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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: c5fb0b55c5e2dfb⋯.jpg (65.69 KB, 419x907, 419:907, EzYujQJUYAIPb81.jpg)

c05eca  No.252485

How do we get Japan to hate (((muttshartican))) culture?

Create a strategy, quick! I suggest we start showing samples of faggottery, nignoggery, tranny-trash, and establishment libtard stupidity and basically give them enough reason to start thinking like based chinks in picrel

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948128  No.252489

File: 0409350e149c41a⋯.jpg (109.8 KB, 828x1027, 828:1027, nagasaki_bombing_bomb_anni….jpg)


A: the old fashioned way

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948128  No.252490


Perhaps you should begin by making modifications in your own life before trying to control the rest of the world?

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948128  No.252491


because you're OBVIOUSLY not happy

And happiness is not an external concept

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948128  No.252492


btw, it's a loaded answer, because ONCE YOU FIX YOURSELF you'll realize that you don't need to worry about controlling others

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c05eca  No.252496

File: 70764af490cb627⋯.jpg (6.97 KB, 247x250, 247:250, 1451325114642.jpg)




Y'all niggers are seething cuz OP said muttshartica

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948128  No.252497


Simply convince the Japanese that all Americans are exactly like YOU?

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948128  No.252498


lol you're such a fucking idiot

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353f61  No.252514


The thing weebs don't understand is that the Japanese already hate American culture. White people still haven't caught on to the "shuck and jive". Japanese people pretend to love you because they're making billions of dollars off of you and your weeb obsession, but you will forever be friend zoned.

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4fa8b0  No.252641

I honestly don't think we in the west can teach the ancient non Christian world of E Asia a single fucking thing about sexual perversion.

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