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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 7efe0b1741acd99⋯.png (16.57 KB, 671x315, 671:315, _russia_2.png)

3d8877  No.255666

(((Putin))) started banning access to chans statewide. This level of Bolshevik censorship is what fake Jews want throughout the West. Remember: Putin is your savior and Eric Striker his only messenger! Inshallah shalom cyka blyat and sieg heil!

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3d8877  No.255771

File: 752873aa52168b4⋯.png (48.74 KB, 626x626, 1:1, Shut_It_Down.png)

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c7d33d  No.255880


So no more blaming Russians over discourse?

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3d8877  No.256032


(((Russians))) employed by the government ruin free speech for actual Russians.

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