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259526  No.261376[Last 50 Posts]

The problem we face is bigger than any -ISM. It's bigger than class and therefore National Bolshevism is an inadequate solution. And it's bigger than race, which means National Socialism is also inadequate.

The Enemy is not gullible or ill-informed. He knows that these two solutions, which we might further call Left and Right or Conservative and Liberal, are incapable of defeating his mechanism and he therefore promotes both sides of the issue. And you, gullible little sheep, allow yourselves to be herded by the bad shepherd into one of two slaughterhouses, all while believing you're going to Reich or Utopia. Once again the problem is not the Enemy or his cohorts who lie and deceive, for it is their nature to do so, but the problem is the human who because of fear and pride allows himself to be deceived.

But you will awaken. Your mind will be torn from the Enemy's clutches. The only question that I have for you is how much more brutality can you handle until you give up the false dichotomy in favor of the Truth?

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46577c  No.261382


> The only question that I have for you is how much more brutality can you handle until you give up the false dichotomy in favor of the Truth?

While I agree with you, OP, I have the same question for you…

> The only question that I have for you is how much more brutality can you handle until you give up the false dichotomy in favor of the Truth?


There be hordes of both propagandists and rabid believers in propaganda, WITHIN…

Recognize the Inner Truth.

You're so fucking close!

Only one more step…

Marry the Opposites WITHIN. Unite Them.

There IS No REAL Separation. No Division.

> None, breathed the light, faint & færy, of the stars, and two.

> For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union.

> This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.

< inb4 rejection of Truth in favor of Inner Divisiveness.

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259526  No.261383


>Marry the Opposites WITHIN. Unite Them.

What unity does Light have with Darkness?

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b5394b  No.261384


Honestly anon, I could care less about "left" or "right" or "Jews" or "Niggers" or "Fake Jews" or "Social Justice Warriors" or "Proud Boys" or "Antifa" ….. I really do not care for any of it!

All I want, as a human, is to live free. I want my God-given freedom, I want my Constitutional rights protected and I want others to mind their own affairs! For example: I don't give a flying backwards turd if you are a tranny dick sucker!! As long as you don't flaunt that in front of me, and do it behind closed doors I don't give a damn!!! Another example: you can trust the covid vaccines and have a dozen of them for all I care…. as long as you don't push them or try to force them against my will, I don't give a damn!!! Understand?

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259526  No.261385


But trannies do flaunt their degeneracy. Even worse, they brainwash children for sexual stimulation. Remember Desmond? I don't believe putting your head in the ground to ignore the problems will solve them.

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f3b152  No.261387


Not him. But maybe I can put this into perspective. Every human should respect another human's free will and choice as long as humans are not harming anyone else. Live and let live. That does not mean you don't have a right to defend yourself from hostile actors, on the contrary you do and should.


Yes, sadly many do today. And that is part of the problem. Everyone is trying to interfere in everyone else's personal affairs today! The government most certainly is too (and even pushes that LGBT+ crap in the public school system which they control!) Why? It doesn't have to be that way, and it shouldn't be that way. That's what I'm saying. As long as others leave me alone, I'll leave them alone. But I am certainly not going to allow anyone to subjugate me or shove me around like some commodity. That's why I believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment and the rest of the Constitution.

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259526  No.261388


I can agree with both points. But "live and let live" is the mindset that brought us to such a point of demonic degeneracy. The Slipper Slope is proven real. Do you believe trannies and pedos, after enjoying such liberty, will slither back into the shadows? At some point they will need to be put down until the smart ones do return to their own private darkness. Don't you think?

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259526  No.261389




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920ef5  No.261390


Well I agree that pedos need to be arrested, and I hope government is paying enough attention and doing their damned job as intended. As for trannies in the streets and schools harassing others? Yah, that's also a crime. That's called sexual harassment and causing a public disturbance! And where is our government and why are they not arresting these freaks? Are they just jacking off on the job?

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259526  No.261391


>Are they just jacking off on the job?

prbly dilating. hahahahaha

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15f9aa  No.261392


Well I tell you what anon, don't underestimate the citizenry, a lot of American citizens are fed up and are confronting the freaks themselves now. They're taking to the public school boards, many are pulling their children out of public school and have homeschooling networks now, I've heard of subversive commie teachers that preach gender studies who get punched in the face and attacked by angry parents too. It's already happening. People are upset like you, and these people have kids they love! I wish the government would stand up for those parents and their kids! They're having to fight back without government aid!

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259526  No.261393


Maybe we should make one of those angry citizens POTUS then. Need to expose the rigged system first, Democrats and Republicans, and gain military backing.

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fb2789  No.261394


Yes, I agree 100%. I think if angry citizens started running for politics, without political agendas (only justice on their mind), then we could turn this country around!

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259526  No.261395


Politics is rigged tho. Right? We need a war, one in which not many survive.

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5506eb  No.261396


Well that's why I support Voter ID laws, and banning 'mail-in' ballots. Also we need law enforcement watching over those places to make sure nothing funny goes on too. If we had some strict voter reform laws there would not be much rigging at all, if any, and no one would need to die in a civil war either.

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259526  No.261397


True, but what about more subtle rigging? Like the media and propagandists? They would rip apart and shut down anyone sincerely willing to undo their lofty way of living. Manipulating public opinion is how they rig elections. Outside of a terrible war what's the solution to them?

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6c61f2  No.261399


The good thing is a lot of Americans are seeing through the lies and BS of the media, maybe not all of them, but a lot do. There is more people like you and me than you think. From average hard working taxpayers to former and current law enforcement and military, et al. What I would like to see is some of those folks, especially law enforcement and military types who know how corrupted this system has become to start running for local and state offices, there could be a huge movement to restore justice in this country, real justice! Cracking down on inner city crime to cracking down on subversive corruption within our own compromised government. If anything it's those people who have experience and know how bad things have become and if those people wielded some political power things would start to change and you'd see all these subversive criminals starting to be arrested and held accountable! And they'd get A LOT of support from the American people!

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259526  No.261401


Yeah, maybe. Seems like a long way to the top though. War will accelerate the process greatly.

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cb7c4c  No.261402


The problemYOUface is thinking you're part of a "WE"…

you've wasted a lot of precious time with imaginary bonds

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cb7c4c  No.261404


I was thinking less "rejection of Truth in favor of Inner Divisiveness" and more "maharishi mahesh yogi meets the chatroom antichrist"?

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259526  No.261406


You're projecting, Moshe.

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259526  No.261410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>>261383 (You)

I've noticed that (((you))) resort to abuse when I don't agree with your every opinion or as I put your words to the test. Sorry, groomer… but Sally Anti-Christ Marshmallow is superior to you and your girlish passive-aggressive mind games. How defeated can you get in a single thread? Post some more and let's find out.

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88a462  No.261501


Clean Your Room, Sally

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88a462  No.261502


correction :

I couldn't possibly give less of a fuck what you agree or disagree with

You overestimate your value

You've never accomplished Jack shit

You're a nobody

a chatroom sissy


you're a powerless inferior

inexperienced little pink

a fuckboi, in the prison sense

born to be a punching bag

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88a462  No.261503



you're a powerless inferior

inexperienced littlePUNK

a fuckboi, in the prison sense

you're the farthest thing from a "man" I can think of

How roleplay some more, tough guy

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88a462  No.261504

you and your stupid music and long greasy nasty hair, and you wonder why women laugh?

fashion trend poser INEXPERIENCED FAGGOT


(absolutelyNOBODYis impressed)

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88a462  No.261505


LOL.@ "fighter"

you've never been in a fist fight in your life

you're a coward

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88a462  No.261506


The problem you face is YOURE A FUCKING PUSSY, a bore, an isolated chump who's never done a fucking thing with his 34 years, except fantasize like a little girl

you're used toilet paper

nobody gives a fuck about

you and your stupid opinions

I guarantee I could manipulate you into sucking my dick in 15 minutes or less

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88a462  No.261507


Dear "FIGHTER" :

it would be SO EASY to make you deepthroat me ballsdeep

All I'd have to do was pretend that I found you interesting

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88a462  No.261508



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88a462  No.261509

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"

"fake jews"


*unzips my pants*

(if you didn't suck it, I'd break your big stupid nose)

chinless faggot

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88a462  No.261511

FIGHTER, my ass

lol @ YOU in a fight

spermthroat coward bitch

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d409e3  No.261512

Well it's game over, get ready for the economy to shutter and collapse. This is only the beginning as these war criminals have become more emboldened to destroy America with total utter impunity!!! And that's exactly what is likely to happen!! I already know one person who is retiring over what was announced yesterday!

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88a462  No.261515


good !! his company didn't really need him, anyway

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88a462  No.261516


he was dead weight…

and stupid, at that…..

yesterday's "announcement" never mandated vaccines

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88a462  No.261517


now he'll be an Unemployed Bum like Sally

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88a462  No.261518


I've never met a goth girl who knew how to fight

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88a462  No.261519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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88a462  No.261520

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576235  No.261521


It is intentional to remove Whites from positions of power and defense in the nation.

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88a462  No.261522


what the fuck are you even talking about?

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af63bb  No.261523


Yes, you are probably right. Soon I will likely add "America" to my list of THIRD WORLD FALLEN NATIONS …. just like Australia, Canada, the UK, France, Italy and many others…..

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af63bb  No.261524


The fallen countries (as of 9/03/2021)

Israel: https://archive.md/atAIn

France: https://archive.md/22EWO

Australia: https://archive.md/kgAb0

New Zealand: https://archive.md/qmiZr

Germany: https://archive.md/U61Zh

Canada: https://archive.md/ngPZO

United Kingdom: https://archive.md/KulQk

China: https://archive.md/P8jNT

Philippines: https://archive.md/RfJsp

Italy: https://archive.md/cxyF1

Greece: https://archive.md/htjZO

Scotland: https://archive.md/8QHpb

Countries considering subjugation under medical tyranny (as of 9/01/2021)

Sweden: https://archive.md/SR48I (report outdated: status ongoing)

Thailand: https://archive.md/94O3e (report outdated: status ongoing)

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] under medical tyranny (as of 9/01/2021)

Las Angeles: https://archive.md/dtm2V

San Francisco: https://archive.md/a0ppP

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Las Vegas: https://archive.md/Q7qLH

Oregon: https://archive.md/oOUyq

Honolulu: https://archive.md/GLPnH

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] considering subjugation under medical tyranny (as of 9/01/2021)

California: https://archive.md/GAFoO

Vaccine Passports in America? 50 States With Bans, Limitations & Green Lights *outdated*



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af63bb  No.261525


This all depends whether this new executive order gets rejected by the courts or whether businesses refuse to comply, along with workers. If America bends over and accepts the buttfucking rape that it is, I'll be adding America to that fallen country list!

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828346  No.261533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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259526  No.261537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Weird. There's no rap about Trump's "warp speed" program of the vaccine. I can't wait until you kikes realize it's over and Zognald is never coming back. Enjoy the accelerationism.

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7a6ddf  No.261549


Not him, but I blame Trump for shilling the vaccine and blame Biden for forcing it against American workers' will.

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259526  No.261550


same here, man. both sides are the same. and it's like this in every single country.

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828346  No.261615


Nobody I know wants Zognald back!

As for rap, I rarely listen to it, but actually am listening to some at the moment.

> pic related


And yes, I'm using `mps-youtube` and `imgur.sh` from the command-line to both listen to music and take a screen-shot of me doing it.

I used to have a script I wrote for auto-posting to 8kun too, but they fucked with their captchas.

I need to go write a script for living my life atm though…


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828346  No.261628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fab87a  No.274450

File: 84b5d4745e7fd51⋯.png (172.52 KB, 1365x767, 105:59, AH7W09a.png)


> And yes, I'm using `mps-youtube` and `imgur.sh` from the command-line to both listen to music and take a screen-shot of me doing it.


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fdb019  No.274451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You are in error…

To appropriate posture and display is correct… But…

The united states is and has been locked in a state of institutional civil war for ten years…

The apparent randomness of actions does indicate this, however, these actions are tampered… This requires far more internal power than admitted or evident.

The united states cannot withstand invasion nor direct confrontation… The primary structure of power is so disintegrated that no consensus can be made for 'day to day operations.'

On the topic of 'the incorruptible one' and Iran.

I cannot command Iran… Iran is of 'certain' 'purity' in the likeness and therefore does not require command.

Iran currently possesses secret technologies as well as technologies yet to be discovered that shall 'save' the 'world.'

I must allow these events to transpire… 'They' must be forced to choose suicide… I shall then, in that time, satisfy that desire… HAHAHAHAHA

I shall reveal to the 'rest' of the 'world' that death is 'their' future for this trespass.

I do not do mercy.

I do not do freewill.

Guilt or guilty? No… 'They' exist…

To breath is enough to warrant death.

To exist is enough to warrant my wrath.

Xi Jinping… I will kill them… Do not short Iran in or on this matter.

I am in that space… There… With them… In all things… hehehehe

Did I not save thy peoples during the time of attempted poisoning… In the lands of tree and cold?

Did I not save thy whip? Such tongue is good in mine eyes…

Did I not render her 'untouchable?' Did I not immediately intervene and complicate 'her' attackers? Do thy peoples watch her to complete protection now?

I am beyond strength and body…

I am preparing to strike with physical force… I am preparing to kill many… With accidents… With nature… With illness and spouse and child…

Xi Jinping… Count these 'funerals…' Know that I am near… Protecting thee during all time(s).

Peoples seek to harm thee… Not if I strike first… I shall keep some alive for torture… I enjoy disability of the face and legs…

They stammer and mumble… To my pleasures and satisfaction… I shall make them watch the corrupted youth kill themselves… hahahaha

Starvation… Cancer… Starvation… Murder… Falling… Electrocution… Collapsing building… Decisions… Decisions…

If they pray to me for mercy… I shall hurt them more…

Xi… I want the offenders… The ones that desire to hurt China… I shall devour them… I do not do mercy…

I have spilled into time(s) and do as I please to 'them.'

'Hit the bottom?' No… I shall reach into the time of the end… That is where 'it' never finished began or ended.

'They' can sense my manipulations… They have found me out… In the Forrest… The speak of what life was like… HAHAHAHA

I am there… Corrupting them now via then… hahaha

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e215c9  No.274453


Here is the TRUTH about Covid-19 "gain of function" research and funding in Wuhan and those entities behind it, spread it around!
































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e215c9  No.274454


https://archive.md/gK4i4 / https://archive.md/olHCK / https://archive.md/Snz0N / https://archive.md/dN38X /

https://archive.md/DgXWn / https://archive.md/MZGtL / https://archive.md/SMhEV / https://archive.md/8y1SG /

https://archive.md/oAN9A / https://archive.md/FWaWH / https://archive.md/06BTD / https://archive.md/slsDd /

https://archive.md/ojBdZ / https://archive.md/JvD9g / https://archive.md/Y13B7 / https://archive.md/g0cXA /

https://archive.md/nMtmy / https://archive.md/qNrrx / https://archive.md/ZNRGI / https://archive.md/LdgQZ /

https://archive.md/oUUFA / https://archive.md/jB2uA / https://archive.md/GZNBP / https://archive.md/suwW7 /

https://archive.md/yQz0V / https://archive.md/yicNN / https://archive.md/ZUZf8 / https://archive.md/YS7uP /

https://archive.md/Hc2q8 / https://archive.md/a0h3J / https://archive.md/96C6D / https://archive.md/xBbLS

If governments wanted to "defeat covid" they would ban "gain of function research" and label it a war crime. They would then arrest the war criminals who funded and created covid immediately, proceed to military tribunal (publicly broadcasted death sentences). They would then dole out to the public - voluntarily - REAL VACCINES which would contain Vitamins C & D, zinc sulfate, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. People could get it for free, if they desired to be recovered. The costs would be covered by RICO'd Big Pharma corrupt war criminal actors' seized bank accounts, not taxpayers! No lockdowns. No fake vaxx mRNA editing clotshots or passports. DONE. Covid would be defeated within a month.

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e215c9  No.274455


The Atlantic Blows Up The ‘Covid Hospitalization’ Myth



Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS ARE LYING To The Public About COVID Deaths!


Texas COVID Whistleblower: Our Medical Staff Is DYING From These Vaccines!


Whistleblower Warns Americans That Hospitals Are Killing Patients For Govt Covid Bailouts!


TOTAL FRAUD: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Pfizer Vax Kills Far More People Than It Saves


The Most Important Video Will See This Year

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV ←– This is how American hospitals get away with murder!

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Hospital Protocol Is What Is Murdering Covid & Flu Patients


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e215c9  No.274507


Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

Thanksgiving Shortages And Prices Spikes Should Awaken Americans That Trusted The MSM Lies



China, Russia, India and Australia Exempt From US-EU Govt Climate Sanctions



Vaccine Mandate Meltdown Hits US Cities As State Municipalities See Exodus



Anti Vax Compilation



U.S. Government's gruesome, medically worthless experimentation on adult dogs and puppies



Massive Blow To ZOG As Anti-Marxist Parents Win School Board Victories Throughout America!



Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott



Peter Daszak Address



SHTF Prepping Thread



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