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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 59a114e161210f3⋯.png (33.31 KB, 1376x250, 688:125, trump_ken_1.PNG)

File: 0befbff8920d9cc⋯.png (664.53 KB, 908x914, 454:457, trump_ken_2.PNG)

d4ff5b  No.250745

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feedd3  No.250763



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feedd3  No.250764


4 years ago, you were "he's our guy"

because you're all over the place, and you have a propensity to flip flop

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d4ff5b  No.250836

File: 1857417edc099d5⋯.png (46.72 KB, 1429x821, 1429:821, how_to_spot_an_israeli_pla….PNG)


>youre all over the place

<"he's our guy"

Pic related

Andrew you're so retarded that you are perhaps the single biggest detriment to your own (((people))) on this and other chans.

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4f6d57  No.251155

Fuck all Bushes. Traitor pieces of shit. HW rolled over for Bill. W let 911 happen. W's smooth brained daughters voted for Hillary. George P is half Mexican anyway.

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274616  No.251156

QRD on George P. Bush?

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