99723e79f⋯.gif (2.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, WTF_Purple_Bathmat.gif)


> He has better `.gif`s

There's really not a lot of competition.

> GIF related

Elect Killcen Führer of /pnd/

He'll be back soon. He's been busy organizing the stormtroopers. This Purple Menace got to Stahp!

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9890d0  No.267072

File: 60858c78b3853a3⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, purple_competition.mp4)


> There's really not a lot of competition

That doesn't keep them from trying to compete!

> MP4 related

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9890d0  No.267077

File: 8290c5a1c51cdb9⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Brutally_Cold_Chaos_Beast_….mp4)


Fuck. Wrong One.

This one makes more sense.

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a593fc  No.267103

File: 2e79d3040dcb947⋯.gif (279.54 KB, 440x289, 440:289, giraffe_rides.gif)


JKI will be putting a thousand miles on his bike in next few days, so will be unable to help with Killcen's Election Campaign until at least Sunday, but I'm sure "Johnny" will not let some Purple Towelette come in here and steal Killcen's rightful place as Führer .

Yes, JKI's gf is going with. Heading off into the cold and pain is what adults sometimes do.

And there will be pain. Just an old giraffe here. Passed on my genetic information, and raised two progeny all by myself, which comes with responsibilities that never end, as Killcen, your Führer, well knows. Raising children provides a certain kind of experience like no other. It actually gives a Reason for growing up. I mean, REALLY Growing Up! Until you Become the Authority you'll always be fighting some supposed "Authority" "Out There"

Until one finally chooses toLook WITHIN.

Highly Recommend.

And yes, giraffes ride motorcycles and a host of other wheeled contraptions, for many reasons…

> GIF related

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a593fc  No.267109

File: 02a5967ad7001ff⋯.jpg (64.49 KB, 570x586, 285:293, 89e8e8f0b0e75e7e3c7906b4de….jpg)


> And yes, giraffes ride motorcycles and a host of other wheeled contraptions, for many reasons

This is true.'

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a593fc  No.267126

File: bc1bba177424a4b⋯.jpg (236.16 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o_GIRAFFE_MOTORCYCLE_faceb….jpg)


> This is true.

Very True.

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a593fc  No.267127

File: f5621604bd381e1⋯.jpg (320.31 KB, 1500x1600, 15:16, stock_photo_giraffe_riding….jpg)

JKI is riding to raise money and awareness for Killcen's Führer campaign.

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a593fc  No.267128

File: 7faa933845397e3⋯.jpg (135.01 KB, 900x900, 1:1, giraffe_riding_a_moped_ear….jpg)

Everybody's getting into the Spirit of the Ride

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a593fc  No.267129

File: ad3f98f999bd417⋯.jpg (40.64 KB, 570x806, 285:403, ENJOY_the_Ride.jpg)


And I DO' mean practically Everybody.

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a593fc  No.267132

File: 9fd0809437b21e6⋯.png (870.31 KB, 1080x1416, 45:59, Purple_Wants_to_Ride.png)

Even Purple wants to try to Ride.

But he is all talk.

Long Live Killcen as Führer of /pnd/!

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5da227  No.267199

File: 3f6da82522d529d⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 460x626, 230:313, download_20200615_132545.jpg)

File: d32493ac44ceba5⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, downloadfile_4.png)

File: b87e1af9c95b1fe⋯.jpg (307.69 KB, 350x610, 35:61, fool.jpg)

File: 932ceaa320be694⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 993x1588, 993:1588, Eris_complete_fix1.jpg)

File: 3601473a6edeb89⋯.jpg (150.3 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, download_20200615_132100.jpg)

On my way outtah Dodge.

Just stopped in to say this (as Killcen, our REAL Führer, also agrees with this statement:

If you are not more concerned about the Human Race than the White Race, then you are an utter fool, and deserve everything that is coming your way.

You should have paid attention.

You were told on more than one occasion toLOOK WITHIN.

Re-Elect Killcen as Führer of / pnd/ and he will put Human concerns above that of petty would-be Dividers-in-Chief.

Let that be a lesson to ALL.

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1b85ff  No.267326

what the FUCK

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1b85ff  No.267327




by the way

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9cc91c  No.267751

File: 469213283ee33db⋯.png (69.78 KB, 300x100, 3:1, PicsArt_05_16_06_01_32.png)

File: 0a543afbc2bfaf9⋯.jpg (201.59 KB, 1363x924, 1363:924, end_begins.jpg)

File: c8d0f2445ec0460⋯.png (124.04 KB, 397x719, 397:719, PicsArt_06_30_07_45_44.png)

File: 56f4d0a53b071ca⋯.jpg (282.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PicsArt_06_30_09_14_35.jpg)

File: 2923b4649d75efb⋯.jpg (156.34 KB, 720x1056, 15:22, PicsArt_07_08_06_05_34.jpg)


On the road back home.

Cold as fuck on the motorcycle.

We expect you'll be delivering your campaign speeches soon, right?

Don't disappoint us!

btw, it's worse than you think out West.

I investigated all the way to the Pacific.

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714977  No.267796

File: bdff13ff615b384⋯.jpg (158.38 KB, 748x996, 187:249, 1633532521858.jpg)


>caring about the human race


Humans are why the earth dies. Humans are ambitious

They want conveniences. They want easy access. They want this and that and they take more than they can give back. They pollute and destroy all so they can shit on porcelain toilets and talk to their friends in jack fuckistan. What really matters is wiping out 90% of the human race and leaving only a small tribe of whites who live a very natural almost monkey life. Because we don't need all this. All this that surrounds us. We just need nature. If that purple weirdo agrees to go on a Mass killing spree when whites get their balls back than I will stand with him as the next fuhrur. Otherwise he's just a glowing fed

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241515  No.268253

File: badc76ee9d37a8d⋯.gif (221.61 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1603628353442.gif)

File: 3d377fcd5fb521f⋯.mp4 (8.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, This_Is_What_Mob_Rule_Look….mp4)


> Globalist Shill Detected

(You)r Objectives are No Different than the Globalist Objectives, and (You) know it. (You) furthermore admit it.

(You)'ll make a fine snack for the "Hordes; Which Are Coming.

That's why Killcen is the Saner Vote.

And he might already be dead!

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53571f  No.268520

File: 03af814ee914faf⋯.jpg (34.91 KB, 350x500, 7:10, Keep_Calm_Killcen.jpg)



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a32fff  No.268546


it's not just a bacteria magnet, but also viruses AND fungus…

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a32fff  No.268547

File: ae3952b634951e0⋯.jpg (265.65 KB, 1712x1080, 214:135, PicsArt_10_14_10_37_49.jpg)

I just saw an NBC News Report that Neptune has thrown in the towel, and says he's voting for Killcen.

I predicted this back in August…

I said Neptune was never really running for office, but was just pulling a "Ross Perot" and acting as a spoiler to take votes from The Purple Jizzguzzler

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484e67  No.268563

File: 8d50d03f0100e24⋯.jpg (178.52 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Purple_s_Butt_Plug.jpg)


Damn (You), Neptune!

(You) left me with nothing but my super sekret Tripfag Code .


/pnd/ won't even let me use my Code here, so I'm picking up my toys and going back home to 4chan, where "everybody knows my name" .

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d2e0d5  No.268581

File: b2ab00e50be574e⋯.png (224.25 KB, 725x845, 145:169, FAKE_PURPLE_1.png)



Your code is fake, you dumb purple imposter.

I just checked the purple code book:


Do you get tired of getting caught EVERY TIME?

He's tried this many times before but nobody fell for it:




Stop trying to be like Purple Anon, and maybe develop your own style and least get your own codes. Fake codes are a pathetic wannabe attempt to be a code warrior. You don't know the first thing about codes. Go catch a cough.

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1fabc3  No.268623

File: 56a78fe80200903⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Baby_Purple.jpg)



This Fake Purple is so stupid he does not know what a Tripcode is, nor does he recognize one.

> Identity codes ARE NOT SECRET you lazy noob.

>> If they were secret then why are they given out FREELY o code posts?

> Identity codes

Wew Lad!

(You)r Fake Website with it's Fake Codes does not pass the muster around here!

>>>/pnd/ does not encourage the use of Tripcodes because "Tripfagging" is as gay as "Namefagging" .

We get it. (You) are still a newfriend and did not Recognize Purple 's Tripcode .


Even though (You) are a Purple Imposter, (You) may be forgiven if (You) cease the Namefagging immediately.

This is for (You)r own good.

(You)'re kinda Neptuning out about the whole "Persona" thang...

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581bc3  No.268715

File: 38c227f072486d0⋯.jpg (192.46 KB, 1188x1594, 594:797, m_p_Shield_Plus.jpg)

It may sound cheesy… even a little like a Sage Derby Cheese Ice-Cream Cone of delicious Killcen goodness, licked by kittens… but this board needs Killcen's leadership and guidance now more than ever

He's packin' enough heat to toast yer buns from here to Kingdum Cum!

His lynx and firearm recommendations are not to be taken lightly.

Best start goose-steppin', bros!

in every gun store in America.

$300 to $500 brand new.

light, almost no recoil, dependable, fits any holster, 7 to 15 rounds.

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5c41a9  No.268804


Killcen checking in. I am a leader of my own family, nothing else. As a really good leader you come to the realization that you really cannot protect others all by yourself, you have to warn others and prepare others to be able to protect and defend themselves from their enemies. Real honest good-hearted leaders do not want control. They do not seek power over others. They lead by example. They tell others the truth and about the dangers we all face, and they encourage people to be ready to confront those dangers head on when need be.

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fb12b0  No.277101

File: f11436b77cb276c⋯.pdf (1.08 MB, 2021_11_18_Vote_for_KILLCE….pdf)



Crab PDF Agrees.


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