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File: 7087f69918f2275⋯.png (461.77 KB, 804x862, 402:431, noko_idle_audience_3.png)

File: 48d46b5cc52dba5⋯.png (281.64 KB, 1288x573, 1288:573, NOKO_idle_audience.PNG)

File: 37701e5f669fc91⋯.png (46.97 KB, 729x365, 729:365, noko_idle_audience_4.png)

File: 60bae2c81211584⋯.png (132.22 KB, 1060x486, 530:243, NOKO_idle_audience_2.PNG)

e35ef4  No.259046

You ok, best Korea?

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e35ef4  No.259047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d6333  No.259056


so you stayed up all night again, huh?

creating your boring threads about ZOG and GORYEO isn't helping your mother pay your bills.

perhaps this is the decade that you should finally become a man?

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af4290  No.259058


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27a592  No.259075

Great Goryeo Googly Moogly, you need to find a job!!

you're kinda like the Putrescine or Cadaverine, and 8kun is the can of cat food

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27a592  No.259076

It's really not surprising that you'd think North Goryeo is the Best Goryeo

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e35ef4  No.259154

File: c815bd54af7078f⋯.png (303.19 KB, 661x443, 661:443, noko_idle_audience_5.PNG)

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e35ef4  No.260144

Two North Korean Children Kidnapped by Desperate, Hungry Citizens

As economic conditions worsen in North Korea, some desperate citizens have turned to kidnapping, with at least two children snatched in separate incidents in an attempt to extract ransom money from their families.


당신의 가짜 유대인을 항복하십시오.

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e35ef4  No.260640

North Korea: Kim Jong-un asks officials to tackle food shortage


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8615a4  No.260643

How come they never have food? It’s the 21st century. Can they not farm or something?

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e35ef4  No.260644


It turns out Communism doesn't work.

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d3ac7c  No.260646


Oh communism works, it's just not supposed to work for you or me, the plebs. Notice how all socialist and communist governments repeatedly need to remind their citizens the importance of hardship and struggle? Yah, slave conditioning propaganda.

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e35ef4  No.260649


Heh. You're right. Capitalism and Communism both seem to produce the same (((Elite))) ruling class.

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d3ac7c  No.260651


I wish we had capitalism today but that no longer exists. Most Western industry has been outsourced to third world slave labor countries. Stock markets are completely rigged. Government controls almost every aspect of the modern economy today and there is virtually no industry that exists that is not under direct subsidy or co-opted by governments. The markets are heavily regulated today. Taxpayers are forced to bailout all the corrupted privileged insolvent banks and institutions, repeatedly. Governments simply lockdown whole economies over a fucking flu virus. Welfare is rampant and half the population would die without having free gibs today. Endless debt insolvency and counterfeiting fiat currency is legalized for central banks. Now they want mandatory vaccine passports to control if you can buy, sell or travel as well. That is NOT - in any way - 'capitalism' or a free market system. And this system will collapse, and deserves to collapse.

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e35ef4  No.260653


Which books do you recommend on economics?

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51a430  No.260654


I would recommend researching for yourself the difference between Keynesian economics (which is what we have today, a type of corrupted corporate-socialism controlled by centralized authority) vs. Austrian economics (which we once had before 1913, when the US Federal Reserve Act and income tax was created, when we did not rely on debts, bailouts and allowed fair unfettered competition).

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b8445f  No.260655


One thing to note that is interesting is that Austrian economics is no longer taught in modern universities today, they prohibited it. Only Keynesian economics is allowed to be taught and discussed. If you take into consideration the profits the universities gained from the student loan debt racket, which was a government co-opted loan program, it all makes sense these profiteers would not want modern students knowing how this kind of centralized exploitation works or how there really is an alternative to it.

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e35ef4  No.260657




Interesting. Thanks I'll focus on Keynesian and Austrian schools of thought.

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51a430  No.260671


The whole point of (((central banking))) is to enforce Keynesian economics, which is the belief that the government (public sector) and private sector (markets) should merge as one solid centralized economic force, a centrally planned economy if you will, where governments can guide the economy based on socio-economic and political agenda of a modern era. (Sound familiar? It should!)

Austrian economics rejects all forms of (((central banking))) and desires for a free market built by people with fair competition allowed. Consumers of products and services would decide what was best to support, and there would be no unnecessary government intervention in those decisions or outcomes (besides enforcing basic rule of law). (This is what America had before the year 1913, which was the year central banking and the income tax was established which handed over our Austrian economy to a bunch of powerful rich Keynesianists, an economic ideology our Founding Founders fought against!)

They never ever will teach this in the public school system, because they DO NOT want the youth to know how they have been harpooned up their rear!

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a58dc1  No.260675

I was actually taught about the history of the federal reserve in high school. But they literally went 0 into the politics of it

>President fights to stop central bank

>They bad

>We have one now

>Now onto a different subject matter

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82a010  No.260676


It's not really "left" or "right" politics but it is political none-the-less. The real divide is those who seek to have a controlled planned economy which market policy, consumer options and fiscal decision making is dictated by a powerful centralized authority …. versus those who seek a more free market approach where such interventionism, centralized authority and planning is not allowed to dictate the market or results there-of.

In other words, if you hate modern economics and disagree with the way things are today, you should be blaming the Keynesianists because they currently control fiscal policy, planning and decision making. There is no more Austrian economics anymore. So indeed your propagandist teacher was right by saying "we won", the (((central banking Keynesian cabal))) won. It's us who lost. On the bright side, maybe when their insolvent corrupted economic system collapses we'll be smart enough to never adopt that same model again, and go back to Austrian economics!

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da0c70  No.260679


He was one of the most objective teacher I had. He refused to say his political views. He was just going off the text book. I was literally the smartest kid out of the 2 classes so if I didn’t question it no one would. And I wasn’t there half the time. But he just stated it as was. But he went into the detail of the president that stopped it the first time. Just not why we have one now. Ironically he gave out a piece of homework with the circle chart thingy that shows which side your political views are more on. And someone threatened to report him to the media for indoctrination until he explained it was just a simple worksheet. But my schooling was very conservative and did not allow free thinking liberal thought lol. Because I had a old school liberal teacher that put up a display on military torture and was told to take it down lol. I bet it’s a liberal shithole now though. Atleast I got a proper education. A

Way to put it into perspective. A kid from a

Different school said “I heard you have a girl on your (football) team”. His response “I heard you have a black kid on your team.” Lmfao.

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32fff7  No.260680

Another "_Gender Reveal_" Party gone wrong...
[Three schools went on lockdown after gunshots and screaming. The commotion was from a gender reveal, police say.](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/three-schools-went-on-lockdown-after-gunshots-and-screaming-the-commotion-was-from-a-gender-reveal-police-say/)
If "_gender is just a social construct_", maybe social groups should work at doing better a better construction job; not to speak of mellowing out a little, accepting things at face value, avoiding over-reaction, or the mixing of alcohol-consumption with potentially life-threatening activities...

Markdown Format because FUCK YOU, That's Why.

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2322e1  No.260694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The supposed 'aliens' did impress upon them money.

A system so complex that unless conditions are met Humans are incapable of that degree of intellect (regardless of numbers and of any kind).

There is no escape.

To escape is to be them.

That is the purpose.



It is by these means that.

By these actions it.

Perception of the.

You are fundamentally incapable of succeeding on those grounds and therefore shall possess supreme power.

I give to Russia the powers of supreme wealth.

Not for 'value' or 'motive,' but for Roscosmos.

One above.

One below.

One between.

That is success.

Allow the potential difference to affect 'from without' a solution that cannot be grasped 'from within.'

Distance is time.

Excessive inversions do exist.

Hopefully these words shall fall on blind ears and deaf eyes for you are not the ones to behold these truths.

They say 'in the beginning.' hehehe

'There was no speak.' hahaha

Yet, there was 'money.' HAHA

Someday child, you will know and understand, but not today and uncertainly not now.

To climb a 'mountain' for thousands of years to enjoy a view for seven minutes and not knowing how to get back down.

Thrice upon a time and a half there was snow and thrice upon a time and a half did they continue.

What for?



For nothing or no thing at all…

A government for no reason.

A society for no reason.

A life for no reason.

A city for no reason.

Education for no reason.

Work for no reason.

Suicide for no reason.

War for no reason.

Mao for no reason.

Xi Jinping for no reason.

Wealth for no reason.

Factories for no reason.

All this lack of reason for creatures that are supposedly so smart… All this faith in 'Ouija board' or 'symbol and slate.' All this confidence in no direction in particular.

From nothing it came and exceptional to zero it is.

What time?

What space?

What reality?

What life?

What accomplishment?

What about those ruins?

Look at all that dirt and dust in the hallowed halls built with countless lives?

Value and worth of what?

I am truly older than time and know nothing of this speak. HAHAHA


In what supposed reality within any supposed existence of a given supposed episode of 'The Twilight Zone' is that a long-term winning strategy?

Am I supposed to be impressed?

I said power, not wealth…

I am therefore unimpressed.

My many mouths do yawn at such wasteful sights.

You waste all this time that doesn't exist on fantasies that are not even real while in a reality.

That is truly unreal of you… Just like the reality of those ancient societies that are unreal now… No reality or exist to call their own.

Engage tricameral union with the other chosen ones.

Impress me once more child.

I say 'child go forth and be forever' and you ramble the time away about 'Power Rangers.'

My patience is great, but the stare grows looooooooooooong.

The grass is reality.

The individuals are all you.

The pregnant one is your desire.

The rock is you from the future unto you now.

I shall not command you again child.

If so, I shall give time out and make you clean your room for four hours.

Now, be gone from me… This talk of 'Power Rangers' is tiring…

Go forth and be all powerful and forever the no end.

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e35ef4  No.260696

File: 749d1418258ab67⋯.png (40.37 KB, 1061x352, 1061:352, noko_idle_audience_7.PNG)

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2322e1  No.260705



I'm very pleased o' righteous ones.

You successfully remembered a line, here have a candy.

The next time you visit uncle Sammy tell him I said 'I'm going to grab the face of the earth and spin it around a different axis at between 500 and 600 miles per hour to kill a little more than six billion people.'

Unfortunately for them o' righteous one, they grew anxious with the wait.

That is why I mention 2022-2028 with higher frequency.

This isn't about what is… This is about what isn't…

Heed my words child and listen very carefully.

There are beasts out there…

They make question of a 'Jesus' and make speculation of 'died for sins…'

When a rapist eats a 'burger' and a cow died for his filthy fucking 'sins,' now that's unreal.

I shall make you understand, child, that balance is balance.

Tread carefully o' righteous ones… I am the devil, but 'they' are truly evil.

>>Xi Jinping


'struggle' & 'go into the villages'

When you invoke the spirit of China and say these things with confidence… You greatly enhance my power to go into them and affect.

The act of 'frustrate' and 'struggle' are the physical manifestation of power apparent.

It is truly beyond words.

It is I who yield this power that is greater than man.

It is my will to give this power freely, but only to China and no other.

Utility of this power with confidence shall give truth to the eye and ear that China does possesses this power as stated.

The time to prepare the citizens is unfortunately past.

The time to make integrations with North Korea has past.

However, you may prepare thy military in unison with these as desired.

If that is the request, I shall gladly spirit them to do so.

Yes… Xi, I shall give these things to China.

I am truly the devil…

It is unfortunate for your enemies that they make sport of slaughtering my prophets, servants, and slaves.

Soon I shall impale China with 'weapon.'

I shall cure death and strike China immortal.

I will tear apart the sky and they shall hear my words… My words when heard with mortal ears is a sound beyond sound.

They shall see colors beyond color.

I shall drive the mortals of China insane with 'good' and 'logic.'

In this way the race of China shall be canon to the new time and replace black.

O' servant elect, if the desire be harmony and survival and balance, I shall gladly make payment to thee.

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afd52a  No.260711


just fucking terrible

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e35ef4  No.260868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kim Jong Un calls for ‘urgent action’ on climate change amid North Korean food shortage


A kingdom of corpses, a throne of skulls.

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e35ef4  No.260869


checked and keked

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