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File: 0e63449c94638c0⋯.jpg (221.5 KB, 826x1182, 413:591, 123a9s8f.jpg)

be5c64  No.246774

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010a66  No.246775


Is what happening, fag?

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8a3908  No.246776

File: 5de09d97408cc2f⋯.gif (298.76 KB, 500x266, 250:133, accelerate.gif)

it's happening

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1f2156  No.246777


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be5c64  No.246778


White people beginning to wake up and have an in-group bias.

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010a66  No.246781


You going to start the next Redneck Revolution?

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1f2156  No.246788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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048032  No.246795

Ya'll are going to get a kick out of the next census. Those cities right now are in the midst of being abandoned by Whites, Whites are re-gathering in droves to suburbs and small town America. There is a big demographic shift coming, which won't be all that bad. Those major cities are going to all die out, much like Detroit in the next 10 years or so. But so will the population of those areas (little ghetto failed states). Do you know what that that means, politically? It means Democrats (who ran those cities into the ground) are going to lose a lot more representative seats in Congress. Where the populations go, the power goes. And now that the White population of America is fleeing the cities, the political power is going with it.

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8a3908  No.246797



fuck off kike.

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048032  No.246800


You'll see within the next decade.

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85772a  No.246805


Angry? Doesn't matter. I'm telling you the truth, so far Dems lost 4 rep seats in Congress over 'white flight' that began in 2019-2020 during the riots and covid lockdowns. Due to the loss in population. New York and California lost some, Texas and Florida gained some. Failed policies have consequences.

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8a3908  No.246807

File: f44c9581faba78c⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2000x4972, 500:1243, zionists_play_both_sides.jpg)


Why are you still pretending like the Republicans and Democrats are two different bodies? I'll tell you why: Because while both sides are controlled by Israel only the Republicans refuse to put up a fight!

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596914  No.246813


In New York they have vaccine passports rolled out and gun bans. After all their horrible covid lockdowns.

In my own state, we can open carry and go anywhere we want without vaccine passports and we never had lockdowns.

So please, try telling me again there is no difference. Because I can damn well see a difference.

Failed policies have consequences, that's all I'm saying.

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1f2156  No.246814


>only the Republicans refuse to put up a fight!


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1f2156  No.246815


All this is true. My state is the exact same as your state. I even had family who moved to my state because they wanted to get away from brown states.

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1f2156  No.246818


That's it. No more red states or blue states, just White states or brown states.

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8a3908  No.246820

File: 6e0e67709de9336⋯.jpg (95.71 KB, 873x745, 873:745, dems_3.JPG)


oy vey

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