We are at war, people—a one-sided war. The freedom-fighters of America have lost their way and cannot discern that enemies are deep within their midst. This is because today’s war is psychological. No adversary of freedom has ever before been able to conquer the entire world through military combat—humanity always saw what was coming and fought back. But this time around it is different. Americans and people in other free nations are clueless that they have been under an enemy attack since the inception of Covid-19, and that a diabolical military psyop has been underway.
America’s infiltrated government and military are at the forefront of this psychological operation, along with China. Under the guise of the communist Sustainable Development global agenda, which is deeply rooted in world governments, this crusade to globalize and “reset” the world is in direct opposition to the West’s values and ideals. If it is allowed to come to power, the colossally and cruelty of this new technocratic system will not compare to any previous tyrannical regimes. We are currently witnessing a tiny inkling of that cruelty through lockdowns, forced mask wearing, and the grievous orders eradicating the rights of the non-vaccinated to work, attend theaters, or visit malls. “Hell on earth” is coming because the enemies of freedom have crafted a well-organized global psyop utilizing a fake virus called Covid-19, and their weapons are mind control and DNA-altering vaccines.
What are psyops? Let’s use the US Department of Defense’s own definition on the word, since they have been exercising psychological warfare since World War I:
Psyops are the use of propaganda and psychological tactics to influence emotions and behaviors.