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7d99d5  No.253969[Last 50 Posts]

How serious has the weather mod drought been?

Here's how serious:

99 percent of the bread wheat crop was in drought stricken areas and has predominantly failed.

97 percent of the Durum wheat crop (used for pasta) was in drought stricken areas, and has predominantly failed.

80 percent of the retail alfalfa crop (for feeding cows,) was in a drought stricken area and has predominantly failed. However, the dairy areas are outside of the drought zone and virtually all of those farmers grow their own alfalfa, they just won't be able to buy supplemental alfalfa.

Significant losses of approximately 75 percent of barley and oats.

A lot of corn is grown OUTSIDE the drought stricken areas but enough is grown in drought stricken areas for it to matter.

When will we seriously know in the markets? Right around September, after the harvest should have come in and been distributed.

How bad are the losses overall? Data is sketchy but I am guessing between 40 and 60 percent crop failure. Since Obama destroyed the strategic grain reserve, there might not be enough food to go around. WORSE: Canada is a MAJOR producer of grains, and Canada had the same problem with weather mod. Both Canada and the U.S. are facing all time record low harvests. And it gets worse from there:

Even the prime grain regions of Russia were hit with weather mod, (see this jet stream chart) and though their crop failures were not as bad as the U.S. and Canada, they were still bad. I don't have the stats on Russia, they have been hush hush. China was the dumping ground for most of the water, and they had so much that too much water triggered crop failures.

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3292ef  No.253971


I'm keeping my eye on this thread, the last TWO threads warning about shortages over the past month were deleted! Meaning 8kun is a controlled opposition honeypot site. If deleted expect a repost and another archive to boot.

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3292ef  No.253972


The link is to Jim Stone's blog. His regular website is still available but due to DDoS attacks and other forms or censorship he now hosts his site on his own home server to bypass all forms of censorship. In the future this is what everyone will be doing to avoid ISP level censorship.

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c22100  No.253973


They're forcing the Great Reset by manufactured shortages, and HAARP is not the only way they do it, they also have bombed many refineries. Ever paid attention to all the major refinery explosions going on across the Western World and even Russia and China too? Many of them, one here and one over there, a little everywhere. For /pol/ /pnd/ to understand: Kikes are engineering crop failures and bombing strategic facilities for commodity production. Notice all the stalled new cars? That's because they can't produce enough (govt mandated) chips to manufacture them with (and are not allowed to manufacture older mechanical vehicles anymore!) This is destruction by design! "Build Back Better" as they say, they want you as feudalist slaves to build a new world the way they want it! It's up to (You) to not allow that to happen and to defend yourself and get prepared!

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bc7c07  No.253979


Fine. I'll just post some more on here for you all to read.

DO NOT make it a goal to "get thin as a rail"

I am confident the health guidelines put out by the government are actually "starve you quick when the hammer falls" guidelines. Here is a cold hard fact:

A six foot guy who weighs 160 pounds will be dead in a month or so without food. However, a six foot guy who weighs 210 is still PERFECTLY HEALTHY and will last 3 months without food. And during that 3 months there will be a 45 day period of full strength once the body starts burning fat, where that guy will be able to do what it takes to make a difference. He won't get weak if he has that much fat available, and he won't be too fat to move. That's the last thing the elite want - a month or more of fully capable "kick ass" regardless of the situation they create.

Whatever your height is, according to the health guidelines you WANT TO be "borderline obese". A six foot guy should, under our current circumstances where the crap really could hit the fan, should put his weight between 200 and 220. It is common sense. I know people have been brainwashed into thinking "thin is better" and under some circumstances (the 1970's) that's true. But Obama really did destroy the strategic grain reserves, and the government really is not legit and not your friend right now. The last thing you want is to be vulnerably "thin as a rail" at their defined "healthy weight". All they are really saying at this point is that they want to be able to finish you off quickly.

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391848  No.253981


>there's a McDonald's around every corner and so no serious need to hold reserves in body fat

True, but in a SHTF scenario stores and fast food chains, really any stores or chains, will be looted within a couple months and completely depleted of any useful resources. See what's going on in South Africa right now as a good example. Soon after comes the real pain once people start using up their stolen resources. Thankfully there will be some buffer zones in this war and that will be the suburban areas, and there will be a whole lot of shooting conflict and likely military contingency roll out to block certain areas off where the (((uber rich yuppies))) live for their protection. Marauders will be the biggest threat for rural homesteaders and doomsday preppers.

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6b3833  No.253982

>>Antichrist, yizod, the destroyer, the devil


I went forth into India and rendered black plague and make lepers of them in your name.

Yet, you still deny me my drink?

My radiation.

My holy sacrament of the sea.

My resurrection of Leviathan.

Silent no more.

I never said I would spare the CCP, only the peoples.

I will drag no less than 25% of the total surface are of your lands into the sea; when I tear Japan from reality.

I see, hear, taste, and touch them as they bare me.

Go forth and tell them all the adjusted altitude of such a sea level and know that I tithe from them what is mine to take (including yours).

Except… I shall drag an additional 8 percent away from you into the sea.

Fuck you thrice upon a time, even as one still remains.

I will not spare these a fourth even if many thousands of years from now.

I shall take from you at least a quarter and have my drink regardless.


You are at war with yourselves…

Those of you from within the body of law desire to explode Big Ben in order to enslave…

You make relic and sigil of bastard Ben and now I hold it's fate within my word.

Regardless if those within parliament and the greater body of law successfully explode it…

I shall huff, puff, blow, and spit upon it and drag half of the entire nation beneath the waves; not including the quarter that I drag from the table.

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391848  No.253983


Good morning Sally.

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391848  No.253985


>I think I'll focus on strength over weight.

That's smart but have a decent balance. You don't want to be too thin or too fat, and you will need muscle like you said. Also, owning a firearm (or bear spray) and having some extra supplies for emergency doesn't hurt either. Most people who survive won't be fighting off hoards 24/7, they'll be the ones that can lay low most of the time.

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5e5569  No.254036


Most dare not call the "Great Reset" a conspiracy because they cannot fathom just how evil, corrupted and despotic so-called "world leaders" and their (((banking cartel))) have become. Nearly every disastrous event we see today has a very common trend: it serves to undermine the Western World and the capitalist system we all heavily rely on (whether we like that or not). From the bio-engineered coronavirus "gain of function" research to the ineffective and outright toxic vaccines rolled out by Trump via Operation Warpspeed. The forced lockdowns on local economies in certain States. The arson and bombings hitting strategic areas of production around the country (and even other Western nations). Recall HAARP being re-activated on notice by the FAA a few months ago before unprecedented massive flooding wiped out TONS of Chinese crops and created devastating droughts in the West which also damaged our crops. Recall Obama getting rid of all our emergency grain reserves? Notice the open borders with third world migration and drug cartels pouring through our borders? Recall Operation Fast & Furious gun smuggling to those Mexican drug cartels a decade ago? What about the massive military brass purges since Bill Clinton was president that continue under Biden today? Now the pussification of our military via Marxist social justice propaganda training…. the never ending push to disarm the American citizenry and prosecute those who do defend themselves from criminals…. this is all connected to a final goal, a plan to undermine and collapse America as well the rest of the Western World. As they said, "to build back better." In order to "build back better" or as they say have a "Great Reset" you need to destroy the old world completely. The one in which we all currently rely on and depend on to maintain our lives and lifestyle. Inb4 anyone claims this "Great Reset" is for the better, no it isn't, they openly stated "you will own nothing in the future", it is all about bringing back feudalism. The sooner average people find out that the system is being rigged against them, that their leaders are desperately trying to get rid of us by any means necessary, the sooner we can start to turn this around and come up with defensive strategies to save our asses and maintain our freedoms. It's either that, or this will get very ugly for all of us, inevitably.

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6abd90  No.254080


If you're smart you'd be buying some extra pasta, oatmeal and grits to set aside because anything that relies on grain to produce will be rationed in the grocery stores come another 4 or 5 months down the road. Remember what happened across America with toilet paper shortages during the pandemic panic? Think about that in terms of certain foods and ingredients like flour too.

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2a9692  No.254169


wwiii will be drone combat. btw dronefighters will carry drone launchers that use sensors permitting cqb with drones (the drones will be disposable munitions). the battles, though, will not be line of sight. gone will be the days where you saw the whites of the enemy's eyes. at least in 99% of cases. it will be like mortar battles, but with drones.

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ca05b8  No.254171


I guess that means government can (and will) kill anyone with plausible deniability once they decide to utilize this domestically. Oh well, I rather be dead than enslaved so if a drone strike kills me at least I'll be with Jesus in a better place.

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a68c2f  No.254461


Glad I'm prepared.

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a68c2f  No.254467


I'll make sure to have plenty of chemicals around so it will pollute the environment they intend on stealing from me :)

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c5f1d7  No.254589


If you don't trust a link (which is good practice in general) you could c&p drop it into Browserling first( virtual browser vm) to verify there is no funny business going on.

It's another way of "aint clicking that link nigger" you know?

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c5f1d7  No.254593


> "he now hosts his site on his own home server to bypass all forms of censorship"

I guess that's the way of the future. Rather than relying on centralized server farms we're gonna have to set up our own servers and host our domains on there. It's a ballache though.

Maybe the peer to peer and newsgroup scene will make a comeback once again when it comes to filesharing.

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8e678d  No.254604


Jim Stone has called out the Jew issue too. But see the problem here? Everyone you don't agree with is called a Jew, no matter how it defies reality. And any source that doesn't gripe about the Jew 24/7 must be run by Jews of-course, according to you. The world is a little more complex than just black and white, but you are close minded so you won't bother looking at anything unless it satisfies your obsession.


I'm hoping it does. There is plenty of tech that already was produced for completely decentralized node-to-node websites & file sharing…. the thing is almost no one has adopted it yet, people just go to other easier alternative online websites these days. Maybe when there is mass ISP-level censorship the behavior will be forced to change.

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8e678d  No.254605


The public largely does not consent, but the government is going to do whatever they want anyway just as much as many Americans go about their lives without listening to their demands or propaganda. What can I say or do about it anymore other than warn others and prep? The country is heavily divided, it's being broken up into factions at this point. We have areas with freedom, and areas under tyrannical control. We have populations that will do as their told and consent, and we have other populations that never will. We have some in government that want the rule of law to apply to all, and many others in government that desire a dictatorship over the population as a whole. In other words we are becoming just like the USSR before they collapsed financially and socially.

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8e678d  No.254615


The truth is our governments are corrupted beyond repair, they do not hold our best interests at all, most (if not all) institutions are also compromised and corrupted (educational, religious, medical, corporate, political, governmental, etc). I'd also have to repeat for the millionth time if Americans ever give up the guns we are totally fucked. If we don't prepare for crisis we are fucked. If we comply to mandatory vaccines and "papers please" we are totally fucked. If we don't start resisting and working together in our own local communities, and supporting smaller local producers and services we are totally fucked. Dig? Turn off the TV networks. Do whatever you can to warn people and prepare, and do not ever back down, stand your ground, live the life you want to live and if push comes to shove so be it, kill the enemies who try to subjugate or gulag you. Live free or die, there is no other alternative but slavery at this point.

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8e678d  No.254619


Where would I find a pic from him? He never posts pics of himself.

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1624bf  No.254621

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1624bf  No.254622

File: 9e1424d02b85752⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 370x472, 185:236, jim_stone.jpg)

File: 0c454bc8983e7fe⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 295x221, 295:221, 2021_08_09_151433.jpg)

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1624bf  No.254624

WTF does 'World government of World Citizens' mean anyway. Also, WTF is "World Service Authority"

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1624bf  No.254627


He is a Fin.

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1624bf  No.254629


Holy shit…


My jewdar is impossible to operate. I have no real idea. Besides I follow the 'one drop' rule so anyone with even one drop is contaminated. For that I require DNA.

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1624bf  No.254636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1624bf  No.254641


>Honestly this entire world just needs to burn away.

Make it so.


To me this https://worldcitizengov.org/ is far more incriminating than any facial features. I have learned a lot from Stone but I am not slavishly devoted to anyone so evaluate data as I see fit. Nothing on the planet seems more 'kiked' that the idea of World Government tho.

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1624bf  No.254645

File: 9f2acf5f18ddbbf⋯.jpg (407.86 KB, 1508x475, 1508:475, heikkila_jim_stone_beliefs.jpg)


That explains his attending synagogue. Now the real question…whose son is he really and how deep do these connections go? I am assuming that when he says he was beaten by his parents he simply means that he was disciplined like any normal European child.

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1624bf  No.254646


Ok and how do we get to World Government of World Citizens from US Army Comms Analyst?

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1624bf  No.254652

File: 292b11d3cf29d86⋯.jpg (31.02 KB, 316x358, 158:179, mark_collett.jpg)


I am so tired of these parasites and their inflated egos. They are absolutely disgusting.

Would you say that this, Mark Collett, is a jew as well? His last live stream he was whinging pathetically for donations. Donations for what, exactly.

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9ac3da  No.254660


Wow. Did not know the history of "Jim Stone", interesting to say the least but at the end of that article, none-the-less, the author does state something I too agree with:

"Heikkila has constantly been able to dun his readers for hundreds of dollars every month [sometimes thousands]. He has used the money to purchase land, multiple vehicles and to build a house in Mexico. He is unable to return to the U.S., as he is wanted by the courts on past-due child support, contempt of court and domestic violence charges.

I trust his news updates more than I trust 95% of the rest of the alternative media. He is smart and in the know, but he lies about his personal life. If you can overlook his transgressions, he's an ace. I trust him as a truther and a reporter [for the most part], but he doesn't hold himself to the same code of conduct that I do."

Regardless of his paranoid schizo persona and irrational behavior (I mean, none of us are perfect we all have our faults), that doesn't exactly mean he's lying or intentionally deceiving about his economic and political views. Often times people do have the desire to remain anonymous when they dissent and rail against powerful entities and influential people.

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9ac3da  No.254662


That's what the author said about Jim Stone at the bottom of his in-depth review about him, here is the link see for yourself:


So are you saying Henry Makow is also a Jew?

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9ac3da  No.254665


So anyone who agrees with what Jim Stone has to say, no matter what he has to say even if it does happen to be accurate, is a Jew? Henry Makow said himself that he is more accurate than most out there in the media, despite his criminal history or paranoid persona. I'd have to agree with that.

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9ac3da  No.254671


Tricks? You mean posting and warning about the massive droughts and the geo-engineering behind it? I'm simply posting warnings so people like you can get prepared for what is coming. I really don't care about what Jim Stone may have done in his past, the tell tale signs are all there if you do your research into the massive droughts. So whatever. I really don't care. What you think and what you do is up to you. Good luck.

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3b98e5  No.254830


Thank you for the compliment but no, I'm not as smart or educated as Jim Stone. And furthermore I'm not going to cower in fear because you or some other jackboot (feds?) don't like my news sources. Get fucked.

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07092a  No.254906

Tyson Foods having a hard time keeping up with rising prices, so will you as the expenses get passed onto the consumer! YOU WERE WARNED!


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97607e  No.255382



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672731  No.255392

File: fa38c4297fef54f⋯.png (19.85 KB, 1097x382, 1097:382, lol_SNAP.png)


Told y'all to get NEETbux. Who cares how much Tyson charges for tendies when the State pays for it?

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97607e  No.255409

File: 6160fb43e651459⋯.jpg (262.46 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, download.jpg)


Hehe, funny you mention that. Ive already started polluting the environment by burning rubbish, plastic and toxins in my bonfire, also dousing the fire with solvents, gasoline and oils aswell. Just gotta make sure not to inhale the fumes lol.

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6093d4  No.255943

More deliberate sabotage of our supply chain. Notice their "Great Reset" yet? No? You eventually will.


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953776  No.255946


Many who live rural are forced to burn their garbage because there is no public trash service. Too too burn paper, cardboard and plastics, sometimes rubber, with some older bad gas that I save to start the pit fires. But I'm not talking about that stuff at all.

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4610e0  No.255947


I never said they were, our government is (almost) as corrupted as theirs sadly. Luckily we have Americans who still remember the US Constitution and we have our firearms to defend ourselves which is the only thing keeping us from becoming like China is today.

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5ec1e4  No.256111

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672731  No.256179

File: 1da0fcad8442f85⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, merch_1.jpg)



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b4c02d  No.256228


Your a State propagandist.

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672731  No.256276


>he thinks an alt-right biased news "source" isn't state propaganda just because Biden beat Trump

Nigger, please. You're choking so hard on kosher cut cock right now that it's almost Brazzers worthy.

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b55638  No.256932

Western supply chain collapse eminent as China closes massive shipping facility, claiming COVID


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b55638  No.256934


You are an idiot.

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9ac3da  No.256987


OPEC and its allies, including Russia, believe oil markets do not need more oil, despite U.S. pressure to add supplies to check an oil price rise, four sources told Reuters.

The US could produce more oil instead, but is being denied by government intervention to do so. All by design, their 'The Great Reset' (Agenda 21 / 2030) is about bringing back feudalism and nothing more.

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49790d  No.258131


Get a greenhouse and a big dog to keep the negro people away from it.

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672731  No.271720

File: 227daa3bd55cdc8⋯.jpg (620.62 KB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, 012.jpg)

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