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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 17ad7bd91cd5232⋯.png (48.97 KB, 884x428, 221:107, Eilish_2.PNG)

68e80d  No.252661

Billie Eilish just demonstrated how anti-Israel the West has become. You can't even say "hi" to that fake illegal State!

>B-b-but America is ZOG


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cf7a39  No.252672


Billie WHO?….. what ?….

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cf7a39  No.252673

Who's this Billie and why does he spell his name wrong?

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6b28b4  No.252689


>retarded article about random twitter comments from sand niggers

The only people who would even stumble upon such a retarded article are people up to their eyeballs in Kike-lover propaganda. The ZOG-faggot has transformed a couple of random no-name sand nigger accounts trolling a celebrity on Twitter into the entire Zionist regime.

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3d197d  No.252708

Imagine being a human in 2021 and still thinking America is run by the American people.

America is a ZOG. Doesn't matter what people believe, or where you asleep when Joe "kiddy sniffer" Biden said he didn't need voters and had the best voter fraud organization ever, and then stole the election.

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eff522  No.252814


Billie …who?

Nevermind, I don't even care to know.

Unless it's an old celeb that's still alive from the 50s, 60s or 70s I really couldn't care less. The days of good wholesome entertainment are long long gone!


But goy, you're not supposed to read real news! Just what is approved by our controlled hive mind!

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68e80d  No.252824

Why does an America turning against Israel trigger so many people?

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d3bc94  No.252929


retard exegesis

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