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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 31d3cd57b566771⋯.jpg (208.52 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Darth_Vader_Totes_Sorry.jpg)

ddb981  No.266766

Good Day PND

I want to organize our weekly recurring Ayuasca Hall Bros Meeting

Before Ayahuasca Hall Bros #3, I want to ask that everyone get themselves in the proper "Set & Setting" for the Meeting. I thank everyone for participating in choosing a time that works best for everyone, and am here to report that the time the Bros chose is, surprisingly enough, Morning Time!

CHOICE 7) Sunday 8AM USA Pacific Time

And /pnd/? Thanks again for all the fish.

Sieg Heil

your fren

purple anon

Code: K N E E G R O W P L E E Z E !

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ddb981  No.266767

File: d2bd2e7e6afd5a4⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 817x427, 817:427, probably_true.jpg)


Dubs confirms.

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764814  No.266769

Wouldn't that be a trip.

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cdaadc  No.266770

File: c76bb0b8c5c231e⋯.gif (3.29 MB, 500x500, 1:1, Aztec_Shri_Yantra_Catnip.gif)



Yes. This morning's meeting was very healing and unifying for the Bros.

We're still pretty much "in-the-mix", as it were, but are already looking forward to next week's meeting.

See You THEN!

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a182c5  No.266780

File: 671e705eefe44f4⋯.png (194.07 KB, 725x845, 145:169, FAKE_PURPLE_ALERT.png)



ALERT:This thread was not created by the real Purple Anon.

Doesn't even use Purple Text. An obvious imposter. Do not be fooled.

He does not even have a valid Purple Code.


CODE CHECK: https://secretagentwars.com/code

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cdaadc  No.266785

File: a70049b791d5a2b⋯.jpeg (169.19 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Pay_Attention.jpeg)


> Do not be fooled.

Good Plan.

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cdaadc  No.266788

File: 95d5b7afa3a350f⋯.jpeg (546.97 KB, 736x920, 4:5, Purple_Anon_Get_s_CONSCIO….jpeg)

It is said:

Once You Go Purple

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455979  No.266789

File: 0a0bb5733659c35⋯.png (106.74 KB, 349x413, 349:413, trans_Neptunian_Eris.png)


Yes, I did notice the Purple Imposter's thread over at >>266749

It seems he wants to turn us into beer-guzzling "fake Purples, when we would rather partake in the holy sacrament of Ayahuasca, like non-fake Bros do…

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47e622  No.266792


I layed my code Seal of approval on that thread. It's real. Don't be afraid.

On a serous not, Are you coming to Beer Hall Bros #3? What's the best date and time for you?

If this is Neptune, then I want to get the chance to respond without a 45 second delay to your jests upon my honor.

seig heil


Code Seal: cME-B4T

code check: https://secretagentwars.com/code

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455979  No.266793

File: fbc7340b420adbe⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 10.93 MB, 1326x1768, 3:4, Purple_Johnny.gif)



This must also be an imposter.

I thought "Johnny Neptune" was Purple's manager and spoke for him; especially in matters as sacred and serious as the Ayahuasca Hall Bros Meeting''.

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efe6ed  No.266794

File: fbc7340b420adbe⋯.gif (10.93 MB, 1326x1768, 3:4, Purple_Johnny.gif)



This must also be an imposter.

I thought "Johnny Neptune" was Purple's manager and spoke for him; especially in matters as sacred and serious as the Ayahuasca Hall Bros Meeting''.>>266793

> I thought "Johnny Neptune" was Purple's manager and spoke for him; especially in matters as sacred and serious as the "Ayahuasca Hall Bros Meeting''.

He Still Does.

I still have trouble listening to Shaman Johnny's Advice.

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a817cd  No.266795

File: ce796a8fc2e14b5⋯.png (472.48 KB, 1432x1121, 1432:1121, PicsArt_14_88_Like_I_Would….png)


No. No. This is the Imposter Purple and the Imposter "Johnny"

You know how I know?

No Code.

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7c7934  No.266796



I'm noticing that OP does have a code listed at the bottom: KNEE GROW PLEEZE–

Aside from it being an obvious piss take code, still that code is not found anywhere in the code book listed on the code check.


pic related

I think we can conclusively say that this OP is not the real purple.

heil purple

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7c7934  No.266797

File: e3e4742748a1671⋯.png (187.26 KB, 1714x1234, 857:617, ClipboardImage.png)


forgot pic related

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a817cd  No.266798

File: 871fef1c3fcb505⋯.png (151.99 KB, 650x237, 650:237, Crowd.png)


I, Purple, just want to THANK the "Ayahuasca Hall Bros Meeting" for providing all of us our Religious Exemptions to the "Clot Shot".

Code Seal: cME-B4T

heil purple

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a817cd  No.266799

File: eed02fd44ebf784⋯.png (200.12 KB, 1714x1234, 857:617, 2021_10_03_Purple_Code_KNE….png)


Don't be fooled by this "fake Purple" and his "fake codes".

This thread >>266766 is the REAL Ayahuasca Hall Bros Meeting Thread and has the REAL Code

K N E E G R O W P L E E Z E !

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a817cd  No.266800

File: ba9da01b4030de5⋯.png (462.57 KB, 1175x537, 1175:537, JN_CINS.png)

File: ab095b95c1e4f44⋯.png (92.82 KB, 1366x739, 1366:739, CISA_DHS_Boogaloo_Bois.png)


> I, Purple, just want to THANK the "Ayahuasca Hall Bros Meeting" for providing all of us our Religious Exemptions to the "Clot Shot".

See? Having an ordained minister like "Johnny Neptune' as your manager has advantages!

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c03ad6  No.266801

File: a42f7ef02ea60d4⋯.png (52.03 KB, 1088x289, 64:17, expired_2.png)

File: b3da36f5fcbd55c⋯.png (182.81 KB, 1002x392, 501:196, expired.png)

File: 9dcc69a86c02155⋯.png (229.88 KB, 725x845, 145:169, PURPLE_CODE_BROS_FAKE_ALER….png)



the cME-B4T purple code was paused at 20:15 USA EST for this thread.

your post is over an hour late.

Each code gets paused every time I use it. You think it's going to be THAT EASY to impersonate Purple by just copying an identity code?

You have a lot to learn about code warfare, my fren.

If you want, I can get you your own identity codes in the code book; but you must first sign up to be part of Code Bros, a team of brothers that supports each other in secret agent code warfare. It sounds silly, but that's part of the way we hide ourselves; seeming like we're just fooling around, when really it's all very, very serious.

your fren


An Actually Valid Code: Code-Bros-Knows

Code Check: https://secretagentwars.com/code/

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a817cd  No.266802

File: 188486d0d3202ae⋯.png (957.34 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, purple_panzy_says_but_muh_….png)


> but muh Code!

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c03ad6  No.266803

File: d7a8add73d6f4ce⋯.png (71.8 KB, 200x223, 200:223, friend.png)


Seriously. Do you want to join Code Bros or not?

I'll even admit it, you'll be the first member besides myself. But every world-wide organization has had to start somewhere.

What do you say? Will you be my code bro?

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a817cd  No.266804

File: e3a0184b27d1cda⋯.jpg (73.81 KB, 359x640, 359:640, PicsArt_11_15_07_04_48.jpg)


> If you want, I can get you your own identity codes in the code book; but you must first sign up to be part of Code Bros, a team of brothers that supports each other in secret agent code warfare

I'll be sure to hop right on that as soon as I reverse my age to 16 again.


Nice puppy and purple van, but I don't even feel bad for being far too big a dick to be a mere "member".

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c03ad6  No.266805


>but I don't even feel bad for being far too big a dick to be a mere "member".

Do you want to be a "Code Father" ?

Code Fathers look after and guide the Code Bros.

You're supposed to be code bro for a little while before getting promoted to Code Father. But since you're the first member, I'm willing too make an exception.

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c03ad6  No.266807


What's up with the unicorn and giraffe dick meme?

It makes me feel like you're not being serious.

I'm serious. Just tell me flat out, do you want to be in the Code Bros, immediately promoted to Code Father?

I'll leave you alone about it, if you don't want to.

But just be real with me for a minute.

Code Bros? or No Bros?

make your decision.

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a817cd  No.266808

File: cd740179da628b6⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2391x1338, 797:446, Capture_2019_05_08_22_37_1….png)



> I don't even feel bad for being far too big a dick to be a mere "member".

I am beginning to feel bad, however, about possibly fucking things up with your "manager", "Johnny Neptune"

So, I should probably admit that I'm not him, and that he hasn't been on this board all day!

You should probably have looked for his CODE.

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a817cd  No.266810

File: cb1415200ed8505⋯.png (999.45 KB, 600x835, 120:167, say_his_name.png)

File: 9d639951ef5aeeb⋯.jpg (81.99 KB, 499x333, 499:333, Thanks_Again.jpg)


> What's up with the unicorn and giraffe dick meme?

> It makes me feel like you're not being serious.

Could (You) repeat that again?

I'm pretty sure my night will not be complete until I hear how unserious I am being one more time, pleeze.

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c03ad6  No.266813

File: 47f1441d770db84⋯.jpg (119.45 KB, 1002x1024, 501:512, frens.jpg)


I don't care if you're Johnny Neptune or not, or a samefagger with 3 different characters. A code Bro is a Code Bro.

Do you want to be one or not?

We'll talk privately somewhere off of 8chan/8kun if you say yes. We'll get you a code, put you in the codebook. And I'll support you on your "Code Adventures, and vice versa.

Code Adventures is just a corny sounding name, for like I said, to make people think it's all just a big joke. But really, as more code bros join, it'll become an elaborate system of secret communication that even Feds might eventually subpoena us for our codes, but by that time we'll already have a system to guard against stolen codes.

It sounds gay, because of the built in corniness; but really, we can have a lot of fun being code bros and going on code adventures together. real actual friends. code bros. i was thinking the code bros slogan would be "code bros for life".


>my night will not be complete until I hear how unserious I am being one more time, pleeze.

I get it you like to joke around, and kick the shoe; but just can you give me a clear answer about wanting to join the code bros or not?

if yes, we can exchange emails and start the work of getting you your own codes in the public code check book; and also discuss recruiting new code bros. or we can just wait until the next beer hall bros meeting if you're nervous about giving out a junk email.

I'm actually being serious.

Just say it: "Code Bros" or "No Bros"

I won't take it personally.

heil purple

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a817cd  No.266815

File: 5f03516740dd12e⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 300x100, 3:1, J_K_I_Mind_Blown.gif)



Hate to sound jaded, but already went through similar processes with only slightly less cringe. In fact, I went through several websites and many other ways to interact with humans, and have pretty much decided that I prefer psuedonymity. I only ever played with "persona" at all in order to interact in a more meaningful way with the "Personas" "Johnny Neptune" and "Killcen"; and yeah we go back aways… and I have really found that all "Personas" are good for at all is having something as a focus for some push-back and as a "Player" for the Play… ~Leela~

Some, like '"Johnny Neptune" , enjoy using "Persona" as a battering ram to tear and bash at the "Personas" of "Others"''.

It Is FUN to Play With "Persona".


I use "Persona" to strobe mirrors onto the stage.

All Purple Smoke & Mirrors…

On a side note, the band "Deep Purple" had the best laser light show I have ever seen, and that would include Pink Floyd's awesome laser light show… But I digress…

There is no reason why one cannot pick up and put down "Persona" at will.

Some find it easier than "Others".

But sorry, bro , I do not have time to commit to membership in any group; especially one that would have the likes of me! Once in awhile I may make a fun thread or post, or an informative thread or post, or a thought-provoking thread or post, somewhere…; but I am committed to home schooling my daughter and preparing us for the continuing collapse. I have a gf whose mom is suffering with dementia. I have parents who are in their late eighties, and I have more family and friends too; all of whom I feel somewhat responsible for, at least to help them out in the ways they can't help themselves. That's all I do anywhere. Provide perspective and share my experience (for which I am constantly spat upon and reviled EVERYWHERE.) Hence, the pseudonymity. I never needed a big audience, but I did need to "Express Myself". I don't even want to do that any more! But it is still an occasional "Need".

And Who Knows Who I Do It For?

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c03ad6  No.266817


>But sorry, bro , I do not have time to commit to membership in any group

k. that's fine. have a good night. bye.

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a817cd  No.266818

File: 9104ace0905e91a⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 540x675, 4:5, JKI_Birds_Arent_REAL.jpg)


Good Luck, Purple

"Johnny Neptune" will probably be back by tomorrow to tear EVERYBODY's "Persona" down a peg or two!

Don't give up and get jaded too quick. You're still young and have much energy and you seem semi-positive, I mean, in comparison to someone like"Ashes & Echoes"! "Johnny" is actually very good practice for dealing with a whole world full of similar, if slightly less dramatic, types.

We're all sorta begrudgingly useful to each other on here, in ways…

There's no need to get all Formal about it though.

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3cf23b  No.266819


No bros? then NO CODES.

taking my codes and going home.

one day, I'LL HAVE A WHOLE BUILDING FULL OF CODE BROS INC. and then you'll want to be a code bro; and come to code bros parties; and try to get some code bros hos, but don't be surprised if i give you a code NO.


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4b81d5  No.266824

File: fc7e4f24534c984⋯.png (32.16 KB, 600x275, 24:11, ClipboardImage.png)




Now that's the roles reversed. Giraffe anon is being all serious while I'm appearing like Johnny Neptune, continuing my joking and ranting.

I'm of course, not upset about the Code Bros denial. I just have fun acting like it hurts my feelings, or that I'm desperate, makes me laugh.

But on a serious note, I do believe we should put some hard work into creating groups designed for the social comfort of youths, like Code Bros and Beer Hall Bros; as a parent like responsibility toward society and also real effort toward building something that can succeed just like Uncle Adolf did.

But I can't expect everyone to see that same vision and join with me on that same effort. My goal is to find that other genius on here eventually, who will join forces and multiply my efforts and to eventually repeat the success as one of my heroes Adolf Hitler.

Maybe instead just start coming to chill out with us on Beer Hall Bros meetings Giraffe Anon? An added personality there would make it fun and encourage others to spend time with us. No need to sign up for anything or exchange emails or get a secret code! but just donate your good company! Respond to the Beer Hall Bros inquiry for the best day and time of the week to run the weekly meeting for you.

See ya Giraffe buddy.

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a817cd  No.266832

File: bc3139915dcec7a⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, We_Wrestle_Against_Princip….png)


> Giraffe anon is being all serious while I'm appearing like Johnny Neptune, continuing my joking and ranting

All by design…

too easy. and for the same reasons 'johnny' is so easily "orchestrated", for lack of a better term.

Do you mind if I share my perspective on a couple matters?

As though if you did I would not!

It may look like I judge you as a young man who was raised more by 4chan than the public schools your single mother pawned you off on, but I would not presume to think that is all you are! We are all so much more. But some, like "Johnny Neptune" will cut you down to size in their mind, playing dress-up with the Naked Truth and trying to get you to adorn yourself in the same ways he adorns you… I am more likely to throw up mirrors, and "Johnny" has never much liked when I did it for him, but I'm gonna do it again right fucking now.

> inb4 Judgment

We ALL Judge.

Here is an observation about "Johnny"

The "Persona" known as "Johnny Neptune" wants nothing more than to "fit in" with the "normie" world and "normie" crowd, and has always hung out with them, parroted all the same things they say, conformed, and enforced conformity from "others" using the same tactics as the "normies" he has always tried to be one of… But deep down, he knows he can never ever "fit in" anywhere. So he takes out his frustration and anger on "Others" who can never "fit in", and especially harps on aspects in "Others" that he himself does not share, so that he may feel better about himself as actually "fitting in" better than those "Others" "Out There" in some way or another. That's why he is attracted to the chans. He can't fit in, he hates that about himself, beats himself up about it, and wants to beat others up about it too, so he can feel "better than" in some insane way…

There are SO MANY Reasons & Ways to Feel "Better Than"…

Why am I picking on "Neptune" ? Why do I poke at Purple ? Hell! I even fuck with ole' "Killcen" !

Whelp! Let me see if I can explain this to a "Fakebook" World. You see, I was going to 4chan pretty much since its inception (I obviously belong on pseudonymous image boards for my own reasons of "not fitting in"), and definitely skootched my ass over to 8chan in the early days of CoC being shoved down the throats of our entire society. ("CoC" being "Codes of Conduct", for the uninitiated.) The "Persona" Worshipers, "Persona" Builders, and "Persona" Bashers on the regular internet became more and more abhorrent to me as the internet took shape (yes, I was around for the beginning of that too!), and it only got worse when every ignorant fuck on the planet started carrying around devices capable of connecting them via the web to anyone "else" anywhere that was similarly "connected". Coming from the chans, it was only too obvious to me what was going to happen to the regular internet, and it did. It went the same way as the chans…Our Connectivity is What Divided Us.

First there was "Namefagging". It was no longer about what was said, it was about who was saying it. (Remember what I said about a "Fakebook" World?) On top of that, "Personas" are ever so much easier to Build Up, to Worship, or to Destroy. Then it was Tripfagging, because why not, amirite? I mean, you can't have folks "stealing" a "Persona" you are busy creating and protecting the image of, amirite? I think you can see where I'm going with this… "Code Bros"

You can see why it seems Cringe to me.

OK. So, where are we at?

Even I, at the urging of "Johnny Neptune" , a few years back, (maybe 5?) decided to Play at "Persona" a bit.

I've actually learned a lot!

I think the first thing I learned is that I don't want to be about protecting one! But you do (You).

I do feel like sharing a bit of my own personal experience on the matter, and may do more of that in the future. As for now…

`'Just-Kiss-It'`s Purple Pointers:'

Crusading, rather than Comedy, is a pretty tough sell. Ask Killcen.

"Johnny Neptune" is an asshole, and has little of actual value to say, EVER.

But He is Funny As Fuck!So, people pay attention more. No one wants to be dragged down into depression, anger, or divisive hate. I mean, Not REALLY! Ask Ashes & Echoes.

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a817cd  No.266834

File: 81d34c595e14a38⋯.png (870.9 KB, 1298x842, 649:421, It_s_OK_Johnny.png)


And another thing:

When You Think That Merit Doesn't Matter as Much as Immutable Characteristics, then you have gone astray in EGGZACKLY™ the same ways (((they))) wanted you to. You will spread more division and hate, you will see yourself as a victim,YOU WILL NEVER GROW UP AND ACCEPT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

So, damn straight! No mature individual will EVER take you seriously until you recognize that MERIT has more value than skin color, or "race", or "religion", or "crede", or some other similarly divisive classification of relative meaninglessness. Some of the worst "Niggers" I have ever met in my life happened to have white skin. But I digress…

The whole "heil fuhrer" shit is so fucking juvenile it reminds me of a 15 yr old Satanist trying to get attention by playing "Opposite World" in a "Christard" atmosphere! Oh yeah. I forgot. You used to be one of those too! I ain't judging. I was 15 once too! Hell! I was raised in a Christian Missionary's home all over the world! One cannot imagine the levels of rebellion and "reactionary" behavior I exhibited through the years! I even dated Zeena LeVay for a short time in San Francisco, while I was there finding out what a Communist shithole it was, even back then.

> inb4 all the inb4s

I do not tell you these things to build up my "persona" in your mind. I could be full of shit about a lot of things, and most definitely am. My experience may be of zero value to you, or to anyone else. That won't keep me from sharing it… Ask EVERYONE.

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c3db5c  No.266836

I'll just leave this here:

Dating Apps Are Driving Women INSANE And Turning Men Into Incels


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c3db5c  No.266842

File: c84dbeb24051131⋯.jpg (10.13 KB, 300x300, 1:1, purple_bunny.jpg)

I'll just leave these here:

Why has the world gone insane? The presence of Purple


The Color Psychology of Purple


Here comes Purple Peter Cottontail…


What does any of this have to do with the price of tea in China?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

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5d4bea  No.266888

File: c8f8d6cbc7e127d⋯.jpg (733.27 KB, 1080x1352, 135:169, Art_and_Beauty_are_for_the….jpg)


> Art-and-Beauty-are-for-the-Benefit-of-the-Mortals_Even-Purple.jpg

I notice that even Purple finally joined the Ayahuasca Hall Bros Weekly Meeting yesterday. It's about time he partakes in the sacrament and joins us for our weekly services!

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df77e1  No.279312

File: d4d1a27cdde723d⋯.pdf (871.85 KB, 2021_12_10_We_the_People_C….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

has blessed this thread,

without bumping it to the surface.


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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / biz / cow / cuteboys / doomer / htg / lewd / wagmi / x ]