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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 151983917d946a7⋯.jpg (35.46 KB, 497x434, 71:62, fatherly_advice_career.jpg)

7a5b6f  No.258343

Donald Trump: “Biden’s not running the government anyway, they have a cabal that runs government, a group of people.”

Maria Bartiromo: “Who’s running it!… Who’s running it [Trump]!… Who’s in Charge?”

Donald Trump: “I don’t want to say right now.”


MY COMMENT: No matter what you think of Trump, he knows something very secret, he is holding back something very important, he knows something (((they))) cannot and will not disclose.

So this (((cabal)))? The central banking cabal? The MIC cabal? The Zionist cabal? Some say Jews. Some say Fake Jews. Some say Satanists. Some say it is a diverse international corporate oligarchy who really controls America aka Illuminati. Some dare say Mafia, or La Coka Nostra. Whoever it is, it's all connected to organized crime syndicates. What is important for everyone to realize is we as Americans do not have "our own government" it is not an "American government for the people" rather we have a HIJACKED CROOKED CORPORATE GOVERNMENT, a FOR-PROFIT-AT-ALL-COST (no matter how much misery and death) GOVERNMENT.

Interesting the CROOKED CORPORATE MEDIA is also scared shitless of the Kremlin. Let's see what the Kremlin recently had to say about this "government" or the players!

Kremlin press: “There are those among Americans who profited off this war, so they are not particularly worried what the world thinks about the United States… They didn’t even bother to take out of the country a large number of weapons and military property, and just abandoned it all, while the military industrial complex and subcontractors raked in superprofits.”


NOTE: (((those among Americans))), another hint there are FOREIGN ENTITIES that have hijacked our government and is controlling (and corrupting) policy!

MY OPINION: we the people only have control over ourselves and what we will and will not accept. There is no saving grace but to understand we as Americans need to do what we can to survive whatever is coming, and be ready to fight back - if need be - for what is right, to protect our freedom, ourselves and our local communities! Whatever this cabal has planned for us, it's highly unlikely to be for our best interests.

In the end, you have decide for yourself!

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eb97dd  No.258348


I never said that. Read my whole post.

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eb97dd  No.258349


>MY OPINION: we the people only have control over ourselves and what we will and will not accept. There is no saving grace but to understand we as Americans need to do what we can to survive whatever is coming, and be ready to fight back - if need be - for what is right, to protect our freedom, ourselves and our local communities! Whatever this cabal has planned for us, it's highly unlikely to be for our best interests.

>In the end, you have decide for yourself!

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eb97dd  No.258352


It looks like you have already decided for yourself. That's fine.

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a6eb16  No.258367


The cabal that controls our government, that has created destabilizing wars over the globe, wasting trillions of our tax dollars, is not exactly doing that for our own interests. They don't care about people like you or me. But feel free to think so.

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8eb8f2  No.258384


So it is true? There is a cabal working against our interests? That's my point. They're running the policies of our crooked government. None of this is to protect us or this nation or our interests.

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3b946e  No.258401


Yes, true, a lot of people are waking up to this, even many of the normies. Even the ones that don't understand Zionism is behind all the wars and lucrative MIC contracts, they still know this is all very corrupt and not worth the price or cost of life. Even Donald Trump is having to come out and admit it, everyone knows.

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04a68e  No.258404

File: 17aa0583a9328a5⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 928x498, 464:249, trump_king_of_israel_2.JPG)


>trump is an educated elite but he didnt know until recently zionism and liberal judaism are the problem


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d91adc  No.258416


>he knows something very secret

He doesn't even know his own kid's names. He's a washed up old man who should be taken out behind the woodshed and shot.

>he is holding back something very important

He's only saying that to fool stupid faggots like you into sending him more money.

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21e0cf  No.258774

File: d8ff3bb7877ea84⋯.jpg (333.92 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, PicsArt_08_21_09_12_51.jpg)

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d91adc  No.271746

File: 0ea55de6a62f5b7⋯.jpg (465.96 KB, 970x716, 485:358, 032.jpg)

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