>Tbh what I think you're doing is brave and wise
> I just think you're coming on a little strong st times with asking people personal questions.
Thank you. I knew one thing going into this, that inevitably, with persistence I'll come across a few like minded people that would appreciate my energy and sincerity.
What personal questions? As a starting point I'm simply trying to organize a weekly live stream meet up; called Beer Hall Bros just to add a fun element to it.
>I also feel like you have so much potential and you've quite possibly have a gift that you're wasting on a place like 8kun
You might be right. But as of yet, I've not come across any other places of where to go. Someone suggested KohlChan at some point; until I realized that play is a pedo gathering spot. Can you suggest any other place to me? I'll start the process of introducing myself there if it looks at all to be mostly people receptive of white nationalist ideas.
> You're like brenton tarrant…except probably not so willing to murder just yet.
Yeah. I mean, the FBI knows already that I intend to follow the path of Post Landsberg Prison Hitler, where the plan is to follow the law to a T with a plan to eventually legalize the things we wish to do before we actually do them. I do admire Tarrant only for the reason that he was willing to sacrifice his own comfort to do what he thought was right; even though i believe it's that Post Landsberg Hitler path which will lead us to success instead of violence. And honestly I believe its a waste to have Tarrant sitting in prison; if he could've held in his anger, someone with his passion, I'm sure I could've been talking with on here right now trying to organize something IRL. Same with John Earnst.
>Whites don't really have anyone to trust because it seems everyone's out to stab em.
Yeah, that's an unfortunate problem. That's why I add bits of my comic personality variously, with the purpose of making it obvious that i am not an agent of any sort, but just a regular guy like everyone else. Staged agents are always crafted so deliberately that they don't seem real.-
>Brave? But pointless.
>You aren't going to survive via the web. You are only going to survive via making IRL contacts and a support system.
I have no options of an IRL group. Even most white nationalists you come across are hopeless cucked as much as any other leftist normy, swallowing whole this fake post world war propaganda that nazis hate hate hate jews, and treat blacks like subhumans; when really NatSoc was about Nationalizing all the races separately; and were actually very good moral philantropic loving people of all humanity but just cared for whites and germans in the same way they believe all other races should care for their own people and race. But instead we have 90% of white nationalists thinking that calling a black person a 'dumb nigger' is what it means to be a national socialist.
I REALLY BELIEVE THE INTENTION OF HITLER AND ORIGINAL NATIONAL SOCIALISTS WAS TO BE LIKE THE ALL WISE DRUID PRIESTS OF WHITE SOCIETY. FAR ABOVE THE VOLK YET GUIDING AND THEM AND TEACHING THEM.Calling people dumb niggers and running around with the word kike coming from your mouth every 5 minutes is not the representation the founders intend, but instead it is COMPLETELY what the post world war victors intended to convince their people nazis were, so as to justify their long war against them.
It's all so obvious, but everyone is asleep, so I have no choice but to come to the internet. I'm determined to put up resistance in any way i can. I won't just sit by and get swamped by normies my whole life.
>Furthermore the purple guy has absolutely terrible judgment trying to incorporate the pedo into his own 'social circle' rather than shunning him
I'll admit I get sucked into his comedy at times; he's funny at times. Maybe you're right; I should just completely ignore him. but yeah he has ruined the board; and i have to assume he is the board Operator, or else how can he post as fast as he does…
It appears the title of this thread doesn't interest him, and so he isn't looking inside this thread; which is giving us a chance to actually communicate. We should be smart enough to get around him. Why choose one of the old dormant threads on the board and chat with each other via SAGING the thread so he doesn't notice. Just an idea, because he'll soon discover this mature conversation happening here eventually and start flooding this thread.