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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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e0a756  No.245889

Just FYI, niggaz.

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96291b  No.245890

Only because we didn't bog them the second we found them.

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e0a756  No.245895


You will never find them. What you imagine vs reality is a zero sum game.

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00d6ef  No.245929

>degenerates have been deceiving and lying behind your back your whole life

Certainly doesn't make it right. You will never be a woman NIGGER!

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903555  No.245944

It would make me very happy if they enjoyed my loud farts and whispering "niggers" to take advantage of the bathroom acoustics.

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0d6ea2  No.245983


This seems to assume that being a trans-sexual is a state of mind. This is correct. It's an mental illness.

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67ea5e  No.245993

There is nothing wrong with sharing bathrooms with the mentally ill. Whether that mental illness is schizophrenia or gender dysphoria is irrelevant.

We just shouldn't allow the mentally ill to act out in public bathrooms.

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96291b  No.245997


Using DNA we can easily find them. Once we do they will be bogged.

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e0a756  No.245999


DNA tests take 3-12 weeks, depending on the test. Just how long do you plan on hangin' around in that bathroom?

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4bf37f  No.246021

And other mentals, like schizos.

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