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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 0630df2fc52038c⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fire.png)

76e695  No.254046

The Earth is on fire.

America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania all continents have been set on fire at the same time.


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7390e9  No.254047

are you suggesting that these fires were intentionally sey? do you have evidence that this could not be a natural occurrence? I seem to remember fires being bad every year.

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76e695  No.254048

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, merchant_damage_control.gif)


>this is totally normal, goy

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a42da2  No.254052


>asking for evidence is damage control

The Lissencephaly is strong with this one.

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76e695  No.254053


>are you suggesting that these fires were intentionally sey?

Where did I suggest that?

>do you have evidence that this could not be a natural occurrence?



>I seem to remember fires being bad every year.

false comparison argument.

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2feb61  No.254090


I already made an article about this happening in Commiefornia, but as usual it gets slid or outright ignored: >>253993


So with the commies burning down the small towns and rural communities all over Commiefornia via arson attacks, what's the point living in an overpriced shithole State like that anymore?

I predict massive taxpayer flight from CA when all the damage is done. Also, America needs to prepare for these arson attacks elsewhere in the near future. This is no doubt part of their "Great Reset" "UN Agenda 21" "Build Back Better" plan to bankrupt and enslave us.


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2feb61  No.254091


Wildfires do happen but traditionally they were not nearly out of control as they are today, they typically are put out FAST. We have the resources and sophistication and utilities to put these fires out FAST too. That is not being done today sadly. Plus there are more fires popping up than what is even close to being normal. Remember the massive fire in Australia a year or so ago that burned out 1/4th the rural areas of that country? Law enforcement over there were warning they found evidence of STRATEGIC ARSON. Numerous times!

If you want to know the real truth (and I'm starting to doubt anyone does anymore), you'll heed this warning: >>254036

PS: If you live near a wooded area better clear some trees and create a large 'buffer zone' around the property, preferably water sources like man-made ponds and large streams that cover most of the property and then invest in a heavy duty water pump made for large DIY water arrogation projects for farms, get the proper attachments like a long suction hose w/ filter end, long fire hoses and swivel connecting nipples and a heavy PSI extinguisher nozzle. You'll want something that can pump out water by the hundreds GPM. With that kind of set-up along with the water sources nearby you have a chance to save your property as long as you keep your distance from such a fire. Or you could have a well hole professionally augured into the ground about 200 to 500 feet deep (depending where you live) to obtain a ground water aquifer source for fire fighting with that heavy duty water pump system set-up.

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76e695  No.254135


>anons ignore (((ZeroHedge))) posting

imagine my surprise.

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518d19  No.254428


this image is retarded, you might as well shill for climate change if you're gonna post it

a shit ton of those "forest fires" aren't even fires and that's based on the info section of the map's legend

a big portion of the actual fires are just farming methods like in africa and ukraine or controlled burning

every other year on firms seems pretty similar

many of the actual forest fires are organised arson

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76e695  No.254435


>a big portion of the actual fires are just farming methods like in africa and ukraine or controlled burning


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76e695  No.254477

File: 02ef2ef091d9adf⋯.png (27.76 KB, 1064x285, 56:15, greece.PNG)

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76e695  No.254478

File: 318cb79617de692⋯.png (523.66 KB, 945x930, 63:62, greece_2.PNG)

Water, Air, and now Fire. What's next..?

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22181e  No.255087

If there were some math genius that could blow us away with how statistically unlikely this is even if the world is going through climate change, that would be great.

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76e695  No.255099

File: 6b2a7bbe86004d0⋯.png (45.25 KB, 730x197, 730:197, russia_on_fire.PNG)

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