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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 3990f3a30127e88⋯.png (67.6 KB, 300x234, 50:39, where.png)

07febb  No.268353

4chan is brain aids now

8chan is just low quality spam

Twitter is just a blue check circle jerk

Reddit is just bland sfw pet threads

Facebook instantly deletes everything

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d9d5b8  No.268354

File: 5b13c747a9970a6⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 960x540, 16:9, lauren_southern_oy_vey.jpg)

4chan no longer falls for kike propaganda.

8chan no longer falls for kike propaganda.

Twitter no longer falls for kike propaganda.

Reddit no longer falls for kike propaganda.

Facebook no longer falls for kike propaganda.

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c9327f  No.268426


> Where did all the smart people go?

The very nature of the question is proof that you'll never know the answer.

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d5ed33  No.268427


Smart people no longer use social media platforms. Yes 8kun is officially dead and for losers too. I'm just here again to say my farewell. I'll see you losers next year - maybe, if the internet and power grid is still functioning and operational. I'm not counting on it and have been too busy organizing, planning and prepping for such hard times.

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70bd53  No.268429


>Where did all the smart people go?

I'm right here…


>I've spent too long perfecting my intellectual powers to confine myself


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dbe808  No.269670

File: a112745488b2f5c⋯.jpg (2.06 KB, 125x92, 125:92, 1625261266541s.jpg)


>Kek, where do you think they went, Rabbi? 8Kun not responding anymore?

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f31f85  No.269758


The magic of ~2016 era 8chan is gone m8.

That was a transient thing.

I'm sad about it too, but it's time to move on.

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