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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 643803a03e812df⋯.png (87.6 KB, 423x543, 141:181, 2021_10_06_172125_423x543_….png)

File: 5213e2438796a42⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, video_2021_10_08_03_49_17.mp4)

bf3f36  No.268019

Just a Saturday Night reminder that we have actual video proof of Anthony Fauci planning the Wuhan Outbreak in October 2019.


Never forget who did this to you

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e0b8f7  No.268022


Dr. Fauci is Jewish. Please stop being such an anti-Semite.

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3701f0  No.268040


JUST ONE PROBLEM : the actual first case of covid in the U.S. occured in late August 2019

so there goes your ridiculous "theories"

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3701f0  No.268041


thankyou for demonstrating what AMATEUR HOUR looks like. Now, we will all be able to recognize it if it ever happens again

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4042c2  No.268098

File: 25f0630f1f650be⋯.jpg (106.65 KB, 367x672, 367:672, 2021_10_10_104949.jpg)

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ae9d3d  No.268257

File: 2c305c500cd7a99⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 396x586, 198:293, batwheeen2.jpg)



As is Gellin, Hamburger, Specter. Recognise a pattern?


They first tried common infection vectors. As you always do, to gather real life field results. Didnt work as expected. Switched to 'superspreader' events afterwards. Enjoy your bat soup.

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bf3f36  No.268428

Anti-Slide bump

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b0b283  No.268430


1] We really don't care.

2] You will never do anything for any reason at any time about anything, so sit down and shut the fuck up.

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