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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: f627b103c16b9a2⋯.png (501.83 KB, 1309x1204, 187:172, FTN.png)

5dfeaa  No.268383

I've been listening to this podcast a lot lately. He' got a lot of knowledge I enjoy, though I don't agree with him on everything. He offered his email address this most recent podcast saying to contact them to get "vetted" and then join likely IRL meetups happening in our local areas.

I won't be talked into doing anything illegal I already post on here, the FBI and Mossad already must know everything about me; so even if it's a honeypot, what can it hurt? Maybe at worst, I'll meet other honeypot victims and then we'll split of to our own thing outside the honeypot. So long as I dob;t get baited into doing anything illegal, it's all safe, right?

I'm eager to do something IRL; but thought I would first get PND's thoughts before proceeding.

INB4 the autistic gay porn spammer floods this thread; I'll be filtering him; so don't think this thread is dead if you see 200 posts of ramblings every 2 minutes for tree hours. Just talk around him.

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0e2c45  No.268386

File: 59b6bdc810b261a⋯.jpg (81.4 KB, 780x398, 390:199, mike_enoch_jew.jpg)


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dd6343  No.268414

File: e7d33706b7fdfd3⋯.jpeg (205.52 KB, 768x432, 16:9, AB16023D_76B9_4804_9C3D_2….jpeg)

Best luck with the meetup, we could all use friends. And a happy Columbus Day brother.

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