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My name is Nate Higgers

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fbfe5c  No.260248

Johnny Neptroon getting BTFO on /pol/.

No one is following your low brow propaganda.

No one is your personal army.

The age of kike manipulation is over.

But enjoy your FaceApp! LMAO


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fbfe5c  No.260252


what's the point of running damage control this late in the game? especially for failed shills like johnny neptroon and the other (((dailystormer))) sluge?

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fbfe5c  No.260255


my favorite is




You can't oppose Zionist neo-cons and Bolsheviks while defending Zionist neo-con and Bolshevik shills.

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fbfe5c  No.260257



>underground cult following

"he" is a she and completely irrelevant. sorry, JIDF.

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e8cd8c  No.260264


somebody's butthurt and obsessed.

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fbfe5c  No.260265


>my propaganda has failed and if you point out that fact youre butthurt and obsessed

stay defeated, butthurt and obsessed JIDF troon

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e8cd8c  No.260276

look what I've done to you

in your own board

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e8cd8c  No.260277

you've got EVERY REASON to be angry

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fbfe5c  No.260278

>when my defeat is not only complete but shameful i win

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e8cd8c  No.260280

Softie Boy

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e8cd8c  No.260281


lol @YOU'defeating' ANYBODY

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e8cd8c  No.260282

soft, effeminate, weak little boy

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e8cd8c  No.260283

goodnight, Softie Boy

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e8cd8c  No.260284

enjoy your empty chatroom, Softie Boy

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fbfe5c  No.260285

>oy vey i still cant post pictures to hide my inferiority

>better call it a night!

>miga btw!

nighty night, troon :)

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fbfe5c  No.273918

File: 7503af7a484b09a⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, trump_degeneracy.jpg)

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fbfe5c  No.274016

File: 21b0690c1001c39⋯.png (65.47 KB, 1092x422, 546:211, why_jews_hate_christianity….PNG)

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9d5343  No.274042


Prepping For A Power Outage: What To Stock Up On


While authorities typically give out notices in advance of a blackout, SHTF scenarios will feature abrupt power outages that last for a long time. Days without electricity could put you and your family’s safety on the line if you’re not prepared for a sudden power outage.

MY COMMENT:THIS!Never expect any notice before/during a real SHTF crisis! You do need to be prepared NOW for it, before it happens. In fact, the major indication of SHTF/another major world war would be the power grid and/or internet going out without notice. You have about 8 hours before full-blown panic kicks in! Then suddenly, once all the mindless consumers "get it" they'll all be flocking to the stores to grab up as much supplies as they can manage, likely fighting over the supplies! You NEVER ever want to be one of those poor fools!

WHAT THIS LIST DID NOT MENTION:A LOT!You most definitely want a wood burning stove or fireplace during winter with plenty of wood stocked up! Of-course this is likely not allowed in most communist-run cities or metro areas, but most of America outside the cities have those utilities. It's most common out in the rural areas, out where I live everyone has wood stocked up for winter! There are some who don't even have power or internet today, they are THAT old fashion and I admire them for it. You'll also need guns/ammo to protect your family and property. Arm the kids during a crisis, they will be of help, just make sure they know how to shoot and safely handle the gun! You'll want a solar generator that can trickle charge 12V batteries and power inverters to hook the 12Vs up to, maybe a couple 2000 watt inverters. That's enough to cover the very basics like the box freezers and fridge! Have 4 or 5 12V batteries routinely charged ready to go, when you use a couple make sure you are charging the others! Rain water is a great source of water IF done right! You need plenty of water purification tablets, cheese cloth and water filters. Before drinking, you need to strain the water out with cheese cloth into a bucket, then you need to add the purification tablets in to kill the bacteria, then you need a really good water filter to clean all the chemicals out of it, then boil the water after it's filtered properly and PRESTO! Clean water from the sky! While you are guarding your family, you could become bored in the rural areas as nothing much will likely happen if you are very rural, so buy some crossword puzzle books and some cards to play Blackjack with the family. Also, if you drink a lot like I do, you better have at least 50 liters of Vodka stashed somewhere, just make sure the kids don't get to them, last thing you need is drunk kids playing cowboys and indians in the house!

AS WARNED: Do Prepare For ISP Bans And Blackouts To Cover Up Genocide/Civil War During USSA Demise


6 Totally Insane Things That WILL Happen If Our Power Grid Goes Down

1. All commerce will cease.

2. Communications will shut down.

3. Without electricity, all forms of fuel that our society relies on will stop flowing.

4. And of course, many of those farms will lack water, as will your plumbing.

5. When the grocery stores are stripped bare, the pharmacies won’t be far behind.

6. And finally, one of the most shocking things that people will have to deal with, is the lack of GPS.

In summary, law and order will break down at every level, and death will be around every corner.


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9d5343  No.274043



I've been thinking writing about this issue recently. This is something I got prepared for a while back ago, a decade maybe longer. I really got this down well and would like to share what I know. I assume most hardcore preppers already do the same, so this is NOT for you guys because you are already aware of what I will have to say.

Communist revolutions are dangerous and violent, they are empowered by systemic corruption, insolvency, greed and moral decay. The middle class and lower class are always the ones culled in a communist revolution, never the uber rich as they are well protected and have offshore safe havens and get-aways. It tends to be the rich who fund communist revolutions anyway as a means to cull the population. It is always the struggling lower and middle classes that get robbed and killed in communist revolutions. ALWAYS.

Now that this FACT is settled lets talk about one of their many hostile tactics to rob, rape and/or kill you. Communists have many radical tactics. They can blow up a levee or dam to flood out communities they cannot loot or control. They'll also use arson to subjugate their victims too. Sometimes they'll disrupt transportation, much like Antifa derails Amtrack trains and cargo shipments across the midwest! Very common tactics. Another thing communists will do is use a hijacked corrupted government to target families, often at night or early in the morning when people are sound asleep. Or sometimes they'll use mobs to do that too. Depends on the situations at hand. Gun grabs and gulag kidnappings go hand-in-hand during communist revolutions. They know very well the most vulnerable point in time for their victims is when they are sleeping! This is one area in which I have prepped pretty well for!

I have some mitigation tactics for those who plan this for me, and I'll be happy to share these tips with all of you:

(1) First off get used to sleeping in clothing, next to some boots by the side of your bed, cargo pants and a flannel shirt are great and comfy enough to sleep in. (2) You'll want to have a loaded handgun next to your bed, maybe on the nightstand, or you can sleep with it locked on safety mode. Either way have a loaded gun ready to use if you were to wake up during a B&E job or gulag kidnap gun grab. (3) You want something that is battery operated by the side of your bed or mounted to the wall next to you which will allow you to see in the dark. It could be night vision goggles, it could be a handheld portable LED light, it could be a small lamp hooked up to a 12V-powered 200 watt inverter. Maybe a heavy duty flashlight. Whatever it is, make sure you can see good in the dark, and make sure you can use it off-grid!! Have it handy and practice with it in the dark till you can utilize it within 5 seconds when need be. (4) Hardcore entry point fortification and some kind of alarm system that will alert you during a breach at night. When I talk about "entry point fortification" what I mean is having katy bars, floor locks, multiple dead bolts (with long strike plates + 3" stainless steel screws) to reinforce your exterior doors. If you have any patio glass door you need to knock it out and replace it by building an extended wall over it. Windows should also be covered or barred up from the inside, you can easily use wood bits to drill holes through the 2x4s around the frames of the windows and use stainless steel bolts with washers and nuts to mount thick plywood and/or warehouse shelving beams against the windows. Just make sure you get the measurements down correctly and have them leveled.

Basic review:

1) Well clothed, ready to hop out of bed and get into defensive mode.

2) Have a firearm handy next to where you sleep, with extra ammo nearby too.

3) Some kind of battery operated lighting or night vision goggles.

4) Some kind of alarm system for the hardened entry points encase they are breached.

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9d5343  No.274044


Hope that more people start cancelling cable TV and boycotting companies like Twitter,Facebook,Microsoft,Apple,Google and Amazon to counter censorship and corruption.

ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption , censorship and surveillance by media/tech/finance giants and politicians:

1) Cancel Cable TV (All channels should be made available individually so consumers don't have to give money to channels they don't want to)

2) Do Not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches.

Some might decide to boycott Facebook,Twitter,Apple,Amazon,Microsoft, Google and Netflix for censorship or corruption issues alone.

3) Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your employer/pension fund do the same.

Buy from small local merchant stores and use cash when possible.

4) Support a pardon for Julian Assange & Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers/truthtellers

5) Join Pro freedom social networks like MINDS and Gab ,where freedom of speech and truth are respected.

Follow Zero Hedge and Project Veritas for pro truth/freedom news.

6) Use web browsers like Brave, Tor or Dissenter rather than Chrome or Safari when you surf the web.

Use search engines like Brave rather than Google or Bing for web searches.

Use an email service like ProtonMail rather than Gmail.

Save important online videos/articles/posts to your PC hard drive or phone.

Post videos to Bitchute and LBRY rather than youtube

Shop online at Overstock and smaller independent retailers rather than Amazon/Wayfair

7)Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint,Debian or others on your computer rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (Almost any PC can be switched to Linux).

Use a Linux based smartphone like PINEPHONE or a "dumbphone" rather than Google Android or Apple iPhone.

Avoid buying a "smart" TV as it is smarter to buy a "dumb" TV with no operating system pre-installed.

Use a Linux mini PC with wireless keyboard on your TV for web browsing/computing/gaming/video streaming rather than amazon fire tv/roku/google chromecast/apple tv/microsoft xbox/nvidia shield.

8) Do NOT support the phony "War on Drugs" which causes more crime,death,murder,gang violence,incarcerations,enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway.

9) Support a new foreign policy where We The People worldwide unite behind and promote the principles of truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle/Golden Rule and focus on winning hearts and minds.

10) Support a worldwide effort to voluntarily help others in the hope that it will win over more people to these principles.

Please share this plan of action with others via text,email & social media if you agree.

Here is the link to share this message. Thank You


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9d5343  No.274045


With these ten steps you can become more independent while not supporting such a corrupted system. I took some ideas from another anon and expanded on some, but will link to the original plan as well.

1) Cancel cable/sat TV service. TV service is full of subversive propaganda and lies.

2) Do not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches.

3) Boycott Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, Google and other tech giants. Use a VPN service online to keep your info private from them and your ISP.

4) Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your employer/pension fund do the same. Buy from small local merchant stores, farmers markets, flea markets, thrift shops and use cash when possible. UPDATE: Boycott companies & areas that mandate vaccine passports.

5) Support a pardon for Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers. Help spread the truth.

6) Join pro-freedom social networks like Minds, Gab, Bitchute, MeWe, Matrix, LBRY, Brighteon, etc. where freedom of speech and truth are respected. Follow Rense, Jim Stone, Zero Hedge, Natural News, National File, Citizen Free Press (or whatever else) for news updates.

7) Use web browsers like Brave, Tor, Dissenter, Librewolf, Basilisk when you surf the web. Do not use Google or big tech browsers which spy on and censor their users. Use Duckduckgo, Startpage or Qwant for your search engine.

8) Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint, Debian or others rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (almost any PC can be switched to Linux). Check out Distrowatch.com for all kinds of free Linux operating systems. If you use an older Windows, at least disable auto-update and remove a lot of the bloatware, don't always keep it online. Use a 2nd separate computer or laptop dedicated for sensitive person use like finances, banking, personal emails, dating sites etc. Keep that separate from your other computer used for reading news, shitposting and other online activity you desire kept private.

9) Do NOT support the phony 'War on Drugs' which causes more crime, death, murder, gang violence and incarcerations, enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway. Best to avoid drugs and limit drinking.

10) Become a prepper, no matter how big or small, do something productive that will keep you safe and out of harms way when a crisis comes. Have some extra food, some clean water and other essentials stocked up to last at least three weeks. If you cannot legally buy a gun, at least forge another weapon or buy bear spray and have that handy for self-defense. Never trust your government, even in an emergency, governments are out to control you and treat you as a resource, they are not out to help you.

Here is the original plan: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/943148464663228416

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9d5343  No.274047


SHTF Prepping Thread




hardware / basic tools / power tools / related accessories

(drill bits, nails, screws, bolts, lag bolts, nuts, washers/lock washers, etc)

older mechanical utilities / mechanical equipment / hydraulic machinery

older mechanical vehicles / trucks / RVs / farm equip

gas / diesel / fuel / stabilizer / petro-based maintenance oils

(anti-rust, greasers, chain oil, motor oil, etc)

firearms / ammunition / gun cleaner & lube / related accessories

wood burning stove / wood burning generator

lumber / wood / wood racks / lumber shack

alcohol / coffee / tobacco / etc

medical aid supplies / OTC medication / basic drugs

rural property & homestead / fertile land / organic heirloom seeds / garden supplies

livestock for food & breeding / local contacts who own livestock and-or who process meat locally

extra long-term food storage (canned, frozen, freeze-dried, air-sealed, grain, etc)

^ clear totes to secure stored foods (like sugar, flour, nuts, oatmeal etc. from mice/rats/pests)

clean water source / water purification / water filtration systems / atmospheric water generator

^ DIY rain water collection system hooked up to a filtered gutter (gutter guard)

gas and-or solar generators / solar panels / 12V deep cycle batteries / power inverters etc.

extension cords / spools of various gauge electric wire, extra fuse, ballasts, solder, etc.

boxes of matches / bic lighters / fire starter / lighter fluid

rope / twine / duct tape / superglue / cement glue / liquid nail / loctite threadlocker adhesives

extra clothing / boots / shoes / gloves / work safety gear

soap / shampoo / other sanitation supplies / toiletry

like-minded people: friends and-or family

(ONLY those you know deeply for years and can trust!)

state maps / county maps / atlas

bulk scrap metals / silver / gold

butchery books / gardening books / cook books

hardcopy survivalist guides / DIY homesteading books

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fbfe5c  No.274097

File: 5c4a40ac3e090a2⋯.png (620.74 KB, 662x927, 662:927, all_jews.png)

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fbfe5c  No.274297

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fbfe5c  No.274339

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fbfe5c  No.274427


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fbfe5c  No.274442


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5ea3ae  No.274468


The Atlantic Blows Up The ‘Covid Hospitalization’ Myth



Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS ARE LYING To The Public About COVID Deaths!


Texas COVID Whistleblower: Our Medical Staff Is DYING From These Vaccines!


Whistleblower Warns Americans That Hospitals Are Killing Patients For Govt Covid Bailouts!


TOTAL FRAUD: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Pfizer Vax Kills Far More People Than It Saves


The Most Important Video Will See This Year

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV ←– This is how American hospitals get away with murder!

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Hospital Protocol Is What Is Murdering Covid & Flu Patients


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5ea3ae  No.274469


Here is the TRUTH about Covid-19 "gain of function" research and funding in Wuhan and those entities behind it, spread it around!
































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5ea3ae  No.274470


https://archive.md/gK4i4 / https://archive.md/olHCK / https://archive.md/Snz0N / https://archive.md/dN38X /

https://archive.md/DgXWn / https://archive.md/MZGtL / https://archive.md/SMhEV / https://archive.md/8y1SG /

https://archive.md/oAN9A / https://archive.md/FWaWH / https://archive.md/06BTD / https://archive.md/slsDd /

https://archive.md/ojBdZ / https://archive.md/JvD9g / https://archive.md/Y13B7 / https://archive.md/g0cXA /

https://archive.md/nMtmy / https://archive.md/qNrrx / https://archive.md/ZNRGI / https://archive.md/LdgQZ /

https://archive.md/oUUFA / https://archive.md/jB2uA / https://archive.md/GZNBP / https://archive.md/suwW7 /

https://archive.md/yQz0V / https://archive.md/yicNN / https://archive.md/ZUZf8 / https://archive.md/YS7uP /

https://archive.md/Hc2q8 / https://archive.md/a0h3J / https://archive.md/96C6D / https://archive.md/xBbLS

If governments wanted to "defeat covid" they would ban "gain of function research" and label it a war crime. They would then arrest the war criminals who funded and created covid immediately, proceed to military tribunal (publicly broadcasted death sentences). They would then dole out to the public - voluntarily - REAL VACCINES which would contain Vitamins C & D, zinc sulfate, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. People could get it for free, if they desired to be recovered. The costs would be covered by RICO'd Big Pharma corrupt war criminal actors' seized bank accounts, not taxpayers! No lockdowns. No fake vaxx mRNA editing clotshots or passports. DONE. Covid would be defeated within a month.

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5ea3ae  No.274516


Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

Thanksgiving Shortages And Prices Spikes Should Awaken Americans That Trusted The MSM Lies



China, Russia, India and Australia Exempt From US-EU Govt Climate Sanctions



Vaccine Mandate Meltdown Hits US Cities As State Municipalities See Exodus



Anti Vax Compilation



U.S. Government's gruesome, medically worthless experimentation on adult dogs and puppies



Massive Blow To ZOG As Anti-Marxist Parents Win School Board Victories Throughout America!



Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott



Peter Daszak Address



SHTF Prepping Thread



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fbfe5c  No.274523


thanks for the bump

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