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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 7fc3aadeb78640e⋯.jpg (832.52 KB, 1861x808, 1861:808, clean_catalog.jpg)

36e655  No.267049

With a minor amount of effort you can clean up the catalog by hiding anything that is 'personal' and getting rid of the shill shit that clutters the entire thing up. By doing this as well as hiding any of the ID's it can almost be returned to a functional catalog.

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743235  No.267056

File: a92e5dfe1b96ecc⋯.png (734.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Some_of_Our_Stallions_2021….png)



Keep hiding like (((they))) want (You) to…

Keep hiding in your mommy's basement.

(((You))) think Neptune & Krüe will not paint (You)r walls too?

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36e655  No.267133

File: 4e8186c3b4c9798⋯.jpg (493.92 KB, 922x920, 461:460, catalog_still_clean.jpg)


Why would I care if I can't see it? Personal attacks were not the 'purpose' of this board and frankly they are so boring that I loathe them. Let me show you something nice…see, catalog is still clean. Those fags can suck a dick…I care nothing for their comments or input. I have one comment in this thread…doesn't matter, what is nice is not having to look at the bullshit they spew all over the entire board.

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ec7585  No.267153


That troon keeps spamming the board, as if spamming this board will prevent their eventual suicide. Just like the holocaust was a lie, but will eventually come true, that troon will eventually kill itself.

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5bcde7  No.267186


I’m fine with that.

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4c1f1c  No.267187

File: 2194731dceed9a9⋯.png (348.57 KB, 373x533, 373:533, purple.png)




please don't associate me or my threads with the garbage photoshop image spammer, who you're right, destroys the catalog.

my threads are legitimate, pnd legitimate threads. just because my threads often are a call to action. that doesnt mean they're not PND appropriate, or "personal". they discuss politics , news, and definitely debate. the photoshop flood spammer goofs in the threads so much that it clogs up productive discussion. still that's not my fault.

again, don't group me in with that other trash.

link to a thread i created that wasn't pnd appropriate and should be filtered. there isn't one. don't let the samefagging photoshop spammer successfully derail my hood honest energy that i donate to this board.

heil hitler


code: truth

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e164a5  No.267192

File: e0b6cba9c54933c⋯.webm (5.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, jim_watkins_the_jew.webm)

The troon is one of Jim's guys. Goal is making the board unusable. If /pnd/ is unusable then you'll go to 4/pol/ which is heavily censored and you're easily tracked. 8kun become meaningless after Zion Don lost but shutting it down abruptly would be too obvious. They simply don't want anti-Bolsheviks and anti-Zionists to have a place to scheme.

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36e655  No.267357


This doesn't belong on the board. You are not 'politics' either. This is not your personal playground. Filtered.

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1b05e2  No.267375

File: 626a4afda5862d6⋯.jpeg (12.74 KB, 255x249, 85:83, meme_cope.jpeg)

File: a55c38e40f5cdf1⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 600x396, 50:33, lonely_train_pepe.gif)


Of course, you state no reasoning, no logic. Just "You're wrong" is all you can manage to say.

>This doesn't belong on the board.

Why? You can't explain why, but you still say it. In debate, you defend yourself against those who disagree and attack you. You associated me with that trash photoshop flood spammer. You'd love to label anyone who defends themselves against you in debate with "this doesn't belong on the board". Wow, you really cut me down logically with that statement. Not.

>You are not 'politics' either.

–How am I not politics? I support an activist energy in defending the white race against the anti-white agenda. But of course just say, "Not politics" with no elaboration, and who can argue with you? Brilliant debate strategy. Not

>This is not your personal playground.–

How have I treated this place like my personal "play"-ground? I asked you to name a thread I created which is not PND appropriate. You of course don't do that. Instead just make a vague accusation.

You are all hot air. Loose canon blind rage.


Of course, you have no hope of persevering with me logically, so this is all you can do.

But this is why this board is better than 4pol. I can use a VPN to change my ID. All ideas get a fair shot around here. Even yours.

I repeat. Don't misunderstand my posts here and associate me with the gay porn photoshop flood spammer.

"Fuhrer of PND; is not a joke. We need leadership of our people to help us unite as a force against the enormous beast of our enemies.

I'm forced to engage the photoshop flood spammer, or else like causing a riot amongst naive school children, he can defeat my ideas. Yes, you engage an enemy before they have the time to build an immature naive coalition against you. This is the war for the minds of the people. It's not all intellectual talk; but getting down on the level of the masses of the common people so the enemy can't use them against you. Hitler knew this, and always taught that propaganda must be simplified to have any hope of succeeding with the low-intellectual masses.

And there's also an element of not taking yourself super serious all the time, but to try to enjoy life sometimes, and realize that lolz are an extremely important part of the equation; but not to get carried away with or to get carried away with being super serious ALL the time.

I guarantee there is a good reason for everything I do here; and if you'd only engage in mature conversation we can perhaps learn from each other and both increase our knowledge.


will provide verification code upon request

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42984d  No.267380

Jokes on you I always use a different IP.

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36e655  No.267463


Namefagging doesn't belong here.

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36e655  No.267465


I have an endless amount of patience and will continue to filter all namefags and other paid board disrupters/shills. If you aren't doing either, why would I care?

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36e655  No.267476

File: 9d1f4d42f07d033⋯.jpg (889.83 KB, 1852x882, 926:441, 2021_10_08_114019.jpg)

Still looking pretty clean. I can't tell you guys how pleased I am by not having to look at shills, namefags and other paid disruption shit that doesn't belong here. I am my own moderator and it is really good. I was so sick of the bullshit…

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020e85  No.267631

File: d281be2041e6ae1⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 455x768, 455:768, becoming_npc.jpg)


-namrfagging is perfectly appropriate if its done with an intent and call to real life action. There is nothing supreme about everyone remaining anonymous and remaining behind their computers and never reaching out to real life.–

we're a community of like minded people who support white nationalism and national socialism. In my opinion it is a duty for us to become involved, namefagging, and adding to the spiritual energy of the movement.

assuming you're not just another samefagging troll, what have i ever done to cause such hatred from you towards myself? Am I not a true believer who is making the sacrifice of getting his shirt dirty by stepping into the ring? What is it you admire so much about people who forever remain behind their computer.

i'm trying to build something and help our people. even if you disagree with my plans to action, still can't you appreciate that i genuinely care and that at least im trying?


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72c100  No.267723


I am already part of a community IRL. I don’t come here to touch anyone here. If you don’t have that IRL at this point you are ngmi.

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51da1a  No.268026

NGMI would be all the more reason to make a last honorable stand against evil.

Congrats on having a community IRL. Not everyone here is that lucky; but don't tell us to shut up and die silently. no, quite the opposite is most strategic.

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efbfd3  No.268102

File: e7d94ac47309f44⋯.jpeg (3.29 KB, 169x183, 169:183, download_5_.jpeg)


Tbh what I think you're doing is brave and wise. White people on the chans are just all talk. A few psychopaths and a few saints but nobody who cares enough to want to organize and rally his race. I just think you're coming on a little strong st times with asking people personal questions. I also feel like you have so much potential and you've quite possibly have a gift that you're wasting on a place like 8kun. You have the gift to be entertaining and a leader. You're like brenton tarrant…except probably not so willing to murder just yet. I think people are going to be resistant because it's hard to trust anyone these days. Whites don't really have anyone to trust because it seems everyone's out to stab em.

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36e655  No.268111



But pointless.

You aren't going to survive via the web. You are only going to survive via making IRL contacts and a support system. Some fag 10,000 miles from you is not going to help you survive IRL. They are irrelevant to you and you know almost nothing about them IRL. Furthermore the purple guy has absolutely terrible judgment trying to incorporate the pedo into his own 'social circle' rather than shunning him. If that is what you want (pedos in your society) why not just go back to sleep and be happy with the parasites who run the globe. There is no further reason for you to live and breath if that is all you desire.

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f6044e  No.268166

File: 69c2870850bb81b⋯.png (38.81 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Tbh what I think you're doing is brave and wise

> I just think you're coming on a little strong st times with asking people personal questions.

Thank you. I knew one thing going into this, that inevitably, with persistence I'll come across a few like minded people that would appreciate my energy and sincerity.

What personal questions? As a starting point I'm simply trying to organize a weekly live stream meet up; called Beer Hall Bros just to add a fun element to it.

>I also feel like you have so much potential and you've quite possibly have a gift that you're wasting on a place like 8kun

You might be right. But as of yet, I've not come across any other places of where to go. Someone suggested KohlChan at some point; until I realized that play is a pedo gathering spot. Can you suggest any other place to me? I'll start the process of introducing myself there if it looks at all to be mostly people receptive of white nationalist ideas.

> You're like brenton tarrant…except probably not so willing to murder just yet.

Yeah. I mean, the FBI knows already that I intend to follow the path of Post Landsberg Prison Hitler, where the plan is to follow the law to a T with a plan to eventually legalize the things we wish to do before we actually do them. I do admire Tarrant only for the reason that he was willing to sacrifice his own comfort to do what he thought was right; even though i believe it's that Post Landsberg Hitler path which will lead us to success instead of violence. And honestly I believe its a waste to have Tarrant sitting in prison; if he could've held in his anger, someone with his passion, I'm sure I could've been talking with on here right now trying to organize something IRL. Same with John Earnst.

>Whites don't really have anyone to trust because it seems everyone's out to stab em.

Yeah, that's an unfortunate problem. That's why I add bits of my comic personality variously, with the purpose of making it obvious that i am not an agent of any sort, but just a regular guy like everyone else. Staged agents are always crafted so deliberately that they don't seem real.-


>Brave? But pointless.

>You aren't going to survive via the web. You are only going to survive via making IRL contacts and a support system.

I have no options of an IRL group. Even most white nationalists you come across are hopeless cucked as much as any other leftist normy, swallowing whole this fake post world war propaganda that nazis hate hate hate jews, and treat blacks like subhumans; when really NatSoc was about Nationalizing all the races separately; and were actually very good moral philantropic loving people of all humanity but just cared for whites and germans in the same way they believe all other races should care for their own people and race. But instead we have 90% of white nationalists thinking that calling a black person a 'dumb nigger' is what it means to be a national socialist.

I REALLY BELIEVE THE INTENTION OF HITLER AND ORIGINAL NATIONAL SOCIALISTS WAS TO BE LIKE THE ALL WISE DRUID PRIESTS OF WHITE SOCIETY. FAR ABOVE THE VOLK YET GUIDING AND THEM AND TEACHING THEM.Calling people dumb niggers and running around with the word kike coming from your mouth every 5 minutes is not the representation the founders intend, but instead it is COMPLETELY what the post world war victors intended to convince their people nazis were, so as to justify their long war against them.

It's all so obvious, but everyone is asleep, so I have no choice but to come to the internet. I'm determined to put up resistance in any way i can. I won't just sit by and get swamped by normies my whole life.

>Furthermore the purple guy has absolutely terrible judgment trying to incorporate the pedo into his own 'social circle' rather than shunning him

I'll admit I get sucked into his comedy at times; he's funny at times. Maybe you're right; I should just completely ignore him. but yeah he has ruined the board; and i have to assume he is the board Operator, or else how can he post as fast as he does…

It appears the title of this thread doesn't interest him, and so he isn't looking inside this thread; which is giving us a chance to actually communicate. We should be smart enough to get around him. Why choose one of the old dormant threads on the board and chat with each other via SAGING the thread so he doesn't notice. Just an idea, because he'll soon discover this mature conversation happening here eventually and start flooding this thread.


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efbfd3  No.268189

File: cb21550e6480333⋯.jpeg (89.59 KB, 862x575, 862:575, 326db87d153dc33f5d71c8e6f….jpeg)

File: 2ea78bc7957720b⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 954x499, 954:499, BenGarrison_Art.jpg)

File: e3fb649f6921621⋯.png (202.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, tumblr_0593a77760ebe940974….png)


Brenton tarrant said to keep creating art. Art is important and it inspires. Just look at Christianity. It's art is probably what drew most people. They saw comfort in it. They saw a way of life. It help them with putting the Bible into visuals. Now look at people like stone Toss , Ben garrison and the meme makers on 4chan. Continue to do your videos but I think you should also get into art. There are so many liberal artists. Liberal musicians. Liberal youtubers. If you can entertain in any of the art forms than you can sway. You can build from there. 4chan is a good place to show off your art, show off yourself. That faggot katboy kami was hailed as a 4chan /ourguy/ because he went on omegle to troll people and entertain the right. The dudes a faggot who deep throats black dildos, but if you can entertain than you HAVE POWER!

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e164a5  No.268191

File: 64a898874ab1db1⋯.png (744.78 KB, 899x810, 899:810, _tarrant_.PNG)

File: 18cbe3c76e04ec4⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1149x638, 1149:638, fuentes_catboy.png)

File: 7cecee528140bd7⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 617x312, 617:312, trump_friend_of_israel_3.jpg)


fuck off kike

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efbfd3  No.268196

File: 38e3c3931a373f3⋯.jpg (94.95 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1631282346773m.jpg)


>dead Muslim is a good Muslim

>I ALREADY POINTED OUT KAMI IS A FAG but that still doesn't make his racist humor any more funny, relevant or TRUE

>trump was never a white supremacist

You're grasping at straws.

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efbfd3  No.268207


Brenton tarrents manifesto if anyone is interested. It's a good insightful read into his reason and beliefs. I wouldn't say it changes perspective but reassurance that these people actually want a change and aren't just interested in slaughter or being radicalized by memes. Though, history has shown violence is the answer to war. And we are at war for our minds

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efbfd3  No.268242

File: 40a416091967862⋯.jpg (21.14 KB, 600x455, 120:91, 967.jpg)


Go to omegle! You can have personal one on one's with people. Ease into this persona of yours and gauge people's reactions in a completely normie space. I'm sure you'll run into like minded individuals and you can even link your website if they are warm to your ego. Or even possibly have intellectual conversations with opposing views without the gay porn spam.

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efbfd3  No.268244


From there you can even start doing video blogs on YouTube. Twlk about the issues and personal interests. What have you. Than go onto fox and get a job like Ben Shapiro. Just go the Ben Shapiro route.

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818749  No.268260

File: a35eaba3be6973c⋯.gif (147.04 KB, 300x194, 150:97, cheers_clockwork_orange.gif)

File: 969bd36be394b18⋯.png (47.56 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>4chan is a good place to show off your art, show off yourself.

I'm not into having my IP tracked on 4chan


>Go to omegle!

Besides omegle making myself an easy target for manipulation and screwing with my head by the hacker powers that be… omegle gives me the feeling of whoring myself out… trying to convince stranger after stranger to "check my website". I think an important part of psychology realizes that the more you try to push yourself like a spammer on people, the less they place any value on you, like anything else that is easy to obtain.

In that sense, I like the white nationalist message board atmosphere, a place that is already a congregation of politically minded people; and I place my intelligence before the anons, and let the merit of my thought do the heavy lifting; and people reach out to me rather than my forcing myself upon them.

Do you know of any other white nationalist hot spots on the internet? It's about time I branch off from here. Yet, this place will always be my first home. And I'll always be here.

>you can even start doing video blogs on YouTube.

I was already doing that. They deleted my account of course. I suppose I could create an account on a number of youtube alternatives, but at the end of the day the SecretAgentWars.com website does the same thing without being at the mercy of having my account deleted.

Thank you for the ideas. I appreciate the thought, even though I'm shutting them down. Maybe I'll change my mind later.


It's well known in the history of all the great leaders, that they variously found a handful of talented people, sometimes just 1 or 2, who understood their vision and played the necessary and crucial supplemental supporting roles which makes the vision possible in the end. In that sense, I'm hoping to stumble upon those few winter soldier individuals, who once we make contact and unify our powers, the progress will accelerate faster than capturing the support of even ten thousand less talented summertime soldiers.

I'm hoping to find my Goebbles, and Goring as a greater priority than becoming some instagram influencer kind of fame.

Could that be you anon? Join me on audio during a Beer Hall Bros meeting. If you care enough to offer advice, maybe you care enough to get involved.

>Than go onto fox and get a job like Ben Shapiro. Just go the Ben Shapiro route.

Ben Shapiro is a performer in the circus. a celebrity influencer. a talking head in the game of mass media propaganda war. this is a necessary military service; yet it does not allow for truly authentic public speaking; and a focus on influencing the top elite and top intellectuals, which is a different role entirely; in a separate arena of the war. I've spent too long perfecting my intellectual powers to confine myself to being a talking head normie influencer.


Secret Agent Wars is not just a catchy folk saying. There is truley an army of heavily connected lurkers, who are just waiting for a few common people to form a group with views close enough to the truth, so that they can get behind and support us from the shadows. There's a lot going on here. But I need to find those genius's to help me lay the foundation before the mass of semi-intellectuals hop on board like they always do after the true leaders already do the heavy lifting; but that's also why we get more glory in the end, so it all balances out.



Code: truth

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4ae9fd  No.271780

File: 60414c91e01bcc1⋯.jpg (187.29 KB, 771x1029, 257:343, 82.jpg)

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