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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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eeabb7  No.262002

In February of 2020 I said:

>The Nazbols want you to vote Democrat so that the Leftist politicians can do the same Zionist nonsense as the Trump’s administration. Then voters will realize that both sides are controlled by the same group. This results in a political vacuum that the Bolsheviks had planned to fill with Communism disguised as Fascism, aka “National Bolshevism,” after yet another staged revolution.


Today, the New York Times has written:

>Much of what the press said about Trump now applies to Biden


The 'plan' has been co-opted and taken control of. Nazbol can not progress and its backup, being Zionism, has already collapsed. Can any high IQ Ashkenazim explain for the class what this means in regards to that political vacuum? What do you think will fill it? Hard mode: National Socialism is also dead.

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