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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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eff700  No.259222

Good! Spain's Supreme Court Rules Against Using Vaccine Passports To Restrict Access To Public Spaces

It’s the first time a high court of a European Member State has challenged the use of vaccine passports domestically.

Spain’s Supreme Court made waves last week by becoming the first judicial authority in Europe to rule against the use of covid passports to restrict access to public spaces — specifically hospitality businesses (bars, restaurants and nightclubs). It is not the first Spanish court to come out against vaccine passports but it is the most important. So far, only five of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions – the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Andalusia, Cantabria and Galicia – have proposed using vaccine passports to restrict access to public spaces. And all have been rejected by local judges.

The EU’s Green Pass is a one-piece QR-code document that can be issued to a traveller in both paper and digital format. It is intended to prove that the holder has either received one of the four vaccines authorised by the European Medicine Agency (BioNTech-Pfizer’s, Moderna’s, AztraZeneca’s and Johnson &Johnson’s), has tested negative for Covid-19 in the last 48 hours or has been infected with Covid in the last six months and therefore has natural immunity. However, some countries such as France have chosen only to allow entry to travellers that are fully vaccinated.

Many government are also using the documents to limit access for unvaccinated citizens to public spaces and services with their own countries. But so far Spanish judges have challenged this trend, on the grounds that it would infringe on certain constitutionally recognised individual rights, such as the right to physical integrity and privacy, while also having limited impact on public health. The Supreme Courts of Andalusia and Ceuta and Melilla said the measures were also discriminatory. When the Supreme Court of Andalusia sided with local hospitality businesses in their appeal against the region’s proposed vaccine passport measures, the regional authority took the case to the national Supreme Court. And lost.

Interestingly, the Supreme Court also said that using vaccine passports to control access to public spaces and services may not even help prevent infections. In fact, it may exacerbate them, given that recent research has shown that people who have been vaccinated or previously infected with Covid-19 can still catch and spread the virus. As such, implementing a vaccine passport system does not protect others from infection, including those who gain access to a public space by presenting a negative result of a PCR test. Such a document, the court said, “only proves that at the time of the test these people were not carrying the active virus”.

By now it is clear, as Yves laid out meticulously on Friday, that the vaccines are not what they were cracked up to be. Their efficacy fades quickly and is particularly depleted against the Delta variant. Research has also shown that the virus loads of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are almost identical with regard to the Delta variant. As such, if a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person have roughly the same capacity to carry, shed and transmit the virus, particularly in its Delta form, what difference does implementing a vaccination passport, certificate or ID actually make to the spread of the virus?



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a4a519  No.259231


Thx for posting

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9b61df  No.259336

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Spainfag here

Weirdly enough, Spain started off with the most draconian restrictions during this year and a half since the hoax began, but now, compared to other countries in europe, is pretty much chill with """anti covid measures""". There is absolutely no resistence against the vaccine, quite the contrary actually. 99% of the people I know are vaccinated or are considering to take it "So they can travel again", but most of them do it because they actually, firmly, thoroughly believe in this new covid religion. I only have ONE friend that is unvaxxed and sees this charade for what it is. People just assume you're vaxxed. I was very open about being against the clotshot, now not so much. people get weird when you mention that. Not that I give too much of a fuck, but if I can fly under the radar because of that, great. So I suppose that yeah, it all comes down to large groups of people opposed to vaxxing not existing at all, like, for example, in france. Spaniards are the most sheepish population I've ever seen. I'm still in disbelief, but glad that there is no """passport""" in sight. for now. On the other hand, we’re already being shafted with the next narrative, climate change.

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9e8be4  No.259344

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Spanish Government here.

We were afraid that people like you existed.

Thanks for letting us know.

Now we understand the importance of instituting a vaccine passport to stop people like you from fucking with our totalitarian narrative.

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28e50c  No.259465


Well here is hoping everything goes well in your country anon. Keep up the disobedience, we need more of it in this crazy authoritarian world.

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